Sujatha's animal foundation

Sujatha's animal foundation Please help us to vaccinate, neuter&treat helpless stray animals!To donate please use Acc No: 26764023 SC:090129 or visit Https://

Sujatha Desilva is dedicating her retirement to helping stray animals in Sri Lanka. She is currently spending her pension on feeding, neutering, vaccinating and giving vital veterinary treatment to hundreds of stray animals. But it is not enough! The number of helpless animals is out of control and we need to do our bit to help.

These poor little puppies have been dumped in a box in my garden. They are so tiny that 6 of them fitted into  my cat ca...

These poor little puppies have been dumped in a box in my garden. They are so tiny that 6 of them fitted into my cat carrier to transport them to their halfway house. I pray their mummy is OK. I have vaccinated & treated them for fleas and worms. They are currently happy in their halfway house waiting to be neutered. I always neuter before I rehome in the hope of helping to keep the unwanted puppy population down & stopping these poor animals from suffering on the streets xx


After 5 Operations Brownie is a finally walking again!! It has been such a long road for him and I am so pleased!! Thank you to everyone that has made it possible Especially Dr Niriella.

The cost of petrol & veterinary materials is skyrocketing here as it is all imported from other countries. So far just for transport to the specialist vet & suture materials, it has cost 38,000rs

If you have any spare money, it would be appreciated. If not, please share the good work we are doing!

Sujatha Desilva
SC: 09-01-29
Ac. No: 26764023

Or for Sri-Lankan accounts

Sujatha Mangalika De Silva
A/No. 8017219439
Commercial Bank

Thank you!!

Sorry for the lack of posts but we have been through a really difficult time of flooding!! The rivers have overflowed ma...

Sorry for the lack of posts but we have been through a really difficult time of flooding!! The rivers have overflowed making it difficult to make my weekly trip into town to get the dog food! We have also been having several new dogs in the area that are trapped due to the floods so we have been feeding 20 extra!!! Due to the cost of food increase this is a huge expense so if you are able to donate a few pennies, it would be most appreciated!!

This is Ginger. We found his 5 months ago, so neglected & near to death. I asked help from animal organisations and the ...

This is Ginger. We found his 5 months ago, so neglected & near to death. I asked help from animal organisations and the did not even reply. So I started treating him for internal parasites and started giving him a excellent vitamin tonic & liver tablets. We had his nails cut twice as they were so long and curled up. 5 months later... I can't believe how well he is now. Eating and drinking and chasing the other dogs away!! What a success story!! 💜 Last two pictures are of him recently. I hope you can see the huge difference xx

Meet Browny.Browny  went through an awful experience and had his front left paw broken by someone hitting him with a pol...

Meet Browny.

Browny went through an awful experience and had his front left paw broken by someone hitting him with a pole! The cruelty in this country always hurts me to my core.

We have been treating Browny for 4 months now. Browny has had an operation to pin the leg and antibiotics in Dr. Sobaths clinic. Sadly it still hasn't healed. Now he needs to go to a more specialised vet, Dr. Nuwan Nirriella in Tangalle to see if his leg can be saved. Please keep everything crossed for Browny!!

Of all the costs, the transport to the vet is the most expensive due to riding petrol costs :( Please donate if you would like to help Browny or share and like to spread the word!

Thank you!!

Hello everyone. I am so sorry that I haven't been updating what I have been doing for a while now, since I came back fro...

Hello everyone.

I am so sorry that I haven't been updating what I have been doing for a while now, since I came back from visiting my family in September 23. It has been so hectic and I have been so busy with my animal work over here. There have been an Unbelievable amount of puppies, some just about 3 weeks old, that have been dumped in my garden! 56 puppies up to now. Some in cardboard boxes, some in gunny bags thrown over my fence. It is a never ending thing in this country. It has been such a struggle to vaccinate and neuter them and to find kind homes for them. It is a massive expense and I am struggling at the moment to pay for it all.

