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Land Preparations 2023/2024 Farming SeasonAflatoxin Management for Smallholder Farmers of Maize and Groundnuts:Approxima...

Land Preparations 2023/2024 Farming Season

Aflatoxin Management for Smallholder Farmers of Maize and Groundnuts:

Approximately 25% of the world’s agricultural commodities are contaminated by aflatoxin and other mycotoxins, resulting in nearly one
billion tons of food loss every year.
Although there are multiple types of mycotoxins, aflatoxins are of particular concern because of how their high toxicity affects human health and the significant economic losses associated with contaminated staple crops.


Aflatoxins are an odorless, colorless, flavorless toxin produced by the fungi strain Aspergillus and are highly toxic to humans and animals. For this reason, many countries have placed strict limits on the amount of aflatoxin
that can be present in food commodities and animal feed.
For human consumption, limits range from 4 ppb (parts per billion) in the European
Union to 20 ppb in the United States.
For farm animals, such as cows, pigs,
and chickens, feed can safely contain up to 100 ppb.
However, there are many countries that either do not have regulatory limits on aflatoxins or do not have the capacity to enforce such regulations.


Aflatoxins are most prevalent in tropic and sub-tropic regions.
Although Aspergillus is found in the soil pre-harvest, contamination can also occur
during or after harvest as heat and humidity help spread the fungus, and resulting toxin, quickly. Aflatoxin affects many staple crops including cereals and legumes, as well as tree nuts and spices.
However, aflatoxins are most prevalent in maize and groundnuts because these crops are the most susceptible and have high consumption rates.



Chronic exposure to aflatoxins can lead to liver cancer2, weakened
immunity, worsening of certain diseases such as hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS3 and has been associated with child stunting.

Additionally, acute exposure with extremely high levels of aflatoxins can lead to death.
In Kenya, a crop of contaminated maize, ranging from more than 20 ppb to
over 1,000 ppb, killed 125 people and sickened hundreds more.

Neem, also known as Azadirachta indica, is a tree that is indigenous  and is widely valued for its many advantages and u...

Neem, also known as Azadirachta indica, is a tree that is indigenous and is widely valued for its many advantages and unique qualities. Here is a description of Azadirachta indica that highlights its advantages and unique properties:

Azadirachta indica is an evergreen tree that can reach a height of 15 to 20 meters and is a member of the Meliaceae family. It features long, serrated leaves, beautiful white blooms, and a thick crown. The tree has tiny, olive-like fruits with a seed enclosed in a thin pulp.
Traditional and medical applications:
Neem has been utilized in conventional Ayurvedic medicine for millennia because of its powerful therapeutic characteristics. Antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory activities are thought to exist in it.
2. Skin Care: Neem is frequently used in soaps, creams, and lotions because of its capacity to treat eczema, acne, and other skin disorders. It facilitates wound healing, inflammation reduction, and skin purification.
3. Dental Care: Neem twigs are commonly used as natural toothbrushes around the world. Because they can prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, neem-based toothpaste and mouthwash are also well-liked.
4. Hair Care: Dandruff, dry scalp, and hair growth are all treated with neem oil in hair care products and cures. It strengthens the hair follicles, soothes irritation, and nourishes the scalp.
5. Pest control: Neem is a natural insecticide with insecticidal characteristics. It deters and eliminates a variety of pests, such as bedbugs, lice, and mosquitoes. Neem oil is also used to keep insects out of grain storage.
6. Agriculture: Organic fertilizers and herbicides made from neem are employed in sustainable farming methods. Neem products are healthy for both people and animals and help manage pests and diseases while being environmentally friendly.
The organic content in neem leaves can be utilized as a natural soil conditioner to improve soil fertility, structure, and water-holding capacity.
2. Water Purification: In rural regions, neem seeds are used to filter water. When seeds are broken, chemicals are released that efficiently remove pollutants and destroy dangerous germs, making the water safe to drink.
3. Air Purification: Neem trees have a reputation for being able to draw impurities out of the air, which lowers air pollution and enhances the quality of the environment.

