Wing Chun is particularly unusually in that it was actually invented by a woman, a Shaolin nun named Ng Mui. Ng Mui was one of the few people to escape the sacking of Shaolin by the Ching troops,when it burned the monastery to the ground. Ng Mui was an instructor of Mui Fa Chuan, or Plum Flower Fist. In the village where she settled down, Ng Mui met a young girl named Yim
Wing Chun, to whom she taught her system. But Yim Wing Chun thought that the Plum Flower Fist was too complex and placed too much reliance on power techniques and strong horse stances, befitting a man rather than woman. Yim Wing Chun wanted something that was not complicated yet efficient, as a means for defending that herself. Not finding it among existing styles, she created her own. She dedicated her style to the Buddhist nun who had taugh her, but named it after herself. Wing Chun means beautiful springtime. That was a little more than 400 years ago. The art first came to light in the west when its modern instigator, Grandmaster Yip Man, known as the pioneer of Wing Chun, ledt the town of Fatshan on the Chinese mainland during the communist takeover to live in Hong Kong . Yop Man had one great desire, Which was to make Wing Chun known all over the world. He achieved this aim in 1972, shortly before dying of throat cancer, aged 78. His aims were fulfilled largely due, to the efforts of his most famous student, Bruce Lee.
The early seventies saw a lot of martial arts activities everywhere,, including North- East India. Youngsters started enroes into