Unfortunately, everything has gone up in price, all the medications and other treatments and worst of all the transport. A tuk tuk that used to cost Rs. 6000 to take puppies to Tangalle, now cost Rs. 12500. To Pet hospital in Galle which was Rs. 1500, now costs Rs. 5000! The list just goes on.

Below is a list of everything I give to each puppy:

Rabies - Rs 1500 - 1800
Parvo/Distemper - Rs 3500
Sterilisation- Rs 4500-6000
Abamec -D mange treatment Rs 1000 for 4 tab.

If you can help in any way, me & the puppies Will be ever grateful, even if it is a one off donation! Our account details are below:

Sujatha Desilva
SC: 09-01-29
Ac. No: 26764023

Below is a few of our latest rescues!!!


Just some of the work we have been doing recently!! Please donate if you can. Cost of transport, vaccinations and neutering is rising and becoming unaffordable!!

Please help find a home for this poor dog. Contact the number below if you can help to give Leo his forever home.

Please help find a home for this poor dog. Contact the number below if you can help to give Leo his forever home.

We rescued this poor doggie from Baddegama today. She has deteriorated so much in the last few months and is now just a ...

We rescued this poor doggie from Baddegama today. She has deteriorated so much in the last few months and is now just a bag of bones. Sadly we have no vets in this area or anywhere nearby who has boarding to help this sick animal. Fortunately a local charity was able to help & take the dog in for treatment! Thank you Kim Cooling for taking this poor doggie even though you are completely full. I am so grateful to you and the Animal SOS team. You are the only chance she has. Thank you so very much.

Im praying she will survive!

On the 26th of November we gave an almsgiving to remember Herci, Shyamali nandi’s beloved pet and My friend Milan’s belo...

On the 26th of November we gave an almsgiving to remember Herci, Shyamali nandi’s beloved pet and My friend Milan’s beloved Arthur 18, who passed away in August this year.

Together they donated Rs 35,000 to spend on food for the animals in honour of Herci and Arthur. Due to the petrol crisis, it was not possible to do the almsgivings separately as petrol would be too expensive. We brought 28Kg of rice, 15Kg of Chicken and 10 large bags of sausages..sausages were Herci's favourite! We were able to feed over 450 dogs!!

Food prices have trebbled here and people are not able to feed their own animals so we also fed some dogs that had owners (they never get to eat Chicken or sausages).

Thank you so much Shyamali, Dillon and Milan for all the money sent to make this day possible. May Herci and Arthur Rest In Peace with the angels.

Happy festive period to all my friends, family & supporters!! 39 puppies saved and rehomed in the last 3 months, I could...

Happy festive period to all my friends, family & supporters!! 39 puppies saved and rehomed in the last 3 months, I couldn't have done it without your kind donations ♥️ Thank you everyone for supporting me, especially Saman, Renuka, my Vet Kumara, Indika, Pabasara and Dr. Nuwan Niriella who vaccinated and neutered these puppies, thank you. Without you, this work would be impossible xx

We have rescued thirteen puppies!! They were in Baddegama town and soaking wet in the monsoon rain. We took them to Tang...

We have rescued thirteen puppies!! They were in Baddegama town and soaking wet in the monsoon rain. We took them to Tangalle today to stay in their halfway home with Pabasara & Indika. Pabasara has already found homes for 10 of them! Dr.Nuwan Niriella will do all their vaccinations and also the strerilisations of the older puppies. The younger and sick puppies will be done by him later when they are ready. I have already paid for the vaccinations at Rs.51,350! This price has doubled in the last few months!! The cost of transport has also doubled to Rs 12,000. I am fortunate that I can afford it due to kind donations from friends and family.

It’s heart breaking to see so many puppies and kittens thrown on the road, especially at this time when we are having heavy rain. We are trying to do what we can & have saved the lives of these 13 puppies today ❤️

Thank you for your support. I will not be able to do all this without you.