In conclusion, Azadirachta indica (neem) is a flexible tree with a variety of advantages. Neem has been prized for generations for its efficiency and natural qualities in a variety of fields, including medicine, skincare, dentistry, hair care, pest control, and agriculture. Its relevance is further increased by its favorable effects on the environment and cultural significance.

The Juba and Shabelle rivers are the only perennial rivers in the country, but 90% of their flow originates from a neigh...

The Juba and Shabelle rivers are the only perennial rivers in the country, but 90% of their flow originates from a neighbouring country - Ethiopia. The two rivers sustain agricultural production not only by providing much needed irrigation, but also through the very fertile flood plains where a variety of crops are grown for domestic and foreign markets.

The Juba River has three main tributaries in its upper catchment in Ethiopia, namely: the Dawa, the Genale and the Weyb, all of which flow south-eastwards. The Weyb and the Genale unite to form the Juba River just north of Doolow in Ethiopia; while the Dawa tributary joins the Juba River at Doolow Town, just after the Somalia-Ethiopia border (Figure 1). The total length of Juba River is 1,808 Km, with a catchment area of about 210,010 Km2. On average, 186 cubic meters (186,000 litres) of water flow every second down the Juba River at Luuq station.

The Shabelle River emerges on the eastern Ethiopian highlands at an altitude of about 4,230 Meters above Mean Sea Level (m.a.m.s.l). It has two main tributaries in the Ethiopian catchment: the Fanfan and the Shabelle. The flows of the Fanfan tributary are intermittent, and only join the Shabelle during high rainfall seasons. The river is 2,526 Km long, with a catchment area of 283,054 Km2. The average flow of the Shabelle River at Belet Weyne Station is 75 cubic meters (75,000 litres) per second. Figure 2 shows the annual flow of Juba and Shabelle rivers at different stations and in different seasons, based on the historical data.

The water flow along the Juba and Shabelle decreases as the rivers flow downstream through Somalia, due mainly to factors such as: the minimal contribution of tributaries from the Somali catchment areas, “bank full” spillage of flood water into the flood plains, natural and man-made flood relief channels, river diversions for irrigation - during both low and high flow periods - and natural losses due to evaporation and infiltration/recharge of the groundwater along the rivers.

The Economic Importance of Juba and Shabelle

The alluvial plains of the Juba and Shabelle have been described as the breadbasket of Somalia. For several decades irrigated agriculture has been practiced along the plains, producing food not only for local consumption but also for export. Available records indicate that before the collapse of the former Somali government in 1990, over 220,000 hectares of land along the flood plains were under either controlled irrigation or recession farming. Maize, sesame, fruits and vegetables were some of the crops grown for local market, while sugarcane and rice were grown for both local and foreign markets.

The story is different now. A recent study by Mott McDonald (2015) in Middle Shabelle identified that the irrigation infrastructure is in poor operational condition, a status which also applies to other regions along the rivers where irrigated agriculture was practiced. This has significantly affected the agricultural production in the region. The potential of the flood plains remains, however, and all that is required for their full exploitation is to restore the dilapidated infrastructure.

Water Resources Management and Monitoring Systems

Water resources management of the Juba and Shabelle Rivers involves the dual imperatives of managing floods and providing a steady supply of irrigation water. According to the traditional Somali custom, the right to use water depends on access to land along the rivers, and no approval was needed for one to extract water. During the former Somali government, water legislation institutionalized water management through laws that regulated the functioning of the institutions involved. An example is the Natural Water Resources Law of 1984, which governed the regulated access to and use of the Juba river waters. Water exploitation at the national and regional level was regulated through legal and institutional structures set up by the central government. Systems were also put in place for irrigation and flood management. In Middle Shabelle, for example, flood waters were diverted to a huge natural depression which could hold up to 200 million cubic meters of water (the Jowhar Off-Stream Storage Reservoir – JOSSR), thus controlling flooding downstream. During low river flows, the diverted water at the JOSSR would be re-directed back to the river, providing much needed water for downstream irrigation and contributing to much lower rates of drought during that period.

