To keep or not to keep , that is the dilemma
Unofficial rumors narrate that Shakespeare was a breeder, and as is often the case he was faced with this doubt, which wore him down to such an extent that it prompted him to devote a novel to this activity.......
after starting with the first draft, however, he realized that this theme would not be easily understood by the public, and so he opted for the more classic: "To be or not to be " That we all know
400 years later I find myself with the same doubt 😂😂😂😂😂😂,
to keep or not to keep 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
meanwhile our Tommyland Louis Vuitton had his first expo in Bellaria with this result:
-2x Ex1
-2x Nom
-2x Best in show
-1x Special prize
Now see you in Verona