We have rescued 13 puppies!! They were in Baddegama town, soaking wet in the monsoon rain. Today we caught them & transp...

We have rescued 13 puppies!! They were in Baddegama town, soaking wet in the monsoon rain. Today we caught them & transported them to their half way house in Tangalle with the kind Pabasara & Indika. Pabasara has already found homes for 10 of them and she will find homes for the other three. Dr.Nuwan Niriella will do all their vaccinations and also the sterilisations of the older puppies. The younger and less healthy ones will be done by him later. I have already paid for the vaccinations which came to Rs.51,350. The cost of vaccines has almost trippled in the last few months due to the situation in the country. The cost to transport the puppies was also extortionate due to the increase in petrol costs! I am fortunate I am able to afford it due to kind donations from my friends & family.

It’s heart breaking to see so many puppies and kittens thrown on the road especially at this time when we are having heavy rain. We are trying to do what we can and thankfully we could save these 13!!

Thank you for your support. I will not be able to do all this without you and your kind donations.

It's with a heavy heart I write my first post in a while. The situation in Srilanka has been desperate & intolerable. Th...

It's with a heavy heart I write my first post in a while. The situation in Srilanka has been desperate & intolerable. The lack of fuel and extortionate food prices have meant I have been unable to feed my street dogs and most of them have died. I returned home from England last month & have been unable to find so many of my favourites. It is a very sad time.

I have been able to take comfort in some rescue work:

This poor dog was thrown out of her home because of her terrible mange condition. I paid for a dog catcher and she was taken to Dr. Niriella where she had injections every week and medicated shampoo in her baths. She had to have 7 weeks of treatment! My friend, the kind Pabasara took her in untill she recovered. I also paid for the dog to be sterilised. The pictures are of her now after treatment. Her family have now taken her back...I only hope they look after her.

The cost of the treatment was Rs. 22,640. Thank you for your support. Without you, I won’t be able to do this work. X

This is Hercules,a beloved family pet who died of cancer early this month. In memory of him his family wanted me to give...

This is Hercules,a beloved family pet who died of cancer early this month. In memory of him his family wanted me to give an alms giving to the poor dogs. They sent me the money and we managed to feed over 500 dogs and cats in this area and surrounding areas in his honour. All the merit goes to Shyamali mali, her family and Herci for this kind deed. Thank you for everything!

We brought 30kg rice, 20kg chicken, 30kg sausages( Hercules's favourite!) & 10 tins fish. It took us 2 -3 hours to cook all the food the night before. We then mixed all the food in the morning before taking it to the stray dogs. Renuka, Saman and Rasika helped with the cooking and mixing food. Saman, Rasika and Ramesh helped with feeding the dogs. We had to hire a open van to take all the food.

If you would like to host an almsgivingin honour of a loved one please let me know!! X

Three little puppies just newly born we’re thrown on the side of the road late October, so young their eyes were not eve...

Three little puppies just newly born we’re thrown on the side of the road late October, so young their eyes were not even open 💔. I rescued them but was clueless how to look after such tiny puppies. My friend Chandrika, an animal rescuer her self and who has experience nursing such tiny babies took them and cared for them for 2 1/2 months. She bottle feed them every 2 hours without any rest until they started eating solids. It must have been a real struggle for her. Without Chandrika these puppies would have certainly died. Thank you Chandrika for all you have done. Chandrika already found the boy puppy a home and I took the two girls back as soon as they were weaned. They have been with me for a month. They are fully vaccinated & are such lovely puppies! Katherina posted them on her page & we have already found a home for them to go together. Iam so happy that they won’t be sepatated. I will put pictures up when they go to their new home.

Thank you Chandrika for all you have done for these beautiful puppies 🐶 xx

Another puppy rehomed!! This poor puppy had been living under a drain cover & was so frightened! I have been feeding him...

