Purr Queen Veterinary Clinic

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Purr Queen Veterinary Clinic We are a team of cat-crazy ladies who are fond of taking care of your catbabies' health and wellness.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 27

3 days to go, and Ramadhan will leave us soon. How sad.

But, Raya is approaching and many of us started or already balik kampung.

Please drive safely. Especially for catparents who bring your catbabies along.

Since last week, we had heard people playing fireworks. It can be pleasant to us, but for our catbabies, it can be nightmare.

The noise of loud popping can cause our catbabies to be startled and scared.

Thus, do avoid them from being outdoor at this time around so that they will not get injured.

Also, provide places for them to hide and feel safer inside the house. It can be boxes or tents.

Featured catbaby : Oren the handsome boy.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. Hereby, we officially close for Cat Hotel Raya 2022 booking.

Tomorrow, we only accepting catbabies for Cat Hotel Raya admission and can not be accepting any emergency and clinical cases.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 26

We love when princess Aiko from here come to visit us.

Andddd, she is already here with us checking in quite early for Cat Hotel Raya. Yeay!

Among the common problems with catbabies staying here with us at Cat Hotel is constipation.

They may detected having it during the check up before the check-in, and usually happened due to ingestion of lots of hair.

Long-haired catbabies tend to have more hairballs as they ingested more hair during self-grooming.

So this hairball eventually go pass the stomach and enter the intestines, get mixed with the digested food.

When the mixture arrive at the large intestine, water content are withdrawn from it and causing it to move slower due to the hairball presence.

This can lead to constipation and it can be prevented actually.

Best practice to avoid this is to regularly give the catbabies hairball gel every week to lubricate the intestinal clearing process.

Got it? Let's start doing it.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked..


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 25

What Snow had been licking?

Looks like she enjoyed it very much.

Snow had once came to us with her newborn babies. Now her babies are all grown up even bigger than she is.

Do you know that pregnant queen is not suitable to be given adult cat food?

They should be provided with kitten food which is high in protein and calcium.

If they are pregnant and consumed adult food, they may experience lack of calcium that later causing them to have problems during labor as enough calcium is needed for the uterine muscle contraction.

In the other hand, lack of protein can cause them to reduce in body condition.

That is why some pregnant queens found to be skinny that we can feel the backbones easily when petting them.

The kitten diet should be continued for them to consume while they are nursing the kittens.

Otherwise, the risk of them having Milk Fever is high.

So, change your pregnant catbabies now if they are still given the adult food.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 24

Wow! Again, how time flies and Ramadhan will be leaving us soon. 😢

Being left behind is such a sad occassion, but it will be not that bad when we are well taken care of.

To help catbabies reduce their stress and stimulate their happy hormone, we try our best to spend time to play with them.

Mee Ming here is having a good time during his playtime. He looked down for a few days staying here, but after that he adapted well.

Do provide your catbabies with several toys to keep them busy and active.

Also, playtime helps with your bonding with the catbabies.

Some toys even created to help our catbabies to work out while eating to reduce their weight, especially for the overweight ones.

So, start playing with your catbabies now.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked..


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 23

Cat carriers are essential item for catparents.

Our catbabies must be trained to be in the carrier for travel because it is for their safety.

Another thing to remember is, avoid making our catbabies to share their carriers.

Sharing carriers might be okay in the beginning, but it will be chaos later especially after these catbabies had been handled by people they unfamiliar with.

Cat carriers also need to have cat-friendly features such as easily dissamble or with top opening.

We hope this tips help catparents who are about to buy a new cat carrier.

Featured catbaby, Molly in her cat-friendly carrier.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked..


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 22

Some catbabies tend to have allergies that causing them to have itchiness of the skin.

Like this handsome catbaby here, Mubin will chew his arm when he feel itch.

The itchiness usually caused by food allergy.

He had to be put on Hypoallergenic diet to help with the allergy.

Some allergic reaction in cats maybe caused by contact with allergens as well.

Recently, we found that a few catpatients develop allergic reactions to soy and tofu litter.

Cats do have tendency to be allergic to soy, either in food or other forms.

So, if your catbabies develop redness of the skin, itchiness, hair loss, do check back whether their food contained soy.

Also, if you changed to tofu litter recently and your catbabies develop the allergic reaction, you might have to remove the tofu litter.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 21

This is Molly, the catbaby of during her kittenhood. Now she is grown up already.