The gains made in flood and irrigation water control and management were quickly eroded with the collapse of the Somali government. The institutions put in place could no longer function and the installed flood and irrigation infrastructure collapsed due to vandalism and lack of maintenance. As a result, flooding again became a frequent problem in the riverine areas of Juba and Shabelle with consequent huge economic losses.

10 GUIDELINES FOR GOAT BREEDING | REPRODUCTIONGoat Breeding plan | Goat reproductionGoat breeding is a very important pr...


Goat Breeding plan | Goat reproduction

Goat breeding is a very important process for goat farming business. We all know that, goat farming is a traditional business. And people usually raise goats for the purpose of meat, fiber and milk production. Goats require less than any other livestock animals.
You will need little capital, if you intend to start this business. Goats are very hardy and they can adapt themselves with almost all types of weather.
Even you can raise them in dry land and undulating lands, where raising other animal is almost impossible.
But if you want to raise goats for meat, milk or fiber production, then you must have to learn more about their breeding.
Learning more about goat breeding is very important for running a successful and profitable goat farming business.
Proper knowledge of goat breeding will help you to increase the goat population on your herd, which will directly maximize your profits.
Among the essential goat farming tasks, breeding is a challenging approach. Especially for the people who are new in this business.
There are numerous factors which determine the success rate of breeding process. Here we are describing more about goat breeding process.

Understanding the breeding process and proper planning are prerequisites whether you are looking for your Boer goat breeding or breeding the Pygmy goats.
There is no room for negligence in any of the goat breeding steps. Before the breeding process, identify the breeds with preferable qualities first.
Now there are various types of improved goat breeds available throughout the world. Each of those breeds are developed and raised to get desired qualities.
For example, Galla goats can grow to a height of 75cm and 66cm for bucks and does respectively. Bucks can gain weight up to70kgs while the does weigh up to 55kgs giving them a pre- eminence in meat production Read the following steps carefully for successful goat breeding.
First of all, analyze the bloodlines and temperament of your goat. Analyzing the goats perfectly will help you to identify the type of breed that you own.
It will also help you to determine whether the goat you have can be bred successfully or not. You must have to find a biologically compatible buck for your doe/does, based on the goat breed you have.
Consult with an expert or take the help of any professional goat breeders in your area, if you have any doubt.

On an average, a doe gain sexual maturity and become suitable for breeding within one year. But for better quality kids and goat products, you should not bred your does before their first birthday.
After one year of age, the body of your doe become fully mature for completing the gestation period and giving birth to the young babies.
Getting your does pregnant within 2 to 6 months is also not unusual. But you must have to wait till their first birthday for better quality. Ensure your does reach the ideal breeding age.
If you are raising both buck and doe, then never forget to keep them separated from each other till they reach ideal breeding age.

Good health condition play a very important role for successful goat breeding. The doe that is selected for breeding must have to be healthy.
Never try to bred any ill or weak doe. Always try to keep them healthy and diseases free. Feed them adequate nutritious feed.
A regular feeding system for your doe should include grain, hay and other nutritional supplements. This will help to keep your does healthy and make them ready for breeding. Perform necessary medical checkups regularly.
Follow your vet’s suggestion about delivering booster medications, changing diet and deworming procedures. In a word, try to take good care of them and do everything which are essential for their good health.

