Rehana Mohammed Shakir's Pet Therapy & Surrogate Pet Programme

Rehana Mohammed Shakir's Pet Therapy & Surrogate Pet Programme A recreational and learning program for children, designed to encourage an understanding and love for animals through Persian cats.

Give your child an exposure into the world of Persian cats .. and discover the amazing power of cat pet therapy ! A recreational and learning program for children and adults, designed to encourage an understanding and love for animals through Persian cats. This program will help both child and adult to experience this first hand with Persian cats - not only to touch, feel and play with them, but a

lso get exposed to their behaviour patterns. The child would understand they are not merely cats, but are actually 'little people' with distinct personalities and emotional needs. The program would also help the child discover his/her own self-expression and fulfillment. The program will cover basic physical and emotional care, pet interaction and understanding of the pets' needs. Persian cats are used for this training because of their sweet and gentle nature, and an easy-going laid back personality. They are an affectionate breed and enjoy the company of those who care for them. The program is run in a safe and sanitized home environment. The interaction and engagement exercises are designed such that the cat is seen not merely as an animal, but as a person - leading to a better understanding not only about them, but also about pets in general, and become more sensitive to animals. This program is also very rewarding for children who would love to have a pet at home, but are unable to do so for a host of reasons. The cats can become a surrogate pet for such children. A program module is of a 2 hour duration, designed for children in the age group of 5-13 years. However, it is not recommended for children with respiratory allergies or respiratory health problems. I am an advertising professional with over 20 years of experience. While working with some of the leading agencies in India, I also found time to actively pursue my interests in alternative healing (through aromatherapy, reiki, angel therapy, spiritual counselling and yoga). Persian cats has been a passion for me for the last 25 years, and I have been involved in rearing and nurturing them for over a decade.People around me have found my love for cats alteranately amusing, exasperating and occasionally dysfunctional ! But to me they have heralded a profound change - an understanding of the concept of unconditional love !!They made me more compassionate, tolerant and adapting. Because cats don't adapt till you learn to be more adapting. I would be personally conducting all the programs, and it is possible to make suitable adjustments to the program to cater to specific needs of the child. For further details on our Services, Pet Interaction and Programme Guidelines and Testimonials do check our Notes section on our FB page or drop in a message with your queries and contact details or you could mail us on [email protected]

The irony of life…To be deemed worthy of value n praise.. n yet find yourself so helpless n unworthy when you’re struggl...

The irony of life…
To be deemed worthy of value n praise.. n yet find yourself so helpless n unworthy when you’re struggling to hold on to what you value most - your kids.

This popped up on my fb feed and I realised I am making the news again but for all the ‘wrong’ reasons.

Standing up for lives I believe that matter, lives I believe that deserve every bit of our love, respect n understanding.. unfortunately it isn’t a human life no? I speak for animals. That hardly counts..

I feel so many emotions running amok within me, gratitude for the few friends who reached out to help after reading yesterday’s post n for feeling my sense of despair. My gratitude isn’t enough for what you did for me is something not my closest family or ‘friends’ have done. You stepped into my pain n held my hand in solidarity. Bless you n thank you for that🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

I also feel shame, embarrassment- look at that reel n you will know.

The one thing life has taught me about being a cat mom to multiple cats n the contempt n bemusement I have seen in people is - you should never ask for help. For truth be told when it comes to an animal, no one really cares..

We survived the darkest days of Covid struggling for food n our safety.
God knows how we managed.

But I guess that feeling pales when you struggle to give your kids the dignity they deserve in their twilight years.

Helpless that neither your talent, your reputation and who u are can help you survive the presence of death n despair in your house.

I should give up no? As advised by all those who’ve spent their lives telling me so.

But I cannot, coz you simply CANNOT give up on love.

So they label me a martyr..
Why? Coz I’ll do anything for my kids?

Maybe to you these lives mean nothing. But they do to me. I share this because I know there are many Rehanas out there- struggling to give love of this kind a chance to live.
N I say more power to you sister.. remember why we love them..coz they make us human.

The world will judge you, limit you, denounce you but they forget that we don’t bow to them.. we bow to the power who made them.. n there’s none more merciful than Him.
Coz He WILL see you through..