Before, she had an episode of vomitting and diarrhea for days.

At first, we suspected that she was having food poisoning, but it turned out that she had ingested foreign material.

One day we found a strand of thread in her vomitus.

It is scary when cats ingested long but thin thread.

It's because this thread can cause permanent intestinal tissue damage due to a condition called plication.

To confirm, we did an Xray and Molly's intestine was doing well because the thread she ingested was the short one. Alhamdulillah.

Take home note, be careful when storing thread and strings at home, also with the cat toys with strings.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 20

Some of our Cat Hotel guest need special and close attention for example this cute catbaby, Abang Chab from

Abang Chab had been found to have heart problem since a few years ago.

So, he needs to be given heart medication every day.

Apart from that, he needs to be watched for any signs of rapid breathing, weakness etc on a daily basis.

He also need an environment that is minimize the stress as stress can cause the heart problem become worst.

We hope that all the measures we take in our Cat Hotel to minimize the stress to these catbabies, including the music and aromatherapy help them to feel more at home.

For catparents who have special needs catbabies, please make sure that all their medication and food supplies are ready before Raya.

This is because it might be hard to replenish these supplies near Raya and shortly after Raya as the logistics will be off for at least 7 days.

There are a few days left, so wait no more.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 19

Time flies so fast and Ramadhan will be leaving us soon.

But, on the other hand we are counting days for our Cat Hotel Raya guest to arrive.

Lana here, catbaby of Madam will also staying with us this Raya together with her sister, Annie.

Lana had problem with her joints before. And we discovered that it maybe related to her bodyweight.

So, we had suggested for her family to control her food intake to help with joint issue.

Alhamdulillah, the latest we heard Lana had resolved her joint issue as her bodyweight had reduced.

Obesity in cats can affect their joints as the extra bodyweight put burden to the joints.

Instead of giving these catbabies treatments or supplements for the joints, it's best to slim them down.

We are happy with Lana's progress and can't wait to see her soon.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 18

It is crucial that cats are properly and thoroughly dry after their bath.

This is to avoid from them getting the fungal infection or ringworm, as this germs like damp skin and fur.

Once the cats got the fungal infection, it takes at least 2 weeks for the treatment to run and showing improvement.

And this disease are contagious to other cats and humans around them too.

Using the cat dryer is very convenient to help with the drying of cat fur and brushing the fur helps to speed up the process.

Look how Kiki from enjoyed the drying session after her medicated shampoo bath.

It is very common for catparents to request their catbabies to groomed before checking out Cat Hotel here.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 17

Salam Nuzul Quran to all muslims. May this barakah day brings us more blessing and lift up some of our burden and difficulties.

Staying away from your beloved family do trigger the stress reaction of the body.

And there must be something that can help to reduce the stress.

This is a unique story of Iichi, our regular Cat Hotel Raya guest.

His mommy will always supply his favourite hairbrush during his stay.

This hairbrush seems to work like a pacifier for him.

So whenever he seems not so happy, we will brush him and a few moments later, he is lightened up.

That is why, it is very important to being along whatever your catbabies' love at home together during the check-in.

It could be their toys, pillow, cushion, cloth and so on.

Prepare the Cat Hotel Raya list now since Raya is approaching.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 16

Handsome Afgan seems so relax and stretchy in here.

Little many of us know, he had once suffering acute kidney problem.

He was quite round before that and suddenly, his body condition dropped a lot.

Acute kidney problem can be due to reduce in water intake that can be caused by other problem, like in Afgan's case, his recurring mouth issue.

Immediate treatment can reduce the risk of the kidney problem turned into kidney failure.

So, it is very very important to make siure your catbabies drink enough water and not badly dehydrated.

Now Afgan is much much better despite he is still having the mouth issues which need long term attention and treatment.

We hope to see Afgan maintain his good condition and we really miss him.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 15

Here is Angah from cat homey staying with us with his siblings while their catparents had some time off out of town.

It is important to make sure that the catbabies are fully vaccinated and not due for their vaccination prior to checking in the Cat Hotel.

It's best to vaccinate them 2 weeks before the day of check in.

Why 14 days?

Antibodies need time to reach the protection level in the body.

On average it takes 14 days and usually cats will experience slight fever post-vaccination.

Can the cats just get their vaccine on the day of check-in?

Sure, but the risk of getting infections and poor antibodies production during their stay is high.

