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Shamba Connect We are urban gardening solution providers for all urban dwellers who want to bring the restoring power of nature into their urban space.

We help you convert empty spaces to beautiful gardens in just 3 hours

“I am so tired and hungry!” cried Susan, one of the ten women at the Tortola Centre in the Korogocho slums. A heavy coug...

“I am so tired and hungry!” cried Susan, one of the ten women at the Tortola Centre in the Korogocho slums.
A heavy cough followed from another corner, then a child’s whimpers from yet another. It caught me completely off-guard.

It was just 10:00 AM, and we had barely finished the ice-breaker session. I was there to conduct a training session for a new group of women. I had my notes ready, complete with illustrations, and I felt well-prepared—until I wasn’t.

In my confusion, I slowly asked, “What’s the problem?”

Susan’s response shattered me. “I spent the whole night at work, fully naked, but made nothing! My children haven’t eaten since yesterday!”

“Me too!” chimed in another woman.

My jaw dropped.
I packed away my notes, laptop, and handouts. I sat down and told them I was ready to listen to their experiences and challenges.

One woman’s voice trembled as she spoke, “I don’t know whose child this is. She is always hungry, and I don’t know who to turn to for help. I’ve become the laughing stock of the village for having four children whose fathers I don’t even know. I tried aborting unsuccessfully and I don’t know what’s wrong with me!”

At that moment, I realized I was in for another twist in my journey. This mysterious world of s*x workers was about to unveil itself right in front of me. As each of these ladies shared their pain, hurt, and hopes for a better future, a new sense of helplessness crawled inside me.

I found myself questioning, ‘What do I know about the rights of s*x workers? How do I handle cases of partner violence? What happens when children born out of this trade are neglected? What about failed abortions?’

Despite feeling overwhelmed, I felt deeply grateful to work with organizations committed to transforming these women’s lives. The project we were working on is called the “Badilisha program,” which means “to transform.” The aim is to help these women by introducing them to alternative sources of income, allowing them to make money through dignified means.

My own entrepreneurial journey has been full of unexpected twists and turns. When I started Shamba Connect my big goal was to enhance the health and wealth of urban dwellers by providing fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. While the dream is still alive, the strategy keeps evolving.
This journey has taught me the importance of:
1. Agility
2. Continuous learning and improvement
3. Collaboration and partnerships

As the Badilisha project takes shape, we are excited to partner with corporates, institutions, and individuals who are willing to walk this journey with us. We aim to equip these women with skills and startup capital to help them achieve their lifelong dreams and live productive, fulfilling lives.

I feel privileged to work with incredible people like Robson, and organizations such as Hope Worldwide and Koch FM. Together, we are making a difference, one life at a time.

Psalm 90:17 – “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.”

Ps: Be sure to follow me, and I will share with you the journey of each of these incredible women!

Today, I thought to share lessons from my personal reflection drawn from our evening conversations at my home. The lesso...

Today, I thought to share lessons from my personal reflection drawn from our evening conversations at my home. The lessons are applicable to both entrepreneurs and corporates.
Gathered as a family, we share a cherished tradition of evening Bible study. Each member takes a turn leading a session, infusing our sessions with their unique style and strengths. Our gatherings are lively and engaging, filled with skits, stories, riddles, and memory verses.
On my designated days, I love to dive into storytelling. With flair and enthusiasm, I spin tales that captivate the wide-eyed wonder of the children. Sometimes, I playfully exaggerate and dramatize the stories, relishing in the excitement and curiosity they spark. It brings me joy to see their eager questions and to guide them through the answers.
Recently, we delved into the lesser-known story of King Asa from the Bible (2nd Chronicles 14-16). Through animated narration, I shared the tale of this remarkable king who ruled over Judah. His reign of 41 years was marked by integrity, as he diligently sought to honor God and eradicate idolatry from the land. King Asa's courage and inspired us all.
However, as the years passed, King Asa's pride grew, leading him to rely less on God's guidance and more on his own strength. His refusal to heed the warnings of prophets ultimately led to his downfall. He contracted a bad disease (scholars suggest he contracted peripheral vascular disease, gout, and degenerative osteoarthritis) and died a miserable death.
As entrepreneurs and corporates, what lessons can we draw from the story of king Asa?

1. The Dangers of Pride and Self-Reliance
2. The Importance of Accountability and Listening to advice
3. Need for continous dependence on God and core values

🌱✨ Monday Motivation: Principles of Personal Vision ✨🌱At Shamba Connect, we're driven by the belief that a clear persona...

🌱✨ Monday Motivation: Principles of Personal Vision ✨🌱

At Shamba Connect, we're driven by the belief that a clear personal vision is the foundation of success and fulfillment. Here are some guiding principles to help you cultivate and pursue your own vision:

1️⃣ Clarity: Take the time to define your goals and aspirations with crystal-clear clarity. What do you want to achieve, and why is it important to you?

