Save our forests! NOW!
“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” - Chris Maser.
The recently proposed Forest amendment bill in Kenya as tabled in the Kenyan Legislature is of harm to our forests. With climate crisis (global warming) being experienced across the world, we should stand up and SAY NO to the proposal.
With the change of the current Section 34(2) of the Forest Conservation and Management Act of 2016, the Kenyan parliament will place Kenya and the world in a hot future of the looming Global crisis of Climate Change.
Forest Cover plays a critical role in:
1. Acting as a water catchment area
2. Source of Hydro-electric power through water bodies
3. Promotes Biodiversity conservation
4. Provision of essential forest Goods and services
etc. etc.
We Voluntary Action Leaders join hands against the proposed amendment of Section 34(2) of the Forest Conservation and Management Act of 2016. When amendments sail through, this means that Kenya Forest Service will lose a say in the excision or alteration of protected forest boundaries.
Kenya Forest Service Nature Kenya-the EANHS National Alliance of Community Forest Associations The East African Wild Life Society Natural Resource Forum - NAREF KENYA Rhino Ark Kenya Charitable Trust WWF-Kenya The Green Belt Movement Ngong Road Forest Association Friends of Karura Forest