Situated amidst beautiful and pollution free natural surroundings, at Nima Nimri, Mandore road, on the outskirts of Jodhpur, is this place known as Anubandh - an institution given to noble cause of support and service of the old people deserted by their families, who are physically unfit, having no independent means of subsistence and have no one to fall back upon for support. Established on 25th
Nov 2002 Anubandh has completed 18 years of invaluable human service. Anubandh strives to extend its hand of help to these people by not letting them fall victims of want, insecurity and indignity. This is achieved by providing much more than the basic amenities food, clothing and shelter which also includes daily medical care, entertainment and most importantly a respect for their privacy. And all this is provided FREE OF CHARGE. The admission here does not involve any discrimination on the basis of caste, community, religion or sex. At present 75 inmates in all ( 42 females and 33 males ) between age group of 60 to 96 years are residing here and getting benefits of care and services of Anubandh staff with a warm personal touch. Anubandh is a creation of the Advani couple Narendra Advani – Anuradha Advani who run and look after the institution with Mrs. Vimla Mehta’s active involvement in day to day administration. Anuradha has also recently been nominated as member of Varishth Nagrik Board by Govt. of Rajasthan for her exceptional services. Covering an area of 15000 sq. feet with a beautiful double story building with lift facility, having 12 halls with 6 couple rooms with attached toilets (both indian and western), 2 kitchens, a Medical Room with a well equipped clinic, an ICU, 3 solar powered water heater systems to provide hot water in all bathrooms, an Ambulance in case of emergency, a team of 10 full time dedicated care takers and 8 part time care takers, daily Doctor visit and a 24 X 7 doctor on call, a personal Ambulance, a loading three wheeler and all amenities like TV ,coolers and wardrobes in all the rooms, inverters, fridges, DVD players , water coolers in both the floors, geysers etc. A large verandah, beautiful lawn and a large bird aviary for recreation serve to enhance the beauty and dignity of the place. All festivals are celebrated here with great zest and zeal and a major get together is organised regularly almost every month. It is a self financed venture with no Goverment or NGOs aid till date. For last 18 years it is run by Advani family, extended family, few friends and well-wishers. Your small contribution makes a BIG difference to us. Those wishing to contribute are entitled to the benefits under Section 80G of Income Tax Act.