Helping voiceless

Helping voiceless I'm trying to help voiceless street animals that's the reason I started free treatment for those voiceless street babies...


Happy new year bacho


Name.. Simba (India street dog)
Address... New coochbehar NCB
Problem... Train accident case
এই সারমেয়টি ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনায় আহত হয়েছে। হিপ জয়েন্ট থেকে পা পর্যন্ত কাটা পড়েছে, এই কারণে ব্যান্ডেজ করা যাচ্ছে না। প্রত্যেক দিন দুই বেলা করে ক্ষত জায়গায় ড্রেসিং করা হচ্ছে যতো দিন না পর্যন্ত সারমেয়টি সুস্থ না হয়ে ওঠে। এর সাথে চার দিন থেকে দুই বেলা সেলাইন দেওয়া হচ্ছে (কারণ খাওয়ার ঠিক করে খাচ্ছে না) আর অ্যান্টিবায়োটিক ইনজেকশন, পেইনকিলার ইনজেকশন, এগুলো দেওয়া হচ্ছে।
✅এই সারমেয়টির ড্রেসিং এবং মেডিসিন এর খরচ অনেক বেশি, তাই যদি কেউ মেডিসিন দান করে সাহায্য করতে চান তাহলে উপকৃত হবো।
✅ মেডিসিন নাম - NS saline, Metrogyl saline, Intacef tazo pet injection, Pan IV injection, Liver tonic, Alu spray এবং ড্রেসিং এর জিনিস।
✅সবার আশীর্বাদ আর সমর্থনের প্রয়োজন সব থেকে বেশি।
ধন্যবাদ জানাই স্থানীয় মানুষ জনদের,তাদের এই সাহায্যের জন্যে।
Voiceless Coochbehar
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's

এই পোষ্যটিকে  রবিবার (23/10/2022) সকাল ৮টা থেকে খুঁজে পাওয়া যাচ্ছে না। গলায় কালো বেল্ট বাঁধা আছে। যদি কেউ খুঁজে পান দয়া ...

এই পোষ্যটিকে রবিবার (23/10/2022) সকাল ৮টা থেকে খুঁজে পাওয়া যাচ্ছে না। গলায় কালো বেল্ট বাঁধা আছে। যদি কেউ খুঁজে পান দয়া করে নিচে দেওয়া নাম্বার এ যোগাযোগ করবেন - 8116100510/8927868623/9064237671

নিউ টাউন,কোচবিহার..

পেস্তা্থারঝর রোড, ওয়েস্ট বেঙ্গল, কোচবিহারে একটি ষাঁড়ের accident হয়,এবং ষাঁড়টি অসাড় হয়ে পড়ে, চিকিৎসা শুরু করা হয়েছিলো...

পেস্তা্থারঝর রোড, ওয়েস্ট বেঙ্গল, কোচবিহারে একটি ষাঁড়ের accident হয়,এবং ষাঁড়টি অসাড় হয়ে পড়ে, চিকিৎসা শুরু করা হয়েছিলো 27/9/2022 থেকে. কোচবিহার government vet hospital (Dr R.K Saha sir)নিয়ে যাওয়া হয়, সেখানকার ডাক্তারদের দ্বারা ষাঁড়টির চিকিৎসা করানো হয়েছিল।
প্রথম 6 দিন খাওয়ার খাচ্ছিলো না,ওই সময়ে দুই বেলা করে সেলাইন দেওয়া হচ্ছিলো। তারপর নিজে থেকে খাওয়ার খাচ্ছিলো তাই এক বেলা করে সেলাইন দেওয়া হচ্ছিলো।

কিন্তু ষাঁড়টিকে বাঁচানো যায়নি। 18/10/22 মারা যায়।
Thank you local people for your support and help...

For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..


কাল রাতে(21/10/2022) রবীন্দ্র ভবন এলাকায় আতশবাজি ফাটানোর জন্য বাড়ির এই পোষ্যটি ভয় পেয়ে তার বাড়ির থেকে ছুটে পালিয়ে যায়, এখনও পর্যন্ত তার কোনো খোঁজ পাওয়া যায়নি. যদি কেউ খুঁজে পান দয়া করে নিচে দেওয়া নাম্বার এ যোগাযোগ করবেন 9832276331
+91 79083 70312
Magazine Rd, Mukuldanga, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736101

Firecrackers. Sounds like concentrated fun. Maybe, for all of us. But for our speechless pets, animals and birds, it is ...

