■■■ Papilloma Disease or warts:::
Cattle warts are caused by an infectious and contagious virus (bovine papilloma virus; BPV) that spreads via contact from infected cattle to non-infected cattle.
Warts are caused by species specific viruses, which means that people cannot get warts from cattle or vice versa.
Papillomavirus is widely distributed in cattle. Cattle are the main source and natural reservoir of infection by the virus; but, halters, ropes, and instruments can serve as a potential source of infection. Not all animals carrying the virus will have warts. It can be transmitted from the inapparent carrier to the susceptible calf.
■■■ Treatment:::
● Multiple injections of vaccines have been credited for being an effective cure. Vaccines are considered to protect cattle, but they have not been found to be of value in treatment. Warts can be removed surgically with a scissors or a side cutter. Bleeding can be controlled, if a problem, with silver nitrate applicator sticks. A wound spray should be applied to prevent problems with flies. Healing is rapid and the animals should be show-eligible in a few days. Usually the warts do not recur.
● Proper disinfection of tack, tagging pliers, and tattooing instruments will prevent the spread of the wart virus.
■■■ Prevention:::
● Isolation of infected animals
● Proper disinfection of of instruments used on infected animals