Smart Pet Healthcare, Withapet

Smart Pet Healthcare, Withapet WithaPET is Smart Pet Healthcare Device for Home and Vet. It can check pet's heart rate and respirat

- 가정에서 비대면 체험단 진행 -초간단  #체험단 ! #임신 30주차 이상이신 분은 누구나 가능합니다-!하루 15분 5일동안 가정에서 편하게 하시면 됩니다-!인체에 무해합니다-! (안전 인증 획득)사은품 :  #신...

- 가정에서 비대면 체험단 진행 -
초간단 #체험단 !
#임신 30주차 이상이신 분은 누구나 가능합니다-!
하루 15분 5일동안 가정에서 편하게 하시면 됩니다-!
인체에 무해합니다-! (안전 인증 획득)
사은품 : #신세계상품권 #10만원
(제품 수령 시, 신세계 상품권 5만원 전달해드리며,
미션 수행 완료 후, 신세계 상품권 5만원 추가 지급)
신청방법 :
성함 / 임신 주차 / 태아 성별 / 연락처를 메일로 보내주세요.
이메일 : [email protected]

[비대면/대면 체험단 모집]2021년 스마트 맘을 위한  #스키퍼  #체험단 모집태아의 소리를 가정에서 듣고 녹음해보세요 ♡(의료기기 인증, KC, FCC 등 각종 안전인증시험을 통과한 제품이며, 신체에 무해합니다!...

[비대면/대면 체험단 모집]
2021년 스마트 맘을 위한 #스키퍼 #체험단 모집
태아의 소리를 가정에서 듣고 녹음해보세요 ♡
(의료기기 인증, KC, FCC 등 각종 안전인증시험을 통과한 제품이며, 신체에 무해합니다!)

2021년 02월 24일 기준 #임신 25주 차 이상인 임산부 모집

* 모집인원 : 10명

* 모집기간 : 상시모집
지원자가 많으면 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.

* 발표 : 모집 기간 중 개별 통보

* 활동기간 : 선정 후, 아래 절차와 같이 테스트 진행

* 체험단 미션 :
1. 제품을 수령할 주소를 알려주세요.
2. 제품을 사용하여 태아의 소리를 들어보세요.
3. 측정 하는 장면을 영상으로 찍어주세요. (얼굴은 노출되지 않으셔도 됩니다.)
3-1. 제품에 이어폰을 연결하여 태아의 위치를 찾는 영상
3-2. 제품을 전용앱에 연동하여 측정하는 영상
3. 제품 전용앱을 통해 태아의 소리를 녹음한 뒤, 이메일 혹은 카카오톡으로 전송해주세요.
4. 제품 사용에 대한 간단한 설문조사에 참여해주세요.
* 체험단 혜택:
- 비대면 : 5만원 이하의 상품권을 구매해서 제공해드립니다.
- 대면 : 8만원 이하의 상품권을 구매해서 제공해드립니다.
*대면으로 진행 할 시, 직접 가정에 방문하여 약 1시간 정도
테스트 진행

* 지원방법
아래의 내용을 이메일([email protected])로 보내주세요.
1) #임산부 Nickname 및 임신 주차
2) #태아 성별
3) 이름과 연락 받으실 수 있는 전화번호 남겨주세요.

* 문의 사항 연락처
스마트사운드 체험단 담당자 : 02-575-2252
이메일 : [email protected]


自動ペット健康チェック/モニター !
US/EU Veterinary協会によると、ペットの健康状態を最も理解するにはペットの睡眠時間や休憩時間にバイタルサイン(心拍数や呼吸数)を観察し、モニタリングすることとのこと!


獣医が認めペットヘルスケア製品 !最先端技術で貴方のペットの健康状態を簡単に把握することができます !発売時期:2020.06 - 2020.07   #マクアケ  #ペット  #犬  #ネコ  #健康管理

獣医が認めペットヘルスケア製品 !最先端技術で貴方のペットの健康状態を簡単に把握することができます !
発売時期:2020.06 - 2020.07
#マクアケ #ペット #犬 #ネコ #健康管理


Are you sure your pet isn't sick?
Let’s check PET HEALTH once a day at home.

