Bailey's Daily

Bailey's Daily Welcome to Bailey’s Daily.

The beautiful dogs around us and in our loving homes deserve nothing better than freshly cooked home food that hasn’t seen the inside of a refrigerator.�

A delectable  Chicken Broth has been simmering for 18 Hours and will be frozen into batches today. Packed with Meat, Car...

A delectable Chicken Broth has been simmering for 18 Hours and will be frozen into batches today.
Packed with Meat, Cartilage and Veggies,
18 Hours on Low heat makes for a beautiful gelatinous Healing Broth for Dogs and Humans alike.
It is great for:
-Dogs with Ailments
-Dogs with Arthritis and Joint issues
-Dogs who have Paw-rents looking to Treat them to delicious goodness that works towards building a healthy Gut.
-Humans of all ages.

It is the 2nd Batch we’ve made this week because of how soon it vanished 😂

So get yours before this one is Gayab too!

Reach out to us. WhatsApp us at 9739200837

Lockdown is upon us, again. Let’s all start feeding every community dog we find until our government lifts the ban on mo...

Lockdown is upon us, again.
Let’s all start feeding every community dog we find until our government lifts the ban on movement?
Please don’t be that guy.
We at Bailey’s Daily are truly humbled with the calls we’ve been getting since the announcement of the lockdown and it’s amazing that so many people want to feed the dogs around them and it is business su***de to make this post but here we go..
Feeding community dogs around you is absolutely a fabulous thing to do but don’t ever start something you cannot finish.
Please keep the following in mind:

1. Getting dogs used to a regular food source and then stopping it abruptly will be catastrophic for the poor animal.
2. If you’ve been feeding dogs around you for a while now, then please continue to do so like nothing ever changed.
3. If you’re only starting now then please pay attention to the frequency of the feeding.
4. Do not start feeding them everyday if you don’t plan on doing so for the rest of their lives.
5. Alternate day feeding or twice a week feeding is the best way forward if you don’t plan on doing it forever.

And most importantly, don’t feed them because of peer pressure or the pressure to be woke because when you start something you cannot systematically stop you’re doing more harm than good.

The mentioned points are very crucial especially since we all have the animal’s best interest at heart:)

All this being said, if you are a community dog feeder who would like to help out the animals in need while being considerate of all the scenarios then please reach out to us and Bailey’s Daily will be honoured to cater to your food needs:)

You can reach us on WhatsApp at 9739200837.

Tick Fever: The countless number of dogs infected by Tick Fever I alone in my relatively minuscule circle have seen is a...

Tick Fever:

The countless number of dogs infected by Tick Fever I alone in my relatively minuscule circle have seen is alarming.
The rate at which dog’s are falling prey to this disease is alarming.

A dog’s Immune System takes the biggest Fall when infected with a strain of Tick Fever.

The most common Symptoms are:
1. Fever
2. Loss of Appetite
3. Joint Inflammation
4. Laboured Breathing
5. Lethargy
6. Vomiting and Diarrhoea

These initial Symptoms although very small, can easily be observed when you know your dog well. Don’t wait before you call the vet or schedule a visit. A simple Blood Test is all it takes to determine if your dog has been infected. Please remember it is always much easier to treat a Symptom or an Disease in it’s embryo.

Can Tick Fever be Treated?

Of course, a simple course of Antibiotics is usually enough to Treat the disease unless it is Full Blown or you are dealing with one of the more stubborn Strands in which the Treatment is a little more Extensive.

What Dogs are most Prone to Tick Fever?

Like many other infections are diseases, tick fever attacks the Immune System. The most common Vulnerabilities in dogs affected are:

1. Anaemia
2. Weak immune system(this is widely observed in dogs on immunosuppressants or steroids)
3. Poor Gut Health

What most of us forget is that our bit as The Pet Parent is as important in treating Tick Fever. The Care at home plays a very important part in Prevention and Recovery.

Broths and Probiotics play a very important Role in improving a dog’s overall health and Providing them the Fair Fighting chance that they deserve to Fight off such Infections, Diseases.