It’s not too easy to find a buck that is biologically similar to your doe/does. So make a proper goat breeding plan and search for the compatible buck in your area or in your nearest goat farm.
Inquire about the various goat breeds compatible with your doe, for producing improved offspring with desired traits from the parents.
Thus you can produce a hybrid version with varied traits. If you have compatible bucks in your herd, then take good care of them.
Provide them sufficient amount of nutritious food and clean water. It will be better, if you keep your bucks separated from the herd (except breeding period).

If compatible bucks are available in your area, then you can chose natural goat breeding. It will be better if you have quality bucks in your herd.
Keeping some bucks in your herd is highly recommended for commercial goat farming purpose.
If you don’t have any buck, then you can borrow a buck from a farm for some days or send your doe to a farm for breeding.
Depending on your area, this process might charge you some money. If there are no bucks in your area, then only option left for you is artificial insemination.

Before entering your doe to her estrus (heat cycle), decide the method of fertilization. You can choose both natural and artificial breeding.
Artificial goat breeding is expensive and has a lower success rate. But natural breeding with a real buck is an effective breeding way.
Try to keep your doe with a buck when she enters her heat cycle. Bleating, vaginal discharge, uneasiness, wagging, change in appetite and mounting over other goats in your herd are the common signs of oestrus.

Usually fall is the breeding season of goats. During fall or breeding season, a doe becomes heated frequently (at an interval of about 18-22 days between two heat cycles).
For good pregnancy outcomes, it is the best time to undertake goat breeding in the early stages.
Usually ovulation takes place within ½ to 1½ days after estrus. Successful fertilization depends on timely mating. And delay in breeding reduces the possibility of fertilization.

Successful goat breeding is absolutely challenging. But you will get personal satisfaction when you successfully bred your does.
Your does will enter to the gestation period after fertilization. Gestation period of goat stays for about 5 months.
During this period, take extra care of your does. Give them extra foods. Their food must have to be nutritious enough with all types of essential nutrients available.
Gestation period is very crucial for both mother and her coming babies. So take good care of your does during this period.
These are the basics of goat breeding. Practice makes perfect. You will learn more when you will handle the real process.
Do everything related to goat breeding according to a proper plan. And if possible always try to follow the suggestions of an goat breeding expert in your area.

Once upon a time ago, there was a farmer who grew the biggest pumpkins in the kingdom. Everyone from near and far wanted...

Once upon a time ago, there was a farmer who grew the biggest pumpkins in the kingdom. Everyone from near and far wanted to know what his secret was. Even the King's gardener who had the best seeds and fertilizers could not grow pumpkins as big as the farmer.

So one day, the King's gardener appealed to the King and got a few of the King's men sent to the farmer, demanding for some samples of his pumpkin seeds and fertilizer - he hoped to grow pumpkins as big as the farmer's in the King's garden and please the King.

The farmer gladly gave the men what they were looking for without a fuss. He knew, just like many folks around the kingdom who had tried many many times to grow pumpkins as big as his, the King's gardener might have the same urge to do so.

Anyway, on the harvesting season that followed, the King's gardener became furious because the pumpkin he had planted using the farmer's seed only grew to a fraction of the farmer's humongous pumpkin.

"The farmer must have fooled the King's men. He must have given them some other seeds but his own!" he thought.

The farmer was then caught, dragged and sent to the King.

"Tell us why did you give the King's men the wrong seeds?" the farmer was asked.

"But I didn't," the farmer defended himself.

"So why are your pumpkins humongous while the pumpkins in the King's garden planted using the same seeds are smaller in size?" they demanded to know.

"Well, that is because all the other pumpkin plants growing around your farm are less superior in quality compared to the pumpkin plant you grew," the farmer explained.

"Isn't that the idea?" they asked, clueless.

"No, it's not," he explained, short.

The farmer was then urged to explain.

"You see, I have been for the longest time, shared my pumpkin seeds with my neighbours--"

Before the farmer could continue, he was stopped, "You give away your superior pumpkin seeds for FREE????"


"But why?"

"Why not?"

"Don't you want to be the only farmer who could come up with the biggest pumpkin? You should eliminate competition, not create them, you fool!"

