Online Veterinary Consultation & Learning By Dr. Tousif Khan

Online Veterinary Consultation & Learning By Dr. Tousif Khan Dr. Tousif Khan, (Animal Lover, BVSc&AH and MVSc(Gold Medalist), WBUAFS is the narrator of his vet s

As your pet’s guardian, his health and quality of life are in your hands. Your vet lends expertise and guidance as necessary, but at the end of the day, your dog’s or cat’s health is your responsibility. I encourage every pet owner to find a proactive practitioner they can partner with to help create a healthy lifestyle for their dog, cat or other companion animal, and not fall prey to quacks on t

he internet. Some pet owners tend to define preventive health care as an annual exam by a veterinarian. While regular wellness checkups are an important element of preventive health care, they are far from the only thing necessary to ensure a pet’s well-being.


Repost and please read the whole article-
1. Kindly book appointments like you do for humans and please know when to opt for online consultation and when not to as this knowledge is very much essential.
2. Seeking consultation for cases after 10pm rarely has any significance(except emergency cases) as most pet shops and even human medicine shop too will get closed. In some cases this delay of 12hours to start treatment morning may lead to an unfavourable result and in worst cases that may even mean death. Kindly take appointments between 7.30pm-9.30pm and wait in the queue.
3. If your pet is suffering take immediate appointments don't wait for 3days or 5days or 7days as later the start of treatment worse is the prognosis.
4. Kindly provide the information asked. Online consultation depends heavily on the information and the observation provided by you. Proper history is the most important thing for treatment purpose.
5. This is viral season so time is almost equivalent to life. Treatment will not do miracle if not started on time.
6. Have patience. There are other people in the queue besides you. Giving me 10missed calls will not make me give less time to the case that I am seeing at that time. You will not like it if I cut short your appointment time and not listen to you. Please be considerate for other pet parents as well.

REPOST-Signs of TICK BORNE DISEASES IN DOGS-Thousands of dogs are infected annually with dangerous tick transmitted dise...


Thousands of dogs are infected annually with dangerous tick transmitted diseases and many of them succumb to it.
Major tick-borne diseases transmitted to dogs that we most commonly come across are
1.Canine Ehrlichiosis- Clinical signs include fever, loss of appetite, depression, weight loss, runny eyes and nose, nose bleeds and swollen limbs.

2.Canine Anaplasmosis- Clinical signs include fever, loss of appetite, stiff joints and lethargy, but also can include vomiting, diarrhea. In extreme cases, dogs may suffer seizures.

3.Canine Babesiosis- Clinical signs include pale gums,anemia, weakness and vomiting etc.

4.Canine Bartonellosis- Clinical signs include intermittent lameness and fever. Left untreated, this disease can result in heart or liver disease.

5.Canine Hepatozoonosis- Clinical signs include fever, runny eyes and nose, muscle pain and diarrhea with the presence of blood.

*Clinical signs vary from what organism is causing the tick fever and the affected animals should be treated promptly. Pet parents are adviced to get the blood tests done as soon as possible on the advice of your vet if he suspects tick fever.



Dr Tousif Khan


Alert post for cat owners-

Recently we are coming across incidences of viral diseases in many parts of West Bengal including Kolkata. We all know how dreaded viral diseases are for cats particularly panleukopenia which has a very high mortality rate in cats. We see 7-8cats die percentage wise out of every 10 cats getting affected.

Few common awareness points for Cat parents-
1.There is no particular prescription for panleukopenia or any other viral diseases. We are not able to kill the virus through the treatment protocols presently that we are using all over India. What we are trying to do is to treat the cat symptomatically and to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

2.We have seen many pet parents tend to deny that there is a chance that their pet may be affected with any viral disease because it stays fully indoors but they have to understand staying indoors only reduces the chance of getting affected as chances of it coming across secretions of the affected cat is less but the probability of getting affected is not zero. Suppose you are walking on a road and your shoe has touched the secretions of a diseased cat. You enter your home and your cat may come across the secretion in that way. It's just an example amongst many so do understand it's almost impossible to prevent such diseases which have many means of transmissions.
Even a cat sneezing outside your open window may allow the infection causing particles to enter your home and affect your cat.
3. Vaccination is the only way to prevent or reduce the infectivity rate and this year we are even coming across panleukopenia in a small percentage of vaccinated cats due to many reasons which I had explained earlier in a post on why vaccination failure occurs.

