Dogtor Pete

Dogtor Pete My name is Doctor Pieter de Villiers (a.k.a.

Dogtor Pete) and I am a veterinarian from South Africa who has a passion for adventure, travelling and yes, of course, saving animals’ lives. :)


Cucumber 🥒 Safe Or Toxic To Dogs?


Chocolate - Safe Or Toxic To Dogs?

When you're trying to get some work done, but your patient demands your attention...

When you're trying to get some work done, but your patient demands your attention...

Give Dobby A Sock... Dobby Wants To Be Free!

Give Dobby A Sock... Dobby Wants To Be Free!

Happy World Veterinary Day! 🐶🐱Shoutout to all the vets, vet nurses, vet techs, kennel hands, receptionists, and vet prac...

Happy World Veterinary Day! 🐶🐱

Shoutout to all the vets, vet nurses, vet techs, kennel hands, receptionists, and vet practice managers that pursued their passion for working with animals and therefore making this world a better place.

As vets, we really do appreciate all the help that we receive from our support staff and I don't think they are always given enough credit for how much they contribute to saving animals' lives!

So thank you! Your hard work does not go unnoticed. 😁

P.S. This is a picture of me and my dog (Snoekie) on our farm when I was around 12 years old. Little did I know that I will one day be living my dream of working with animals every day!

Wow! Today we reached two big milestones on YouTube: - 1 000 Subscribers 🐕- 100 000 Views! 🐈Thank you all SO much for yo...

Wow! Today we reached two big milestones on YouTube:
- 1 000 Subscribers 🐕
- 100 000 Views! 🐈

Thank you all SO much for your support! I really enjoy making these videos and it's a great feeling knowing that somewhere in the world I can help someone, even if it is just to explain a difficult concept or disease that they are going through with their pet and by giving tips on what they can do to help their furry companion.

I am also learning a great deal by making these videos and hope that I will continue to provide value in a fun and entertaining way.

Onward and upward to the next milestones:
- 10 000 Subscribers & 1 Million Views!


The liver is the second largest organ in the body and provides about 1 500 critical biomechanical functions.It is, there...

The liver is the second largest organ in the body and provides about 1 500 critical biomechanical functions.

It is, therefore, a very important multi-purpose organ that plays a central role in the body and because of this it is susceptible to many different problems that can threaten the health and wellbeing of your dog, so it is really important to be aware of the signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods of liver disease in dogs, which I will discuss in this video, in order to keep your pet in optimal health.

Now the prognosis really depends on the severity of the disease and whether or not the underlying cause can be treated and eliminated. The prognosis can be excellent if the cause can be eradicated before long-term damage occurs, as the liver is the only visceral organ known to regenerate.

Chronic or severe liver disease, unfortunately, carries a much worse prognosis, and treatment is therefore aimed to manage the progression of the disease and minimizing the symptoms.

So remember, when you notice any of these signs in your dog, take him to the vet as soon as possible, as early intervention and treatment is one of the key factors in treating liver disease and preventing serious signs.


The liver is the second largest organ in the body and provides about 1 500 critical biomechanical functions.It is, therefore, a very important multi-purpose ...

No matter what your dog’s size is, he has a big heart. And although I am, in general, referring to the metaphorical sens...

No matter what your dog’s size is, he has a big heart. And although I am, in general, referring to the metaphorical sense of the word, some dogs actually do have a big heart which unfortunately can be detrimental to their health if not addressed early enough.

So make sure to watch this video as I’ll be explaining exactly what congestive heart failure in dogs is as well as what the causes, clinical signs, diagnoses, treatment and prevention methods are so that you can better equip yourself to buy some extra, high-quality time with your loyal companion.

Vigilant lifestyle management and proper home care may help extend your dog’s chances of survival from months to many years. And the sooner the condition can be identified and treatment is started, the better the chances of extending your dog’s life.

Let me know down in the comments if you ever had a dog that suffered from congestive heart failure and what you and your vet did to help him?