Firecrackers. Sounds like concentrated fun. Maybe, for all of us. But for our speechless pets, animals and birds, it is veritably the worst time of the year. We can reason out the logic behind the noise and the polluted air that chokes, but not them.
During Diwali, watch the behaviour and body language of the animals. Their tails are between their legs. Cowering in fear, they try to hide themselves, unable to stand the din of crackers. Dogs and cats have highly sensitive hearing abilities. They hear sounds that the human ear cannot. That is why sounds of continuous loud bursts are literally nerveracking. They sense danger... Helping voiceless Coochbehar Rj


বিগত ২৭ তারিখ কোচবিহার ভবানীগঞ্জ বাজার সংলগ্ন এলাকায় একটি ষাড় গরুকে অন্যায়ভাবে আটক করে রেখে তাকে পাচার করার চক্রান্ত করে একজন দুষ্কৃতী।সেই এলাকার কিছু সহৃদয় মানুষ তা জানতে পেরে আমাকে কল করেন।সময় নষ্ট না করে আমি তৎক্ষণাৎ সেখানে পৌছে যাই এবং ষাড়টিকে উদ্ধার করার প্রচেষ্টা চালাই।ষাড় গরুটির শিং এর সাথে একটি দড়ি এমনভাবে লাগানো ছিল, তাতে করে শিং সহ ষাডগরুটির মাথার উপর একটি ভয়ঙ্কর ক্ষত তৈরি হয়েছিল। আরও কিছুদিন এভাবে বাধা থাকলে সেই ক্ষতের উপর পোকা পরে যেত। সেদিন রাত ১১টা থেকে রাত ৩টা পর্যন্ত ওকে ধরে বেধে ,দড়ি খুলে ওকে পরিষেবা দেওয়া হয় এবং সেই দুষ্কৃতীর হাত থেকে ওকে বাচানো হয়।পরবর্তী সময় ওর বেশ কিছুদিন ট্রিটমেন্ট চলে।এখন ও ভালো আছে।আমি ধন্যবাদ জানাই সেই সব সহৃদয় ব্যক্তিদের যাদের সহযোগিতা ছাড়া আমার একার পক্ষে এই কাজটি করা সম্ভবপর হত না।তাদের প্রত্যেকের প্রতি রইল আমার শ্রদ্ধা ও ভালোবাসা।🙏
Thanks you so much for your support...
1) Ardhendu Banik
2) subarna
3) samabesh Biswas
4) Rahul Butta
5) sanjib Barman
6) Bhaskar Roy
7) parag ch chanda
And thanks you local people how also help us...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's

 ...“Those who protect and save other animals lead the way in protecting and saving humanity and earth.” Protect, rescue...

“Those who protect and save other animals lead the way in protecting and saving humanity and earth.”
Protect, rescue, adopt, repeat
Rescue, love, care and repeat
Proud to be an animal rescuer
Help save someone’s new best friend
Their lives matter. Rescue animals
We are their voices
Speak for the voiceless
Let’s help the needy,
When you look into the eyes of an animal you’ve rescued, you can’t help but fall in love.”
“I’ve really become super active in rescuing animals, and it has made my life feel so much better. I can’t even express to you how happy it has made me.”
:- With a life that might not last as long as the man, they definitely give us memories that we cherish forever. When you adopt a stray dog, you're giving it more than just a space to live in; you are making all its hardships go away. Such a dog loves you even more for making its life better...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..Rj

 ..“We should have respect for animals because it makes better human beings of us all.”Name...Address...Chakchaka Chekpo...

“We should have respect for animals because it makes better human beings of us all.”
Address...Chakchaka Chekpost SC
Problem.. Accident case
I started her spot treatment give him antibiotic injection for leg &body wounds or painkiller injection or daily dressing her words...
Oxen are used on farms to do work. They can plow fields, pull stone boats, help with logging, pull carts, run machinery, and more. Oxen work slower than horses which makes them ideal for plowing. The farmer can walk behind the team with the plow at a smooth and steady pace...
Lastly, the term “ox” also refers to a variety of bovids of a large size, including bison and buffalo. Also considered cattle, these are all domesticated creatures, usually horned, and used for heavy labor. The work teams comprise mostly of males because of their larger size compared to females...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..Rj

 ...“Keep rescuing animals. You may lose your mind, but you will surely find the soul.”Name...TomAddress... New Coochbeh...

