The Forsmanship Method

The Forsmanship Method Aiding people improving their connection with horses, using a different method: instinctive behavior It's not just another horsemanship method.

The Forsmanship Method is a unique approach developed by Stefan Forsman in over 40 years of professional horse training.

A thought-provoking read.By Jane SmileyMost horses pass from one human to another - some horsemen and women are patient ...

A thought-provoking read.

By Jane Smiley
Most horses pass from one human to another - some horsemen and women are patient and forgiving, others are rigorous and demanding, others are cruel, others are ignorant.
Horses have to learn how to, at the minimum, walk, trot, canter, gallop, go on trails and maybe jump, to be treated by the vet, all with sense and good manners.
Talented Thoroughbreds must learn how to win races, and if they can't do that, they must learn how to negotiate courses and jump over strange obstacles without touching them, or do complicated dance like movements or control cattle or accommodate severely handicapped children and adults in therapy work.
Many horses learn all of these things in the course of a single lifetime. Besides this, they learn to understand and fit into the successive social systems of other horses they meet along the way.
A horse's life is rather like twenty years in foster care, or in and out of prison, while at the same time changing schools over and over and discovering that not only do the other students already have their own social groups, but that what you learned at the old school hasn't much application at the new one.
We do not require as much of any other species, including humans.
That horses frequently excel, that they exceed the expectations of their owners and trainers in such circumstances, is as much a testament to their intelligence and adaptability as to their relationship skills or their natural generosity or their inborn nature. That they sometimes manifest the same symptoms as abandoned orphans - distress, strange behaviors, anger, fear - is less surprising than that they usually don't.
No one expects a child, or even a dog to develop its intellectual capacities living in a box 23 hours a day and then doing controlled exercises the remaining one.
Mammal minds develop through social interaction and stimulation.
A horse that seems "stupid", "slow", "stubborn", etc. might just have not gotten the chance to learn!
Take care of your horses and treasure them.
Credits goes to the respective Owner


A new book by Gary Witheford who studied with Stefan Forsman a few years back was launched in the UK this week. And what he says about Stefan is really wonderful - the publishers in London today just read us some extracts from the book titled 'If Horses Could Talk'

Gary Witheford first met Stefan in 1997. He is a top horseman today dealing with problem horses in the UK racing industry.

In the book, Gary writes at length about what he learnt from Stefan who he calls "an extraordinary man .. who takes natural horsemanship to a new level "

Watching Stefan and listening to him was "as if a light bulb had been switched on ... this was Monty Roberts with the gloves off."

Gary writes a whole lot more about Stefan in this new book and we look forward to reading it from cover to cover.

As many good horse owners in Scandinavia will testify, Stefan's invaluable contribution has changed the nature of their horses and themselves - forever.

It is great news that Stefan's good name continues to be honoured and his work valued.

We are in the process of arranging an interview with Gary Witheford and look forward to finding out more.

As some may know, Gary has also famously worked with zebras to prove that all flight animals react in a similar way to human handling.

Meanwhile, here is Gary speaking with the BBC a few days ago.

As time has gone by, we’ve noticed how crowded the horse equipment market is with all kinds of cheap, standardized produ...

As time has gone by, we’ve noticed how crowded the horse equipment market is with all kinds of cheap, standardized products. With traditional craftsmen retiring and shipping costs going up, it’s become a bit tricky to find high-quality gear that fits our riding style and our work with horses. So, we thought, “Why not create our own side pulls and halters?”

What makes our side pulls special? The nosepiece is designed to work more like a traditional hackamore than a typical side pull. It sits loosely on your horse's face, only making contact when it’s needed. This design helps us communicate clearly and precisely, all without being tight.

Just like our side pulls, our halters are handmade right here at home. They’re built to stand the test of time and come with a 5m lead rope that has no metal, so it’s safe and gentle for your horse.

Halters and side pull are available in different colors.
We can’t wait for you to try them!

Grazie per aver reso questo incontro interessante e piacevole, all'insegna del buon umore e del grande amore per i caval...