2️⃣ Alignment: Ensure that your personal vision aligns with your values, passions, and strengths. When your vision resonates deeply with who you are, you'll feel more motivated and empowered to pursue it wholeheartedly.

3️⃣ Action: Break down your vision into actionable steps and commit to taking consistent action towards your goals. Every small step you take brings you closer to realizing your dreams.

4️⃣ Resilience: Understand that setbacks and challenges are inevitable on the journey to success. Stay resilient, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and never lose sight of your vision, even in the face of adversity.

5️⃣ Community: Surround yourself with a supportive community of mentors, peers, and like-minded individuals who can inspire, encourage, and challenge you to grow. Collaboration and mentorship are powerful catalysts for personal and professional development.

As someone passionate about mentorship and impacting the next generation of leaders, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of a strong personal vision. Let's embark on this week with renewed determination to cultivate and pursue our visions, knowing that each step forward brings us closer to our ultimate goals! 💪🌟

Attending the exclusive women-owned business networking event at Capital Club, organized by WeConnect International, was...

Attending the exclusive women-owned business networking event at Capital Club, organized by WeConnect International, was truly enlightening.
It was inspiring to meet passionate women entrepreneurs running successful businesses and sharing their triumphs and challenges. The event underscored valuable lessons:
1. Building a network requires intentional effort; it's not just about belonging but actively engaging.
2. Relationships are the backbone of business; trust and rapport are essential for success.
3. Embracing challenges leads to worthwhile opportunities; asking the right questions opens doors.

Special thanks to @⁨ Fridah Owinga⁩ , an inspirational leader whose belief in women and young entrepreneurs fuels our drive even in tough times. Her mentorship instills hope and confidence, empowering us to overcome obstacles and thrive.

Attending the exclusive women-owned business networking event at Capital Club, organized by WeConnect International, was...

Attending the exclusive women-owned business networking event at Capital Club, organized by WeConnect International, was truly enlightening.
It was inspiring to meet passionate women entrepreneurs running successful businesses and sharing their triumphs and challenges. The event underscored valuable lessons:
1. Building a network requires intentional effort; it's not just about belonging but actively engaging.
2. Relationships are the backbone of business; trust and rapport are essential for success.
3. Embracing challenges leads to worthwhile opportunities; asking the right questions opens doors.
I learnt a lot from Mercy of Value Connect who spoke on the importance of showing up for ourselves. We should not let negative thoughts and self-talk ruin the many opportunites open to us. As women entreprenuers, we should be willing to go the extra mile to build relationships which will in turn help us build solid businesses.
Special thanks to Frida Owinga, an inspirational leader whose belief in women and young entrepreneurs fuels our drive even in tough times. Her mentorship instills hope and confidence, empowering us to overcome obstacles and thrive.

“You are the light of [Christ to] the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put...

“You are the light of [Christ to] the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house" Mathew 5:14-16

🌟📰 Today, our journey reached new heights as the spotlight of the Business Daily newspaper shone upon us. 📰🌟

As I hold the newspaper in my hands, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. Our story, our mission, our dedication—all captured within the pages for the world to behold.

But let us not forget: "It takes a village to raise a child." This achievement is not mine alone; it belongs to each and every member of our Shamba Connect family. From the farmers who till the soil to the clients who trust in the magic of our work, this journey has been one of collective effort and belief.
To our esteemed clients, I extend my deepest .

Your trust, your faith in our vision—it fuels our passion and drives us forward. Today's feature is a tribute to you, the unsung heroes who strive tirelessly to put healthier meals on your tables, nourishing not only your bodies but your spirits as well.

As the lamp is placed on the lampstand, so too do we proudly display our work for all to see. May our light continue to shine brightly, guiding others towards a future filled with , sustainability, and .

Together, let us celebrate this milestone, knowing that our journey is far from over. With gratitude in our hearts and determination in our souls, we press onward, illuminating the path for generations to come. 🌱💫

Ps: Find the full article in the comments section

1 day to go! 💥 Have you booked your slot yet? 😃 Whether you are a newbie or veteran in rabbit farming,there's always som...

1 day to go! 💥 Have you booked your slot yet? 😃 Whether you are a newbie or veteran in rabbit farming,there's always something new to learn.

Few slots remaining. Reach out to us through 0725684352. See you then!


Day in the life...

URBAN FARMING; Food security solution? Who should/can be involved? How can it be? Is it possible that we can take charge...

URBAN FARMING; Food security solution? Who should/can be involved? How can it be? Is it possible that we can take charge of our food production in our own small ways? Is it sustainable?

Join Power Monday tomorrow morning, at 7.15am Nairobi time; a free Zoom Webinar powered by Live Your Dream that you may be empowered and enlightened for a better, food secure tomorrow.

Please find the link on the comments section

Hello there,There has been a craze on the need for climate-smart you know why and how you can take adva...

Hello there,
There has been a craze on the need for climate-smart you know why and how you can take advantage of the opportunities that exist?