“Keep rescuing animals. You may lose your mind, but you will surely find the soul.”
Address... New Coochbehar (NCB)
Problem...Most Common Types of Animal Abuse...
Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse, animal neglect or animal cruelty, is the infliction by omission or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon non-human animals..
The Union government has proposed an amendment to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 (POCA) to increase penalties against animal cruelty from Rs 50 to Rs 75,000 or “three times the cost of the animal” besides up to five years' imprisonment...
Under the Indian Penal Code, offences against animals are treated as damage to property or assets. Under Section 428 of the IPC, a person can face a two-year jail term for killing or maiming a pet animal worth Rs 10 and a five-year jail term if the pet animal was worth Rs 50 or more...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's...Rj


“The truth is that we will never save wildlife by killing it.”
, , , , ,
Please keep your pet and local pet's safe...
for calling Helping voiceless Coochbehar...
# T. Karmakar (BDO)
# P. Das (DC)
# P. Mukherjee (SE)
Globally, dogs are the most common animal involved. In countries where dogs commonly have the disease, more than 99% of rabies cases are the direct result of dog bites. In the Americas, bat bites are the most common source of rabies infections in humans, and less than 5% of cases are from dogs....
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..Rj


“Having respect for animals makes us better humans.”
For adoption in If you can help them for her butter Life please contact with us...
Thank you...
Protect, rescue, adopt, repeat
Rescue, love, care and repeat
Proud to be an animal rescuer
Help save someone’s new best friend
Their lives matter. Rescue animals
We are their voices
Speak for the voiceless
Let’s help the needy...
Do it for the innocent souls. Rescue the needy
Save animals, serve humanity
Let them know someone cares. Rescue the needy
They can survive if you help them to survive
Saving one animal won’t change the world, but it will change the world for that one animal.
Keep rescuing animals. You may lose your mind, but you will surely find your soul....

  “All creatures are deserving of a life free from fear and pain.”Name...chotuAddress...By line Cooch Behar Airport, Sha...

“All creatures are deserving of a life free from fear and pain.”
Address...By line Cooch Behar Airport, Shankar Rd, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736101
Problem...leg injured due to an accident (13 Stitches)
I started her spot treatment give him antibiotic injection IV for 5 days, Painkiller injection IM 5 day's, Aciloc injection IM, properly dressing with schedule, L52 pet syrup daily two times empty stomach morning and evening continue, Zipvit syrup daily one time after food continue 15 days, Cosklot injection IV (Etamsylate) used first day only for bleeding now he was almost 90% recover with continue one month's properly dressing treatment...
water is one of the most precious and important source to live for all the animals and Birds. Many animals suffer from various health challenges like dehydration, skin infections, fever and viral infections which causes them to death due to unavailability of safe drinking water and also this has negative impact on human welfare. This thought leaded me towards launching this project named as "Animals Water Bowl Project (AWBP)...
The Project is not just for animal lovers; it calls out to every human being to harmonise with their environment and with all other beings in it...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..


“The work to protect one species benefits us all.”
Name... Baby
Address...Sunity Academy, Chaltatala, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736170
Problems... Accident case, Nurve Damage , Eye injuries, Nosebleeds
I started her spot treatment give him Antibiotic injection Intacef 250 half IV, Etamsylate injection IV, Aciloc injection IM, NS saline 100 ML BD (temperature 101.2), Tribivet-M injection IV, painkiller injection IM or eye drops Ciplox-D one drop bhot eyes 2 to 3 times...
Thank you for your support and blessings locals people's...
Special thanks too Mr Saurjyadeep das and her father for your support and caring...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's...


“This earth was made for all beings not just human beings.”
Address...Bharat Petroleum, Petrol Pump -Jyoti Filling Station khagrabari..
Problem...Road accident case...
I started her spot treatment give me painkiller injection IM, antibiotic injection IV, Aciloc injection IM or properly dressing in schedule...
Thank you so much for your support and blessings locals people's...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..

 ...Share these 'be kind to animals' with your friends and family to create awareness about animal protection....Name......