The farmer smiled.

"The only reason I grow the biggest pumpkins in this kingdom is because my neighbours too grow pumpkins of the best quality. If their pumpkin lacks quality, I think mine will too. That is how nature works."

"Why would you do that? What if they start producing pumpkins bigger than yours?"

"I want them to produce pumpkins of high quality because that's the only way I can assure my plants gets the best quality of pollens to be fertilized. If my neighbours produce pumpkins of bad quality, my pumpkins too may end up being of a lower quality."

The King and his men were astounded by what they heard.

"A country will only prosper when everyone shares the wealth without anyone holding on to special privileges. Likewise, my pumpkin farm prospers because I share my good seeds with every farmer who live around me," he explained.

"Wait a minute! Why then don't any of your neighbours grow the biggest pumpkin?"

"I honestly don't know. But I suppose when you show kindness, the universe return your kindness back to you. Truth be told, the pumpkins harvested by my neighbours are as excellent as mine."

The farmer was then released and sent back home.

The King and his men learnt a very good lesson that day - to grow, one should share and be kind to one another. Those who focus on themselves, feeling entitled and privileged, and denying others of equal opportunity, will never grow.

Key PointsIn order to effectively control internal parasites in beef cattle, producers first need to know which parasite...

Key Points
In order to effectively control internal parasites in beef cattle, producers first need to know which parasites they are dealing with.
Roundworms are the most common and economically important group of internal parasites in beef cattle. Impacts can include reduced appetite and grazing behaviour, depressed weight gains, poor feed efficiency and diarrhea in calves and yearlings; and reduced milk production and reproductive inefficiency in cows. Roundworm larvae cannot survive feedlot environments so it is not a production concern there.
Adult roundworms live inside the gastrointestinal tract of adult cattle, shedding eggs in cattle manure. Eggs develop into larvae which live in pasture grass and are consumed by grazing cattle, causing the cycle to repeat itself.
Cattle under the age of two typically have the highest worm burdens and are most impacted, however internal roundworms are found in adult cattle as well.
Proper pasture management, such as avoiding overgrazing, harrowing only when it is hot and dry, and avoiding use of a pasture in the fall then the following spring, can help reduce worm burdens. Be aware that pastures last grazed by yearling cattle can affect young cattle grazing the following year.
Monitor parasite loads by collecting manure samples so your veterinarian can conduct f***l egg counts.
To reduce drug resistance in parasites, it is important to use the correct product, at the correct time, on the correct class of cattle, at the correct dosage, and then check for effectiveness.
Fall application of ivermectin may not be effective at controlling roundworms. Consult your veterinarian to determine if a spring application of another product such as fenbendazole is necessary to control roundworms.
When introducing new animals to your herd, to minimize the introduction of resistant parasites into your herd, treat new animals with parasite control products from two different classes (i.e. ivermectin and fenbendazole).
Common parasites
Internal parasites, such as roundworms and coccidia, live inside the gastro-intestinal tract whereas external parasites, such as lice and flies live on, or around, the animal. It is important that all parasites are not considered as a single group when planning control measures. Instead, both internal and external parasite control should be considered separately in consultation with a veterinarian, to ensure an overall integrated parasite control program is in place.
Before developing a parasite control program it is important to understand which parasites affect your herd and to what extent.
*Common* *parasites*
Impact on Animal
Roundworms: Brown stomach worm (Ostertagia ostertagi), instestinal worms (Cooperia oncophora and punctata, Nematodirus helvetia**s)
Roundworms are the most common class of internal parasites in beef cattle and impacts can be insidious. They cause depressed weight gains, poor feed efficiency, diarrhea in calves and reduced milk production and reproductive inefficiency in cows.
Lungworms (Dictyocaulus viviparous). Sporadic disease outbreaks
Lungworms in upper airways of respiratory system cause nasal discharge, coughing and difficult breathing. It is a sporadic disease in Canada but can be severe affecting both calves and adult cattle.
Fluke (flatworm) (Fascioloides magna)
Fascioloides magna has a regional distribution (eg. Foothills of Rockies, Great Lakes). It is carried by elk/deer and transmitted in wet boggy areas via semi-aquatic snails. It causes liver condemnation and impact on production poorly defined.
Tapeworms (Monezia benedeni)
Tapeworms are several metres long and are common. Segments can often be seen in manure but are not considered harmful.