Bone Broths are known for Generations to be excellent Immune Boosters for dogs with multiple Ailments and Dogs in Recovery from Diseases. Here is how:

1. Bone Broths improve the dog’s Gut Health, enabling the Immune Cells to Function effectively.
2. GAGS(Glucosaminoglycans) Found in Bone Broths work towards restoring the intestinal lining resulting in improved functioning.
3. Bone Broths works towards enabling the immune cells to prevent the Pathogens from traveling throughout your Dog’s Body.

We cannot emphasise on how much value this Superfood can add to your Dog’s Diet.
Blindly Pumping a sick dog with medication while Completely ignoring what his Body needs to Thrive is never enough to Treat or Prevent a Disease.

Join us in our Quest to Raise Healthy Dogs that are not prone to such Diseases and are Great fighters that can kick the infection out:)

Reach out to us to get your Dog his supply of our Broths.
This week we have the Duck Bone Broth owing to it’s Popularity among Canines and the ridiculous Summer heat.

Does community dog food always have to prioritise quantity over quality? While making the meals cost effective is extrem...

Does community dog food always have to prioritise quantity over quality?
While making the meals cost effective is extremely important to ensure an easier reach to rescuers and feeders, this does not always mean that anything goes.
I’ve had people ask me ‘why do you charge 40-50/kg for community dog food? There are vendors supplying if for as cheap at 10-15/- ‘
It’s great that the market is so much easier for feeders and rescuers now since many amazing people are cooking and supplying community dog food at very competitive prices, but does that mean every business model has to follow?
At Bailey’s Daily the only thing that matters is the ingredients we use in the food and how enriching they are.
1. There will not be a day where I don’t add crushed pumpkin seeds(they’re a natural dewormer and we add it so diligently because of the amount of garbage strays put their heads into)
2. There will never be a day ginger or garlic or crushed pepper or some cinnamon is not added into the food(these are added in very controlled quantities and are a great addition to multiply the dog’s natural immunity to fight off the various infections they unfortunately are so easily exposed to)
3. There will never be a day liver is not added to the food because adding only chicken necks or janta chicken would be cheaper(organ meat is a packed powerhouse of nutrition and although it gets mixed in, it is very crucial to make the food enriching in more than one way)

These are examples of the quality of ingredients and the ingredients themselves are the biggest priority at Bailey’s Daily.
And when a meal has all this, the costs cannot compete with other companies that are doing a great job ensuring a larger group of people is able to feed the dogs around them.
Does that mean Bailey’s Daily will change it’s fundamentals? No.
We’re constantly working on trying to procure all the above elements at cheaper prices and hopefully when that happens we’ll be able to bring down our prices but until then, we’re hoping more and more people realise what’s going into the bowls are able to make it work:)

Bailey’s Daily has had a large number of beautiful souls come to us for their community dog food and to them I’m extremely grateful❤️

We’re aware that feeding community dogs in itself in great charity and what it costs hugely affects the people doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, but we stand by what we believe in and hope to reach more people soon:)

If you’d like to order a meal for your beloved community dogs, you can reach out to us on whatsapp at 9739200837.

This pretty picture was taken during last night’s meal prep.Bailey has always been a picky eater, and over the years I’v...

This pretty picture was taken during last night’s meal prep.

Bailey has always been a picky eater, and over the years I’ve gotten a hang of exactly how to get him to eat everything that he has to.

Their diet constantly changes and I make sure that they ingest plenty of small fish like sardines and anchovies.
The smaller the better because the lower they are in the food chain, the lower they are on the mercury content in their bodies.

Fish can be off putting to many people who aren’t used to dealing with Raw Fish,

We can have lovely with and w/o Grain Fish Meals home delivered at your door and into your doggie bowls.

DM or WhatsApp us at 9739200837 to place your orders.
We deliver across Bangalore:)

Is this our year?We’ve spent most of 2020 counting down to Dec 31st, and here it is! Everyone needs 2021 to be their yea...

Is this our year?

We’ve spent most of 2020 counting down to Dec 31st, and here it is!
Everyone needs 2021 to be their year, and so do the animals that we all love and care for.
This post is dedicated to all the four paws and wagging tails in and around our homes.
Let’s make this a better year for them.

