Best Dressed Dogs

Best Dressed Dogs Ciao, mi chiamo Lucie e vesto i cani (nudi) dal 2006. Realizzo vestiti sostenibili e made in Italy.

🇮🇹Come alcuni di voi avranno notato, purtroppo ci sono stati ordini negli ultimi mesi che hanno subito dei ritardi.L'ann...

Come alcuni di voi avranno notato, purtroppo ci sono stati ordini negli ultimi mesi che hanno subito dei ritardi.
L'anno scorso è stato molto tosto per me e mi sono esaurita a tal punto che la mia salute mentale era a grave rischio.
Ho provato di lottare molto per andare avanti, ma purtroppo sono giunta alla straziante conclusione di avere bisogno della pausa per riprendermi.
Per questo motivo chiuderò il mio negozio per un periodo di tempo indefinito.
Tutti gli ordini in sospeso verranno spediti nei prossimi giorni di gennaio.
Perdonatemi l'attesa 😢
Abbiate pazienza con me per favore 🙏🏼

Adoro fare vestiti per cagnolini e prometto che tornerò non appena starò meglio 💔
As a number of you might have noticed, unfortunately some orders have been delayed in the last months.
The past year has been extremely tough for me and I became exhausted to the point my mental health was at serious risk. I have been struggling to keep going, but unfortunately I have come to the heartbreaking conclusion that I need to take a break to recover.
For this reason I am closing my shop for an undefined period of time.
All outstanding orders will be shipped out in the upcoming days of January.
I deeply apologize for the waiting time 😢
Please bear with me 🙏🏼

I love to make clothes for doggies and promise I will be back once I am better 💔
Jak si někteří z vás mohli povšimnout, některé objednávky byly v posledních měsících bohužel zpožděny.
Poslední rok byl pro mě velmi náročný a psychicky vyčerpávající do té míry, že to ohrozilo moje psychické zdraví. Snažila jsem se ze všech sil se s tím poprat ale bohužel jsem dospěla k závěru, že potřebuji pauzu abych se mohla dát dohromady.
Z tohoto důvodu uzavírám svůj obchůdek na dobu neurčitou.
Všechny nevyřízené objednávky budou odeslány během měsíce ledna.
Moc se omlouvám všem co čekají 😢
Prosím mějte se mnou trpělivost 🙏🏼

Miluji tvořit oblečení pro pejsky a slibuji, že se vrátím jakmile mi bude lépe 💔

So... yeah... we dug this up in the backyard 😆👻

So... yeah... we dug this up in the backyard 😆👻

Just a quick snap before going to schol today... Halloween is my fav time of the year, pity this year has been so busy I...

Just a quick snap before going to schol today... Halloween is my fav time of the year, pity this year has been so busy I didn't have time to really enjoy it 😬🎃👻

Big bench... 🤩 Apparently there are quite a few in the area and we have never visited them before... So this might be ou...

Big bench... 🤩 Apparently there are quite a few in the area and we have never visited them before... So this might be our new challenge, find more big benches and conquer them 💪🏻

🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿Moje příští návštěva ČR je naplánovaná na 14/15. říjen, v té době přivezu stávající objednávky klientů a ještě mám...

Moje příští návštěva ČR je naplánovaná na 14/15. říjen, v té době přivezu stávající objednávky klientů a ještě mám místo do konce září přijmout omezené množství nových objednávek ❤️❤️❤️
(další termín je potom až přelom listopad/prosinec - ideální na Vánoce 😉)

V případě zájmu mne kontaktujte přes messenger, mohu zaslat katalog.
V rámci ČR a SR zasílám přes zásilkovnu za 79/89 Kč.

Halloweenské autorské (mnou ručně namalované) potisky na ORGANICKÉ BAVLNĚ; oranžový k dispozici jako tričko či mikina, žlutý pouze tričko.

UPDATE: 🇬🇧 Dear lovely customers, apologies for late replies or longer orders processing over the summer -> we have just...

🇬🇧 Dear lovely customers, apologies for late replies or longer orders processing over the summer -> we have just quite unexpectedly moved to a new place 😅
The new atelier is already functional but most of our fabrics are still in boxes and it takes time to locate everything.

We are operative but minor disruptions can be expected during the month of September.

