Is drip irrigation the best water saving method?
Drip irrigation can save 95-100% of water used for your irrigation purposes.when compared with other modern irrigation methods like sprinkler systems (80-85%),and traditional irrigation methods like flood irrigation (60-70%),drip irrigation saves more water.The efficiency of drip irrigation system can improve the crops growth and eventually provide a good quality of yields.
Drip irrigation systems are usually installed before planting,at this time when most parts of the country are experiencing rain a farmer can install a drip system and his crops will benefit from the rain water especially at the initial growing stage when the plant water requirement is high this means that the watering will be for a short period with huge savings on power bills and associated costs
When these drops start coming out from a succesful installation project we know that hope has arrived, a once barren ground will now be an oasis of hope,farmer led irrigation initiative is the only way to create green jobs and enhance resilience to the effect of climate change
Water in oceans is saline and cannot be used for irrigation purposes,the only source of water available to farmers is underground water which comes from boreholes and wells and ground water which comes from rivers and rain.
Always have a plan to collect rain water and then safegurd it using anti-seepage damliners for use when the skys are blue.