Share these 'be kind to animals' with your friends and family to create awareness about animal protection....
Address...Rajarhat, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
Problem...Tumor Dog Rescue And Treatment...
He was wandering with a big tumor on left hind leg and the tumor was growing day by day when I found him at Rajarhat After some days of efforts, the dog was spotted and rescued by Helping voiceless Coochbehar... The tumor was hanging on the leg and it was very disturbing...
After rescue he was diagnosed as unfit for a surgery due to ill health and weakness. As we started providing him food and vitamin supplements, he slowly gained his health and became healthy for the surgery...
With a long surgery of one hour, a big tumor was operated and removed from his leg. Thanks to Dr Rajib Sir for doing the surgery. The dog has been under post- operative care at local people's help...
Thank you Mr Dhrubojyoti Sutradhar..
Mr Mrityunjoy sutradhar...
Mr Pralay h**e...
Mr Joy sutradhar...
For helping his rescue and surgery...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's


"प्यार करना जानवरों से सीखों,
स्वार्थी तो इन्सान है
जो अपने स्वार्थ के लिए किसी का गला काटने तक से नही डरता"...
Address...Khagrabari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
Three week ago at night almost 1:00 pm some one call me and say about accident then I going to help him I started her spot treatment and give him saline and all those medicines which one save him that time with local people's help thank you thank you for your support...
After continue four days treatment she responds sometimes and now she was almost recovered...
Thank you for calling Helping voiceless...
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..

 "सही और गलत का फर्क जानवर भी जानते हैं,वो अलग बात है कि ये बोल कर समझा नही सकते"..Name...?Address...Burirpat, Khagrabar...

"सही और गलत का फर्क जानवर भी जानते हैं,
वो अलग बात है कि ये बोल कर समझा नही सकते"..

Address...Burirpat, Khagrabari, Cooch Behar , West Bengal...
Few days ago (deba da) call me for this treatment i give him spot treatment daily dressing her wounds and antibiotic for healing her wounds...
Thank you for calling ..
For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's...

With summer temperatures soaring higher than ever before, a piece of advice most people get from their family and friend...

With summer temperatures soaring higher than ever before, a piece of advice most people get from their family and friends is to stay hydrated at all times...
Temperatures during summer often crossed 30 to 35 in (cob)degree Celsius, which proved fatal for birds and stray animals. It is sad to see several stray cows and dogs desperately looking for water and drinking dirty water from gutters as they fail to find clean water...

While it is easy for most of us to carry a bottle of water or perhaps buy one, a Vijayawada NGO is sparing a thought for the ones who can’t...

Also once the containers are placed, timely refilling and maintenance have been taken up by local philanthropists and animal lovers... ...rj
I have also taken pictures of them drinking water and forwarded those to several of my friends and philanthropists through social media platforms and asked them to replicate the initiative in their localities during summer...
If you live on a higher floor of the building, take a small container, fill it with water and keep it on the parapet opposite your window. You could help birds like pigeons, crows etc. quench their thirst...
If you are against utilising a container you use at home, pool in money to buy a concrete bowl with a few friends and place it outside your building compound or other nooks and corners of the street.

One disadvantage of concrete bowls, despite its shelf life, is that water in it tends to heat up. Also, they are not the most eco-friendly alternative available...
Thank you so much Mr Kanchan Kanti Ghosh because apna start kiya ha ya bacho ka leya hamara Coochbehar mai...
The bowls created by Helping voiceless soon (AWBP)..keep smiling and give me your wishes, blessings or help for voiceless...


Address...Bara Debi Bari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736170
Problem.. Accident case (Paralic)...

The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man's...

No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as a dog does...
He was recover after 10 day's...
Thank you for your priceless wishes...

For medicine contribution & donations anyone can contact to this Number..9832276331
G-Pay No...9832276331
Bank details...
Name...Raj Kumar jha
Account No...3516110010052492
IFSC Code...UJVN0003516
Thank you for your support to help me more streets voiceless animals I wish I can always help those speechless baby's..

Hlw friends..For urgent adoptionName...InstaMale dog age..2 year's old Full vaccination completed this yearPhysically no...

Hlw friends..
For urgent adoption
Male dog age..2 year's old
Full vaccination completed this year
Physically no problem...
mentally no problem...
Ave thak mai ave asa help ka leya nhi bola mai ave v kisi ko to tora dhakya es bacha ko ak acha pariwaar mil jaya bas wo log nhi chahta esko road pai chorna par wo ave majbur ha tora nhi to ko usko v laka jata apna saat hi... please help him 🙏🙏
He was very cute and sweet if anyone wants to adopt him and take care him I'm thankful because her family suddenly seft from coochbehar and hi need family now...
Contact no...9832276331
Thank you..🙏


Cooch Behar





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