The Volunteer Dogs

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The Volunteer Dogs Vision: To give stray dogs the best fighting chance to survive life on the streets ��

This page has been setup to provide a fun daily/weekly outlook into the lives of the rescued street dogs who reside at MEF with their adopted human Mother Jade who lives and works as MEF project manager. These dogs have been luckily enough to be cares for and homed by Jade, and recieve love and attention from all the MEF volunteers who are lucky enough to meet them during their stay. So the page i

s a fan club page for them, but also an awareness page for the not so lucky dogs on the streets surrounding MEF and a platform to share stories and gain support for these street dogs in need around the area. We wish all dogs could be adopted by Jade, but sadly this is not possible, but Jade continues to help as many dogs as possible on the streets and would be unable to do it without the kind support of others. Thanks to all who have helped support the street dogs of Rambukkana during their stay at MEF and thank you for all the love and treats you have shown the dogs who are lucky enough to reside at MEF. Huge thank you to the Samarasinghe family and the MEF board for allowing the dogs to be homed here.


Reward 30,000 for my missing dog

Last seen last Saturday night/early hours Sunday Morning at Millennium Elephant Foundation Randeniya

4.5 year old female, PETITE, black with brown markings with pink and purple collar on

Please call if you see her anyone who finds her will receive 30,000 rs


කරුණාකර සොයා ගැනීමට සහාය ලබා දෙන්න

රන්දෙණිය, පින්නවල, කෑගල්ල ප්‍රදේශයේ සුරතලයට ඇති කල බලු පැටියකු අතුරුදන් වී ඇති අතර සොයා දෙන අයකුට මුදලින් රුපියල් 30000k ලබා දෙනු ලැබේ.

රෝස සහ දම් පාට කොලරයක් දමා ඇත.

තොරතුරක් ඇත්නම් 0769008388 ට හෝ 0714119558 ඇමතුමක් හෝ කෙටි පණිවුඩයක් ලබා දෙන මෙන් ඉතාමත් කරුණාවෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.


Our little Beauty is still missing and we are heartbroken. Her sisters and her pack miss her lots and she is NOWHERE to be seen someone must have some information in the local area 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

If anyone finds her please call 0769008388 and 20,000 rs will be paid for bringing her hone

Thanks so much for everyone who has helped so far 💔💔💔😢😢😢






CALL 0769008388 IF FOUND

10,000 rs given to person who finds

කරුණාකර සොයා ගැනීමට සහාය ලබා දෙන්න

රන්දෙණිය, පින්නවල, කෑගල්ල ප්‍රදේශයේ සුරතලයට ඇති කල බලු පැටියකු අතුරුදන් වී ඇති අතර සොයා දෙන අයකුට මුදලින් රුපියල් 10000k ලබා දෙනු ලැබේ.

රෝස සහ දම් පාට කොලරයක් දමා ඇත.

තොරතුරක් ඇත්නම් 0769008388 ට හෝ 0714119558 ඇමතුමක් හෝ කෙටි පණිවුඩයක් ලබා දෙන මෙන් ඉතාමත් කරුණාවෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.


කරුණාකර සොයා ගැනීමට සහාය ලබා දෙන්න

රන්දෙණිය, පින්නවල, කෑගල්ල ප්‍රදේශයේ සුරතලයට ඇති කල බලු පැටියකු අතුරුදන් වී ඇති අතර සොයා දෙන අයකුට මුදලින් රුපියල් 10000k ලබා දෙනු ලැබේ.

රෝස සහ දම් පාට කොලරයක් දමා ඇත.

තොරතුරක් ඇත්නම් 0769008388 ට හෝ 0728434220 ට ඇමතුමක් හෝ කෙටි පණිවුඩයක් ලබා දෙන මෙන් ඉතාමත් කරුණාවෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.






CALL 0769008388 IF FOUND







CALL 0769008388 IF FOUND




Which stage of quarantine are you at?