No matter what your dog’s size is, he has a big heart. And although I am, in general, referring to the metaphorical sense of the word, some dogs actually do ...

Did you know, that after cancer, chronic kidney disease is considered to be the number two silent killer of dogs all ove...

Did you know, that after cancer, chronic kidney disease is considered to be the number two silent killer of dogs all over the world? It often develops unnoticed and when you finally do start to see clinical signs, it is often too late to treat and may take your dog’s life unexpectedly!

So make sure to watch this video as I’ll be explaining the causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods for kidney disease in dogs so that you can better prepare yourself and potentially protect your dog from this horrible affliction.

Now your dog’s prognosis will depend on the severity of the disease and its stages of progression. While chronic renal failure in dogs cannot be reversed or cured, treatment and management aimed at reducing the contributing factors and symptoms can slow its progression and may add a few months to a few years of good quality life to your pet’s lifespan.

The earlier kidney failure is diagnosed and treated, the better the prognosis and the higher the probability that your pet’s life will be extended.

Let me know down in the comments if you ever had a dog that was diagnosed with kidney disease and what you and your vet did to help him?


Did you know, that after cancer, chronic kidney disease is considered to be the number two silent killer of dogs all over the world? It often develops unnoti...

As a dog lover, I know that you want to keep your furry friend out of harm’s way at all times, but your pet’s curious na...

As a dog lover, I know that you want to keep your furry friend out of harm’s way at all times, but your pet’s curious nature do sometimes get them into all sorts of trouble. Animals investigate the world with their mouths and this often result in them accidentally ingesting something poisonous.

Every year, there are more than 214 000 cases of pet poisoning reported in the US alone. The surprising thing is that most of these were actually caused by household substances that may seem perfectly fine to you, but just because something is safe for people, does not mean it won’t hurt your beloved pet.

So in this video, I will be going over every single item in your household that could potentially harm your pet so that you can equip your house accordingly to ensure that your pets are kept safe and healthy.

Most of the things on this list may have come as a surprise to you, as they are common household items that we use on a daily basis. But again, just because it is safe for people or children, does not mean it is safe for dogs. Pets do not understand our language and therefore won’t always know what will and what won’t harm them.

It is therefore your responsibility as a pet owner to educate yourself on the things that are toxic to your pets and to modify your home in such a way that they cannot get access to these products.

The best cure is always prevention, and seeing that the treatment for most of these poisons can become quite intense, you will effectively safe a lot of money on vet bills if you do not expose your pets to these dangers in the first place.

If there is a specific poison or toxin that you would like to know more about, feel free to let me know down in the comments.


As a dog lover, I know that you want to keep your furry friend out of harm’s way at all times, but your pet’s curious nature do sometimes get them into all s...

Most dogs will devour anything and everything without a moment’s hesitation. So it can become very concerning when your ...

Most dogs will devour anything and everything without a moment’s hesitation. So it can become very concerning when your dog does not show any interest in his food, turns his nose up and walks away.

So in this video I will be discussing some of the most common, and some of the lesser known reasons why your dog is not eating. I will also be giving you some tips on what you can try to get their appetite back and will also point out when it is likely something serious that requires veterinary attention.

Your dog may be responding to your behavioural cues during mealtimes, or he may be enjoying the attention given when he doesn’t eat his food, thereby reinforcing the bad behaviour.

By keeping feeding time positive, the overall experience will also provide positive reinforcement for your dog. Praise your dog when he eats his food and give him attention only after the meal is gone.

Above all, be patient with your dog and watch him closely for signs of illness. And by applying consistent self-discipline over a long period of time, you should be able to cure your finicky eater.

Let me know down in the comments if your dog ever stopped eating and what you and your vet did to help get his appetite back on track?

Most dogs will devour anything and everything without a moment’s hesitation. So it can become very concerning when your dog does not show any interest in his...

President Joe Biden is certainly not the first, and will hopefully not be the last to bring a pet to the White House. Da...

