Hi Everyone, Our online store is temporarily closed until further notice. We will notify you when we will be selling the products again.
It has come to our attention that some "scammers" have been duping customers by using the links on our page or using our name to sell this product. We do not sell this product anymore until further notice. If you come across sites that mention our store name, please do not click on it.
There are some legit sellers out there but it's difficult to tell. Our advice is, when you do purchase, please use PayPal or a reliable credit card company that they have a "cancelation policy term". This way you can cancel your purchase if you find that it's a scam. Plus, buy from sites with delivery tracking.
The average delivery of this product takes around 5 to 12 days. The maximum is 15 days(due to some unforeseen circumstances such as an act of god). But it should not take more than 16 days to deliver. If the product that you bought takes more than 16 days, then it's most likely a scam.
And another point you should look out for is that this product is not cheap. Any sites that sell really cheap too good to be true price, please avoid.
Thank You