Georgina's Kitchen

Georgina's Kitchen Holistic canine nutritionist prepares meals based on individual needs. We analize behavior, exercise

If you know anyone specifically in the CAF division (location does not matter), could you please put me in touch with th...

If you know anyone specifically in the CAF division (location does not matter), could you please put me in touch with them? We have email ID's and if need be, we can write to them directly. Looking to speak to someone directly if possible.
Thank you.

Our air-dried meals are sold out. We are making more, a lot more. For those of you placing fresh orders, please note tha...

Our air-dried meals are sold out. We are making more, a lot more. For those of you placing fresh orders, please note that dispatch might be slightly delayed by 2-3 days. Apologies for the inconvenience, we will do the best we can to ship your orders at the earliest.

There is no such thing as "people food". Food is food. Each species has food that is appropriate. Each species has food ...

There is no such thing as "people food". Food is food.
Each species has food that is appropriate. Each species has food that helps them thrive and of course there are certain foods that might be toxic.

Thinking that food in a bag is more healthy for dogs when we ourselves eat fresh food might be a bit illogical you think? You'd be surprised to know how many pet parents, irrespective of affordability, think that commercial food in a bag is healthy for dogs.

When dogs don't eat, take a step back and think. Dogs are not children that need to be coddled to eat. They are smart, intuitive beings that know their bodies.
Instead of saying "my dog is fussy" or "my dog is very picky with food", remember that you are humanizing an animal from a different species. Your dog is smart and your dog is telling you that the food that you are feeding is not working for them.

Fresh food and species appropriate food is a right, not a luxury. Ain't nothing fancy about fresh feeding. Normalize fresh food. Feed your dog better.

I am not sure if I will find anyone on Instagram but giving it a shot anyway.I am looking for a vet who I can work with ...

I am not sure if I will find anyone on Instagram but giving it a shot anyway.
I am looking for a vet who I can work with on a regular basis. 
This is not a paid gig but there will be plenty of learning for us along the way 🙂

👉 Someone who believes in species appropriate diets.
👉 Someone who is available to interview scientists (online calls).
👉 Someone who is willing to work on a couple of cool new projects (this will eventually include monetary benefits).
👉 Someone who can be available for 2-3 hours every month.

Location does not matter as long as you are in India. I am very open to learning new things and concepts and I would love to work with a medically qualified professional. Oh! and I don't bite 😂
Please reach out to me on DM or [email protected]

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!

Completely off topic but something I've wanted to say for a while now.I am not a therapist, nor do I fully comprehend th...

Completely off topic but something I've wanted to say for a while now.

I am not a therapist, nor do I fully comprehend the intricacies of grief. I just know that I have felt it strongly and it felt like the most miserable time of my life. 
The ones who have lost will know the feeling well. 
A lot of people I've worked with in the last 8 years have lost their babies. Babies from another species that they have treated with utmost respect and loved like their own. This bond is not easy to explain nor does it require an explanation because each of us knows how we feel about our dogs.

The reason why I write this is because I realized there's never a right thing to say when someone has lost their dog. I've been at a loss for words and said the wrong things too. 
So, if you have it in you to read on and put yourself in their shoes of having lost something precious, never to see, touch, hold, hug again, you will know what I mean. Loss of a beloved companion transcends mere words; it's a profound absence that leaves an indelible mark on our lives.
Doling out optimistic condolences (I made that up, do you see the irony though?) to someone who is grieving is not going to make the person feel any better, in fact, it might make them feel worse. 
I am glad you have other dogs. 
Don't worry you can get another dog.
Cheer up! It's going to get better. 
Don't be sad, don't cry, be strong. 
You manifested this thinking too much about how you would lose your dog one day.
Why aren't you over it yet?
Are these things that you would like to hear if you lost someone you loved? If the answer is no, then rethink. Optimism is really cool until it becomes toxic. 

That's my two pence for the day. Let's be sensitive when someone has lost their dog. "I'm truly sorry for your loss" is a good way to start. Let's refrain from trying to 'fix' someone's grief and instead validate their feelings, recognizing the unique bond they shared with their dog.

Have you tried our freeze-dried organs blends?I use all variants of the organ blends because they contain different orga...

Have you tried our freeze-dried organs blends?