4. So if you see your cats vomiting more than 3-4times in a day and you find cats dying in your locality kindly start treatment through parenteral route(saline) as early as possible. Do keep in mind even if it's not of viral origin rather bacterial origin there will be a faster rate of improvement in case blood tests aren't a possibility due to financial constraints. It's better to be safe than sorry.

5. In most viral diseases we see vomition, loose watery stools sometimes bloody stool, inappetence, lethargy, fever etc to be most the common signs and pet parents need to look out for the clinical signs as earlier the start of treatment better the prognosis.
6. As explained earlier Vaccination is the only weapon we have in our hands although at the same time from our past experiences pet parents should also keep in mind vaccine failures are a reality so if your vaccinated cat shows similar signs chances are still there for it getting affected with viral disease.

7.If yours is a multicat household first thing to do is to isolate the affected cat from the other healthy cats. If it's not done promptly in many cases we will see the rest of the cats getting ill one by one.

8. We are coming across a aggressive viral disease in some cases where we are not even getting 24 hours of time.


Dr Tousif Khan

Few of the Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs-If altering your pet's diet, there are a number of benefits to fruits and...

Few of the Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs-

If altering your pet's diet, there are a number of benefits to fruits and vegetables for dogs. Dogs are omnivores rather than carnivores(POST DOMESTICATION BY HUMANS), meaning they can enjoy a mixed combination of fruits, vegetables and meat and all of the benefits that they have to offer.

1. Bananas
Bananas are a fun addition to your dog's meals, as well as for a special treat, especially because of the variety of ways in which it can be prepared.Bananas are high in soluble carbohydrates, so they're an excellent source of energy. The antioxidants they contain are helpful to a dog's fur and skin. Bananas are also rich in Vitamin C, are low in sodium, and rich with potassium. All these things are a great addition to your pet's diet.
2. Carrots
Carrots have the benefit of being not only one of the tastier vegetables to dogs, but also one of the healthiest. Carrots are high in every vitamin from A, B, C, D, E and K. Not to mention that they're packed with potassium, calcium and iron, while being low in calories at the same time. Carrots can be given raw, or baked or cooked.
3. Green Beans
Green beans are another tastier vegetable on the list that can replace those high-calorie treats from the store. In addition to being used in raw or home-cooked diets, it's becoming more common to replace 1/3 to 1/2 of kibble with green beans to promote weight loss in obese dogs. Unless you have a very large dog, they won't go through an entire can a day, so simply store the excess in the fridge for tomorrow's meals.
4. Strawberries
Strawberries are known for containing an enzyme that helps to whiten teeth, which can be helpful for you pet on top of the vitamins they pack. However, while your dog will happily scarf down an entire bowl of these, keep in mind they're high in sugar and should be given in moderation. Think of them as a dessert-treat.


As with any diet for your pet, balance and moderation is the key; don't replace more than 20% of their meal with fruits and vegetables. Also keep in mind that while a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are healthy for your pet, always check with your veterinarian before making any big dietary changes. Some fruits/vegetables can be harmful or even fatal, such as onions, garlic, avocados, grapes, raisins or any citrus fruits (as the acid will upset their stomach). Always start your dog out on small amounts of fruits and vegetables if they're unaccustomed to eating them so their digestive system has a chance to adapt.

Besides the above mentioned fruits and vegetables there are many other which too can be fed in moderation.

Dr Tousif Khan


Alert Post for people in Nadia particularly Chakdaha and Ranaghat side-
Only book online appointments with me if the case can be treated through oral meds. If the cat is vomiting or needs any saline support kindly look for a local vet. There is a huge gap in infrastructure when it comes to treating them through saline route in that region specially when it's a cat.
First of all there are very few paravets in that area and the ones who are present aren't that good with cat iv.
My experience with paravets in that region has been extremely poor as some of them are tampering with the prescription as per their wish. Drugs are being changed without information, Doses are being changed and worst still in physically weak debilated cats are Xylaxine being given to cats for sedation with a body temperature of 96F without even asking me.
Some will take temperature once or twice but not everytime before saline whereas someone will just touch the ear and say there is no fever as taking temperature is insignificant in saline administration as per them.