Can you help me help him?🙏🏼

This is a crowdfunding appeal for one of my sweetest, most loving n gentlest babies, Qamaruddin.

He’s almost 12, has a mystery debilitating illness- a cyst on his leg that has no name n no cure. Can only be treated with a draining procedure. His heart is weak and what makes his condition worse is an acute gastric condition, that is compromising his current weakened health.

And yet, despite it all, he is fighting it with all he’s got.

In all his life my sweet boy has only given love - to everyone he’s met.

I would give my life for him- but that isn’t enough what he needs is constant care n medical support.

Yes, many might think I should let him go. And maybe he won’t survive all this.

But he deserves a fighting chance, doesn’t he?

So I am asking for help - to give him that chance.

For God knows, the love he has in him to give to this world is too precious to squander to death.

To many he’s just a cat but as his mom, I see him for what he is - a gentle, loving soul who blesses each he meets with such unconditional love. No matter what burdens you carry, his eyes always tell you - he’ll keep you safe with his love.

So my appeal to you is please help me keep him safe🙏🏼🙏🏼

Those who can see him from my eyes n would like to help us you could do so on
Gpay: My id is rayshakir@okaxis
Paypal: [email protected]

Maybe you’re someone known to us, maybe you’re a stranger but your kindness n love for him, makes you just as much a part of his family as I am.

With deepest gratitude,

Me saying Happy New Week to the rush hour traffic at Dickenson Road, Bangalore!Feels good that even though I don’t own a...

Me saying Happy New Week to the rush hour traffic at Dickenson Road, Bangalore!

Feels good that even though I don’t own a single diamond ( the real kind💎) there I am shining out of a jewellery store- n India’s leading one too!❤️❤️🙌
Thanks so much Iffat .now for sending me this pic.. made my day!❤️❤️🙌😘🥰
Happy New Week!

Excuse the vanity in the selection of the song but this is such an overwhelming self love n self worth moment!❤️


In a world that doesn’t give an inch to its own kind, it takes courage to hold your ground.

I don’t have it..
My Persians do..
All Persians do..

And that’s all the inspiration for me to find mine.

So yes.. I’d rather be hungry n foolish if it means these gentle n incredible lives get the respect, love n dignity they deserve.

That’s who I’d rather be!


It was in March 2013 we started India's first ever Persian Cat Wellbeing focused initiative- Rehana Mohammed Shakir's Persian Cat Pet Therapy n Surrogate Pet Programme ( yes, yes, contrary to popular advice I used my name!)
(Our FB account with the same account handle dates back to those days and all our early content can still be found there)

The initiative was aimed at creating love n respect for animals and was run by 18 amazing Persians.

We received a lot of good press n encouragement.
This video was done a year later.
From mid 2016 to 2019, we paused the good work when I lost 2 of my kids.
Our plan was to revive it in 2020 but Covid changed lfe for us.
But my own helplessness being a parent to 16 during a raging pandemic with 2 terminally unwell kids, made me realise how much more for the worse the world had changed for Persians.

With the loss of 2 more in a mere 5 months, I have decided the only way to honour the lives that I lost n the 14 lives that I am guardian too, is to speak up with more heart for Persians.

And every word in this video which then was aimed at a larger universe- animals, has now been narrowed down to Persians.
Because while the world speaks n fights for cats, not many give their lives for Persians.
And that's how I have lived n live my life.
I am not just a crazy cat mom, I am a devoted n committed Persian cat Mom.
Thats how my kids have trained me!

So yes, our Persian Cat Pet Therapy is now going live.
We will start with online Persian Cat Care n Pet Therapy sessions, before we open our doors for home visits.
Will share more details in the coming days.

We've been on IG for two odd years now, and many of you have joined us from our FB account or know us from here, but I hope knowing more of us now, especially the kids, we can enlist your support in joining our effort n raising our voices for Persians- for them to be loved, respected n be treated with dignity.
Thanks in advance!

Persian Catmom in her Sunday Best!When your friends decide you should shine bright❤️The Tanishq ad is done n dusted acco...

Persian Catmom in her Sunday Best!
When your friends decide you should shine bright❤️
The Tanishq ad is done n dusted according to me but my friends ( the few I have in real life)who’ve been rooting all through our ups n downs, n so thrilled by the national recognition the ad created, insist you need to shine like a star!!