Another puppy rehomed!! This poor puppy had been living under a drain cover & was so frightened! I have been feeding him and trying to catch him but he was so nervous, he would only come out to eat and then run back into the drain 😔 I have been trying to get him comfortable around me and find a home for him for so long. Eventually, I managed to get some pictures of him & sent them to my friend Pabasara and she found a home for him! Another friend Kumara, managed to sedate the puppy when he came to eat, and he was taken to be looked after by Pabasara and Indika. The puppy is so happy he has even allowed them to pick him up!! Dr.Nuwan Nirriella has already neutered him and he will be going to his new home in Ratnapura in a few days. Thank you Pabasara for all you do to help me trying to find kind homes for these innocent abandoned animals. I am so grateful. Xx

After being vaccinated and treated for mange, the three puppies have been rehomed to their forever homes!! My friends Pa...

After being vaccinated and treated for mange, the three puppies have been rehomed to their forever homes!! My friends Pabasara and Indika first looked after them (as I had to take more stray puppies in) and now they are happily at their new home😊 They have gone to kind families that will look after them. Thank you everyone for your help xx

Someone put these poor puppies in a compost bag and dumped them outside the church gate! Two girls and a boy😢I had to br...

Someone put these poor puppies in a compost bag and dumped them outside the church gate! Two girls and a boy😢I had to bring them home as I was scared they would be eaten up by monitor lizards in the night. They are so tiny, around 8 weeks old. I have bathed them with warm water and they slept like logs!!

Yesterday they had their Rabies jabs and skin treatment injections. The second lot of skin treatment is to be given in 10 days. I will then vaccinate them for Parvovirus.

I hope I will find good homes for them. If you are interested in rehoming them please let me know. They must go to a loving home and not be kept on a chain or in a cage x

More pictures of the work that was done over this last week. I just want to say another big thank you to those who donat...

More pictures of the work that was done over this last week. I just want to say another big thank you to those who donated their money. You will never know how grateful I am for your donation and as you can see from the many animals that were able to be done. You have all help massively. Thank you again!

On the 17th of October we vaccinated & sterilised 23 dogs and 6 cats!! We also gave out 18 skin treatments & 1 cancer tr...

On the 17th of October we vaccinated & sterilised 23 dogs and 6 cats!! We also gave out 18 skin treatments & 1 cancer treatment! Thank you so much to everyone that has dontated so far🥰 We couldn't have done it without your help!!Together we will have stopped so many unwanted pregnancies and so much suffering!

Our work is not finished though, we still have a lot of dogs in the area to do so please donate if you can! The details are below xx

English bank account: Acc No- 26764023 SC-090129

Sri-Lankan bank details:S M De Silva, Commercial Bank- Baddegama, Acc no. -8002908089, Sort code - 28-01-19

Thanks in advance for your kindness xx

***URGENT APPEAL***                             My friend Renuka went to feed the stray dog's for her daughter's birthda...


My friend Renuka went to feed the stray dog's for her daughter's birthday and was shocked to see over 45 dogs in the village next to hers. Some had given birth to puppies, some pregnant, some with cancers and almost all of them covered in Mange. We desperately need to steralized these dogs before they get pregnent again. I haven't got the money for this project as things are so expensive. I cannot do this without your help! Each dog will cost Rs. 3000 for surgery, Rs. 500 for the Rabies, Rs. 500 for the skin treatment. Thats roughly £15 a dog. The ones with TVT Cancer will cost over Rs. 3000 (£10.88) for their treatment.

Please are there any kind people that are able to donate??

£15 to neuter, vaccinate and treated for mange.
£10.88 to treat a dog for cancer.

To donate please use the details below:
English bank account:Acc No: 26764023 SC:090129 Sri-Lankan bank details:S M De Silva, Commercial Bank- Baddegama, Acc no. -8002908089, Sort code - 28-01-19

Thanks in advance for your kindness xx

Sorry for the lack of posts but we have been so busy!! The work never ends!!I have neutered around 50 dogs this year alo...

