Surgeries in large and pet animals-Dr Vijay Dhoke

Surgeries in large and pet animals-Dr Vijay Dhoke Different types of surgery done in large animals and pet animals......Dr Vijay Dhoke

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Video from Dr. Vijay Dhoke


Lecture on Diagnostic Approach In OPD at field level, organised by VIRBAC Animal Health Care and Goa Vet Association


[02/04, 4:14 pm] Dr. Vijay Dhoke: _*C/o Sambar.(wild Animal). ( 3 Yrs./M ) Dt. : - 31/03/2023*_

Haemoglobin : *9.5* g/dl
WBC Total Count : 12000 /cumm
Neutrophils : *68* %
Lymphocytes : *30* %
Eosinophils : 01 %
Monocytes : 01 %
Basophils : 00 %
Platelet Count : 3,40,000 /cumm

Blood Protozoa : Not Seen.

S. Creatinine : *1.9* mg%
Blood Urea : 39.8 mg%

Bilirubin (Total) : 0.58 mg/dl
S. Bilirubin (Direct) : 0.16 mg/dl
S. Bilirubin (Indirect) : 0.42 mg/dl

S.G.P.T : 37.5 IU/L at 37`C

E.S.R . [ Wintrobe`s method ] : *40* mm at 1hr

Total Proteins : 6.2 g/dl
Albumin : 3.7 g/dl
S. Globulin : 2.5 g/dl
A/G Ratio : *1.5 : 1*

The Sambar is a large deer(Rusa unicolor) native of the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. The Sambar live in forest alone or in small groups.A large, relatively long tailed deer,it stands 47 to 55 inches at shoulder height. .............A case of blood protozoan infection (Babesia and anaplasma mix) in Sambar is diagnosed and successfully treated at Dandoba forest area in Sangli District . History -- 1) According to forest officials one Sambar was wondering along the side of street and was allowing to touch his body to people's arounds him.2) Forest officials catch him very easily and braught to their office at Dandoba forest.3) According to their observations Sambar is docile and weak and not taking fodder and requested to District Vet.Polyclinic Miraj for health check up and opinion as they wanted to release him at Chandoli forest. 4) Thorough clinical examination revealed. (a) Conjunctiva pale (b)Heart Tachycardia (c) Prescapular and prefemoral lymph nodes enlarged (d)Sunken eyes with dark yellow discoloration of urine, Bilateral lacrimation.(e) Couldn't palpate spleen as skin is very much thick.(f) Dull and depressed look with closed eylids.(g) Sitting on ground and reluctant to get up.(h) Passing black stools.(i) Temp 102 degree farenight.(j)Complet anorexia with partially pseudo rumination . Tentative Diagnosis -- Blood protozoan infection , Anemia and Dehydration. Treatment protocol.Inj pantoprozol 80 mg iv,inj oxytetracycline 10 mg per kg body wt iv diluted in Normal Saline.Inj Berenil 3.5 mg per kg body,Inj Tribivet 20 ml iv.Inj Catasol 30 ml iv.Blood is taken for CBC and KFT.Report is attached.Inj DNS given 500 ml.It was difficult job to locate jugular vein and skin was to much thick.Sambar was not standing at one place during iv therapy,so provide jaggery to leak ,mean while treatment completed. Second day onwards Sambar started taking fodder, consumed plenty of water and passed white colour urine.Sunken eyes becomes normal.Not allowing to treat on second day with iv given second and third day only inj oxytetracycline,inj pantop,inj Tribivet .On Monday we will take fallow up and decision will be taken for release in Chandoli forest. Blood report indicates normal Hb and Polycythemia.Though Sambar is anemic how it is normal?Its bcoz of dehydration status of animal.Bcoz of weakness,lethargy,and fever and other pathological process in body animal was reluctant to walk and couldn't wandered for search of water source as well as for food also.So bcoz deprivation of drinking water and not taken fodder,sambar gone under dehydration which lead to haemoconcentration which resulted into sunken eyes and dark yellowish discoloration of urine,hard stools (pellets ).Black pellets may be due to Malena resulting bcoz of abomasal ulcers.

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I have reached 7K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Female cat was having congenital abdominal hernia. unfortunately she got conceived and remained pregnant.During pregnancy as uterus get enlarged ,it lodged into herniated space. During advanced pregnancy cat become totally off feed,unable to walk and showing signs of abominal pain since few days and was treated out planned surgery considering its a case of abdominal hernia might have been herniation of intestines but after opening the herniated area, unfortunately it was uterus with dead removed it ,wash abdominal cavity with normal saline,soaked it with sterile gauge.closed surgical wound with routine manner.Cat is doing well now.

Tomorrow date 10/7/2021Time 7to8 evening 🙏

Tomorrow date 10/7/2021
Time 7to8 evening 🙏

Sharing a typical case of she Buffalo.Said she buffalo has history of abdominal colic, clinically manifested  by kicking...