So I have these lovely ladies sending over pretty sarees, buying costume jewellery n funky accessories from Amazon so I can draw more assignments like Tanishq!

Their take, “Rehana, it’s good money n imagine how much it will help the kids!”

Agreed! But to me the Tanishq platform works differently- it recognised me as a cat mom, yes, it also mentioned my skills but the real truth is: everything I am, everything I do- is because of my kids.
I am special, because they make me so!
I am nothing without them.

So my agenda is to use that platform to come out of the shadows n speak with even more heart for Persians!
Coz, Persians deserve our love, respect n understanding!

So I am going to use all those lovely pretty things they sent over to create fun n funky reels with a serious Persian cat care message to go with each!

Thanks Iffat .now for believing in my dream..❤️❤️

There are a couple more of these friends but they are sure to blacklist me forever if I mention them.. n I love them too much to do that!
I love you all n I love how much faith you have in me n my dream❤️❤️
Thank you!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️
Pic credit Rupa I lucked out to have you as my neighbour! You’re the best sweetheart!!❤️❤️


Thank you Team Tanishq🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Catmom’s Valentine Moment!❤️❤️💎💎
Thanks so much n

This honour is for each of my kids😻😻.. the ones I carry in my arms n the ones that live in my heart! Bless you n thank y...

This honour is for each of my kids😻😻.. the ones I carry in my arms n the ones that live in my heart! Bless you n thank you for making me who I am!
Thanks so much for showing me my happy face!❤️❤️

They never met Peri.. or they’d have known the truth.. My shine, if any,  is a mere reflection of a gem so rare even Hea...

They never met Peri.. or they’d have known the truth.. My shine, if any, is a mere reflection of a gem so rare even Heaven couldn’t do without..
Dazzle on Peri..this one’s for you.. you made me who I am🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️🌈🌈
Thank you .. I am truly touched by this n the words that go with it though this one I will dedicate to a rare gem of mine that now sparkles brilliantly in the evening sky…💎💎🌈🌈

When you love so much.. how can you let go?The worst nightmare of every parent… especially pet parents.How can you decid...

When you love so much.. how can you let go?
The worst nightmare of every parent… especially pet parents.
How can you decide then about what is the right thing to do?
I stand bearing a cross, I will carry for life… for a choice I made in the name of love…

Peri would’ve fought till the last and if you hadn’t seen the how rapidly the necrosis was eating her flesh, you would think this brave, indomitable girl can beat the cancer.

But every time I bandaged the wound, I knew despite her determination she was facing a demon she n I couldn’t vanquish.
How could I allow her to endure this any further.
I have loved her from the time she was a tiny sickly kitten, even then she had fight in her. She had been left at a pet store when she was little over a month. They told me she was 2 months old. She fell grievously sick in a day. The vet gave her 24 hours but even then she fought death with a rare courage.
But this, that she was enduring and with such grit and grace- tore me up.
I was planning to watch her for a week but the ulcerated wound was keeping a timeline of its own.
So yesterday after consulting the vet I decided I would take the step I was dreading. And doing so, I broke my promise to her.
Her pain spells were frequent and yet there were moments where she was normal. All of yesterday I kept crying, hoping that a miracle would manifest. The only miracle was her fighting back.
She must have known my decision, she slept most of the night on my chest, kissing my face intermittently. This morning she ate her food with relish, even though her pain was evident. Have shared some of those moments in my stories. But please do not go there if your heart can’t take it.
I called the vet again this morning asking if I was doing the right thing. He said yes.
And yet doubt n guilt surface filling me with so much grief.. she was so much me n so much more than me… how do you live without yourself..without that inspiration that said, “ follow your heart n be true to yourself”
But I know she’s in peace, free from pain n the indignity of disease…free to be herself.
It will be my comfort till we meet again..
Khuda Haafiz my brave n beautiful Peri🌈🌈💔💔

Repost from  Thank you!!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

Repost from
Thank you!!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

From yoga teacher to aspiring model!Here it is!The first look from the shoot I wrote about.Cool, right?This is from the ...