Automatically Measure Heart & Respiration when Pet is Sleeping!


#犬 #猫 #獣医 #動物病院 #ペット


Are you sure your pet is isn't sick?
Let’s check PET HEALTH once a day at home.

Automatically Measure Heart & Respiration When Pet Is Sleeping!


Are you sure your pet isn't sick?
Let’s check PET HEALTH once a day at home.

Automatically Measure Heart & Respiration when pet is Sleeping!


The biggest concern for pet owners is Pet's Health Condition !!

Now, WithaPET will solve your problem easily and conveniently !


What is the best thing to be a pet owner?
- Make him/her part of the family
- Give him/her the exercise he needs
- Feed him properly
- Check him/her health condition regularily
(Heart Rate / Respiratory Rate)

You may have listened about SRR (Sleeping Respiratory Rate) and SHR (Sleeping Heart Rate), which is very important for Pet's Health !




#犬 #ネコ #健康管理 #ペット #愛玩動物

Your beloved pet cannot explain themselves... Do you know where and how much they hurt? WithaPET will solve your problem...

Your beloved pet cannot explain themselves...
Do you know where and how much they hurt?

WithaPET will solve your problem simply and conveniently!!

Smart Pet Healthcare Solution, WithaPET !Listen To Your Pet Health Together !Kickstarter Launch : 3rd March 2020 !Please...

Smart Pet Healthcare Solution, WithaPET !
Listen To Your Pet Health Together !

Kickstarter Launch : 3rd March 2020 !
Please give a lot support to us !
(Visit Website and Watch)


Compassionate Senior Pet Care !!!- Common Health Problems (Senior Pets)1. Diabetes2. Heart Disease3. Arthritis4. Senilit...

Compassionate Senior Pet Care !!!

- Common Health Problems (Senior Pets)
1. Diabetes
2. Heart Disease
3. Arthritis
4. Senility
5. Cancer

Dog Owners often jump to conclusions... like "Somebody poisoned my dog!" However, - The causes found by pathologists inv...

Dog Owners often jump to conclusions... like "Somebody poisoned my dog!"


- The causes found by pathologists involved that
1. Cardiac disease
2. Gastrointestinal disease
3. Unobserved trauma
4. Poisoning and infection (less common)

- A Similar survey in Canada
1. Heart diseases
2. Cancer
3. Respiratory failure
4. Trauma
5. Acute infections

- In a study at Purdue University Small Animal Diagnostic Laboratory :
- Heart Disease
- Gastrointestinal Disease
- Trauma
- Respiratory Diseases
- Neurologic Disease etc...

The Elderly and Their Pets: Forming a Special BondPets for the elderly–whether a dog or a cat–can play a significant, me...

The Elderly and Their Pets: Forming a Special Bond

Pets for the elderly–whether a dog or a cat–can play a significant, meaningful role in a senior's life. Pets are companions, friends, mood boosters, and great for socialization and exercise. These pets require care and attention, but they are capable of giving just as much love back to their pet parents as well. Dogs and cats can bring deep meaning to an older person's life.

The prognosis for cats with HCM is very variable – some cats may never develop clinical signs and will live normally for...

The prognosis for cats with HCM is very variable – some cats may never develop clinical signs and will live normally for many years. Once symptoms appear, most cats survive less than two years...

An increase in pet’s respiratory rate while sleeping is a very important early indicator that the pet may be developing ...

An increase in pet’s respiratory rate while sleeping is a very important early indicator that the pet may be developing congestive heart failure. Detecting this indicator early can help limit how sick the pet will get, reduce the chances that the pet will have to stay in the hospital, and also help reduce the costs associated with heart failure treatment.