Life and death is in God's hand and what we have is to try our best with the limited infrastructure.
My experience has been good in rest of the places in West Bengal. Even my experience has been excellent in Tripura, Mumbai and Bangalore side.


Some common mistakes by Cat parents-
1. Cats are carnivorous and not omnivores so meat is their primary diet. Many people do just the opposite i.e. make meat secondary and rice primary. Nature has not intended Rice to be their main part of their diet. Sometimes the vet may recommend feeding a bit of rice on a case to case basis but that rarely exceeds 15-20 percent of the total diet. In most cases rice is added to decrease the cost of feeding and not because your cat absolutely needs it.
2. If your cat is asked to be fed say 2ml of a drug it means that 2ml is to be ingested by your cat. It does not mean you take 2ml and whatever percentage of it enters the system of your cat will heal your cat. Your cat will never heal post medication if you don't understand this logic. An efficient person can feed 2ml med by taking just 2ml of the med in syringe but an inefficient person will not be able to feed 2ml of the med even if he takes 10ml of the med in a syringe.
3. Too much pampering may harm your cat. Love not based on logic and science may bring disaster at times. Just like for healthy life in humans a disciplined life is necessary, the same logic is applicable for your pet as well. Don't feed your cat whenever it demands to be fed. Avoid overfeeding. Please understand that a 4kg cat in an average requires 190-280calories per day but in some houses we see that the cat parent feeds over 500-600 calories leading to obesity and other health related issues.
Research has shown that cats who are fed on particular timings eat better and efficiently compared to cats who are fed as per the whims of the cat.
4. The gap between dinner and breakfast should not exceed 8 ± 1hour. In many cats where we have seen the gap to be near 12hours vomition is a common complaint in those cases.
5. Cats can eat raw meat. Understand that nature has intended cats to eat raw meat through hunting. Their digestive system is strong enough to digest raw meat. Humans have started to domesticate cats just a some thousand years (10000-12000yrs) back so what did they survive on before that.
But it doesn't mean you will provide dirty mud laden raw meat to them. If you feel like you may give clean raw meat in small amount.
Although it's still a debatable topic at present having both pros and cons, many articles have pointed out various benefits of feeding raw meat.
But do remember raw fish is to be avoided as it may lead to thiamine deficiency if fed long term.
When fed raw meat several considerations are to be followed which your vet will discuss in details.
In my personal opinion as a clinician boiled fish/chicken is still the preferred diet option due to variety of reasons.
6. Cow milk is not a food for your cat. Just because you have seen your very aged elders to feed cow milk to cat it doesn't mean your cat's food of choice has become milk. It may lead to gastrointestinal issues besides other issues which have been written in detail in another post about the effect of cow milk in cats.
7. Don't allow your cat to eat human scraps and by No we mean No and not Sometimes. There are even examples where a cat is fed pizza or oil rich biryani whenever they will order one in. Although many cats will deny eating it, few cats do eat it leading to health issues.

Dr Tousif Khan

Its quite common to see small kittens suffering from worm infestation. Owners have reported very small kittens defecatin...

Its quite common to see small kittens suffering from worm infestation. Owners have reported very small kittens defecating or vomiting worms even earlier than 3weeks of age. Most vets recommend deworming your kittens as early as from from 2-3 weeks repeating every 2 weeks till 8 week of their age.
But it has been observed many pet owners are reluctant to deworm their pets at such an early age. Most owners fear the side effects that might be caused by the deworming medicine whereas many cat owners have reported death of their kittens few days after deworming.
In reality deworming a kitten is indeed a challenge for most vets as the prognosis of high worm load in kittens is always guarded. There's a general aversion amongst pet parents because of the facts stated above plus there's lack of treatment options which will have nil to very low side effect/effects.
*But unfortunately theres a lack of knowledge as well amongst most pet parent and this post is basically to shed light on them in brief.
*We have considerable mortality rate in kittens who have not been treated on time for worms. Even if they are small you have to take a calculated risk after discussing with your vet and go ahead with the deworming otherwise high worm load will ultimately lead to death of your beloved kitten.
*Allopathic chemical compounds works the best with the best worm clearance and are highly efficacious if given in proper dose. Many pet parents think that the kitten will die and although no vet will deny that at times we have seen marked untoward effects in many kittens but it still remain the only worthwhile effective solution at hand for the much needed worm clearance.
*Although many vets have went ahead with homeopathy meds such as cina or enzyme based dewormers due to their safety margins but their efficacy and benefit in high worm load condition remains under question as their reported efficacies varied from kitten to kitten and from one worm load to another. In serious cases there failure to elicit the adequate response will mean death of the kitten.
*Many pet owners have seen vets to recommend some sort of supplements such as liver supplements few days prior when they recommend deworming as their uses has helped to thwart off many unwelcome reactions to the dewoming medicine. But in this type of emergency situation meds are needed to be given asap and one or two supplements may be given along with it as per the situation.
*Antibiotics and supportive meds which has no negative interaction with the dewormer are often recommended if the vet suspects secondary bacterial infection along with worm infestation.
**Please do understand high wormload has considerable high death rates in kitten and treating them is the only way to save their lives.