From yoga teacher to aspiring model!
Here it is!
The first look from the shoot I wrote about.
Cool, right?
This is from the website.. eagerly waiting for the press ad n film to be released.
Very grateful to my dear amazing friend for making me look like a diva!) Thanks so much Sharon!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️
And my sweet neighbour for the pics that got me selected for this shoot!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️


Fanoos banke jiski hifazat khuda kare
Woh Shama kya bhuje jise roshan khuda kare…
When the wind stands guard over a flame, know it burns bright by the very will of God!
So far so good.. wrote a long post but for some reason its not getting published!!
Instagram rules or so.. idk.
N I am too spent emotionally to write it all again..
Peri seems ok for now, the wound is drying ( shared the visual in our story…homeopathy rocks!!)praise be God but there’s a lot we need to do.
Thank you for caring, thank you so much for your love, kindness n prayers, too!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️

Happy 2022 from me n mine to you n yours!🎉🎉❤️❤️Here’s to another Pawsome Year of the Cat!!❤️❤️Wishing you n your furry b...

Happy 2022 from me n mine to you n yours!🎉🎉❤️❤️
Here’s to another Pawsome Year of the Cat!!❤️❤️
Wishing you n your furry babies every happiness, good health n great times!!❤️❤️

Coz there’s a ⭐️ in each of us waiting to shine bright!Our new initiative, pl do share with those who might be intereste...

Coz there’s a ⭐️ in each of us waiting to shine bright!
Our new initiative, pl do share with those who might be interested🙏🏼

Coming from a background of mainstream advertising and having worked with some of the biggest advertising agencies in India – I have studied multiple destressing methods to deal with my high pressure and stressful corporate life, among these have been Reiki, Pranic Healing, Aromatherapy, Counselling, Cat Therapy & Yoga.

Starting January 2022, I am looking forward to starting a series of self-help courses with an underlying philosophy that our first responsibility is to ourselves.

Only if YOU are well, happy, and well-balanced can you be there for yourself or others or achieve your goals.

I have always felt that somehow most self help courses, even Yoga ( if the focus is only asana n pranayama practise) end up becoming too technical and the essence of self-power is diluted (its mostly physical) and to address that I have created a Training Module, SELFCARE 101, that aims at putting the spotlight back on Body Awareness AND Self Awareness n to encourage Self Love.

The course uses simple yet powerful yoga practises coupled with affirmation n visualisation work, along with proven self-care techniques that help you stay centered and positive with an inner knowing that whatever the circumstances around you, you have the means within you to stay focused on your path.

I have deliberately chosen weekdays for these sessions, as the struggle to stay balanced and centered is higher when we are juggling too many responsibilities. The evening time band too, is to help you flush the toxins of the day n facilitate emotional equilibrium.

The course is designed to remind you of your power, to help you stand tall and most of all, to help you shine bright and strong.
Last but not the least, I may be facilitating this course but this journey to a better you, is yours but know you are not alone.. your angels walk this road with you!❤️❤️

*Introductory offer (monthly fees): Rs. 2000 / $36*

Payments accepted via GPay, UPI, or NetBanking.
Those outside India can pay via PayPal

Session duration: 1 hour conducted on Google Meet.
DM to book your slot.


This is how Qamaruddin howls if he doesn’t spot me….


The vet’s feedback after Qamaruddin’s procedure.


Qamaruddin being checked before the cyst draining procedure commences..

Age may have painted a new landscape on my face but I hope she knows that she can’t dim the dreams I carry behind my eye...

Age may have painted a new landscape on my face but I hope she knows that she can’t dim the dreams I carry behind my eyes.
This is me.
At 54.
Trying to reinvent myself so I can give my 15 gurus a better chance at life.
At an age where one prefers to settle into conformity n comfort, here I am pitting horns with the Fates- because the only sensible thing I have learned in life, is your life is of no count if you cannot make the lives you care for, of those who inspire you n make you a better human- count.. even if God sends them to you disguised as helpless animals.
When they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, obviously they haven’t met a cat or a cat woman.
We make our own path… we know how to adapt y’know, The feline gene we carry is spiritual n all the more powerful.
The ancient Egyptians knew it- perhaps that’s why they revered cats.
And here I am invoking that same power, resilience n inner grace to forge a new path even as age’s paintbrush redefines the contours of my face..
I am not backing or bowing down(except if its a yoga asana!).. even if I stand on my knees, I promise to stand my tallest.
As an Urdu couplet says:
Woh andheron ke payambar hai to kya ghum hai Jameel,
Hum bhi ankhon mey kai shams-o- qamar rakhte hain
( So what if they be the prophets of darkness, I carry the fire of many suns n moons in my eyes)
My honour lies, in the lives I champion because to them goes the credit of making me a better person…better than yesterday n better than the moment that passed…rest all.. that’s just white noise n waste.
So yes, here’s to a new chapter as a Silver Yogini
(that’s what they call yoga practitioners who have silver in their hair.. in my case teacher!!) n the hope that my kids may never know want or lack✊✊🙌
As the Bhagwad Gita advises: Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana (focus first on your duty and let the outcome shape itself.)
But here’s a secret- when you fight for love to live, even the Gods in Heaven can’t help but lend a hand!❤️❤️🙌