One of the first things we can do towards that is provide them with proper nutrition.
Enter Bailey’s Daily!
Get in touch with us for supremely economic & nutritional meal choices for our lovely community dogs.
Bailey’s Daily caters to Home dogs as well with our pet Menu which only has Human grade ingredients:)

Chick-a-meal Green❤️Let me tell you a story....There once was a happy litter of 4 puppers and their mom. They were snug ...

Chick-a-meal Green❤️

Let me tell you a story....
There once was a happy litter of 4 puppers and their mom. They were snug and warm, well fed and safe.
And then the rains hit, and along with the rains came multiple infections and viruses.
The happy family got infected by CD(every rescuer’s nightmare) and started to weaken.
The mother was strong, but since the pups where hardly 45 days old(super chubby but still very young) they started to loose weight and their appetites took a hit.
That’s when I decided to take the holistic approach to healing and not completely depend on medications.

I put them on a diet of Liver, egg whites, some Palak, and veggies mixed in with rice.
I still remember the first time I took this protein packed meal to them, their weak little bodies looked curious and even excited for the first time in 3 days!
They ate extremely well❤️❤️
I would sneak their medicine into the food and the liver would mask it all!😬

15 days of this lovely food with medicine and I was able to save all their tiny little asses from the Evil monster that is CD.

This happened 2 months ago, they’re all healthy and well and ever since are on a diet which includes all these awesome veggies and some extra mashed in liver at least twice a week. This enables their bodies to at least fight these horrible infections and diseases that these strays are so easily exposed to.

Yes, they were incredibly strong willed pups but that’s not all it takes.
This is what inspired the chick-a-meal GREEN.

We have two versions of it, one Is for feeders to include twice a week into the regular diets of their community dogs(priced at 65/-)

The second version of it I make especially for dogs that are weak.
Packed with liver, egg whites and greens, this a great meal to help uplift appetite and boost immunity so they can bounce right back!
(There is nothing concrete or medicinal in these meals that guarantees a recovery, just general ingredients and good food, but we must remember that healthy food plays a very very important role in every form of Healthcare and that is our biggest Aim here at Bailey’s Daily)

Reach out to me at 7760771869 to get yours:)

Let’s talk Greeeeen!Most of us here know that Spinach adds great nutritional value to your doggos food. At Bailey’s Dail...

Let’s talk Greeeeen!

Most of us here know that Spinach adds great nutritional value to your doggos food.

At Bailey’s Daily, we don’t believe in discrimination so we thought why should ‘House doggos have all the fun?’

All the food at Bailey’s Daily going forward will have the additional spinach added to the community dog food at no added charges.
Will this cost us some money? Yes it will but does that change our minds?

Isn’t it all worth it when it means healthier community dogs?
Dogs that will build an immune system that will help them in their fight against the various infections that they’re so easily exposed to?

Let’s join hands and promote healthy doggos everywhere. In our homes and outside:)

Reach out to me at 7760771869 to place your orders for community dog food priced at just Rs. 35/-

And To help you understand the values of spinach better, read on:)
Spinach promotes healthy platelet counts and Because of it’s nutrient dense properties it is a very healthy addition to your dog’s diet. Dense in iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C, K and E introducing your dogs to spinach has even helped in fending off cancer.
Not only this, spinach is a very effective player in maintaining healthy bone marrow.

So let’s do this!


I’m looking to hire a part time delivery person. Immediate joining


I’m looking for a part time delivery boy. Immediate joining.


I need 2 cooks who will be cooking in two shifts. Accommodation and food will be provided

Community dog feeding: Bailey’s Daily ran a promotional offer of 35/kg of ready to serve food packed with chicken(this f...

Community dog feeding:

Bailey’s Daily ran a promotional offer of 35/kg of ready to serve food packed with chicken(this feeds 3 dogs) owing to Bailey’s birthday, but I’ve decided to keep it this way at least for another month to make sure the food is accessible to all:)

It makes the rescuer and the feeder that I am so happy to look at so many people coming forward to feed community dogs around them.

Bailey’s Daily and I owe it to them to provide them the best of food at slashed prices.

Reach out to me on 7760771869 to get yours:)

Dedicated to rescued animals and their rescuers everywhere❤️Tomorrow marks 4 years of sheer Bliss in our lives. 21st Oct...