Grazie per aver reso questo incontro interessante e piacevole, all'insegna del buon umore e del grande amore per i cavalli. É con grande gioia che scopriamo che anche in Italia la voglia di imparare è scoprire nuove cose per migliorare la comunicazione e il rapporto con il cavallo è grande. A presto per nuovi incontri sul web e di persona e a nuove amicizie. 👍🙏✨


Have you ever stop and think about.... Why do we lead the horse the way we do, and what happens really when we do it?

Siamo in questo settore da molti decenni, e abbiamo lavorato in tutto il mondo. In due, abbiamo circa 80 anni di esperie...

Siamo in questo settore da molti decenni, e abbiamo lavorato in tutto il mondo. In due, abbiamo circa 80 anni di esperienza.

Iniziamo ed addestriamo puledri/puledri, cavalli giovani, o anche più anziani, che non sono mai stati toccati, montati o guidati. Ovviamente rispettando sempre i bisogni dell'età, della struttura fisica e psicologica del cavallo.

Riaddestriamo cavalli con problemi.

Organizziamo corsi e diamo lezioni private, dal vivo e online oltre ad accettare tirocinanti.

Lavoriamo con ogni razza di cavalli al mondo. Non discriminiamo nessuna razza di cavallo, o umano.

Addestriamo e riaddestriamo ogni tipo di cavallo: Dressage, salto ostacoli, western, ranch, trottatori, cavalli da carrozza, purosangue, cavallo da passeggiata, pony, ecc. ecc. perché possano diventare cavalli sicuri, affidabili e in armonia, sia "a casa" che in gara.

Aiutiamo proprietari e allevatori a preparare i cavalli per la vendita, facendoli diventare muscolosi, con mantelli lucidi, e bei piedi, per una presentazione impeccabile, in più di addestrarli e mostrarli a potenziali acquirenti.

Nel corso degli anni siamo stati anche assunti come consulenti, da persone che vogliono il nostro aiuto per progettare o sviluppare la loro scuderia, o attività equestre e far sì che abbia successo.

Aiutiamo e consigliamo le persone con l'attrezzatura più adatta, cosa usare e come usarla, sia essa inboccature, finimenti, selle o attacchi. Negli anni, abbiamo anche sviluppato alcuni prodotti in linea con la nostra filisofia di un addrestamento più "horse friendly".

Un altro dei servizi che offriamo è la gestione dello zoccolo Barefoot. Pareggiamo in Natural Barefoot gli zoccoli dei cavalli per altri proprietari, nelle loro scuderie e insegnamo la gestione del piede scalzo, che non ha nulla a che vedere con il pareggio fatto da un maniscalco in preparazione alla ferratura.
Per pareggiare correttamente lo zoccolo in Natural Barefoot, bisogna avere conoscenza ed esperienza. Altrimenti si possono davvero causare problemi al cavallo che poi risultano in problemi finanziari per il proprietario.
Non si può semplicemente tagliare e raspare a caso e sperare nel meglio. Bisogna conoscere l'equilibrio, l'angolazione corretta, cosa tagliare e raspare, cosa lasciare e cosa non toccare sullo zoccolo.
Ci vogliono conoscenza ed esperienza.

Perché questo interesse nel piede scalzo? Perché con il tempo, ci siamo allontanati dalla ferratura classica, semplicemente perché ci siamo accorti che, quando possibile, questo era meglio per il cavallo sia da un punto di vista fisiologico che di performance.
Ora pareggiamo lo zoccolo, e mettiamo uno strato protettivo di kevlar, mescolato con altri componenti, e questo funziona MOLTO bene ed é come muoversi a piedi nudi. Anche i cavalieri di endurance lo usano, cavalcando fino a quasi 200 km, e resta per settimane, fino al prossimo pareggio.

- Hai un problema con il tuo cavallo e non sai come risolverlo?

- Hai bisogno di una consulenza sul suo comportamento o consigli su come migliorare la vostra intesa?

- Vuoi sapere se il tuo cavallo puo' andare Barefoot e come gestire la transizione?