Dr Tousif Khan

Thanks for all the support and love I have been given. I am grateful for the faith people have shown towards me..I have ...

Thanks for all the support and love I have been given. I am grateful for the faith people have shown towards me..
I have a small request to pet parents as I am finding it tough to tackle the increased consultation demand.

Request to pet parents-
1. Please book an appointment for treatment and queries. It's absolutely essential as i can cater to only a limited number of cases per day. I take considerable time for every case so won't be able to see more than a particular number. Book an appointment by pinging in whatsapp no 8981631314. It's my request to follow the same system as one does for human doctors.
2. Try not to ping before 10am and after 10pm unless it's an emergency. Prefer time of 7.30pm-9.30pm. Am not available during those times as it's affecting my health as well as family time. Moreover most pet shops are closed after 10pm so there is very less chance one will be able to start the treatment due to lack of medicines.
3. In online consultation mode treatment is based on case history and information provided by the pet parent. For me to come to any type of diagnostic conclusion i will need a video of your pet, a picture of the gum, body weight and other added information. For eg if your pet is vomiting i will need the picture of the vomit or if there is loose stool will need the picture of the stool. Information is the most important thing for treatment through online mode and there is no alternative to information be it online consultation or physical examination.

Dr Tousif khan,
Appointment no-whatsapp in 8981631314 for appointment

Constipation is a very common issue in cats particularly in middle aged to older cats. In some cases the disease becomes...

Constipation is a very common issue in cats particularly in middle aged to older cats.
In some cases the disease becomes refractory enough to treatment that subtotal colectomy has to be carried out.
Constipation can be acute or chronic.
Acute constipation due to one-time pelvic trauma or soft tissue pain can be handled best by resolving the underlying problem.
On the other hand Chronic constipation often is not a dysfunction of the colon but a result of other factors such as
-Narrowed pelvic canal from healed trauma
-Neurologic disorder
-Genetic causes such as cats with sacral spinal cord deformities.
-Medications such as anticholinergic,sucralfate or opiates etc
-stressors such as change in household or litter box issues etc
-Colon issues such as megacolon,extraluminal masses(compressive lesions),intussuseption or perineal hernia, polyp or colonic masses.

Many treatments have been tried out to help out cats suffering from constipation but the cornerstone of treatment is still long term dietary management.
-Manual disimpaction and enemas are carried out.
Do remember fleet enemas should be avoided as they predispose to life-threatening electrolyte imbalances (hypernatremia, hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia etc).
-In clinical practice we have found best result with increased fiber and low residue diets. Psyllium, pumpkin or wheat bran may work for many cat parents.
-In some cases laxative are to be used on a regular basis. Doses of which are to be regularly monitored as per response.
- In some chronically impacted cats Prokinetic medication use have been found to be helpful and have helped many cats to avoid megacolon surgery.

Dr Tousif Khan,
Appointment no- Whatsapp in 8981631314 number for appointment

Sarcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies, is a highly contagious infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei canis, a burrowin...

Sarcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies, is a highly contagious infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei canis, a burrowing mite.
The canine sarcoptic mite can also infest cats, pigs, horses, sheep, and various other species.
These mites will burrow through the skin causing intense itching and irritation. The scratching that results from mange is what causes the majority of the animal's hair to fall out. This is a treatable medical condition, but is highly contagious for other animals and humans. Pet owners are advised to keep the dog quarantined while it is being treated for mange.