President Joe Biden is certainly not the first, and will hopefully not be the last to bring a pet to the White House. Dating all the way back to the late 1700’s, almost all of the US Presidents had some sort of animal companion that they welcomed into the White House.

I will bet my stethoscope that you will be REALLY surprised to find out what types of creatures crawled their way onto this list. ;)

It is quite evident that there is a pattern reflecting that the presidents that had the biggest love for animals, achieved the greatest things and will therefore be the most memorable for years to come.

And as Proverbs 12:10 says, “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals”, we must learn from these influential giants in the past, embrace animal welfare and become advocates to stand against animal cruelty within our communities.

Let me know down in the comments which pets you found to be most interesting to see on this list and which US president was your favourite to date?

Have a blessed Christmas almal! :)


President Joe Biden is certainly not the first, and will hopefully not be the last to bring a pet to the White House. Dating all the way back to the late 170...

Getting home to find your puppy or dog not placing any weight on a leg is never fun. Just like us humans, dogs do someti...

Getting home to find your puppy or dog not placing any weight on a leg is never fun. Just like us humans, dogs do sometimes break bones, sprain muscles, slip discs or tear ligaments, all of which can lead to a sudden onset of limping or lameness.

In this video, I will be going over all the different causes for lameness in dogs, how to recognize when it is an emergency and I will also be giving you some tips on how you can treat and prevent lameness in your dog.

Some causes of lameness will resolve quickly and not have a permanent effect on the health of your dog whereas others will require lifelong treatment and management.

Monitoring the response to treatment is an important part of both the diagnosis and treatment of lameness in dogs and it is really important to take the dog in for follow up examinations if necessary to prevent permanent damage.

Let me know if your dog ever suffered from lameness and what you and your vet did to help him?

Lekker! :)

Getting home to find your puppy or dog not placing any weight on a leg is never fun. Just like us humans, dogs do sometimes break bones, sprain muscles, slip...


The occasional cough in an otherwise healthy dog is usually nothing to worry about, but when the cough does become a constant or recurrent problem it can be a sign of a serious underlying illness.

As much as you would like to, there is unfortunately no way to accurately diagnose the exact cause of a dog’s cough by only listening to the sound it makes.

As coughing is associated with a number of diseases, a careful diagnostic workup is essential for establishing a diagnosis and treatment plan and it can thus be very dangerous to presume your dog has a specific disease based on only its cough.

Watch this video as I’ll be going over the top 8 most common causes of coughing in dogs as well as their diagnoses and treatment options.

Let me know down in the comments if your dog ever suffered from a cough and what you and your vet did to diagnose and treat his condition?


A dog’s eyes perform a nearly miraculous function – converting reflected light into nerve impulses that the brain uses t...

A dog’s eyes perform a nearly miraculous function – converting reflected light into nerve impulses that the brain uses to paint images of the world.

In order to this effectively, all the different parts of the eye must be healthy, but this is unfortunately not always the case as there are a number of diseases that can disrupt the way a dog’s eyes normally function.

In this video we’ll be looking at the top 10 most common eye problems in dogs and how pet owners can successfully manage them.

Any time your dog is showing increased tearing, redness of the eyes, goopy discharge in the corners of his eyes, or excessively blinking, have him evaluated by your veterinarian immediately. The eyes are extraordinarily delicate organs, and quick treatment is often necessary to avoid long-term complications.

Feel welcome to leave a comment if your dog ever suffered from one of these conditions and let me know what you and your vet did to help him?


In this video I will discuss the top 10 most common eye conditions in dogs as well as how to treat eye infections in dogs. A dog’s eyes perform a nearly mira...

Who wore it better?

Who wore it better?

Have you ever noticed your dog in a hunched up position in the garden, staring at you with a pleading look in its eyes, ...

Have you ever noticed your dog in a hunched up position in the garden, staring at you with a pleading look in its eyes, and seemingly not being able to “come right” with passing his stool?

Your dog may be constipated, which can become a medical emergency!

Watch this video to find out what causes constipation in dogs, how it can be treated both at home and at the vet and how you can help prevent your dog from ever getting constipated!

