A mother leopard teaching her cub is a fascinating and heartwarming process, reflecting the intricate bond and the critical skills transfer necessary for the cub's survival in the wild. As the cubs grow, the mother encourages them to hunt independently, initially accompanying them and later allowing them to hunt on their own.Mothers teach cubs to recognize potential dangers, such as other predators, and how to respond to these threats. The process of a mother leopard teaching her cub is critical for the cub’s survival and development. It involves a combination of direct teaching, observation, imitation, and practice.
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imalayan black bears, also known as Asiatic black bears, exhibit playful behaviors, particularly in younger bears.
Howling in jackals serve as a means of communication between individual jackals or within a pack. It helps them stay connected and coordinate activities. Also in confines of an enclosure, howling can also help jackals locate other members of their group, especially if they are separated within the space.
Ostriches stay clean by bathing themselves in the sand but also enjoy taking water baths.They’ve also been spotted swimming in the ocean at Yzerfontein in South Africa. The Ostrich species is very territorial over its land and will claim their home. Also ostriches are sometimes spotted cooling off in rivers, pools, and lakes on exceptionally hot days.
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@followers @highlights
World Environment Day is an annual global event celebrated on June 05. It is observed to raise awareness on the protection and preservation of the environment.
The theme for the year 2024 is "Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience,"
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@followers @highlights #DroughtResistant #landrestoration
Elephants often take dust baths to protect their skin from the sun and insects. They throw dust and dirt over themselves, creating a protective layer. It also helps them cool down and can be a form of social interaction within their herd. It's quite a sight to see!
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Elephants often take dust baths to protect their skin from the sun and insects. They throw dust and dirt over themselves, creating a protective layer. It also helps them cool down and can be a form of social interaction within their herd. It's quite a sight to see!
@followers @highlight #birsazoo #zoo #ranchijharkhand #ranchi_the_heart_of_jharkhand #ranchiupdates #jharkhandupdate #jharkhand_se_hai #jharkhandtourism #elephant #elephantlovers #elephantsofinstagram
Deer mothers groom their fawns regularly, licking and cleaning them to keep them free from dirt and scent that could attract predators. They are protective of their fawns and will aggressively defend them against potential threats. Also they use their speed and agility to evade predators and lead their fawns to safety.
It's important for humans to avoid interfering with this natural process. Observing deer from a distance and minimizing disturbance helps ensure the well-being and survival of both the mother and her fawn.
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Langur mothers exhibit remarkable care and protection towards their offspring. They are known to be very attentive, often carrying their babies with them as they move through their habitat. Additionally, langur mothers are vigilant in watching over their young ones, ensuring their safety from potential predators. This strong maternal instinct is crucial for the survival of the species.
#langurmonkey #mothercare #babylangur #forest #ForestDepartment #jharkhandforest #Jharkhand #JharkhandNews #zoo #ZooAnimals
Blackbucks (Antilope cervicapra) are a species of antelope native to the Indian subcontinent. They are known for their striking appearance, with sleek black and white fur and long, spiraled horns in males.They are social animals and often form herds consisting of females and their young. Males establish territories and can be territorial, especially during the mating season.In India, blackbucks hold cultural significance. They are associated with deities like Lord Krishna and are considered sacred in certain regions. Their conservation is often tied to religious and cultural sentiments.
for more details:
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प्रकृतिक वातावरण के प्रति जागरूकता
बिरसा जैविक उद्यान, ओरमांझी में आने वाले सैलानियों को प्रकृति वातावरण के प्रति जागरूक करने क लिए उद्यान प्रशासन द्वारा क्षेत्र के २५ युवाओं का प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू किआ गया है |
प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन मुख्य वन संरक्षक जब्बर सिंह (निदेशक ) ने किया |
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#JharkhandNews #Jharkhand #ormanjhizoo #ormanjhi #naturalistlife
Fluttering Butterflies....Helping Pollination in Bhagwan Birsa Biological Park.
#butterflies #CZA #zoo #ranchijharkhand #jharkhandupdate #Jharkhand #butterflypark
Butterfly Park at Bhagwan Birsa Biological Park.
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#butterfly #celebrations #schools #ranchischools #students #jharkhand #Ranchi #butterflypark
आज दिनांक 20.07.2023 को भगवान बिरसा जैविक उद्यान, ओरमांझी, राँची, झारखण्ड में पहली बार मगरमच्छ (Crocodile) के पाँच नये बच्चांे का जन्म हुआ। मगरमच्छ को वन्यजीव संरक्षण अधिनियम 1972 के अनुसार अनुसूची 1 में वर्गीकृत किया गया है और IUCN रेड लिस्ट डेटा के अनुसार इसे वल्नरेबल श्रेणी में रखा गया है। वर्ष 2018 में तीन मगरमच्छ मुटा प्रजनन केन्द, राँची से स्थानान्तरण कर जैविक उद्यान में लाया गया था। इस वर्ष 19.04.2023 को मादा मगरमच्छ के द्वारा अण्डा दिया गया। जिसे उद्यान के जीव वैज्ञानिक विवेकानन्द कुमार के देख रेख में 92 दिनों के उपरान्त आज पाँच नये मेहमान के रूप में मगरमच्छ के बच्चे पैदा हुए। इन सभी JUVENILE को डाॅ0 ओम प्रकाष साहु के द्वारा स्वास्थ्य की जांच की गयी। उद्यान के निदेषक श्री जब्बर सिंह के निदेषानुसार इन बच्चों रख-रखाव हेतु समुचित व्यवस्था कराने हेतु उद्यान के सहायक वन संरक्षक श्री अषोक कु
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Lime Butterfly nectaring on Lantana. This Butterfly flying inside the upcoming butterfly park of Ranchi Zoo. Soon, it will be open for public.
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Visitor Awareness about ban of Single Use Plastic...
Playing Bear...
For details visit https://www.birsazoojharkhand.in/
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#CentralZooAuthority #allzoos #wildlifeweek2022 #zooevents
JIASOWA's Diwali Mela!!!!
For details visit https://www.birsazoojharkhand.in/wildlifeweek2022
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#CentralZooAuthority #allzoos #wildlifeweek2022 #zooevents
Playing Bear & Feeding Hippo
For details visit https://www.birsazoojharkhand.in/wildlifeweek2022
#bhagwanbirsabiologicalpark #bbpark #jharkhandzoo #ormanjhizoo #Ranchites #RanchiSchools #ranchi_the_heart_of_jharkhand #birsazoo #jharkhandforest
#CentralZooAuthority #allzoos #wildlifeweek2022 #zooevents