I use all variants of the organ blends because they contain different organs and glands that are hard to source fresh in small quantities.
The organ blend is easy to rehydrate, it becomes a nice thick paste in 3-4 minutes.
They are light weight and lower the volume of the meal prep. I only need to add 1/4th of the fresh organ quantity, saves me some freezer space so I can meal prep for a few extra days.
The nutrients are intact and the dehydration technology used (freeze-drying) is gentle on the products with negligible damage.

If you have tried our organ blends, let us know in the comments section. We'd love feedback if you love the product or if you need us to improve anything with the product.

Change is not easy for many so it is understandable that moving your dog from kibble to fresh feeding can be absolutely ...

Change is not easy for many so it is understandable that moving your dog from kibble to fresh feeding can be absolutely frustrating for some pet parents. When the body is used to kibble, there is going to be an adjustment period. Your dog could struggle with digestive issues and the transition period might be an absolute nightmare for some. Will you get fed up? You might. Is the prep going to seem overly tedious and exhausting? Yes! Going from pouring food from a bag to freshly preparing meals is a change and a big change for some with hectic schedules.
But, the benefits outweigh the short adjustment period for the pet parent and the dogs. Once you get the hang of meal prep and get into the flow of things, it will start to seem a lot easier. Once you get the hang of things, you will take a lot less time to finish meal prep and you'll be able to figure out some tricks to reduce the amount of time you spend on meal preps. Once your dog's body adjusts to fresh meals, you'll have a dog that is looking forward to meal times. Your dog's coat will start to get shinier and softer. You will notice good energy levels, better rest, great BCS (body condition score), better p**p - multiple benefits that are going to make you happy keeping your dog healthy.
So when you are feeling frustrated, give it a few days, let your goal be to get through the week. Then give it one more week and most dogs will have adjusted to a new diet (with protein rotation) in about 20 days to a month.
It takes a little time, a lot of patience and consistency. Remember that you are doing this for the benefit of YOUR dog, not for me and not for anyone else.
If you have struggled with transition, let us know in the comments on what you did to overcome your frustration and how your dog has transformed after moving to fresh food.

We all know fresh food is vital for our health, but what about our dogs? While human diets have evolved, many pet parent...

We all know fresh food is vital for our health, but what about our dogs? While human diets have evolved, many pet parents still opt for highly processed food. Fresh, human-grade food offers numerous benefits:

👉 Fresh food contains essential nutrients without extra additives, making it easier to digest.
👉 Fresh food is more bioavailable and digestible.
👉 Fresh food contains at least 50% moisture.
👉 Unlike commercial brands, fresh food contains no fillers or artificial ingredients.

Feed real food. Feed a species appropriate lightly cooked or raw diet. Feed fresh food.

No creature is naturally inclined to consume dry food. Nor are they designed for a diet that doesn't align with their sp...

No creature is naturally inclined to consume dry food. Nor are they designed for a diet that doesn't align with their species' requirements. Providing species-appropriate nourishment eliminates the need for coaxing or hand-feeding dogs. While dogs hold a cherished place in many households, it's vital to remember that they belong to a separate species. One of the best ways to honor their unique biology is by offering them a diet that aligns with their evolutionary needs. Offering anything less is a disservice to their health and vitality. Dogs, descendants of wolves, have specific nutritional requirements distinct from those of humans. Unlike human kids, they approach meals without drama or fussiness when presented with suitable food that won't compromise their well-being. A dog's refusal to eat isn't a melodramatic act; it's often a sign that something isn't right. 

There are too many videos depicting dogs being hand-fed meals as expressions of affection captioned "mother's love", this is so disheartening. Instead, respecting their species means recognizing their need for quality, species-appropriate sustenance, just as every other creature on Earth deserves. Feeding a species appropriate diet is love. Forcing dogs to consume what they aren't meant to consume because of our moral or religious beliefs is not an act of love.

We are thrilled to share with you a special moment in the journey of Georgina's Kitchen – the unveiling of our refreshed...

We are thrilled to share with you a special moment in the journey of Georgina's Kitchen – the unveiling of our refreshed logo!

After much reflection and consideration, we felt it was time for a change. While Georgina's Kitchen has grown and evolved over the years, one thing remains constant – our commitment to providing your dogs with the highest quality nutrition. For us, Georgina's Kitchen isn't just a brand; it's an emotion, a labor of love, and a testament to our dedication to the well-being of dogs.

We want to assure you that despite the new look, we are still the same passionate team behind Georgina's Kitchen. Our core values and commitment to excellence remain unwavering. We simply wanted to add our two new mascots to our logo. We're fully aware we're bucking the norm with our logo. But you know what? That little rebel spirit within led us here, and what better way to be remembered than by these three charming faces.