Clinical Signs-
-Clinical signs do not occur for 3-6 weeks after infection with the mite. The primary signs of sarcoptic mange are similar for all species as follows :

1.Intense pruritus (itchiness) with self-trauma - scratching, biting
5.Grazes on the surface of the skin
6.Secondary bacterial infection
7.Thickening of the skin (in chronic cases)
8.Location of skin lesions is widespread - including
a.Cattle - the neck and sacral region
b.Dogs - the abdomen, chest, ears and legs - especially the elbows and hocks.
c.Horses and ponies - the head and neck
d.Pigs - the back
e.Rabbits - the face and ears
f.Sheep and goats - the face and ears
g.Weight loss
h.Enlarged lymph nodes
i.General debilitation

-The most common cause of mange in dogs is exposure to another infected animal, as the mites quickly move from animal to animal. Kennels, animal shelters, dog parks, groomers and veterinary clinics have a high exposure rate of mange due to the close proximity with animals that are infected. The exposure generally occurs about two to six weeks before the first symptoms of mange are displayed.


-After ruling out food allergies, chiggers, and bacterial infections of the skin (folliculitis), your veterinarian will conduct a physicial inspection of your dog to identify the type of microorganism that may have embedded into its skin; in this case, mites.
Veterinarians usually attempt diagnosis with skin scrapings from multiple areas, which are then examined under a microscope for mites. Sarcoptes mites, because they may be present in relatively low numbers, and because they are often removed by dogs chewing at themselves, may be difficult to demonstrate. As a result, diagnosis in sarcoptic mange is often based on symptoms rather than actual confirmation of the presence of mites. A common and simple way of determining if a dog has mange is if it displays what is called a "pedal-pinna reflex", which is when the dog moves one of its hind legs in a scratching motion as the ear is being manipulated and scratched gently by the examiner; because the mites proliferate on the ear margins in nearly all cases at some point, this method works over 95% of the time. It is helpful in cases where all symptoms of mange are present but no mites are observed with a microscope.

Dr Tousif Khan,
Appointment no- Whatsapp in 8981631314 for appointment

Diet and nutrition advice for your senior dog--Senior diets may be introduced from five years of age in larger breed dog...

Diet and nutrition advice for your senior dog-

-Senior diets may be introduced from five years of age in larger breed dogs and seven years in smaller breed dogs although few veterinarians and dog nutritionists vary about the starting age of senior diet in pets(some prefer to start the senior diet a bit late in pet's life). Although most vet will recommend senior diet after the age of 8-9years of your dog.
-Senior dogs are less active and have a slower metabolism so fewer calories and fat are required.

-Specially formulated senior dog food is available and it is advisable to move older dogs onto this food. Manufactured senior dog foods are carefully formulated to reflect the changes that occur as a dog gets older.

-The frequency of meals for the older dog can still be 2 meals daily but sometimes they may prefer smaller portions more frequently. It is important not to over feed older dogs as they may put on weight which will lead to increased stress on their joints and worsen any existing arthritis.

-Senior diet generally has
*Lower levels of fat and higher levels of protein
*Enhanced botanical/plant based oils
*Omega fatty acids

-Pet parent should regularly stay in touch with their vet and take appointment every 3months to discuss present health issues of your pet. In most cases in senior dogs the only thing we can do is manage the condition to the best of our limit.