- Vuoi far addestrare il tuo cavallo in modo da poterlo portare verso qualsiasi disciplina senza problemi?

- Vuoi riscoprire la gioia di andare in passeggiata, solo o con gli amici, senza doverti preoccupare di "rischiare" la vita ogni volta che incontri un'imprevisto come una moto che sbuca all'improvviso, un animale che esce da un cespuglio, il cavallo senza controllo che parte al galoppo senza avvertire, o il cancello elettrico che si attiva all'improvviso mentre passi?

Contattaci per email, per messaggio qui on Facebook, on whatsApp o anche con una semplice chiamata e saremo più che lieti di fare quattro chiacchiere con te e darti ulteriori informazioni su di noi e cio' che facciamo.
E-mail: [email protected]
Numero Whatsapp/numero di telefono: +39 376 099 5300


I always find so hard to understand why horses are still considered so differently from the other animals we decide to share our life with....Yes, understandably they once were just working animals being used as transport too, but nowadays things are obviously very different and we don't really need animals anymore for working purposes, with the only exception of some particular environments and circumstances. So why cannot horses be considered yet like any other pet? In fact normally nobody would ever accept for a dog so many things that are instead considered simply normal for horses instead...
No good owner would think it's ok to keep their dogs always closed inside a small cage making them leave only when they want to use them for something.
No good owner would think it's necessary to use on their dogs many coercive tools, often causing pain or big discomforts too, just to force them to perform something they want against their will.
No good owner would think it's right to whip or hit their dogs in order to make them obey.
No good owner would think their dogs must work and be forced into any kind of human activity in order to earn their keep.
No good owner would ever even just consider the idea to give away or put to sleep their dogs when they cannot be somehow useful anymore.
So why are horses supposed to live all of this instead? How can so many people hypocritically say to love them while they only want to use them for their own benefits, not caring at all about how they may feel? What does give them the right to say that their dogs or any other pet deserve to be loved and respected in their animal nature too, only desiring to build a relationship of mutual affection together, while their horses first of all have to work, creating a relationship of dominance and submission instead? Yes, horses can surely become very dangerous for a person but the truth is that dogs too can easily become so if being mistreated or handled by someone incompetent, as it all always depends just on the human's experience, having nothing to do with the specie of belonging.
So I really will never understand what's the big difference in so many people's mind, what can make them lovingly care for their home pets while at the exact same time peacefully accepting and even feeling perfectly right about the way they treat their own "beloved horses" 💔


We have been in this business for many decades, all over the world. Between the two of us, we have approximately 80 years of experience.

We start colts/fillies, young horses, horses that have never been ridden/driven.

We retrain horses with problems.

We conduct courses and give private lessons, as well as accepting trainees.

We also help people via internet. Online courses, as well as private lessons.

We work with every breed in the world. We do not discriminate any breed of horse, OR human.

We train and retrain every kind of horse. Dressage, show jumping, western, trotters, carriage horses, thoroughbreds, etc.

We also help horse owners/breeders, to sell horses. Getting them ready. Putting muscles on them, shiny coats, nice feet, etc. We then also train them and show them to potential buyers.

We have over the years also been hired as consultants. People in the horse business, wants our help to make their barn/business a success. They want to know our "secrets".

We also help people with horse tack, what to use, how to use it, and so on.

Another service we offer is hoofcare. We trim horses hooves for other horse owners, at their barns.

In order to trim the hoof correctly, one must have knowledge and experience. Or one can really cause problems for the horse, and financial problems for the owner.

One cannot just cut and rasp arbitrary, and hope for the best.

How does one trim the hoof? Balance, correct angle, etc.

What to cut/rasp, what not to touch on the hoof, etc. It takes knowledge and experience.

We have over time moved away from shoeing the horses, if we can. Now we trim the hoof, then we put on a protective layer of kevlar, mixed with other components/ingredients.

This works VERY well, and it is very natural for the horse. It is like moving around barefoot.

Even endurance riders use this, riding up to almost 200 km.

It is NOT horse boots, that one puts on and off. The protection is there just like a shoe. For weeks, until the next trim.

