When will humans stop treating animals like an object?!
We hope humans learn to co-exist instead of ruling over every living being!
#why #quarrel #public #fightforright #hope
Something is better than nothing.
#awareness #trendingtopic #sharetoaware #influencers
Please donate groceries for our babies:
1) rice
2) wheat
3) millet
4) lentils
5) jaggery
6) peanuts
7) turmeric
#donatefood #needgroceries #helpisontheway
Pende k andar dawai daal k khila di😂
#lifehacks #doghacks #medicine #funnyreels #memesdaily #trend
This day will come very soon and we all are waiting to record this moment...❤️🥹🐕
Imagine how happy that day would be, seeing Champ, Jenny, Andrew, Thar, Tripod and 40 other dogs traveling😍😍
#dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta #doglover #puppiesofinstagram
No matter who wins and who made the cabinet, our Champ always has a smile on his face.🐕
#cabinet #politics #government
Bhumi Poojan of our own land on which we will be building Animals Shelter, Hospital and Gaushala, specially for the injured and sick stray animals.
Since last 8 years, we have been running an Animal Hospital and Shelter on rented land,it is always in our mind to build some sustainable long term infrastructure which can be useful for the benefit and wellbeing of mute animals and here we are finally....
Blessings of thousands of speechless animals are with us, we are strong enough to make it, thank you our all precious Donors and Well-wishers.❤️
हमारी अपनी भूमिका भूमि-पूजन करने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ, इस जगह पर घायल और बीमार बेजुबान जीवोके लिए रहने की जगह, गौशाला और एनिमल शेल्टर बनेगा।
पिछले 8 सालोंसे हम एक किराए की जगह पर एनिमल अस्पताल और शेल्टर चला रहे थे, लेकिन हमेशा से वो हमारे मन में था कि कुछ ऐसे रिसोर्सिस खड़े करे जो आने वाले सालो तक अबोल जीवोके हितमे कार्य करता रहे और अब तक जीतने भी जीवो को हमने जीवनदान दिया है उनके पुण्यसे हम ये सब कर पा रहे है।🙏🙏
हमारे सभी दाता और हमारे सभी शुभूचिंतकोका दिलसे बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया।।।❤️
#cow #ribbon #ceremony
बहुत लोग ऐसे होते है जो अपने बिना कामके पशु को कतलखाने भेज देते है। लेकिन आपको आश्चर्य होगा ये सुनके की एक ऐसा भी वर्ग है जो मानता है कि पशुको कतलखाने भेज देने से उन्हें पाप लगेगा, तो ये लोग अपने जानवर को कड़ी धूप में, कड़ी ठंडमे बिना खाना पानी दिए 3-4 दिन रख देते है जिनसे वो जानवर की मृत्यु हो जाती है, अब ये जो मृत्यु है इन्हें ये लोग प्राकृतिक मृत्यु बताते है और अपने ऊपर लगने वाले पापसे बचनेका तरीका बताते है।
ज्यादातर लोग इसके बारे में नहीं जानते लेकिन विगनिज़्मके ऊपर बनी बहुत सारी डॉक्यूमेंट्रीसमें इसका उल्लेख है,और जो एनीमल एक्टिविस्ट ग्राउंड पे काम करता है उन्हें इसके बारेमे पता भी है।
#cow #gaumata #vegan #veganism #milk #dairy #cattle
The transition at our place.
Our blind buddy Rambo is spending a happy life with his guest visitors ❤️
#happy #blind
Zee news and PTI Media at our Shelter recording Hydrotherapy Story.
#hydrotherapy #water #swimming
Yeyyyyy we are officially verified ✔️🎉🎈🐾
#instagram #verified☑️ #verification #instagood #global #brand #organization
Some rescues are challenging,not because the dog is aggressive but because he is traumatized.
Love and care can heal them...❤️
#rescue #love
Feeding dogs may satisfy your soul but the actual impact will only generate with your actions on ground I.e Sterilizing and Vaccinating your locality dogs.
See who is in Pool, apne Putin Saab....
It's been 10 days since his hydrotherapy and physiotherapy is going on, Putin is showing positive signs on it, wish him fast recovery.
#pool #hydro #swimming
Officially we are closing our land fundraising as we have raised complete fund to buy land, thank you so much everyone, the land acquisition process is going on.
Now our focus is on constructing a sustainable infrastructure of animal hospital and shelter that would serve for decades.❤️
#thankyou #campaign
Aaya mausam thande thande dermicool ka ❄️
#coolers #beattheheat #summerarrangement #shelterlife
This summer, our babies are ready to beat the heat with the brand new coolers!❤️
#summer #heat