Leena Ukil - The FamiLee Dog

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  • Leena Ukil - The FamiLee Dog

Leena Ukil - The FamiLee Dog The FamiLee Dog is your one stop place for everything dog. We puppy consult, train dogs all ages, help you decode aggression and other behaviour issues.

Our goal at The FamiLee Dog is to best understand the dynamics between you and your dog and then strive to make it the most loving, balanced and happiest relationship. Using certifiable methods that are rooted in a positive language that your dog of any age can easily comprehend, we teach your dog how to differentiate good behavior from bad, how to react in different environmental situations and h

ow to best fit into your family by opening a two-way communication system with you and your family members. We firmly believe that "no size fits all" and hence both our training programs and our behavior modification programs are individualized as per your dogs characteristic traits and customized to your dogs personality. We also keep in mind your requirements as an owner as well as your limitations, if any. Our highlights involve 'Understanding Dog Aggression' by understanding whats going on inside your dogs brain and help you solve or manage it plus 'How to raise the Perfect Puppy' once you get it home.

Announcing off-leash time with your dogs in Aarey forest. •There are currently 4 different trails on offer for you to ch...

Announcing off-leash time with your dogs in Aarey forest.

There are currently 4 different trails on offer for you to choose from. Depending on your dogs age, health and breed, we can decide which trail is appropriate.

For further details, please WA at 9930994080.

All trails are in Aarey and are done with prior appointments during the first half of the day.


Public interest announcement

For all who are interested in taking their dogs to treks especially in Aarey forest, please take an appointment with The FamiLee Dog and explore the space. Solo adventures with no prior experience or R&D is not a bright idea 😎.

TFD has been going to the forest with dogs for the past 4 years and unless you are with people who have explored the space, you and your dog might have an experience that in hindsight you may not appreciate.


| Introducing Dog Treks for outdoor fun sessions |

The FamiLee Dog has always done a few outdoor sessions for dogs that are with us for obedience training and that includes a trip to the jungle. Given the benefits of outdoor and off-leash time for our dogs we have now opened it up as a event by itself.

Here is a glimpse of one of the trails classified to be level 3 for high energy dogs with good fitness range. We have other levels too for all types of dogs & humans.
Details to follow.

Meanwhile enjoy this absolutely fun post of and Leo the Labrador from today mornings outing.


‘Over-excited’ dogs get frustrated easily.
‘Frustrated’ dogs can’t learn with delay in gratification.

I find that an easier way to get them to focus is to instantly redirect them with something they want while giving them what originally excites them and in the process (managed & controlled process) teach them an alternate behaviour. It buys you time to calm their brains.

Obie is an extreme jumper. He topples people because he wants to meet them. We use a high value treat to redirect him quickly but at the same do not distance him from the trigger. Instead we do give in to him so that he doesn’t get frustrated. And within that halfway home to calmness we ask for a new behaviour which is to go to his bed. Over time this will teach him patience.

Unlike many dogs who learn with delayed gratification (that is they wait and give you an alternate behaviour to get to what they want), an over-excited dog needs instant gratifications. This also ensures that the method works for all triggers.

thank you for having us over.

I hope this makes sense.
DM us for more.

“Tips to train your new apartment puppy”. Hope this helps to get a head start. Thanks to  for printing this in their May...

“Tips to train your new apartment puppy”. Hope this helps to get a head start. Thanks to for printing this in their May edition.

Aggression isn’t an inexpensive thing for a dog to use, however once learnt is a convenient thing. And that is why it’s ...

Aggression isn’t an inexpensive thing for a dog to use, however once learnt is a convenient thing. And that is why it’s best to educate ourselves to know ways to not let it creep into our dogs behaviour.

Here is an article to get a better perspective into understanding what to expect and how to think about dog aggression.

Thanks .parekh for the write up in today’s Sunday midday titled “Not every dog wants to be your BFF”.

Link in bio.


||Hierarchy in multi dog households||

As most of you know, I am currently fostering one of my building stray. When Meena first came in she was pretty injured from a car accident and needed rest. She was hence kept in the inside rooms where normally my dogs Ruby and Alaska don’t go without permission. It is however a room of high value as it’s the bedroom. (At this point there is no power struggle).

Once Meena became better and could move around, then my dogs became a bit restless because now we had a newbie who was flexing her muscles a bit. (The power grab is just begun).