Constipation in itself is usually not a critical emergency, but it is a sign that something is going on that requires attention. If constipation is left untreated, the backup of bacteria and bodily waste products can get taken up into the bloodstream that can lead to sepsis, which could result in death!

It is therefore always important to seek medical advice as it is important to find the exact cause of constipation to be able to treat it correctly.

Let me know down in the comments if your dog ever had constipation and what you and your vet did to relieve the dog's discomfort?

Have a lekker day! :)

Have you ever noticed your dog in a hunched up position in the garden, staring at you with a pleading look in its eyes, and seemingly not being able to “come...


Diarrhoea is a very common problem in dogs, mostly because of the fact that they tend to explore the world with their mouths, chewing and biting on many things in their environment, some of which are not always clean or hygienic.

Diarrhoea can sometimes be resolved at home, but often times they require more close veterinary attention, especially if the diarrhoea is severe or occurs frequently, which could point towards some serious underlying health problem.

Learning to tell the difference is really important. So in this video, I will outline what the clinical signs, causes, diagnosis and prevention methods of diarrhoea in dogs are and I will also explain when and how you can treat your dog at home.

Let me know down in the comments if you and your vet have tried any of these methods in the past and if it helped to resolve the diarrhoea in your dog?


Something to reflect on... 😉

Something to reflect on... 😉


Dogs vomit for many different reasons. Sometimes it’s really nothing to worry about, but often times vomiting is a sign of a serious underlying health problem.

Learning to tell the difference can be tricky, but it is really important as in some cases you should be able to treat it at home, but in other cases you should seek immediate veterinary care instead of attempting to resolve it yourself.

In this video (link to full video is in the comments), I will explain why dogs vomit, what the different types of dog vomit are and what they mean, how to care for a dog throwing up at home and when you should rather take him to the vet.

The most important thing to remember is that vomiting is merely a symptom of an underlying problem. If your animal is vomiting and does not stop after a single episode, rather take him to the vet to have it checked out.

Let me know down in the comments if you've ever tried any of these tips on your vomiting dog and if it helped to resolve his issues?

Have a lekker week everyone! :)


There is a lot of controversy regarding if and when to neuter your pets and although many studies have been performed over the years to determine the benefits versus the risks of neutering, the results still seem to be somewhat inconclusive.

So in this video (link to full video is in the comments), I will be completely transparent and lay down all the pros and cons of neutering, backed by scientific evidence, so that you can be a responsible pet owner that can make your own informed decisions.

I will not try and force my professional opinion as a veterinarian on anyone, but will rather present to you both sides of the argument in an easily comparable manner so that you can be properly educated in order to determine what is best for your beloved pet.

Each pet should be considered as an individual and the benefits and detriments of removing the go**ds should be weighed up against each other. There is no single solution that fits every dog.

The internet is full of easy-to-access information and in today’s digital age, it is so easy to be misled by false, exaggerated claims and statements.

It is extremely important for you, as a pet owner, to be pro-active, to do your own proper research and therefore to only trust reliable, scientific backed sources.

Feel free to let me know down in the comments if you have any questions or if I need to explain something more in depth.

Have a blessed weekend everyone! :)


World Rabies Day - End Rabies: Collaborate & Vaccinate! Yesterday we had a joined mass Vaccination campaign in Vanderbij...

World Rabies Day - End Rabies: Collaborate & Vaccinate!

Yesterday we had a joined mass Vaccination campaign in Vanderbijlpark where we vaccinated close to 500 dogs and cats against Rabies for free.

This was part of the annual iniative between two private veterinary practices, Vaal Animal Clinic and Driehoek Animal Hospital.

We also offered the 5-in-1 vaccines for dogs and the 4-in-1 vaccines for cats at a discounted price and gave away various gifts and vouchers, thanks to our Sponsors.

It was great to be able to assist the part of the community that does not always have the means to access veterinary care and in doing so, we were able to make a small contribution to the worldwide efforts to end human dog-mediated Rabies deaths by 2030. 😀🐕🐈


“Periodontitis”, or inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth, is one of the most common diseases in older, adult dogs. If left untreated for prolonged periods, it can have detrimental effects on your pets' health and wellbeing.