Bet we don't want our catbabies to check in, in a good health but check out with lots of problems, common ones are flu and eye infections.

So it's better to be well-prepared. Check your catbabies' vaccination book now.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 14


Hi guys.

Meet Gabby, the adorable queen which came to us on the first day as 'lioness' and a few days later become a very lovely kitty.

It is not uncommon for this to happen here and any Vet Clinics or Cat Hotel.

Fret not, some catbabies naturally will cool down after a few days of their stay.

But for some, they surely need help to calm those nerves.

With years of experience in handling cats, our Vet had grip some tricks to handle this kind of situation, including giving these catbabies a special diet during their stay.

This diet contained ingredients that help to reduce the stress hormone and calm the cats.

So, for catbabies that have the same issues with Gabby, they can be given the diet a few days prior to checking in or the day of visit.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 13


A very introvert Pacho came to visit us for his regular vaccination.

It's very good that his catparents had equipped the carrier with pillows and clothes.

They help Pacho to feel more at home and give the comfort and chance for him to hide and feel more secured.

Cat carriers should be something that cats are comfortable to.

It can be turned into the catbabies' bed at home and putting cushions, pillows or clothes in it will make the carrier become perfect for the catbabies to snuggle.

Try this tips and see how your catbabies accept the carriers better, instead being terrified with them.

Then, it will be less stress for the catbabies and you to put them in it for travel purposes.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 12


Isn't this picture of Mia so sweet?

Mia had a kitten with cerebellar hypoplasia.

Cerebellar hypoplasia causes one to experience imbalanceness and unable to control the body movement.

Among the reason kittens can develop this problem in the mother's womb is parvoviral infection, or also known as panleukopenia virus.

The effective way to prevent this problem in unborn kitten is to vaccinate the mommy cat.

If you plan to have kittens make sure to bring the queen for check up and vaccination prior to mating.

Anyway, Mia's kitten is doing very well despite her condition because they have a very loving and caring family.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 11


What you guys seeing here is our Vet giving a reward to Mochi

Mochi came to us that day with a very very bad mood.

We did our best to handle her with care during the check up and procedures.

No one was injured including Mochi and everything went well. Alhamdulillah.

Giving treats, especially beneficial treats like Nutrilick by as a reward can give the catbabies good message that everything is going to be fine.

They act aggresively towards unfamiliar people at unfamiliar places because they are scared and feel threatened.

Thus, giving something that please them after all the commotion helps to make them feel better and secured.

So keep the treats as your 'weapon' to make your catbabies behave better.

Avoid spoiling them with the treats ya.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 10


Introducing you, Buji the adorable catbaby we just knew a few months ago.

Buji had stayed with us in Cat Hotel and we were informed that he is FIV positive.

That's mean, we have to be extra observant to him through out his stay.

In shaa Allah, we will see him again during Raya and we hope that he will be checking in with us in a good health.

FIV cats usually has mouth issues as the virus reside in salivary glands.

This virus potentially cause general weakened immune to cats, and that's why extra attention need to be given to these catbabies as early abnormality detection can save their lives.

If you have catbabies that frequently and repeatedly has mouth issues such as bad odour, thick saliva, reddened gums, you might want to check their FIV status.

One thing we know is, FIV cats can live longer than the normal cats if they are taken care well.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 9

"Okay. I just pretend to sleep so that the Vet won't give me the shot" ~Nikkita

The Vet won't be doing as you wish, Nikita because you have to have the anti-itch shot as your skin has bad allergy reactions to fleas.

Skin itchiness is also a common problems in cats due to many factors or reasons.

Some has parasites like fleas, lice, mites and some has allergies to food or dust.

Nikkita is very sensitive to flea bites that it will cause him to have some kind like eczema which was complicated by bacterial infections.

But once we got rid of and control the fleas, the itchiness gone. That's a relief.

So, it is highly advisable for catparents to control fleas and other parasites in your catbabies by applying the right medications.

Depends on the products and situations, the parasite medications can be applied every month or 3 months, some can extend to 5 months.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 8

Here is the handsome Muaz.

Muaz is quite a regular catpatient here as he always found to have skin problem.

He was at the bottom o hi health a few months ago that all the cat-crazy ladies are crazily worried of him.

He dropped in his body weight a lot and also had a very bad hair loss all over his body. We also found that he was diabetic.

This video showing he is almost 100% recovering from the bad time.

