My favorite thing in the world is getting someone started in the right direction and then seeing how far they take it on their own. I love teaching loose walking, And while I can take some credit for getting them started in the right direction, these two deserve much more credit for all of the hard work they have put in! That is a beautiful loose leash walk!
I took Merlin to the beach after picking him up from animal control. Discovered that he loves swimming and playing fetch! 
Team Miller working on their off leash skills. I love the engagement, the relaxed attitude of dog and handler, and how well Miller minds his own business and ignores Sherlock. They have both put in so much work to get to this point, this stuff is exactly why I love this work!!
Working on leash skills with the lambs tonight.
Tonight's group class. Showing off several of the dogs working on the threshold manners in the car.
When you open the car door, you shouldn't have to play goalie to keep your dog from bolting! Not only is it more fun when your dog respects this boundary, you and your dog are much safer!
they also worked on loose leash skills, relaxing in a distracting public place, as well as passing dogs and strangers. My favorite activity of the night was teaching handlers how to protect their dogs space from over friendly dog lovers!
Every dog/handler team did an amazing job tonight!
I got this from a customer this afternoon. I've pretty much worked myself out of the job with her. What I hope to see reflected from my training, is not so much a good dog, but a human who knows how to handle their dog(s) intelligently and dynamically all on their own. There is so much here that I absolutely love!
1 - She is adjusting training to fit the needs of both her and her dogs. I didn't assign this, and she didn't ask, she just took the concepts we've been learning and applied them dynamically to her situation.
2 - if we've talked dogs in the last five years, we probably talked about how important it is to teach your dog how to relax. Some people call it "and off switch", some people call it "settle", my favorite is "the art of doing nothing", and I love how she mentions that she loves "boring training". Me too!!
3 - I really like her she's utilizing her tools and space. The raised bed gives her and the dogs some clear boundaries. They are not ready to be off leash on the front porch, so she has them both tethered, tethering is amazing! She's also using the real world at a level the dogs can handle while they learn and adjust to their environment.
Great job, to all three of them!!
When I first met Daphne four weeks ago, she was not able to control herself at all around other dogs and people. Everyone is Daphne's best friend!!
I am so happy with the changes I see here, and especially proud of the handling skills being demonstrated by Daphne's handler!
I had so much fun with all these dog handler teams during tonight's class! I love the variety of dogs and handlers.
skills worked on :
- Introduction to a new environment.
- Neutral behavior towards other dogs and strange people.
- Appropriate leash behavior.
-Relaxing and being neutral in a public busy space.
Great job everyone, I can't wait to see you next week!
My focus as a trainer is giving the owners the skills they need to build a successful relationship with their dogs.
I've been doing this for over ten years and have trained hundreds of dogs, so yes...I can absolutely train your dog and make them look good on a leash in no time. What matters to me, is what happens when you are holding the leash and I'm not there.
This is someone who could not walk either of her dogs because they were out of control and pulled too hard. We've been focusing our training on Toad, who is much easier! But she took the initiative and started Turtle on loose leash skills without me.
I'm really proud of both of them! Videos like this from clients really make my day!!
Today we visited the new self serve dog wash in Stevensville, Stella & Sawyer Self Serve Dog Wash. We loved it and reccomend you go visit them!
It's $10 for ten minutes, and you can even pause the timer while you are letting the conditioner sit. It's just down the road from Meijer, clean and easy to use!! There are even treats for your pup provided by FuzzyButz Pet Bakery.
Today we visited the new self serve dog wash in Stevensville, Stella & Sawyer Self Serve Dog Wash. We loved it and reccomend you go visit them!
It's $10 for ten minutes, and you can even pause the timer while you are letting the conditioner sit. It's just down the road from Meijer, clean and easy to use!! There are even treats for your pup provided by FuzzyButz Pet Bakery.
Working on relaxing.
This is easier for some dogs than others, but important for them all!
Today I wanted to intentionally show you what not to do if you have multiple dogs.
You can see how well chaos handles distractions and how much progress he's made on the crate threshold.
Once I introduced Sherlock, being a crazy happy spaz, all of the training I've done with Chaos goes out the door! As soon as I put sherlock away, we reset and his puppy brain can manage this threshold again.
Eventually, I would like haos to remain calm in the crate no matter what kind of crazy is going on in the room. But if I try to jump to that point too quickly, I start undoing all my hard work.
Crate thresholds with Foster puppy Chaos.
Let's talk "Thresholds"
A threshold is a boundary that your dog should respect and not cross unless released.
You should be able to open your crate door, your house door and your car door without your dog trying to bolt as soon as there's an opening. I don't want you to tell your dog to wait, stay, or sit. Want your dog to be free to make good decisions without being micromanaged.
Let me know if you have any questions about specific details, areas where you're struggling or maybe you are applying threshold's somewhere unique to your situation.