Being the ultimate boss I had to now quickly tell Meena that Ruby was the top dog in the house among them and that she could not challenge him. Thus Ruby was invited into the bedroom and I used food (since I know Meena isn’t food aggressive but Ruby’s world is centered around food) to give some power to Ruby while clearly communicating to Meena what she wasn’t allowed to do.

This is just one example. And this is done professionally with prior knowledge about the dogs. Why I wanted to post this was to stress on the fact that dogs don’t believe in fairness. They function rather well with established hierarchy. The ranking can sometimes be very subtle or more pronounced like how it is within my home but in order to prevent any undue confusion, it should be introduced and maintained.

I would have never imagined rediscovering myself all over again into a new career. One that I would love and be so passi...

I would have never imagined rediscovering myself all over again into a new career. One that I would love and be so passionate about. This is what happens when you turn your passion into your job..you never feel out of place or overworked or not look forward to waking up everyday and going to work.

Glad to help out all the pet parents and dog lovers out there who want to understand dogs from the POV of dogs.
Thank you for featuring me this women’s day.

Wishing all the strong women out there a very happy women’s day. Everyday you do great things and perhaps don’t get the appreciation. So here goes to you 🥂🥂👏🏽👏🏽


| A quick video to show you dog body languages. |

The difference between Alaska & Ruby is their level of confidence. Alaska is a nervous dog that in the presence of myself or Ruby can pretend to be confident (status by association). Ruby on the other hand can’t be bothered.
The strays are a mix of confidence level in this video.

Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to ask any Qs.


| Purely entertaining with a touch of aggression |

Ever wonder how dogs drink water? Here is a slow motion video of ruby drinking water. Note the backward folding of the tongue that creates a trough to pick and carry water into the mouth. Seems efficient.

Also did you spot the hint of aggression? The subtlest most body language to ward off another dog from interfering with Ruby’s drinking!!!


| Happy Dogs Need A Job |

Thinking out of the box doesn’t have to elaborate.
You have a dog that loves retrieving?
You have a dog that loves sniffing?
Combine both and teach your dog to bring something to you that you need. Here teaching Molly to bring us back a set of keys. She feels she has a job and we feel happy because she is mentally enriched.

This task will qualify as a breed specific mental game!!


| Importance of corrections |

Balanced training or only positive training should not mean the absence of correctors. First time bad behaviours also need guidance.

Yes, you can place a reward correctly for a good behaviour and/or to teach an alternate behaviour by rewarding positively but placing a corrector for the bad behaviour is equally powerful.
It’s like teaching a set of rules.

Case in point is teaching babyA that pulling dog ears is a no-no. Also note the situation was a set up. Sometimes expected behaviours needs to be corrected in a set up environment to stop a problem even before it becomes a problem.

P.S. kid training is almost similar to dog training😁

| What is status by association? |•Ever met an nervous dog who when alone doesn’t budge from its spot or vocalise BUT br...

| What is status by association? |

Ever met an nervous dog who when alone doesn’t budge from its spot or vocalise BUT bring in the owners will now dare to bark & lunge?
Well that is called status by association?
This type of aggression which is based on false confidence is most of the time fed in by the owners who think they are controlling the situation but who intact are miscommunications to the dog that whatever it’s afraid of can be dealt with team offence tactics. Note the position that the dog acquires to show off the team.

Instead if you teach the dog to choose the option of moving away (to a crate or bed) from what makes it afraid and also communicate to the dog that otherwise they are on their own, the matter very quickly goes from offence to diffuse!!


|| 3 common mistakes while training a recall ||

The video is self explanatory but elaborating on point no. 3.
If your dog knows you are always tethered to your dogs imaginary leash come no matter what, he/she will stop paying you attention. After all the saying, “ghar ki murgi, daal barabar” holds true for the dog-human relationship. (After a while even the home chicken starts tasting like ordinary lentil soup😆).

Don’t hover around your dog when he/she doesn’t immediately come to you and do a clean finish. Instead bluff that you are going to leave and let a certain level of panic set in. You will soon begin to see greater focus and attention from your dog.


||Finish to a recall - positional cue||

Last week we spoke about how to get a cleaner finish to a recall. I find dogs do really well when aided with additional visual cues. It also helps owner understand what exactly are they trying to achieve.

This is Luna’s first off-leash experience. And the goal of the free roaming recall is to finish within the owners knees. Note in the first recall how the finish is clumsy and there is no stay to the recall. Luna flits around the male owner and then moves off.
In the second recall the female owners squat position with open knee, palms on knee without a grab ensures a better finish and even a sit/stay till the third recall.
In the third recall, the squat clearly helps on giving a positional cue. I am not too happy about the slight grab but everyone is learning at this point.