When it comes to dental care, dogs are no different than humans and thus both home and veterinary care are essential to keeping their mouths clean and healthy.

Check out this video (link is in the comments) where I will explain the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options for periodontal disease in dogs and at the end I will give you 3 easy tips on how you can prevent your dog from getting dental problems. :)

Let me know down in the comments if your dog ever had dental problems and what you and your vet did to help him?

Have a lekker blessed weekend everybody!

Rabies causes more than 59 000 human deaths every year and unvaccinated dogs are the main source of human rabies deaths,...

Rabies causes more than 59 000 human deaths every year and unvaccinated dogs are the main source of human rabies deaths, contributing up to 99% of all rabies transmissions to humans.

This is very concerning, because not only can these deaths be easily prevented through proper vaccinations, but also because of the ever growing anti-vaxxer movement that is on the rise, with pet owners refusing to vaccinate their pets due to a lack of understanding of how vaccines actually work.

So in light of the upcoming World Rabies Day, I made this video to stress the importance of vaccinations in your pets, and I will also dig deep into the common misconceptions and controversial debates surrounding vaccines in pets and why anti-vaxxers have it all wrong.

Vaccines have saved millions of lives within the last century and they really do play a vital role in the prevention of serious infectious diseases and the costs associated with it.

As a trusted and loyal companion, your dog or cat depends on you to keep them healthy.

Become part of the solution and share this video with your friends and family so that you can help grow our global family of responsible pet ownership.

Vaccinations in pets is a hotly debated topic, so please feel free to let me know down in the comments if you have any questions.


Rabies causes more than 59 000 human deaths every year and unvaccinated dogs are the main source of human rabies deaths, contributing up to 99% of all rabies...

The Beagle is a fun loving, inquisitive and people orientated medium-sized breed belonging to the scent hound sporting g...

The Beagle is a fun loving, inquisitive and people orientated medium-sized breed belonging to the scent hound sporting group. It is a popular choice for pet owners because of its size and calm temperament and is useful for hunters because of its sharp sense of smell.

Beagles are great active companions for kids and adults alike, but being hounds, they can also be stubborn and mischievous and will require patient, creative, obedience training techniques.

In this video I am going to review the Beagle dog breed from a veterinarian's perspective in order for you to know exactly what to expect when deciding on getting a Beagle.

Let me know down in the comments if you own a Beagle and if you agree with my evaluation of this breed? Also feel free to give suggestions on what breed I should review next?

The Beagle 2020 is a fun loving, inquisitive and people orientated medium-sized breed belonging to the scent hound sporting group. It is a popular choice for...

Is your dog scratching his ears, shaking his head and does his ears smell like corn chips? Your dog might have an ear in...

Is your dog scratching his ears, shaking his head and does his ears smell like corn chips? Your dog might have an ear infection!

Otitis, or inflammation of the ears, is one of the most common health problems in dogs and while they might seem like quick and easy issues to deal with, they can actually lead to some serious health complications if not recognised and treated early on.

That is why prompt veterinary care is essential to avoid conditions such as a ruptured ear drum, middle or inner ear infection and hearing loss.

In this video I am going to explain what the causes, symptoms, diagnoses and treatment options for ear infections are and at the end I will give you 5 easy tips on how you can prevent ear infections from occuring in your dog. 🐶

Let me know down in the comments if your dog ever suffered from an ear infection and what you and your vet did to treat his condition?


You might be asking yourself: Why is my dog shaking his head so much? There are MANY possible reasons, but chances are your dog may have an ear infection! Ch...

Undisputedly America's MOST POPULAR BREED for the 29th year in a row, the Labrador Retriever is not only a friendly comp...

Undisputedly America's MOST POPULAR BREED for the 29th year in a row, the Labrador Retriever is not only a friendly companion, but also a useful working breed in the areas of rehabilitation, hunting, competition and search & rescue expeditions.