Would you like your horse trimmed, trained, book a course, etc. Please just get in touch.

Email: [email protected]

Whatsapp number/phone number: +39 376 099 5300


Det gäller i allra högsta grad hästä kan så ett frö och önska att det ska gro
men ibland känns det ganska hopplöst

Med tanke på skenande veterinärkostnader där det i många fall inte heller sker någon läkning utan bara symtomdämpande borde hästfolk vara intresserade av att hitta lösningar istället för att upprepa tillvägagångssätt som inte fungerar...... men nej inte.

Det finns många sätt att skapa en förändring i fodersmältning genom att påverka den känsliga tarmfloran, immunförsvar och hormonsystem som ger olika sjukdomstillstånd hos hästen som tex fång, ems, ppid, dåligt immunförsvar, blödningar och ömhet i hovarna

Fortsätt då gärna
* Avmaska kemiskt
* Ge probiotika varje dag
* Räkna foderstat och leta sockerfattigt hö och motionera- symtomdämpande visst men läker inte orsaken
*övervaccinera hästarna. Blir du förkyld ibland ? tar du stelkrampsvaccin varje år ?

Hur mycket kemikalier ger du din häst ?
Har du läst innehållsförteckningen på de preparat du köper ?
Har du läst biverkningarna för de vaccin, avmaskningsmedel och medicin du ger din häst ? kan tillägga att alla biverkningar inte finns med
Ni som gapar om att era hästar inte reagerat på något av ovan nämnda.....har du röntgensyn ? vet du hur hästens tarmflora, signalsubstanser i hormonsystem, blodkroppar, näringsupptag, tarmslemhinna och immunförsvar reagerar på lång sikt.
Tänkte väl det

Vem bär/tar ansvar för om hästen blir sjuk av sk mediciner eller annat vi stoppar i dem ?
Veterinären ? du själv ? klimatförändringar ? bonden som odlar hö ?
Vem får betala ?
Hästen med lidande och ägaren med oro och enormt hål i plånboken

Hästvälfärd är ett hett ämne och till detta hör absolut vad vi stoppar i hästen, vad det gör med hästen och hur man kan läka hästen. Det allra bästa är att förebygga ohälsa och då behövs hästägare som är nyfikna och villiga att lära ny kunskap


Just a few weeks ago, we met Guido, the breeder and owner of Akhal-Teke horses.
His prized broodmare, Menta, was suffering from a foot abscess and needed urgent treatment.

Menta, an 8-year-old mare, had spent the first 6 years of her life in the mountains, wild, before Guido purchased her two years ago.
She had only started to be handled after Guido acquired her.
Unfortunately, a veterinarian with the wrong energy and little experience in handling horses frightened Menta, making her dangerous around her head, neck area, and feet. This made it difficult and dangerous to halter her, and impossible to doctor her.

Guido has been trying to help Menta regain her confidence in humans, but without the proper knowledge and the impossibility of finding a knowledgeable professional to re-educate her, the problem worsened.
Menta became aggressive and dangerous.
She had even reared, pawed, and attacked a veterinarian.

After just a week of working with her and communicating using universal horse language, without any physical or psychological violence or humiliation, she became a different horse.
Calmer, more trusting, harmonious, and happier. She can now be haltered, have her feet lifted, and be doctored with no problem at all.

This is just the beginning, and with further work, Menta can only improve. She will now remain problem-free for the rest of her life, all because her loving owner challenged himself and was willing to learn new knowledge to treat his mare with fairness, respect, and dignity as she deserves.

Every horse, even the most dangerous and aggressive ones, is only the product of mishandling by humans.
Horses are not naturally mean; they become that way to defend themselves.
As prey animals, their actions are geared towards survival.

Humans are often the cause of horses being mean, aggressive, stupid, lazy, or rebellious, and this can be due to our lack of knowledge and experience, rather than intentional mistreatment.

We need to understand that horses are highly sensitive creatures with a well-developed memory, and everything we do around and to them matters and leaves a mark.

Every action creates an immediate reaction.




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