Dedicated to rescued animals and their rescuers everywhere❤️

Tomorrow marks 4 years of sheer Bliss in our lives. 21st October is the day little Bailey found me.
My first rescue, and my first .

On account of the celebration of his time with us, Bailey’s Daily is doing our bit to help rescuers and feeders across Bangalore.

Yes! We’re slashing prices!
We have to, right?! Izza birthday!! 🥳🎂

I’m posting the new menu with the revised rates. Reach out to me, to wish Bailey and to place an order❤️❤️

We don’t know how old he is, and I don’t want to count his years. Here, today he’s a happy dog surrounded by his family:)

Need I say more?

Need I say more?

If there is any shred of doubt about stray dog feeding, we hope this image wipes it out clean.
This girl was reported and brought to Care by a bunch of college students.
It broke our heart as despite her situation, she still had the energy to resist being picked up.
As always we hoped for a miracle, but alas, after 2 days of being at Care, she passed away.
This is why, Care is continuing to feed the strays, despite normalcy returning to the city. Not all of them can scavenge and find their own food. Some of them need that extra help.
And if we as humans, can look away, how can we continue to be called human ?
Please watch out for strays and feed them, especially the weak, mothers and the old.
You could also contribute to our stray feeding program and help us sustain it.

Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate....Bailey and Alex here don’t think I should let all this negativity affect the fa...

Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate....

Bailey and Alex here don’t think I should let all this negativity affect the family run Bailey’s Daily, and I’m going to take their word for it.❤️

The overwhelming love Bailey’s Daily has received in this very short time has us teary eyed(“We Indians are like that on...

The overwhelming love Bailey’s Daily has received in this very short time has us teary eyed(“We Indians are like that only, drama or nothing!”)

If you’ve been with us for over a month, you’ve told us and other people how you’ve seen the health of your community dogs get better with each passing day. I never tire of hearing this, but today let me shed light on why that is.
Our community doggos are resilient by nature. Yes, but while that is true it is also important to ensure their meals are not sub standard.
The community dog food leaving our kitchen at Bailey’s Daily not only covers their appetite but also their health.
The food is loaded with anti inflammatory, tick resistant, gut health and coat improving elements while being super economic resulting in the best food you can feed the tail waggers around you.

To feed dogs around you, Reach out to us on 7760771869:)

When I look at this picture taken last week, all I think about is the coaxing we had to do to get Bailey to wait for us ...

When I look at this picture taken last week, all I think about is the coaxing we had to do to get Bailey to wait for us to get a picture of him before he scarfed it down in a flash.
What’s so special about this meal you ask?
Introducing Bailey’s Daily’s Sardine Meal. Made with fresh sardines and all their goodness along with the other constants of a Bailey’s Daily meal.
We cannot stress enough on how important it is to feed your dogs Sardines, especially since it’s one of the very few fishes so low on Mercury. There are countless articles on the Internet filled with research about Sardines being an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and B12.
As Bailey’s mother I know it can get a little tedious to buy them fresh every time and cook them for our doggos, which is what Bailey’s Daily is for! We can have it freshly made as per your requirement and home delivered for you to empty into your dog‘s bowl:)
Reach out to Bailey’s Daily for more information at 7760771869.

Today marks the completion of Week 1 at Bailey’s Daily.  Last Sunday we went live, nervous as can be, prepared for the w...

Today marks the completion of Week 1 at Bailey’s Daily.
Last Sunday we went live, nervous as can be, prepared for the worst(Zero enquires) but no!
You guys were awesome and Bailey’s Daily fed 120 dogs on the first day! Ever since, we’ve had a lot of compassionate people call us every day and place their orders. We could not have been more fortunate. ❤️
The response all you lovely people have given us is overwhelming. All this positive energy, me and Ramya are so grateful and super glad that we decided to open the doors of Bailey’s Daily.
We have had a roller coaster of a week, everyday has been a fight to ensure all the doggos get their food on time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you so much❤️ Bailey’s Daily will do it’s best to ensure we never let down the doggos and our fabulous Clientele.
Reach out to us with your orders and our initiative of letting no dog sleep hungry.
You can call or WhatsApp at 7760771869.