🇨🇿 Drazí zákazníčci, omlouváme se ze pozdní odpovědi a delší výrobní proces v poslední době -> poněkud neplánovaně se nám přihodilo stěhování...
Nový ateliér je již funkční, ale většina látek je stále v krabicích, takže i chvíli trvá cokoliv najít.

Oblečky už zase šijeme, ale ještě během září budeme mít kapacitu o něco sníženou.
*můžete teď objednávat k doručení Zásilkovnou v polovině října -> o český katalog si napište do zprávy 🙏🏼
**další má cesta do ČR bude potom cca přelom listopad/ prosinec

🇮🇹 Carissimi clienti, ci scusiamo per le risposte tardive e che l'evasione dei ordini impiegava più tempo durante ultimo periodo -> abbiamo improvvisáente cambiato casa...
Il nuovo atelier è già operativo, ma i tessuti sono ancora nelle scatole e difficili da localizzare 😅

I vestitini sono in produzione, ma ancora durante il mese di Settembre c'è da aspettarsi la capacità un po' ridotta.

Con tanto amore, Lucie, Coco, Bibi & Rocky

Sisters must be matching 😁😁😁👯‍♀️🔝💗❤️💓

Sisters must be matching 😁😁😁👯‍♀️🔝💗❤️💓

Amaya's favourite part was definitely the packing paper 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Amaya's favourite part was definitely the packing paper 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Rocky•American Hairless Terrier, male•born March 2023 in Italy•born as Apollo di Casa Ghidelli, but no FCI pedigre...

•American Hairless Terrier, male
•born March 2023 in Italy
•born as Apollo di Casa Ghidelli, but no FCI pedigree as in Italy AHT is not a recognized breed yet (parents: Lizzy von Santner x Gult-berg Athom)
•smaller than avg AHT, around 6 kg
He is the newest addition to our family, a little unexpected, we didn't look for a third dog really... But he needed a home and we initially offered to foster him.
Well, it was a foster fail pretty soon.

Bibi•American Hairless Terrier, female•born May 2020 in the Czech Republic•pedigree name "Albina Rodinna Pouta"•sm...

•American Hairless Terrier, female
•born May 2020 in the Czech Republic
•pedigree name "Albina Rodinna Pouta"
•smaller than avg AHT, around 5,5 kg
She was born exactly a year later on the same day my first dog Zara passed away. She shares quite some characterial traits with Zara... I like to think she was my gift from above, maybe Zara sent her in my way. 😇🪽

Coco (Coccinelle)•Chinese Crested Dog, female•born September 2010 in the Czech Republic•pedigree name "Daisy May Mo...

Coco (Coccinelle)
•Chinese Crested Dog, female
•born September 2010 in the Czech Republic
•pedigree name "Daisy May Moravian Canis"
•smaller frame, only 4,5 kg
She is the second dog dog I got on my own, a little sister to my first crested Zara 🖤
I didn't see her before buying her, only few pictures, it was my mom who went to pick her up for me as I was already living in Italy. Coco moved to Italy in December 2010 when she completed her vaccinations.
She is perfectly hairless, no need for any grooming apart from her face 🎅🏽


Our nail dremel ⚙️🪚

🇨🇿🫶🏻🇸🇰Pro naše České a Slovenské klienty; příští výlet do ČR plánujeme koncem května (27.-30.) Můžete objednávat do zprá...

Pro naše České a Slovenské klienty; příští výlet do ČR plánujeme koncem května (27.-30.)

Můžete objednávat do zprávy cca do poloviny května 🙏🏼🌸

Pro zájemce máme katalog PDF s cenami v CZK 💸

Mimo oblečky je v nabídce naše slavná bruska na drápky à la motorová pila 🪚🤣

Dále mohu dovézt zklidňující pěnu na podrážděnou pokožku (od trávy, alergie atd.)

Happy Birthday to my beautiful boy!! 🩵🩵🩵(He was born minutes before midnight "yesterday" a year ago, but his siblings ca...

Happy Birthday to my beautiful boy!! 🩵🩵🩵
(He was born minutes before midnight "yesterday" a year ago, but his siblings came out after midnight so they all share their birthday today) 🎂


Via Cerioli 44

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