Dr Tousif Khan,
Appointment no-whatsapp in 8981631314 for appointment


Some tips for pet parents and their pets-
1. Don't give oily fried food to your pets. Many people give the same food that we eat to their pets which should be avoided. Spicy, fried food (super oily and rich) are to be avoided in your pets.
2. Don't give cow milk to your cat. Paracetamol is contraindicated in cats.
3. For second opinion consult a vet rather than a paravet or another pet parent.
4. Do some self research when you get a pet for yourself. Basic knowledge is very much essential. Some blunders may be easily avoided if one reads just a little bit over the internet.
5. Consult a vet for a diet chart as diet charts vary from breed to breed and health condition to health condition.
6. Avoid overfeeding pets. Too much of food intake will cause issues for your pet.
7. Obesity is equally unhealthy in pets as it is in humans. There is no alternative to Diet modulation and exercise be it human or pets.
8. Parenteral therapy has no alternative when your pet is suffering from suspected viral disease and is vomiting multiple or is severely dehydrated. Don't ask vets to shift to oral meds because it won't benefit rathe your pet as if your pet is frequently vomiting the moment you will anything orally it will vomit again leading to increase in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
9. Vets are going to charge you fee as remuneration. Paravets will charge you money for giving saline in layman terms. Meds are doing to cost you money. So kindly save before hand some money which will be used for emergency pet situations such as diseases.
10. You may seek out many vets but follow the prescription of only one. Don't jumble or mix up the meds of two/three vets if your pet is suffering from any disease. Panicky owners are bound to commit this blunder more specifically when their pets suffer from chronic issues or is showing deterioration. Although their motive is good and pure, sometimes it may backfire with the worst case scenario.
11. Don't self dose and act as a vet for your pet. Many a times we have seen both experienced pet owners as well as inexperienced pet owners self medicating their pets. They will only come for a vet consultation when they have exhausted their medication regime based on their experience. This is another deadly practice which may lead to negative results. Please understand that experience and having pets does not replace knowledge derived from the education system(theory plus practical). This mistake often turns a simple disease into a complicated one...Acute disease into a chronic one and in worst case conditions standard best protocol has been wasted with wrong doses.
Please understand a vet grows with age and experience whose foundation is 5years of rigorous study and practicals for graduation course. Masters and PhD will add another 5years to the knowledge base.
12. Not all cases can be treated with success. A vet with above 65-70% success rate is considered a good vet just like in human medical system.
13. There are some diseases where we try to improve the condition of the pet as in those cases resolution is almost impossible as the disease either has progressed or has no documented sureshot treatment.
14. There is another misconception amongst many pet parents that only a drug or two can treat every disease. Unfortunately there are times where a number of medicines has to be prescribed depending on the disease. Although feeding meds to pet is tough but there's no alternative to it as medicines are the only way we can heal your pet.
15. Discuss the side effects of the meds with your vet and yet at the same time keep in mind there are not a single med without side effects.
16. Before getting a pet be it a cat or a dog do some research about what will be its diet, cost of their upbringing, space needed by them and time to be devoted to their care.
17. Some diseases are manageable where as some diseases are treatable. Don't confuse between the two as focus and result of treatment will be different for both of them.

Dr Tousif Khan
Appointment no-whatsapp IN 8981631314 no for appointment

For most Dog parents tick borne diseases have literally become a nightmare and unfortunately most dog parents don't have...

For most Dog parents tick borne diseases have literally become a nightmare and unfortunately most dog parents don't have awareness about it and why is it so deadly.
Moreover it has been observed that some pet parents think ticks to be harmless organisms whose only negative impact is they sucking away the blood.
There are many tick borne diseases and various tick borne diseases has different treatment protocols.
Today we will talk about large form of Babesia spp and small form of Babesia spp and pet parents should understand that the two conditions are different diseases and have different treatment protocol.

-large form of Babesia are Babesia canis, Babesia vogeli, Babesia, Babesia rossi and large unnamed Babesia
-Imidocarb dipropionate is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States of America (USA) for treatment of B. canis infections in dogs
- sometimes diminazene aceturate is also used but we have got mixed responses with it and nowadays rarely it is used.

***SMALL FORM OF BABESIA SUCH AS BABESIA GIBSONI IS TREATED WITH COMBINATION OF ATOVAQUONE AND AZITHROMYCIN which has proved to be the most effective treatment. But ATOVAQUONE is a very costly drug in India which puts it out of financial ability of many dog parents. We have got good result with doxycycline, clindamycin and metronidazole combination therapy. Each combination therapy has their pros and cons.
Other scholars have reported some other combination to be effective as well to some extent but field experience hasn't produced good result with them.

-Dog parents should educate themselves with adequate depth when it comes to tick borne diseases, how they are spread, there types, treatment modalities in hand.
- They should also remember that most tick borne diseases relapses so they are treatable but not curable so pet parents should always look out for signs of relapse once there pet dog has come PCR negative or negative in blood smear test.
-if any report comes with only Babesia spp without mentioning large form or small form don't start treatment by taking a assumption as treatment for Babesia canis and Babesia gibsoni are different. Confirm with the lab what form of Babesia your pet is suffering from.

Dr Tousif Khan


Kolkata And Berhampore
West Bengal



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