One of the reason cats tend to get diabetes is ad lib feeding, or in popular term buffet-style feeding.

Cats can get access to the food especially kibbled at all time. Thus, the circulating blood sugar in their blood stream is consistency at high level causing the body to turn down the insulin release.

So,to all catparents, please avoid giving your catbabies ad lib feeding.

Each catbabies have their own daily calorie requirements and you can ask your vet to calculate it for you ya.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 7

Cats and their naps. They need their nap especially in day time.

We're sure in fasting month, many fasting people need to take a nap especially during the lunch time.

For cats, just like us, enough sleeping is necessary for them to charge their energy.

But what if our catbabies seem to sleep more than their usual?

That could means that they are having health issues.

How to know it?

It is usually accompanied by less food intake, less interest to play around, and prefer sleeping at more secluded areas.

So, from now on do observe your catbabies' sleeping pattern.

Featured catbaby: Pedro

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 6

" I hate you, Doctor" ~ Tompok.

Tompok is so behaved at home, but turned 180 degree when he sees all cat-crazy ladies especially the Vet.

It is not uncommon for catbabies to change their personality during vet visits. The reason is simple. They feel threatened.

So, how to make them feel better?

You can ask the Vet on any prescription prior to Vet visits to help the cat calm down.

For us here, our Vet will prescribed the medication we called 'Love Potion' that should be given to the catbabies as early as 7 days before the appointment day.

With this effort, we can help reduce the stress of all of us, especially the poor catbabies.

We don't want the vet visits become a tragedy, right?

It's best to have a calm and controlled check-up sessions. Happy cat, happy you, happy us.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 5

"Hi, I am Coco." 😍

In shaa Allah, Coco will be staying with us this Raya.

As usual, Coco will have mood swings on the first few days here.

It's common for cats to be upset when their routine is interrupted. Or, when they are forced to be out of their comfort zone.

That is why, we highly recommend catparents to have 'rehearsal' day at least 2 weeks before the actual check-in day.

This is to make them adapt better to the big changes ( for example a long stay in Cat Hotel during Raya ) that will be happening, and lessen the effect of stress to them later.

For example, you can bring your catbabies for a short ride starting today, and make them check-in the Cat Hotel for a night within next week.

The effect of stress in cats can be severe for example heart issues, reduce in immune strength and lost weight.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 4

Do you know that some queens will be aggressive when they are on heat?

This catbaby, Adik was much much more content and at peace after a few days had been spayed.

The day she as admitted for the surgery, she was quite snappy out of sudden.

This is pretty dangerous situation as you can be bitten and scratched badly by those queens when you are not careful enough.

Take home not is, be extra careful with on heat queens.

Female cats will start to sexually matured as early as 5 months old. So, when your kittens are naturally aggressive, be aware that why will quite handful when they turned 5 months old.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


30 Do'as, 30 cat tips, 30 featured catbabies.

Ramadhan 3

Meet King, our featured catbaby for today.

King has a condition we called unilateral cryptorchidism, whereby one of the testicle had not descended to it's place which is sc***um, and is stuck somewhere in between the navel and p***c area.

Male cats that have this condition does not necessarily sterile.

King had produced many babies himself, and they are as adorable as him.

To be safe, male cats which had been detected to have this problem are better to get them checked up in detail to detect any other possible abnormalities.

And do remember that the neutering surgery with cats, with this condition is not the same as the normal ones.

Normal ones is not that invasive and usually just take in average 10 minutes. But, for the cats like King, it will be more challenging, thus requiring a longer surgery.

Meowsome Note:

Our Cat Hotel Raya is already fully-booked. For those catparents who still wish that your catbabies will be staying with us this Raya, you may click the link http://beacons.ai/purrqueenvet and choose 'Waiting List' for us to take note when we have extra spaces later on.


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00




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Our Story

Senarai Servis Professional kami; * Pemeriksaan kesihatan haiwan kesayangan * Khidmat konsultasi haiwan kesayangan * Vaksinasi kucing * Pembedahan haiwan kesayangan * Pemandulan kucing jantan & betina * Saringan penyakit berjangkit kucing * Rawatan haiwan kesayangan * Prosedur X-ray * Ujian darah (blood test) * Surgeri & rawatan laser * Pemindahan darah kucing * Terapi stem cell * Cryosurgery (rawatan Sporo & tumor) * Pet passport dan implan mikrocip