Later on a squat can be replaced with a standing positional cue while reserving the squat for emergency recall with focus.

Hope this helps. Feedback are welcome.


|How can you teach a pet dog the stray dog language?|

There is no other way to do it but to expose your pet dog under the strict guidance of a behaviourist who not only knows your dog but also knows the strays.

Note here how the GSD choose to stalk the white stray who is taken by surprise but ignore the GSD. Note the GSD isn’t aggressive. The brown dog however gives it back to the GSD and let’s her know that her stalking is unacceptable behaviour.
Note how the GSD then shows submissive behaviour(tail is tucked, gaze is turned) and how quickly all deescalates. If the owner intervened anytime before this point some sort of aggression would have escalated. Instead we do a simple recall after the fact. The GSD learns sone important vocabulary in the stray dog world. The owner learns to keep calm.

Also note how the GSD isn’t able to place her owner in the aftermath which is why I ask her to add extra audio by clapping.

Use every opportunity to your advantage and strengthen recalls. It’s a life saving tool.


Fine tuning recalls

This video is to point out how even when your dog comes back to you when called it dodges you when you go to grab it.
The ‘finish’ of a recall where you are able to leash the dog is as important as the recall. What is the use of your dog coming to you if you then can’t leash it go take away?

Normally owners are anxious when practising off-leash recall and/or inpatient and grab their dog with outstretched hands which makes the dog want to run away quickly before being grabbed. Don’t forget to reward first with pets and praise.
Here we are working on the owner to not immediately want to grab the dog but instead pet the dog. I will post another video soon to show how a positional cue can then add to fixing the dodge snd give you a cleaner finish.

|| Podcast Alert - link below||•Here is a first, a podcast of my journey to becoming a dog trainer and what a wonderful ...

|| Podcast Alert - link below||

Here is a first, a podcast of my journey to becoming a dog trainer and what a wonderful opportunity to have recorded it live in Chennai. A place that will always remain my first home and with friends who are both amazed and amused by my career change.

Bharad & Ram have been doing their “Semma” podcast with such interesting personalities, all of whom have been on their own unique personal journey to becoming something to be proud of.
Have a listen (link in bio) and let me know if I am able to inspire you to follow your own dreams too.

Check out S1E10 at https://anchor.fm/semmapodcast


Open doors? No worries. We got you covered with a wait & release command.


|| The TAIL says a lot ||

Ruby in all his lifetime as a pet has never met a non-desi dog off-leash. He specifically doesn’t like labradors and GSDs because he has had incidences of over friendly dogs not getting his memo of ‘stay out of my personal space’.
Here he is meeting sweet bolt who is a bit wary of desi strays and the highlight of the video is how the tail is doing most of the talk. This is a carefully set up dog to dog interaction in a strategically chosen space. Please don’t randomly try such interactions.

Not all wagging tails are friendly plus ruby normally never walks with his tail raised high. If you visualise both tails as the white flags that enemies at war show at confrontations, you will appreciate the signal that each dog is sending.
Ruby is sending short but constant warnings and as soon as Bolt gets it and signal back that he got the brief, Ruby carries on away.

Simple but elegant, isn’t it?

Posted  •  Do you have a child and are planning to get a dog home? Or do you have a loving dog and find yourself bringin...

Posted • Do you have a child and are planning to get a dog home? Or do you have a loving dog and find yourself bringing a baby home? Or has lockdown suddenly increased the time kids are spending with dogs and you do not know how to guide or supervise them?

Come attend the workshop with Leena where you can learn about the right way to introduce new babies to dogs, bring a new pups to your kids, actively teach kids the right way to interact with dogs and teach both to respect each other’s personal space. This workshop will be about how to manage a household with both your loved ones - a child and a dog.

Donate to learn! All proceeds from this workshop will go towards Mission Oxygen.

How to sign up:
1. Go to the link in our bio and click on “Woofs To The Rescue”
2. Donate Rs. 500 to attend this session
3. Email us a screenshot at [email protected] and we’ll send you the joining details

Don’t forget to share this with other dog parents!


Dogs with a recall have the most freedom.


|| Why does my dog beg? ||

How many of you have dogs that stare you down or bark or nudge and whine to get a piece of your food?

Ever wonder why?

Here is a small video that will help you understand how seemingly unwanted behaviours (begging through prancing around) get reinforced through positive rewards (food on cue).

Do you want to correct this behaviour? If so get in touch with us.


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Friday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00





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