Class in session! Swipe to see the furry students at work!!As you can see kids aren’t too pleased with my new training s...

Class in session!
Swipe to see the furry students at work!!
As you can see kids aren’t too pleased with my new training schedule!!
Don’t blame them coz I can barely come up for air with almost 3 training sessions a day!
My first class on Yoga Philosophy n Practise starts at 7am till 8.30 am
From 10am to 1pm it’s Yoga Psychology n 6-7pm it’s Asana practise!
All my daily chores n cat duties have to be tackled in the in- between hours. Have to wake up at 4am every day to ensure I have a better handle on my day!
The kids also found a way to gate crash the sessions n believe me, it’s so difficult to concentrate with all the mischief happening around me.
I am really grateful to my friend Syeda aapa who sponsored these sessions n who has been most enthusiastic about me building my yoga practise.
The training sessions I signed up for will conclude on 25th December n I was planning to start yoga classes after that.. but am happy to share that my first class as a teacher starts on the 18th of December!
Really happy about that n most happy too, to be doing something I believe in n enjoy n most important, it also seems to be the perfect way to create the means to support the kids.
And while all this makes life super hectic n demanding n I feel stretched literally n metaphorically, I have never been happier!!
Big thanks to my sweet neighbour for the asana pics!

Don’t write us off! We’re not done!We will always fight the good fight!

Don’t write us off! We’re not done!We will always fight the good fight!

50 Likes, 12 Comments - Rehana Mohammed Shakir () on Instagram: “We still have a lot of fight left in us!✊✊ Sorry to be AWOL..have been busy with the kids n my yoga…”

Happy Birthday Syeda aapa!❤️❤️🎉🎉May your sun always shine bright n illuminate our lives❤️❤️Just knowing you is all the e...

Happy Birthday Syeda aapa!❤️❤️🎉🎉
May your sun always shine bright n illuminate our lives❤️❤️
Just knowing you is all the evidence I need that God walks amongst us..
How does one celebrate a life that is so so special, of some so special,
who always, always, sees the best in you even when you can’t…
Who makes you believe that your life matters, even when you are scorned, mocked n ridiculed…
That what you do matters, even when no one believes you..
That you are loved when all you feel is lost n helpless..
That you are not alone.. no matter the storms that rage in your life..
She’s the rock that kept us going even before the pandemic started - she’s always had more faith in me than I ever had in myself…When the pandemic broke out I thought we would die alone n lost but I am alive…because of her ( and my other sweet friend Bano❤️❤️)..
My kids are alive because of her..
I don’t pray.. I am not religious.. I do believe in God but I wage a constant battle with the good man above n yet, everytime I feel I can’t rise up to what stands before me, this beautiful, graceful, seemingly frail but indomitable force of God holds me up with every bit of gentleness n love n let’s me know I have what it takes to stand taller than yesterday even if I am on my knees.. she makes me believe that Heaven stands with me..
My own mother passed away on the 11th of December n the fact that her birthday falls on the 12th of December is God’s way of reminding me that He hasn’t given up on me.
To my doorway to God, to my Q’aaba n Qibla, I pray that each moment of each day finds you always in good cheer, good health….that you continue to inspire us with your love, kindness n faith..
I pray that my eyes always hold you in the centre of my gaze❤️❤️🤲🏼🤲🏼
To my amazing soul mother n guardian angel, may you forever be blessed with all that your heart desires❤️❤️❤️❤️🤲🏼🤲🏼

He left on the 21st of December, she followed two years later on the 11th of December. Together they  have been resting ...