As we embark on this new chapter, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your continued support and patronage. It is because of you, our loyal customers and friends, that we are able to pursue our passion each and every day. We hope you'll join us in celebrating this exciting milestone and continue to be a part of the Georgina's Kitchen family.

Thank you for trusting us with your furry family members' nutrition. Here's to many more years of shared happiness and good health!
And, heartfelt gratitude to the ones who took a look at the logo and gave me honest feedback - you know who you are ♥️

With heartfelt appreciation,
Lee Georgina

As we approach our 8th anniversary, it's a reflective moment for me. While technically, we've already completed eight ye...

As we approach our 8th anniversary, it's a reflective moment for me. While technically, we've already completed eight years since I embarked on this journey at the start of 2016, we're sticking with our chosen anniversary date of May 1st, coinciding with the birthday of my old companion Stitchkoff, now departed but still very much a part of our story for those who have been with us from the beginning.

When I initially toyed with the idea of crafting dog food, skepticism greeted me at every turn. Many doubted its feasibility, dismissing it as a futile endeavor, some even called me mad! I've always been a bit of a rebel, always wanting to do something different. I plunged ahead anyway, driven solely by my passion for providing quality, fresh food for dogs. The thought of profits or success scarcely crossed my mind; I was simply focused on doing what I believed was right.

During those early days, the tasks of naming my venture or crafting a logo paled in comparison to the monumental challenge that lay ahead. Convincing pet owners to shift away from traditional kibble diets seemed to be a formidable challenge, much larger than I assumed it would be. Gratitude is owed to those few friends who assisted in naming the venture and crafting our initial logo—a simple yet enduring image of Stitchkoff that has stood the test of time.

Back then, the notion of expansion didn't even cross my mind. From 2016 to 2021, I juggled every aspect of the business single-handedly—cooking, cleaning, delivering, packing supplements, and everything in between. It was a labor of love, but as time went on, it became clear that I couldn't sustain the growth alone.
In 2021, the turning point arrived, prompting the gradual formation of our team and what a brilliant team to be blessed with. Shillpa, Tejas, Prathap, Sashi & Vibin I love you guys!
From our humble beginnings offering meals and two products, the Ocean Flakes and the Original Spice Mix (before an unfortunate imitation surfaced), to the present day, the journey has been one of continual learning and evolution with food preservation technology, more products, supplements and meals.

Continued in comments...

Just saw an advertisement for goat milk powder and the advertisement said "much requested video". The video showed a who...

Just saw an advertisement for goat milk powder and the advertisement said "much requested video". The video showed a whole lot of veggies in the bowl, a bit of rice and a very small portion of chicken. Entire meal topped with goat milk - great ingredient for sure but definitely not an all in one supplement and does not make up for the much required protein that dogs need.

Why are we feeding so much plant matter and rice? I am curious to hear from pet parents, please tell me what the thought process behind this is?
Have you been asked to feed this way? Or is it based on how we eat? Worry about kidney issues with high protein diets? Looking for answers.

I generally recommend about 5-10% plant matter depending on how much dogs prefer their meals too.Please remember that it...

I generally recommend about 5-10% plant matter depending on how much dogs prefer their meals too.
Please remember that it is okay if your dog does not want to consume any fruit and vegetables in their diet. You can use ground up seeds and nuts in the diet as well.
I also use ground up flax, chia, h**p, pumpkin, sesame, almonds and Brazil nuts in my meal prep.

How much plant matter does your dog like in the bowl?

What changes have you noticed in your dog after moving to a species appropriate diet? Tell us in the comments section.  ...

What changes have you noticed in your dog after moving to a species appropriate diet?
Tell us in the comments section.

Feedback from years ago. There used to be many like this before and now we just get a handful a year. Just letting you g...

Feedback from years ago. There used to be many like this before and now we just get a handful a year. Just letting you guys know that we appreciate feedback - good or bad.
We've never stopped learning and trying to do better. So much learning has happened in the last 8 years and I still feel excited and happy when pet parents write to me saying that they feel like they have a "brand new dog" with the change in diet.
Nobody knows everything, unlearning and learning has been a huge part of our journey.

Thank you for helping us learn and do better ♥️

Resorts, restaurants, homestays, parks... Please share information on places that you have tried.City, contact details/w...