Here it is! When we discussed setting up Bailey’s Daily, the thing that mattered the most to me was our contribution tow...

Here it is!
When we discussed setting up Bailey’s Daily, the thing that mattered the most to me was our contribution towards the betterment of our darling community dogs.
While we worked towards making super affordable food available to all our fellow feeders, we also wanted to ensure that quality always remain the utmost priority.
Nothing in this I wouldn’t feed Bailey(except rice because he is on a grain free diet)
Our Chick-A-Meals start at 1kg which is sufficient to feed 3 dogs to their heart’s content. The food is enriched with an ever changing blend of herbs and spices so they’re packed with Nutrients:)

Now for the Chick-A-Meal Green, ever since I started feeding dogs around me (which was 5 years ago) I would always try to pack at least 2 meals in a week with veggies. This was so they don’t miss out on the goodness of Veggies all their life. Chick-A-Meal Green contains seasonal veggies and leaves to better the health of the lovely dogs around us.
We debated on how to price this, and had cheaper options to choose from which would mean getting vegetable scraps from vendors, but we decided against it, our community dogs deserve better don’t they? The veggies in Chick-A-Meal Green are nothing that you wouldn’t feed your own dogs or yourself. You can opt for Chick-A-Meal Green to ensure your dogs aren’t just fed, but also healthy:)
Reach out to us on the numbers below to place orders:)

Let me start by introducing to you our menu for the big and small puppies in our homes. We love our dogs more than words...

Let me start by introducing to you our menu for the big and small puppies in our homes.
We love our dogs more than words themselves and wouldn’t want anything less than the best for them.
Enter Bailey’s Daily.
If I was to highlight what’s best about our meal plan it would have to be the freshness. Everything on the Menu except the Mutton bone broth(which takes 24hrs cooking time, hence has to be cooked 1 day prior) and the Golden paste are cooked and packed right before delivery every day. We strive to provide your dogs fresh food that tastes as good as it looks.
Reach out to us on the numbers provided to have Bailey’s Daily delivered to your doorstep.
Delivery hours will be slightly compromised due to the lockdown but we assure you we’ll have a seamless delivery process going for all our clients as soon as things are back to normal.

Bailey’s Dailey is and always will be my first inspiration to make things easier for feeders and rescuers such as myself...

Bailey’s Dailey is and always will be my first inspiration to make things easier for feeders and rescuers such as myself Shreya Gowda who has made it her mission to make sure no dog goes hungry on their watch.
I’ve spent hours together cooking the food at home and then hours together on my feeding route and then the rest of my night cleaning up.
Why not just get the food delivered?
Most of us DIY it because we’re worried about the quality of food we feed our dear community dogs. Some of us do it because it costs wayyy too much to get the food delivered. All perfectly sane reasons to cook at home.
Now let’s see if we can solve these problems.
Bailey’s Daily can be your one stop for feeding requirements.
1. Is it going to be expensive? NO! It costs only 40/- per kg for this delicious home cooked(everyday) no preservative added yummy meal. Each kilo is enough to feed 3 of our doggos:)
2. Are the delivery charges going to be high?
Of course not! We started Bailey’s Daily to encourage more and more people to take care of their community dogs.
Our delivery is completely free upto a 5km radius for no minimum order and all over Bangalore for a minimum 10kg order:)

Welcome to Bailey’s Daily. Bailey’s daily is dedicated to my lovely life partner Bailey who introduced me to the world o...

Welcome to Bailey’s Daily.
Bailey’s daily is dedicated to my lovely life partner Bailey who introduced me to the world of dogs and rescues.
This group was created so you can join Bailey’s large family of dog lovers who take it upon themselves to ensure that no dog goes hungry.
We work to provide feeders and pet parents across the city access to nutritional and affordable food made with love EVERYDAY for their beloved streeties. The lovely dogs around us deserve nothing better than freshly cooked home food that never sees the inside of a refrigerator. Nothing but the best, the healthiest and the freshest for our dear community doggos:)

Bailey’s Daily also caters to Pet Parents and their food needs. We believe in every dog’s right to a hearty meal and a long healthy life.
Join the page to learn more and know what keeps Bailey healthy and happy like the little pony we think he is.







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