He left on the 21st of December, she followed two years later on the 11th of December. Together they have been resting under the shade of a large tree. I havent met them in years. Yet his is the name you call me by. His is the fire that burns in my eyes and she, well, she whispers to me from every little bud that smiles in my garden and every lost little seed that comes to life. I am more me because there is so much of them in me. Rest in peace, Amma, Papa....


We are looking for support.

To care for Qamaruddin (he has a cyst that is making it difficult for him to walk) I have taken an extended timeout from my writing project which means I don’t earn anything n therefore to provide for Qamaruddin’s continued treatment n the well-being of my 14 other kids, I am hosting a Fundraiser by offering online Angel n Tarot readings n Reiki Classes. (On IG, FB, WhatsApp video chat or Zoom). I am a certified Reiki teacher n a professional Angel n Tarot card reader with a Counselling background. My IG card account is )
Please know I use the cards to facilitate clarity not as a fortune teller because the future we seek is created by our actions- My belief is God helps those who help themselves. The guidance offered in these readings is to help you see your potential n the work that you can to do to let your best self shine through.

Here’s what I offer, in case you’re interested:
Basic Angel Readings: Rs. 2000 Duration: 30 minutes.

In-depth Angel Readings: Rs 3000 Duration: 1 hour

Past life Readings: Rs. 3500 Duration:1 hour 30 minutes)

Learning Tarot Basic Course: Rs. 5000 (Duration 5 hours)

Reiki Level 1: Rs 2500 Duration 1 day

Reiki Refresher Sessions (all levels) Rs. 1500 Duration: 4 hours
Payments accepted through Paypal, Gpay n net banking.

Me n my kids have weathered many storms n while a lot of my friends n family have helped, I know, going forward this is my responsibility alone, not anybody else’s. And frankly these 15 kids I care for are not animals, they are my mentors… n I cannot deprive them of the best they deserve in their twilight years.
God has been an anchor n guide through our trying times but the most important thing I know is that I wouldn’t be in a position to offer support n guidance to help others if His Grace n Mercy hadn’t shown me the light in our darkest days.
And that’s what I desire that you too, see in your own life through these sessions.
Pl do share if you know like- minded friends who would be interested n pl do DM if you’d like to book a session.
Thank you so much!!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️
We wish you all a blessed n beautiful day!!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

May the lamp of love always burn bright in our lives!Wishing you all a Happy, Prosperous n Joyous Diwali🪔🪔🪔✨✨p.s: That’s...

May the lamp of love always burn bright in our lives!
Wishing you all a Happy, Prosperous n Joyous Diwali🪔🪔🪔✨✨
p.s: That’s tiny Falak resting on my friend’s palm❤️❤️🐾🐾


Qamaruddin: Health Update
We visited the vet again this morning. Have been very worried about the second growth on Qamaruddin’s leg, it already has an existing large one there that is making walking difficult for him.
We did a blood test n xray n the vet extracted some fluid from the cyst for a cystology test. ( pl check our stories - have shared details of the check up today)
The good news is that Qamaruddin’s haemoglobin n platelet scores are good n equally heartening is the news that his lungs are good( remember the earlier CT scan report that indicated lung lesions?)
Deeply grateful to my good friends, Rithika n Dr Elizabeth for the homeopathy meds.
Yay to homeopathy!!
Here’s the vet, Dr. Lohith from Bangalore Pet Hospital explaining Qamaruddin’s condition. According to him external cysts on a leg are rare in cats.
We hope to get a clearer picture once the report comes in (in 2 days.)
As of now the options available are: draining the cyst. The risk here is if it hits a nerve or something. (Of course, will be discussing this procedure in detail with him to understand what all it entails.)
Or surgery. That I pray may not be needed.
But we can only figure things out after the report.
Thank you all for being so kind n for your good wishes n prayers for Qamaruddin. Apologies for not yet responding to all the caring n loving comments. Have been in a tizzy the last couple of days. Pl forgive me, will certainly reply to each one today.
Have a blessed day beautiful friends!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

Crazy Cat Lady!

Crazy Cat Lady!





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