The only downfall about not being allowed out of the property due to curfew is not being able to do the usual rounds of helping dogs in need. 😥🐕🐶

We are still helping where we can though even behind closed doors 🚪

Myself and our team did a fundraiser though, to support our fury neighbours at this time of crisis.We donated 15,000 rs, approximately £75 and bought:

Rice 50kg
Dahl 10kg
Salmon fish 30 cans
Biscuits 20 packs
milk and Yogurts
15 coconut pieces for dhal curry

To feed the hungry dogs on the streets in Rambukkana and Kegalle, that will be suffering due to homes and businesses being closed over the last 2 weeks

We cant take the credit for the hard work involved in actual feeding though,(we didnt get the permission to leave) so hats off 🎩 and a huge WELLDONE to our simply wonderful and kind hearted Januka who did the rounds of feeding the dogs ❤❤❤❤

Over 150 dogs were fed 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Thank you for your huge heart Januka and thank you for letting us be involved


*Update on our Poorly Dogs*

(Sorry for lack of updates, our care for the needy has been continuing but life has been getting in the way 🙏😥


Was taken back to Shane & Shawn Animal Hospital as had an open septic wound under her tail that wasnt healing after her tail amputation, after proper wound management antibiotics, and hospitilisation for 10 days shes doing well and has been sent back to the spice garden with her friends

*Scabby Abby*

On day 12 of hospitalisation, looks horrific the poor little Love 💔. Has terrible mange, a bacterial skin infection and possibly an autoimmune skin condition. She hasnt as yet responded to any medication, despite having blood tests, allergy tests and culture tests, shes on new antibiotics now and still recieving medical baths and lotion 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 praying that we will start to see an improvement.....we wont give up till she looking good as new 💪


Our old faithful friend, got SEVERE tick fever, yellow in colour from luver damage and severely dehydrated, a BIG scare for us, shes been hospitilsed for the last week and has been getting all the care she needs, the vet has seen an improvement in her blood results but shes very weak 😥

Promise to be more in touch

Thanks for all who support this wonderful cause these whopping bills came to 45,000 LKR this week, about £200 GBP €250 $300 it would be impossible to come up with funds like this without the kindness of others ❤




Poor Little Scabby Abby- the way the poor little suffering dogs look at you when you help them MELTS my ❤


Little Nana getting her Wednesday wash= Not happy dog

I think someone was a bit scared at the vets- bless her 😫

*Wednesday wash & wounds day*

Little Nana 👩‍🦳
Still ongoing vitamins for skin and medical baths every 3 days, even after mange treatment a few weeks back doesnt seem to be much improvement- maybe due to age, il check with a specialist charity if still no changes after a few more baths 🛀🧼

She really doesnt like me now, runs off everytime she hears my bicycle, 🚴‍♀️ managed to bathe her bath today though🏆
- shes so cute ❤

Checked in on Tiny
DISASTSER 😫 septic open wound under her amputated tail, no improvement at all 👎👎👎 Even with a cone on, shes been biting at the stitches and the wound, poor thing cries in pain. So Tiny has been hospitalised for at least 7 days for proper wound management and antibiotics.

Gave little Scabby Abby some fuss whilst Shane & Shawn Animal Hospital, has had her first 2 days of treatment, and a medical bath, couple more days skin scrapes and eye swabs will be taken for testing so full diagnosis and correct course of treatment can be given 🙏

Bill today for hospitilisation of Tiny 7000 rs.....teatment charges to follow

Thank you to all who have donated to the Canine Compassion fund- i couldnt stop this suffering or help these innocent souls without your help

Anyone who wishes to donate please go to

Thank you so much 🐕❤🐕❤


*Tuesday Trauma*

Popped into the temple earlier, to check in on the 2 pups that were released after treatement for babesia (tick fever) and a skin conditon 2 weeks ago, and to collect another for steralising

1st bit by a male dog who broke the skin and made me bleed 😫😫😫 and no rabies vaccines in Kegalle until the morning available!!! Excellent

Then saw the poor pups Scabby Abby and Tabby who looked worse than when i originally found them. 😥😥😥😥

Tabby nothing serious, so mange treatment was given for her, 🙏

But Scabby Abby was in a terrible way, antibiotics and given today and she will be kept for 3 days before getting a skin scrape to find out what the issue is

Poor little loves ❤🐕❤🐕❤

Big bill of 7000rs (and no luck catching the dog for steralization)

So not the luckiest of Tuesdays

Oh....and got home covered in p**p and you can imagine...tuk tuk driver was NOT best impressed


Making money for the mongrels again today!!! Colombo Racecourse ://

fashion4compassion is selling recycled high end fashionable ladies clothes at super low prices to make money for sterlisation, vaccinations and treatments for dogs on the streets


Excellent dedication today from animal lovers and animal welfare groups nationwide

So proud to be part of such an amazing cause

Thank you to all all who joined together



Team MEF protesting for

For the love of all creatures on this beautiful island 🐕🐘❤



Whilst 'Dotty' was dog dreaming about how lucky she is.....

She wanted to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who has donated to our fund, which supports her friends 🐕🐕🐕🐕 on the streets that are not as fortunate as her.



