rescued cat
PFA Ahmednagar
हा डॉग केडगावं भूषणनगर येथे रस्त्यावर मिळाला आहे त्याच्या गळ्यात लाल कलरचा बेल्ट आहे, कोणाचा तरी हा पाळीव डॉग असून तो हारवला आहे असे वाटते
बाहेर रस्त्यावर वावरणे त्यास कठीण आहे तो अत्यंत घाबरलेला आहे
कृपया या डॉग ची माहिती जास्तीत जास्त शेअर करा ज्याने की त्याचे पालक व घर त्यास मिळेल.
संपर्क 9284429920
Rescued cattle egret bird #pfaahmednagar
People for animals animal welfare
please help and contribute to save lives to animals, join our mission and support these work.
जीवदया मिशन Reflective coller for stray animals dog team pfa ahmednagar
People's For Animals Ahmednagar
Don't used manjha #injured#birdlovers #harmonies #pfaahmednagar
rescued a puppy whose spinal cord was injured #pfaahmednagar #rescuedog #animalrescue #loveanimals #strayanimals
Rescue Story This dog we rescued a few days ago had a large tumor down his stomachRescue location- Dharti Chowk Hatampura Ahmednagar Rescueer - Rushikesh pardeshi/sandesh suryavanshi The tumor was surgically removed. The tumor was around 5 kgWe released the dog today after he fully recovered and is now healthy and happy#pfaahmednagar❤️
Rescue Story This dog is seriously injuredHis wounds were large and infested with numerous maggotsWe have rescued him from the spot and admitted him to PFA Ahmednagar Center Animal Shelter for treatment, currently undergoing treatment.#pfaahmednagar
Accidentall Injured Dog Case #helpthehelpless #animalrescue #pfaahmednagar #doglover #saveanimallive #lifeforstrays