Sharing a typical case of she Buffalo.Said she buffalo has history of abdominal colic, clinically manifested by kicking at belly,lieing on ground with stretched legs, stretching of back,these symptoms were last for two hrs and get subsided after giving analgesic and other supportive treatment by paravet.But next day onward animal was complete off feed, with totally suspended rumination.On call of owner and paravet I thoroughly examined she buffalo which revealed (1)complete atony of rumen,on per re**al examination gross quantity of faeces removed but no dilated loops of intestines were palpated,at the same time posterior portion of impacted rumen was palpated.(2)Heart sounds showed bradycardia . (3)Respiration showed mild dyspnoea.(4)Conjunctiva congested with grade two. Treated she buffaloe symptomatically with mag sulph ,pre probiotics,inj antibiotic,iv fluids,inj metaclopromide and other supportive medicine.But on next day there wasn't improvement at all in she buffalo ,so second day decided to perform ruminatomy considering a case of ruminal atony.
During ruminatomy , it's noticed that rumen was entirely impacted with food material and rumen occupied major portion of abdominal cavity. After complete evacuation of rumen and closing of rumen,space was created in abdominal cavity.just keeping in mind signs of colic on first day,palpated intestines and surprisingly noticed twisting of intestines around mesentery, which rotated mannualy in abdominal cavity it self ;during which buffaloe started again signs of colic.Immediate Inj Dotraverin given by iv route which has got very good action on smooth muscles of intestines. Twisted loops of intestines removed gradually and released in cavity.on visualisation affected loop was severely congested with degenerative changes on external intestinal epithelial tissues.Normal saline and metronidazole wash given to intestines and antibiotic poured in abdominal cavity.Rest of surgical wound closed with routine manner.Animal kept on Inj neostigmine,nervine tonic , antibiotic ,iv fluids and other supportive treatment.Now buffalo passing stools,started feeding and rumination. Key points.....1) We can't ignore mild colic or less duration of colicky pain. 2)Dung removed during per re**al examination may confused , that there is no any obstructive pathology but the dung that passed by animal was from posterior part of bowel from place obstruction. 3) In any colic case,once we open abdominal cavity ,though for ruminatomy,we must examine intestines thoroughly to rule out any intestinal disorders.

Sharing a intrested case of HF cross cow.Cow has history of inflammatory swelling with pus pocket at left fore leg.Owner...

Sharing a intrested case of HF cross cow.Cow has history of inflammatory swelling with pus pocket at left fore leg.Owner called paravet for treatment ,he pricked 18 guage needle multiple times at the area of inflammation and injected steroid in affected area during procedure.After two hrs cow become recumbent, showed nervous symptoms like wry neck, shaking and resting of head on ground, unable to get up and stand up,mild verticle nystagmus, conjunctiva hyperemic, protrusion of tongue at one side,unable to hold neck,Fever 104.5 degree Fahrehenite.Cow kept under observation and treatment started, considering a case of patchy meningitis probably due to pus emboli ,migrated from affected part of leg to brain ,might be due to multiple prickings of needles in pus pocket beneath veins of leg. Accordingly treated the case with Inj metronidazole ,Inj cefaparazone with sulbactum,Inj mannitol,Inj prednisolone, Inj Dextrose 25 percent,Inj potassium chloride ,Inj B complex for five days. On fourth day cow get up and stood on her own.Started feeding and showing great improvement clinically. During course of treatment owner was daily asking for improvement, but there was not much improvement in clinical signs and symptoms upto third day.I told him to continue the treatment for 5 days without any break.I am posting the video of 2nd day and 4 th day of affected cow; and blood reports too.In blood picture there was leukocytosis with neutrophllia.Serum creatinine and BUN was with in normal limits,LFT values are also in normal limits. Serum potassium was 2.37 mmol/L. The marked symptom was wry neck which was due weakness of muscles bcoz of low serum potassium.

Today at 5 pm please  join..

Today at 5 pm please join..


A non described puppy brought to clinic with history of bite wound by other stray dogs .During physical examination of wound severity and area of wound noticed. It was shocking. Given idea about prognosis of surgery to owner. Under xylagin and ketamin anesthesia performed surgery. Now puppy is alright and wound healing is best.


Horse was met with accident, there was dislocation at fetlock joint ,proximal phalanx bone get dislocated .Unfortunately it was casted by other without repositioning bone. After one week,owner noticed even after plaster leg was in backword bending position. Then he came to VPC Miraj, again taken x ray which revealed dislocation with backwards bent of proximal phalanx from fetlock joint with upward luxation of proximal sesamoid bone.under xylagin,ketamin and diazepam anesthesia fibre cast was applied while doing procedure,it was noticed there was contraction of superficial digital flexor tendon,so partial tendonactomy done,after that it was able to restore proximal phalanx bone in fetlock joint. Surgical wound sealed with betadin and fibre cast applied.







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