Find the link to join in the comments section

If you are looking to increase your sources of income,rabbit farming is a sure bet because:1. It requires minimal space2...

If you are looking to increase your sources of income,rabbit farming is a sure bet because:

1. It requires minimal space
2. ROI is higher than most animal farming
3. Anyone can do it,including you! 😃

Join us tonight as we break it down

Sometimes in life, you meet someone in the most unexpected ways, and who greatly impacts your life. I call myself very b...

Sometimes in life, you meet someone in the most unexpected ways, and who greatly impacts your life. I call myself very blessed. Meeting Dr. Wale has profoundly impacted my perspective on life and entrepreneurship. As a mentor, he has not only challenged me but also opened doors to new opportunities and insights. His guidance has extended beyond business, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness in communication and actions.
One of those pivotal moments was when I made a certain careless statement about life. I actually said it lightly, although it was a grave matter. Wueh! I was thoroughly rebuked, I wanted to quit.
From that moment I learnt that truly the power of life and death is in our own tongues. Dr. Wale's own experience, emerging from a massive heart attack, serves as a poignant reminder of resilience and the fragility of life. It is with a lot of anticipation and excitement that I invite you to this powerful session where he speaks of success, failure, challenges, fears, family and legacy.

Zoom link in the comments

Issa mad mad rush! 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏾‍♂️, *Few slots remaining!* This slot is for you if:                                          ...

Issa mad mad rush! 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏾‍♂️, *Few slots remaining!*
This slot is for you if: 🐰You have experienced character development while running a side-hustle 😆
🐰You are keen on commercialising your farming venture.
🐰You are looking for passive income. 🐰You want *free lunch!*😋😋

The  other day, as I was training a group of entreprenuers, I conducted an experiement to measure their level of prepare...

The other day, as I was training a group of entreprenuers, I conducted an experiement to measure their level of preparedness, and innovation among the trainees.

What I discovered will surprise you, and you may see yourself in some of the trainees. I asked them to build a business from a capital of kes. 50. The uproar was deafening. Most of them started to explain how the governemnt has failed them .Some of them complained about the cost of living, the economic downturn and many other factors beyond their control. As the discussion went on, two women slowly stood up.

One of them told us her story. She used to export artefacts for a living. When struck, she was locked down in Uganda. She literally sneaked back to Kenya but without her goods. She had to figure out how to start again. She explained how she borrowed a paltry kes.250 to buy fruits.She then hawked them at 100% profit and re-invested into that vegetable business. She has had very low lows and extremely high highs. With afew lessons bagged, she now runs a grocery business worth upwards of kes.2million shillings. She ended her story by telling us that sometimes what one needs to in life is an agile mind and a can-do attitude. When she sat down, there was utter silence. Some trainees were wiping off tears.
"Training adults in the realms of entrepreneurship is my because it's about sowing the seeds of and cultivating a harvest of skills. To make the learning experience seamless and engaging, I have learnt the following:
1. infuse real-world scenarios into the training. Bring the fields and boardrooms to life by incorporating practical exercises, case studies, and interactive discussions.
2.Embrace a learner-centric approach, allowing participants to share their experiences and insights.
3.Inject a dose of humor, making the journey enjoyable, and build a collaborative atmosphere where everyone learns from each other.
The path to is an evolving adventure, and in the world of entrepreneurship, each lesson is a stepping stone towards a thriving future. Let's grow together, learn together, and reap the rewards of continuous learning

Hello there! 😃 We are now 11 months to Dec! Have you taken the first step towards achieving your 2024 goals? Here's the ...

Hello there! 😃 We are now 11 months to Dec! Have you taken the first step towards achieving your 2024 goals? Here's the easiest step: register for this class to get information & insights that will set you on a path to making passive income. Reach out to us for any questions/concerns through 0725684352.

Happy Monday! 🦋 Today started with a flurry of to-do lists and worries, but a magical encounter with butterflies shifted...

Happy Monday! 🦋
Today started with a flurry of to-do lists and worries, but a magical encounter with butterflies shifted my perspective. Amidst the chaos, these resilient creatures gracefully migrated, teaching us valuable lessons.
Picture imperfect butterflies, with limp wings and unique sizes, reminded me that perfection is overrated. In the hustle, their purposeful movement urged me to slow down and appreciate life's beauty.
It is indeed such a sight to behold! If you are yet to see the beautiful butterflies moving everywhere, it is a clear signal that you need to slow down and smell the coffee! “Most peoples strategy to achieve more is to do more. But when you focus on becoming more, you find that you can achieve more by doing less” Elrod.

On that note, have you read the book “The miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod? If not, stop what you are doing and run to the nearest bookstore near you-It is a transformative must-read! One of my best resources to my mentees is this book.
The butterfly migration, a seasonal marvel, reflects to their mission despite a short lifespan. Let's embrace their , savor life's moments, and find joy in our journey. 🌟🦋


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Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00





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