Just checking in and sharing updates....

Called Shane & Shawn 'Scabby Abby' still not well enough to go back to her pack, tick fever not quite cleared and blood count very low, still recieving ongoing Treatment 😥

'Nana' fine after vaccines sti recieving daily dises of vitamins for her mange, to help boost her alongside the treatment she was give💪

New fella 'Binju'
Dog living next door to where Nana hangs,absolutely riddled in creepy crawlies 😫😫 recieved Flea/Tick treatments as well as worming medicine, as requested by his owner🦟🐛

Had his medical bath of Nilamange and Asiprox solution and his daily dose of vitamins to keep him going....hes looking amazing!!!🛁

Is on the mend being taken care of by the spice garden staff, her cone will be removed in 5 days and she will go back to Animal hospital for a check up! 🙏🙏

Wow! Thats a lot of updates

Thank u to all the dog lovers who help, help these poor pups on the street, ❤🐕❤🐕❤

If anyone else wants to contribute to steralisations, vaccines, or treatments of fatal disease please share/like my post and throw in a dollar or two where you can🙏🙏🙏

Lots of Love

Jade & The Dogs



Little Nana went for vaccinations yesterday, she was a very good girl (except for peeing all over my legs in tuk tuk=minor 😂) Also had blood test due to low appetite and low weight

Thank you Lauren-Marie Piacentini for your donation ❤

FREEEEEEEDDDDOOOOOMMMM️ day for Tiny, she was returned to the spice garden after successful amputation of her tail- poor love has to look Sillly for 1 week with cone on her head to stop her chewing the stitches out 😬


Not just Valentines day is for spreading love ❤❤❤

These 4 Furry friends recieved some TLC yesterday

1. Buckeley- disabled dog from the spice garden recieved, mange, flea/tick and deworming treatement

2. Gotyè- got his daily dose of skin vitamims and a mange bath, to help him along with his full recovery

3. Nana- had her medical bath, flea/tick, mange and deworming treatment

4. Acci (grandma in Sinhala) recieved mange, flea and tick treatment, as it doesnt seem to be getting any better after her medical bath

You dont have to be rich to spread a little love and compassion in the world. Everyday we have the opportunity to make a difference in any small way we can.Are you playing your part?? I hope so 🙏🙏🙏

Lets be kind to the poor animals less fortunate than our pets, they too deserve to be free feom suffering and to recieve love and care ❤🐕🐾


Lots of love
Dotty, Terri, Beauty, China, Sneaks,Stan & Ragu

( Sorryyyyyyy Polly and Mr Happy not present during the photoshoot 😂🙈)


Throwback Thursday


Remember the spice garden Trio Tiny, Tim & Tina, (sister brother and mom)

All steralised, vaccinated, dewormed and flea, treated. You may also remember when we first found Tiny ( the sister) she had a severly broken leg and had to have it pinned? 🤕🦵

Well this poor unlucky pup has now damaged her tail. 🐕

Half of it has fallen off (maybe ran over) and the remaining half is super swollen and infected with the bone sticking out 🤢🤮

Took to Shane & Shawn Animal Hospital and they advised they would have to amputate

The poor love 😥🐕❤

Now with 4 pups amitted in their hospital this week, with the various medical needs.Thank the universe they offer this service for the dogs.So they can recieve ongoing treatment and recovery time

Amputation and hospital stay was approximate $30,£25 BARRRRGGGAAAIINNNN!!!! compared to the rest of the world, but with a total spend of 40,000 rs this week, (approx $250, £200) its overall been an expensive week.💸💰💶

Its a pleasure spending money on and raising extra funds for these dogs

To help out the needy and end the suffering is what we try best

Thank you thank you thank you to all our supporters who contribute to this fund, literally can not thank you enough for your kindness.Thank you thank you and thank you again ❤❤❤❤❤❤

More funds means more help for more sick and injured dogs 🙏🙏🙏 give what you can today

Lots of love Tiny 🐾


Wednesdays Wishes and Woes 🙏😥❤

That all the dogs on the streets experience the love care and happiness that our rescues Elephant Foundation recieve every single day.The are VERY VERY lucky dogs

Thomas and I, (one of our dedicated MEF volunteers) had our hands full with 2 more of the temple tribe.