Coccidia (Eimeria bovis, Eimeria zuernii and othe Eimeria spp)
Coccidiosis is caused by single celled parasites that invade and destroy cells lining the intestine. It is very common parasite causing acute dysentery and diarrhea, neurological signs, chronic diarrhea and reduced growth. Disease most commonly occurs in 1-6 month old calves.
Lice (Damalinia bovis, Linognathus vituli, Haematopinus eurysternus, Solenopotescapillatus)
There are two types of lice, biting and sucking lice. Numbers increase with cooler temperatures reaching maximum levels in late winter. Lice cause coat discolouration and hair loss, and sometimes anemia and production loss.
Stable Flies (Stomoxys calcitrans)
Typically affect confined livestock, but can also occur on pasture. Bites are painful and often bleed. Pain and decreased production due to reduced grazing/feeding, and animal fatigue from attempts to dislodge insects.
Horn flies (Haematobia irritans)
Horn flies congregate around and on cattle at pasture all summer. They bite and suck blood, affecting livestock behaviour, causing reduced performance and reduced milk production.
Cattle grubs (Hypoderma bovis, H. lineatum)
Internal & External
Ivermectin has reduce the prevalence of cattle grubs to very low levels. Adult female flies lay eggs in the hair of the animal which hatch into grubs and migrate deep into the tissues where a painful warble develops that causes pain to animals and holes in the tissue.


Why is my plant not growing well?
Why is there so much pest in my farm?
Why is my harvest this low?

Soil is the foundation for building a high yielding crop.

The crop yield of your farm is determined by the quality of your soil foundation.

Remember while building a house, there are different type of foundation
The foundation for a bungalow is different from the foundation for a one storey building which is also different from that of multiple storey building

A farmer therefore determine the yield of his crop by the type of soil foundation that he build

A farmer that build the adequate nutrient for his soil will have little or no challenges with the management of the plant

A farmer that plant on ordinary soil should expect the plant to have stunted growth and several attacks by pest and disease.

In the soil are earthworms others that we can see and several micro and mini organism that we can not see.

These organism play a major role in building a great foundation soil by breaking the hard rocks, creating root paths for the crops by their burrowing through the cranes.

A farmer that want great harvest yield therefore need to build a conducive environment for more earthworms and their likes to thrive in the soil

Their activities in turn boost the farmers yield.

Our own way of boosting the yield is by adding composted poultry waste or cattle dung.

Several of these beneficial insects are often found in abundance in cattle dung's and poultry litters.

These manure are rich source of natural nutrients that help boost the soil for proper crop germination

Here is my team adding cattle dung to create great foundation for crop production.
Keep farming right

GOAT DISEASES YOU NEED TO KNOW🐐🐐Diseases in goats are generally less than any other livestock animals. But for commercia...


Diseases in goats are generally less than any other livestock animals. But for commercial goat farming, you must have to know about some goat diseases and their prevention methods. If any goat of your farm get infected by diseases, then the growth and production also get reduced seriously. So you should be very conscious about various types of goat diseases and their preventive methods. Goats generally get infected by viral, parasites and malnutritious diseases. Some goat diseases, symptoms and necessary steps for preventing those diseases are shortly described below.


Anthrax disease causes in goats due to a bacteria named ‘bacillus anthracis’. This virus enter into the body of goat through their feed, water, breath and wound places. And start showing symptoms within 1 to 5 days. Sometimes goat may die without any symptoms. Blood may come out from the nose, mouth and a**s of goat.