The Labrador Retriever is a well balanced, affectionate, people-orientated breed that is a top choice for families with children.

Check out this video where I am going to review the Labrador Retriever from a veterinarian's perspective in order for you to know exactly what to expect when deciding on getting a Labrador Retriever. :)

Let me know down in the comments if you own a Labrador Retriever and if you agree with my evaluation of this breed? Also feel free to give suggestions on what breed I should review next? 🐶


Undisputedly America's most popular breed, the Labrador Retriever 2020 is not only a friendly companion, but also a useful working breed in the areas of reha...

Is your dog itchy, scratching, biting himself excessively and losing hair, and you have no idea why? Your dog may have a...

Is your dog itchy, scratching, biting himself excessively and losing hair, and you have no idea why? Your dog may have a skin allergy.

Itching, or "pruritus", is one of the most common reasons dogs are taken to the veterinarian every year. It is often due to an underlying skin allergy, which is also one of the most frustrating conditions to deal with for both veterinarians and pet owners.

Check out this video where I go through all the causes of itching in dogs, how they can be treated and what signs you need to look out for in each case.

Let me know down in the comments if your dog ever suffered from an itchy allergic skin condition and what your vet did to diagnose, treat and resolve his discomfort?


Is your dog itchy, scratching, biting himself excessively and losing hair, and you have no idea why? Your dog may have a skin allergy. You may be asking your...

My first Enucleation! 😁🐶An enucleation is the surgical removal of an eyeball. This is usually necessary when there is se...

My first Enucleation! 😁🐶

An enucleation is the surgical removal of an eyeball. This is usually necessary when there is severe trauma to the eyeball, such as a puncture or perforation, or when there is a cancerous growth in or around the eye.

Brachycephalic dog breeds (such as this Pekingese) are more prone to injuries due to their flat face and prominent eye structure.

A proptosed eye is extremely painful and can lead to blindness if left untreated. Surgical removal is a salvage procedure to avoid unnecessary pain and to improve quality of life, usually after all other attempts to replacing or treating the eye had failed.

In this case this doggo was bitten by another bigger doggo which caused his eye to pop out. The eye had no more reflexes or vision and it was therefore decided that an enucluation would be the best way forward.

This doggo recovered well after the surgery and was able to adapt quite easily with the one remaining eye. 😀

Follow me on my journey into the veterinary world on Youtube and Instagram ("Dogtor Pete").

Lekker! 💪🏻🦮🐈

Veterinary medicine is one of the toughest professions in the world. As veterinarians, we are faced with many difficult ...

Veterinary medicine is one of the toughest professions in the world. As veterinarians, we are faced with many difficult decisions on a daily basis, often accompanied by financial constraints, owner non-compliance and overwhelming case loads.

All of these factors mixed together can often amount to a bottle neck of stress which can easily lead to burn out if you are not careful. That is why it is extremely important to maintain a positive work life balance.

As a recent graduated veterinarian from South Africa, I will share my insights on how to maintain a positive work life balance as a veterinarian.

Feel free to let me know what tactics you've applied that helped you cope with the everyday challenges of veterinary medicine or any other profession that you are in? :)


Veterinary medicine is one of the toughest professions in the world. As veterinarians, we are faced with many difficult decisions on a daily basis, often acc...



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Welcome To My page

Hello everyone. My name is Doctor Pieter de Villiers (a.k.a. Dogtor Pete) and I am a veterinarian from sunny South Africa who has a passion for adventure, travelling and yes, of course, saving animals’ lives.

The purpose of this page is to provide you with free, accurate, factual and evidence based information regarding the health and well-being of your beloved pets and I am hoping to do so in a fun, engaging and easy to digest way.

Come join me in this journey and let us grow an international community of responsible pet ownership to ensure that your dearest pet children will have a long and happy life!

Make sure to like and follow this page right now as I’ll be posting new videos on interesting pet-related topics every week. Ask questions, leave comments. I want to hear from you! Lekker!