Resorts, restaurants, homestays, parks...
Please share information on places that you have tried.
City, contact details/website, rules/regulations, other dogs at the location, food availability, dog park, pool or other information that you wish to share.

Food during travel is convenient with our Basics freeze-dried meals. I generally carry Bouillon (bone broth) or Lakto (G...

Food during travel is convenient with our Basics freeze-dried meals. I generally carry Bouillon (bone broth) or Lakto (Goat milk) to rehydrate the meal. This time I am using eggs fried in ghee and water to rehydrate the meals since the dogs are showing a preference for eggs.
I also carry some freeze

How many cynophiles here? 🙈

How many cynophiles here? 🙈

We are struggling with some technical issues and our website will be down for about 1-2 hours. We apologize for the inco...

We are struggling with some technical issues and our website will be down for about 1-2 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we request you to try placing your orders once the site is back up and running.

One poo brand after another using different marketing gimmicks to make it sound like they actually give a sh*te about qu...

One poo brand after another using different marketing gimmicks to make it sound like they actually give a sh*te about quality. You see what marketing is? Make dogs like the food - how? Who cares as long as they eat it. Lace it with fats, dogs will actually eat it! Just like how more and more humans are struggling with obesity because that junk is absolutely delicious, innit? The new one making it to the list of smart marketing is something your dog would not drool over, trust me. This is pretty much the worst of the lot. Using celebrities to endorse "read the label"?, good joke. But unfortunately, very few will find the humor in it. Why? Hey, we were told read the label, the label said >40% "real" chicken, so all good right? Wrong. What they claim "Real Chicken - We use real chicken which is a clean combination of flesh and skin with or without bone."
How much skin? How much flesh? With bone or without bone? 
Philosophy makes you question everything in life, food shouldn't.

Labels are extremely tricky especially with pet food. You can very easily be misled. So the first ingredient is meat, wow? Manufacturers can calculate the first ingredient with the moisture (at least 70%) thereby giving you the illusion that you are indeed feeding your dogs more meat. Le sigh and more!

I am not even going to say much about the vegan comments on that particular ad. There is something called a food chain for a reason but I guess that concept is taking a long vacation. The entire point of dogs being facultative CARNIVORES (I wish I could underline that, scream and say it in 20 different  languages) who do not have to believe in our sense of morals or ethics but having to comply is sad and is becoming like the what came first chicken or the egg debate. Domestication. Another sigh!

Long weekend coming up, please note that shipping and deliveries might be delayed. We will try to dispatch orders with t...

Long weekend coming up, please note that shipping and deliveries might be delayed. We will try to dispatch orders with the courier services that are functioning.

There will be no consultation/ diet chart services available next week. I will, however, be available on email for follow-ups.

Wishing you all a great long weekend!

Dear pet parents, I love how so many of you have encouraged the likes of me to do what we do. It has pushed me to learn,...

Dear pet parents, 

I love how so many of you have encouraged the likes of me to do what we do. It has pushed me to learn, study and research more and I am grateful to so many of you for the support. While I express my gratitude, I also want to say something that I've been meaning to write about for a while now.

I speak for people like me - the ones who are passionate about dog nutrition. We spend a few lakhs on educating ourselves. We spend hours researching dog nutrition and it takes away a big chunk of our time. It is our job and we exist because of you, because of the faith that you put in us. Most of us are running very small businesses and we are still learning how to run these small businesses. 

There are times when we don't have everything in place and while it is required for us to think of everything and be professional in terms of business policies, mistakes do happen, something gets missed out.

It is perfectly normal to be upset with a service provider but please understand that in this line of work, which is very new in the country, one cannot compare one vendor to another or even have similar expectations. Each of us have a different style of working, each of us have different policies and practices in place. Each of us charge differently for different services based on the amount of work that is being put in.

Naming and shaming is only going to dishearten most. If you haven't been at the receiving end, it is nasty. This leaves a well meaning professional very disheartened. 

We all want to do right by our dogs and we are all trying really hard to get there. If we can all work together, give feedback for improvement, we can focus on the purpose - DOGS.

We don't want them to lose out and my request to you all is to try working with the lot of us so we can all grow and do better.

Thank you.

I love adding seeds and nuts to the meals because they are so full of nutrients. This week I also added some milk thistl...

I love adding seeds and nuts to the meals because they are so full of nutrients. This week I also added some milk thistle for detox. Apart from the milk thistle, I have some brazil nuts, h**p seeds, chia and sesame seeds. All in small quantities, ground and added to the meal prep.