Our Three Step Blueprint Top Tips - Keep Your Pet Healthy- Fight with Disease- Stop Getting Disease

Our Three Step Blueprint Top Tips
- Keep Your Pet Healthy
- Fight with Disease
- Stop Getting Disease

8 Top Tips For Keeping Pets Happy and Healthy

8 Top Tips For Keeping Pets Happy and Healthy

Raid Breathing in Cats :What Does Pet Owners Need To Do ?Let's Listen To Your Pet Health Together !

Raid Breathing in Cats :
What Does Pet Owners Need To Do ?
Let's Listen To Your Pet Health Together !

What is Breathing Fast While Resting / Sleeping ?Please Keep Monitoring Your Lovely Pets' Health !

What is Breathing Fast While Resting / Sleeping ?
Please Keep Monitoring Your Lovely Pets' Health !

WithaPET is Smart Pet Healthcare Device, which can check pet's heart rate and respiratory rate for monitoring your belov...

WithaPET is Smart Pet Healthcare Device, which can check pet's heart rate and respiratory rate for monitoring your beloved pets.

Measuring Your Pet’s Breathing Rate"WithaPET" Can Help To Measure Easily and Conveniently.

Measuring Your Pet’s Breathing Rate
"WithaPET" Can Help To Measure Easily and Conveniently.

How A Cat's Heart Works ?A cat's heart has four chambers. The two upper chambers are called the atrium (plural atria), a...

How A Cat's Heart Works ?
A cat's heart has four chambers. The two upper chambers are called the atrium (plural atria), and the lower chambers are called the ventricles. Additionally, the heart has a right and left side, each containing one atrium and one ventricle.

ㅇ Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), which literally means disease of the heart muscle, is a cardiac condition that causes a thickening and/or stretching of the heart's walls. The two main forms of cardiomyopathy are Dilated and Restrictive.

WithaPET is Smart Pet Healthcare Device, which can mange your beloved pet's health condition at home and share with vete...

WithaPET is Smart Pet Healthcare Device, which can mange your beloved pet's health condition at home and share with veterinarian or animal hospitals !

5 Tips - Detecting Early Warning Sign for Cat's Health1. Exercise Amount2. Breath3. Behavior (Eating)4. Routine- Hospita...

5 Tips - Detecting Early Warning Sign for Cat's Health

1. Exercise Amount
2. Breath
3. Behavior (Eating)
4. Routine- Hospital Check
5. Heart Rate

WithaPET is wearable healthcare device, which can automatically check pet's heart rate and respiratory rate easily.

Dogs and Heart Disease : Overview

Dogs and Heart Disease : Overview


★5월 가정의 달 BIG EVENT★
2019 가족의 달에는 소중한 가족분들과 친구분들에게
건강을 선물해보세요-!

스키퍼는 가정용 헬스케어 제품으로
- 태아/산모 건강관리 App인, SKEEPER MAMA
- 영유아 건강관리 App인, SKEEPER BABY
- 성인/노인 건강관리 App인, SKEEPER HEART
로 구성되어있습니다.

많은 관심부탁드립니다-!

가족분들과 건강한 시간보내세요 :D

↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓

#슈퍼맨이돌아왔다 #슈퍼맨 #스키퍼 #가정의달 #할인 #태교 #임신 #임산부 #잇템 #태아 #두뇌발달 #헬스케어 #어버이날 #스승의날 #부부의날 #예비맘 #예비부모 #결혼 #축하드립니다 #산후조리원 #친구생일 #임신축하선물 #출산선물

Skeeper - Cherry Blossoms Event30% OFF Event 즐거운 벚꽃 축제 보내세요~ :D #임산부  #임신선물  #임신축하선물   #결혼  #산모친구  #벚꽃  #벚꽃축제  #스키퍼  #태아...

Skeeper - Cherry Blossoms Event

30% OFF Event

즐거운 벚꽃 축제 보내세요~ :D

#임산부 #임신선물 #임신축하선물 #결혼 #산모친구 #벚꽃 #벚꽃축제 #스키퍼 #태아 #심장소리 #출산 #예비부모




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