(Sister of yesterdays Scabby Abby) also suffering infected bite wounds and crawling with parasites, positive results of tick fever (Babesios)😥😥😥 she has been hospitalised for the next 5 days alongside her sibling to recieve treatement. Although not a contageous disease, as airborne, its very common for dogs living in the same area to contract the same virus 👎👎👎

Luckily no suspected, tick fever, but equally as riddled in the awful parasites, Theresea checked in for steralisation to stop the temple tribe rapidly growing further.Also will recieve wound management for the deep hole pierced in her leg (looked like a bite or impalement)

Both dogs (along with yesterdays 2 Abby & Caroline) all recieved flea/tick treatmemt, deworming and their annual vaccines to protect them from future medical issues 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Huge thank you to all who make this happen ❤❤❤❤
.......4️⃣⬇️📉 down......unsure of how many more left to go......(noticed approximate 10 at the temple during our 2 visits) due to their crazy barking and running around and the similarity in looks...was unable to be exact at this stage 😂🐕


Tuesdays two.

Caroline and Poor little Scabby Abby 😥

Found at the local temple, part of a pack of around 10 dogs. 😮
(il slowly work my way through them all as and when funds/time allow it)

In Sri Lanka often unwanted litters of puppies or pregnant female dogs are dumped at the local temples. 👎👎👎👎

The monks happily feed the dogs and allow them to hang about (most of the time) But more often than not medical, vaccines and steralisation costs are not covered. Most of the time there are simply too many dogs, and not enough funds to do so 😥🐕

Luckily Caroline (the elder black female) had already been neutered a few years back, but riddled in fleas and ticks , needed treatment for that, deworming and annual vaccinations ✅

Poor little Abby wasnt so lucky. 😯
Covered in huge infected wounds from scratching and biting her skin, riddled in fleas and ticks.

With a temperature of 106, and a very swollen belly the Doctor tested for Babesia(tick fever) and parasites which she tested positive for at quite a high risk stage.🌡🔥🥵

Abby recieved her first course of treatmemt today, as well as flea/tick treatment.

She will remain hospitalised for 5 days to continue with her course of treatment before being returned to her siblings and her pack at the temple.🏯

In my 5 years in Sri Lankan iv known many dogs die to this disease 💔, so lucky 🤞🍀little Abby was caught in time and is getting the TLC from & Shawn Animal hospital

Thank you to all the Dog lovers that support me ❤❤❤



Brother and Sister
Approximately 1 month old
Super cute, super friendly

Beautiful babies, living at the side of the road eating out of bins.

Sadly in Sri Lanka, all the amazing rescue centres, and charities are full to the brim of homeless dogs and puppys and there is nowhere to take these poor soles.

If you have room in you family for a little one, or better still two, please private message me.🐕🐕

All vaccinations, steralisation, flea treatment, deworming and medical bills, collars and chains will be paid for, and im happy to deliver for free ANYWHERE in Sri Lanka

Save a life today, rehome one of these pups 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Been to check on this lovely boy today, and he's fine, 🙏🙏🙏

Wagging his tail showing off his new blue collar back where he lived for the many years before i got involved 🐕❤

Gave Nexguard to protect from mange re-ocurring and to clear up whats left, and protection from fleas and tix, some cod liver oil and vitamins which are good for the skin and general health. 💊💊💊

Also he Enjoyed 2 yoghurts as treats 😋😋

Il continue to pop by and see him daily and give him vitamins, and a bit of love and fuss and continue to take care of any medical issues (should any reoccur) lets hope not 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Super mixed emotions tonight.Having to pick little Gotyè up from & Shawn Animal Hospital where he has spent two weeks having daily treatment, for worms, tick fever, severe mange and infected wounds.

Even though im so so happy he is in a much better condition now and good health, with fur growing back nicely and relief from the parasites and the itchy infected wounds, it was super sad to have to put him back on the streets. 😥/😊

What to do though, you cant keep them all can you 😥

Will over £150.00 spent on this guys treatments and hospital boarding i couldnt be more grateful for the support i recieve from friends and family so im able to end the suffering for dogs like Gotyè and many more to come.💷💷💷

Its never to late to donate even £5 can do wonders for these animals, so please help them out where you can🙏🙏🙏

Thank you eternally ❤🐕

(Sorry about the poor quality photos il get better ones tommorow when i go and check hes ok and safe)


Wednesdays in Weragala Village Habarana, (i know its Thursday no phone signal yesterday)

Wouldnt be right without first aid kit for dogs with us!

Luckily all the dogs we came accross were in pretty good condition....except this poor fellow with his mange.

He was given Nexguard which treats ticks, fleas as well as mange, dewormers as well as a medical bath and some vitamins also good for the skin.

Lets hope this gives him some relief 🙏🐕❤



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