Sorry for the lack of posts but we have been so busy!! The work never ends!!I have neutered around 50 dogs this year alone! Here is the list of what I can remember:

-2 dogs in Baddegama town sterilised.
-One dog treated after a road accident treated and now walking.
-One TVT cancer treated and 2 dogs with ear infections treated.
- 9 dogs sterilised,Rabies vaccination and skin treatment given in Athkandura, a different area to here. -One dog had puppies dead in her woumb. They were removed.
-2 physiotherapy treatments for a nearly paralised dog in Baddegama town.
-1 street puppy sterilized and vaccinated
-2 dogs of a fish seller in Baddegama sterilized and vaccinated.
-Rabies,Parvo and skin treatment for the 2 rescue puppies
-6 dogs stralized and vaccinated in Seenigama.
-On the 25th 3 dogs sterilized and vaccinated for a family that couldn't afford it.
-Last week Pandy and Pippa were neutered.
-This week, 4 dogs neutered 2 males and 2 females. -One Cancer dog treated.

Now that I have turned 70, I have decided that I won't be doing any more rescues as it is so tiring. I will continue with my feeding round (over 100 dogs) every day, Neutering street dogs and cats and medicating the ones after road accidents, skin treatments and any other illnesses.

Thank you all for your kindness, I couldn't do this work without your donations! If you can help at all please donate via my gofundme page or via direct debit into my animal account.

To donate please use Acc No: 26764023 SC:090129 or visit

Thank you!!

The two puppies Pandy and Pippa that was rescued by my brother from the mangrove forest have now found their new home. T...

The two puppies Pandy and Pippa that was rescued by my brother from the mangrove forest have now found their new home. Thank you to my dear friend Brigitte Hilz, one of the kindest people I have ever been privileged to meet, found this kind home for them. Thank you Sajith Asanga (Sabu) and family for taking them in and giving them their forever home. They are a little bit scared at the moment so have to be in a cage during the night but will settle soon. Thank you for everything! Another success story!! Xx

Bella came to me a few weeks ago, covered in mange and with dog bites on her back leg and back. The poor thing was only ...

Bella came to me a few weeks ago, covered in mange and with dog bites on her back leg and back. The poor thing was only about 2 months old and people were throwing stones and chasing her away. I was so sad I had to bring her home. I treated her for mange and vaccinated her against rabies and distemper. I was so worried I wouldn't be able to find her a home but thankfully I my kind friend friend Thanuja and her family have taken her in ❤ I am so happy! Finally some good news! xx

Two new additions to my already full home. These poor pups were dumped in one of the most remote parts of the village an...

Two new additions to my already full home. These poor pups were dumped in one of the most remote parts of the village and would have most certainly died. Luckily my brother was driving that way and brought them to me straight away. I hope I can find them a good home. Any ideas for names?? Xx

More important neutering we have done this month!! Almost all the stray dogs in Baddegamma village are done now! This is...

More important neutering we have done this month!! Almost all the stray dogs in Baddegamma village are done now! This is important work as it means less stray puppies! xx

This is Tommy who had a terrible skin cancer. He is a street dog that a kind lady feeds but cant afford to get treatment...

This is Tommy who had a terrible skin cancer. He is a street dog that a kind lady feeds but cant afford to get treatment for him. She asked me if I could help so I took him to the Dog care clinic, and he was admitted for surgery. Today I went to collect him after surgery and three weeks hospital stay! Thanks to Dr. Induni who is an ecxellent surgeon, his cancer has been taken out, and he looks so good!! I have taken him back and the lady will now look after him in her own home. He is still on medication for another 2 weeks. In the last picture he is sitting in tuk tuk waiting to go home!

A massive thank Dr. Induni and the DCC for saving his life!! Xx

Just a few of the dogs we have neutered recently! Every one we do stops the population from increasing xx

Just a few of the dogs we have neutered recently! Every one we do stops the population from increasing xx


Plantation Villa





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