No matter How Hard it is. Just don't give up. Stay Motivated.
Share this reel with each Vet Aspirants.
Best dog breeds to pet in India..
#india #dog #dogbreeds #pet #dogbreed
શું પક્ષીઓને ગાંઠિયા સેવ અને બિસ્કીટ ખવડાવવા જોઈએ કે નહીં? એ ખવડાવવાથી પક્ષોને શું તકલીફ પડે છે તેના વિશેની માહિતી..
#reel #birds #bird #sev #ganthiya #gujarat #birdfeeding #oils #spices #gujarati #birdsdiseases #deathofbirds #pigeons
#germanshepherd #alsation #alsatiandog #gujarat #gujarati #dogs #dogsworld
✅ 23 Dangerous Dog Breeds❌ Banned By The Government In India Including Rottweiler and Pitbull...
✅ Addressing the increasing number of dog attack cases lately, the Central government wrote to the state governments asking them to ban the import, sale and breeding of certain dog breeds which are considered dangerous in India.
#dogs #dogsofinstagram #banneddogbreeds
#dangerousdog #rottweiler #pitbull #terrier #mastiff #tosainu #filabrasileiro #americanpitbullterrier #dogoargentino #americanpitbullterrier #boesboel #rhodesianridgeback #wolfdog #canario #akbash #moscowguarddog #bandog #canecorso
Female #cheetah #Gamini gave birth to 5 #Cubs at #kunonationalpark
#India #cheetahs #NarendraModi
🐄પશુઓમાં પાસો મુકવા - દૂધ ઉતારવા માટે બેફામ વપરાતા ઓક્સિટોસીન ઇન્જેક્શન, પશુના શરીર પર તેનાથી થતી આડ-અસર, લાગતા-વળગતા કાયદા અને સજા વિશેની તમામ માહિતી...
☝🏻પશુપાલક અને પશુચિકિત્સક એ ખાસ જોવા-જાણવા જેવી જાણકારી...✅
#oxytocin #oxytocininjection #pashupalan #veterinary #pashu #cattle #cow #buffalo #sheep #goat #sideeffects #milk #gujarati
Canine Parvo Virus...
#dog #puppy #canine #parvovirus
Snake bite and अंधश्रद्धा
#snakebite #andhshradhha #snakes
☑️ These are the signs when your Pet Animal got affected by Heat Stroke 🌞🌡️
✨Watch this reel and know that is your pet is in Heat stress ans what are the signs that shows heat stress in Pets 🔔
Badhia laga ? Faila Do 🚀
#dog #dogs #dogreel #dogcare #petreel #petcare #pets #veterinaryfacts #heatstroke #heatstress #dogslover #dogfactsinhindi #animals #animalsofinstagram #petsofinstagram #petcaretips #veterinarian #shorts #temperature #heat #sun #garmi
✅All You Need To Know About - "Doberman Pinscher"
☑️Presenting some beautiful facts related to Doberman Pinscher Dog Breed. Hope you know them after watching this Reel.
🚀Share with those who have Doberman in the hous and to those who wants to have Doberman Someday.
#doberman #dobermanpinscher #dogs #dog #doglife #doggo #dogtor #facts #know #fact #factvideo #veterinary #vetlife #dobermandog #vetlife #breed #dogbreed #india #hindi #worldwar2 #origin #germany
Uploading this reel by standing on a Bench outside in 44℃🌡️ in Ahmedabad just to Aware people about watering birds in this summer season.
🌞 Please keep water bowls on compound walls, gardens, offices, verandah and wherever it's possible to water those birds who fly miles to drink water... Lets become a part of nature and do this noble thing..
Humble Request...
#bird #birds #heat #heatstress #heatstroke #summer #water #waterers #pakshi #paxi #pigeon #sparrow #ducks #mynah #india #summerseason #heatseason #bhmk #doctor_bhmk #veterinary #NGO #foundation