1. Symptoms: The affected goats stop eating suddenly. They do not ruminate. Temperature of their body can be up to 41° Fahrenheit. They suffer much while breathing. The germ of this goat disease can survive for up to 40 years and can infect humans and other animals.
2. Treatment: Apply antibiotic medicine like penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline etc. according to the suggestion of a veterinary surgeon. Apply anthrax disease preventive vaccine once to the goat.


Inflammation of lung is known as pneumonia. This disease occurs due to various reasons like bacteria, virus, parasites etc. It is a fatal disease. Germ or parasites of this disease spread through food, water and breath of disease affected goat.

1. Symptoms: Body temperature of affected goat increases for up to 41° to 45° Fahrenheit. They take breath frequently. Suffer by coughing and snivel ooze from the nose. Tongue get swelled and they always keep it out. They feel no interest in taking food. They stop ruminating. The goats become very sick gradually and like to stay sleeping.
2. Treatment: Using antibiotic of sulphonemide group like sulphadimidin, penicillin, tetracycline, ampicillin, tylucin etc. are very effective for this disease. Choose the proper medicine according to the suggestion of a veterinarian.


Foot and mouth disease is a fatal contagious goat disease. Animals with hoof like cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, deer etc. get affected by this disease. One kind of tiny virus are responsible for this disease.

1. Symptoms: The first symptoms of this disease is fever. Succulent blister like water can be seen inside their mouth, lips, tongue and middle of the two hoof. This blister rupture while eating food and the wound place turned into red color. Saliva flows from their mouth. Bad smell spread from the wound place. Various types of insects take place in the wound place.
2. Treatment: This is among the fatal goat diseases and has no proper treatment. Use antibiotic medicines for keeping your goats free from other diseases and virus. Wash the wound place of the affected goat with antibiotic. Apply foot and mouth disease preventive vaccine after every 4 to 6 months.


This disease occurs due to toxin produced by bacteria of clostridium species. Enterotoxemia infect the goat when the farmer feed his goat only grainy food. Because grainy food helps to produce toxin and grow the bacteria rapidly.

1. Symptoms: Affected goat get excited and can die suddenly. Body remain shaking and flagrant always. They stave off their head with solid objects. Saliva flows from their mouth. Closet become waterish. Affected goats die within 24 hours.

2. Treatment: Treatment for this disease is not so effective. You can be benefited occasionally by using penicillin and tetracycline antibiotic.


Worms are very harmful parasites for goats. Baby goats get affected by worms more than adult. Adult goats get affected by tapeworm and baby goats by flatworms.

1. Symptoms: Belly of infected goat become very big sized. And they become very sick slowly. General body growth get reduced. Desirability get damaged. Sometimes worms come out with their closet. Affected goats loss their appetite.
2. Treatment: This disease can be cured by using worm preventive medicines for domestic animal like mebendazole, cambendazole, thiophanate etc. As worms are parasites, so feed your goat fresh and clean grass and water.


1. Clean their house, feed and water pot with germicide regularly.

2. Always clean the closet and urine of goat.

3. Keep different aged goat in separate pen.

4. Always feed your goat nutritious feed. Don’t feed them rotten or used feed by other animals.

5. Never keep recently bought goats with your existing farm goats.

6. Before keeping with farm goat check them whether they are affected by any goat diseases or not.

7. If any goat of your farm get affected by diseases, then separate them from healthy one and provide proper treatment.

8. Dead body of the affected goats should burned with fire or keep it under soil.
9. Vaccinate the goat timely and provide them medicine on a regular basis for preventing worm.

10. The main enemy of goat is rain and cold. So, they should be kept safe from cold and rain.

11. And finally, always take good care of your goats. By proper care and management, they will remain healthy and free from diseases.







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