If you want to ferment these and add them to the bowl, even better. I had shared a post from
on how to ferment seeds.

You can add seeds even if you feed dry food. If fresh feeding seems like a difficult task, start small.
Ground up nuts and seeds, small portions of fresh fruit or vegetables, eggs. These are simple to add and provide fresh bioavailable nutrients. Once you start noticing the difference in your dog, you might be motivated to add more fresh ingredients? 🙂 ➡️ shop ➡️ Courses/ seminarsRegister! Only 50 participants per batch.Canine Allergy course  has hel...
07/09/2023 ➡️ shop ➡️ Courses/ seminars
Register! Only 50 participants per batch.

Canine Allergy course has helped a lot of pet parents. 100 participants have already completed the course by Dr. Conor Brady and the reviews have been great!

If your dog has allergy-like symptoms, allergies, food intolerance/sensitivities, constant ear infection, leaky gut, digestive issues or any symptoms related to allergies - this course is for you.

We also have a one hour Q&A session with Dr. Conor Brady.
Please check our website listing for all the details.

Raw buff meal. Keeping it simple this evening with just the raw meal, eggs, yogurt, sync (soil based probiotics) and but...

Raw buff meal. Keeping it simple this evening with just the raw meal, eggs, yogurt, sync (soil based probiotics) and butter.
They also got some ribs to chew on.

Why do I choose red meat more often than chicken? One main reason being that red meat is nutrient dense, less likely to be pumped with hormones and antibiotics.
Chicken meat that we get is rarely antibiotic or hormone free. Duck, rabbit and turkey are expensive to feed everyday. They get duck freeze-dried meals in the mornings.

I want my dogs to be able to derive vital nutrients naturally, from their meals.


Great news! We are ready to take in another 50 participants for the Canine Allergy course.
The reviews have been great and many of you wrote asking to be able to do this course.

have been kind enough to let us run another batch. We get a 1 hour Q&A session with Dr. Conor Brady after course completion.

This is a self paced, video based course - 3.5 hours in total. We will only be able to run this course if we have 50 participants. Once we have our 50 participants, we make the payment to Dogsfirst, collect the course code and send it to you to start the course.

Please make sure to share with anyone you think needs to do the course. ➡️ shop ➡️ Courses/seminars

We have fresh buffalo ears and trachea. Goat ears and trachea available for purchase.Bangalore location only.Please What...

We have fresh buffalo ears and trachea. Goat ears and trachea available for purchase.
Bangalore location only.
Please WhatsApp 83107 34947 to place your order.

For other locations, you can try our freeze-dried (dehydrated) chews. Link in bio. Shipping PAN India.


.nishavetneuro explained the difference between tremors, seizures and epilepsy.

A lot of pet parents struggle to find the right information. Dr. Nisha believes that, you, as a pet parent need to be equipped with the right information. She talks about medication, side effects and provides all the information you will require about testing and treatment.
We have covered a few topics on our call that I will be posting soon.

You can reach out to Dr. Nisha for a consultation [email protected] in case your dog is struggling with neurological issues.
She is also available at
Domlur on Sundays. You will have to make an appointment for visits.


This is the last part of my video with The Spiritual Dog Trainer - live with love, woof and wonder

Fresh feeding is a choice that can seem very daunting. Apart from the fear of doing it right, there are also differing opinions on what to feed our dogs.
When in doubt, try fresh feeding and compare how your dog was on the previous diet - decide which one worked better. In my experience, a lot of dogs have benefitted from moving to fresh diets.

Caroline also talks about choices that dogs make. Animals are self aware and they know what their bodies require. I always thought that the concept was called Zoopharmacognosy but on this call I learnt that the concept has different names. If you are interested to know more about zoopharmacognosy, we have .co in India, studying this topic.

We are looking to do seminars with Caroline soon. I know a lot of you out there want to learn and know more about how to feed your dogs and I truly enjoy learning and bringing more information to you all. I am hoping to have your support on this journey of learning and education. If there are topics that you are interested in, please leave them in the comments section.

Normalize fresh food for dogs. Just like how fresh food would be a clear choice for humans.

Caroline's website:



Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 1pm
4pm - 8pm
Tuesday 11am - 1pm
4pm - 8pm
Wednesday 11am - 1pm
4pm - 8pm
Thursday 11am - 1pm
4pm - 8pm
Friday 11am - 1pm
4pm - 8pm


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