Lea is recovering
I have just recieved a video from our vet clinic, that our little Lea started eating this morning 🥳! She is a very big fighter and she is recovering very fast 🥹⭐️! Thank you everyone who have supported her and we are all so grateful for that, let’s hope that we will take her home soon 💖!
❤️Stichting Jenna's Gift
Stay tuned for updates 🔜
Shortly ago I have recieved a video message from someone, that these six puppies are dumped outside the town, and they need their mother or someone to care for them 💔… We don’t have the resources to take them in, but can you help me raise the needed funds to to that 😖?
We need to raise 72€ for vaccines, 20€ for antiparasiting, 20€ for training pads, 40€ for one week yogurt and meat and we must raise 250€ to make a kennel for them to be safe from the big dogs and to have their space to stay 🏗️😭!
Please, if you can donate and help me save them, they need us ASAP as they will die from the cold, wild animals or they will be smashed by cars 💔💔! Please share and donate, please they need us immediately 🙏🆘!
Animal Voice is nonprofit organization registered in Bitola, North Macedonia run by 18 years old Leonardo with shelter in Bitola with more than 70 dogs 🐕. Donations can be made trough paypal or macedonian bank account ✅:
[email protected]
(⚠️the paypal is under the name Lynn, please use mention while donating and use friends and family option for no fee⚠️)
⭐️Patreon monthly donations:
⭐️Macedonian bank account:
ТТК Банка ад Скопје
Леонардо Соколов
(⚠️задолжително назначете за што донирате⚠️)
I’m shocked after the last three days, donations and support have came from all over the world 🌎 ! We have at all raised a huge amount of 5325€ for our shelter 🥳!
We have covered the food debt for September and ordered the last 6 days food and that costs us 1943€ ☺️! Our transport is covered, 300€ 🚙! And also thanks to Stichting Jenna's Gift we have covered the 200€ rent 🏡! Total of 2443€ are provided and September is covered fully 🥹! We have left 2882€ and I plan to save something for October and the rest to go to work at the shelter, as the winter is coming 😕!
Thank you so so so much each one of you, the post have gone viral with over 500K views and over 200 people have contributed 🥳❤️🌎!Please keep an eye on the page and check all the updates that are coming out, so you can be informed for everything ⭐️! And also, if you have any questions please let me know ❤️!
Animal Voice is nonprofit organization registered in Bitola, North Macedonia run by 18 years old Leonardo with shelter in Bitola with more than 70 dogs 🐕. Donations can be made trough paypal, patreon, gofundme or macedonian bank account ✅:
[email protected]
(⚠️the paypal is under the name Lynn, please use mention while donating and use friends and family option for no fee⚠️)
⭐️Patreon monthly donations:
⭐️Macedonian bank account:
ТТК Банка ад Скопје
Леонардо Соколов
(⚠️задолжително назначете за што донирате⚠️)
Hope update 🩷
Two days ago on Monday, Hope recieved her third chemotherapy and we have one left is everything is according to the plan 🌟! She is very calm at the vet, as it seems like a routine now, and she id doing very good now ☺️! Her blood is better, her tumors have shrunken, the one on the eye is still here but he will go away as he is also shrinking 👌! Thanks to Stichting Jenna's Gift the debt for Hope is payed off, and she is continuing her home therapy and also the last chemotherapy next Monday 💞!
Thank you all for caring for Hope and thank you on your prayers ✨❤️!
Две кучиња фрлени во река во Неготинско ‼️
Две кучиња фрлени во река во Неготинско ‼️
Лице кое на социјалната мрежа фејсбук на својот профил на стори објави видео како истото или лице кое го снима, од висина фрла две кучиња во река Вардар во Неготинско при што ја загрозува нивната благосостојба и им нанесува болка 🆘!
Бараме, лицето да биде најстрого казнето и Министерство за внатрешни работи / Мinistria e Punëve të Brendshme да реагира по инцидентот ‼️
Исто така бараме Агенцијата за храна и ветеринарство - Food and Veterinary Agency да изврши увид врз состојбата на животните, дали истите се живи, во чија сопственост се, дали се бездомни животни кои биле мета на насилство, и бараме да бидат одземени и сместени во прифатилиште/стационар каде истите ќе ја добијат потребната нега и стручна помош ‼️
До кога во државата ќе се толерира секаков вид на насилство врз животните, а институциите ќе молчат и нема да превземат ништо, кога превземаат, сторителите поминуваат со минимални казни додека во соседните држави се плаќаат казни по илјадници евра и се одлежуваат затворски казни ⁉️
Случајот го пријавивме во полиција и чекаме истата да излезе на тере
Rescued few hours ago 💔…
On my way to the shelter, to feed the rest 70 dogs, I have saw this girl, searching for food, not knowing where she is or where she will go, so so skinny 😞… I couldn’t not take her in, she would be smashed by cars on the highway, so I took her with me and brought her to the vet 🥹…
She doesn’t have a name, so maybe someone that will donate for her can name her, I think Hope, as she is one, but I will leave that on you my friends ❤️! Tomorrow we will have blood analysis results, they took blood, put her a spot on and she is now home, I need to buy her really quality food, her vet debt will start growing tomorrow, transport, we need home kennels and I hope that she is not that sick and she will shine again soon ✨!
Please support her case and donate, so I can provide everything that she needs 🙏
Animal Voice is nonprofit organization registered in Bitola, North Macedonia run by 18 years old Leonardo with shelter in Bitola with more than 70 dogs 🐕. Donations can be made trough paypal or macedonian bank account ✅:
[email protected]
(⚠️please use mention while donating and use friends and family option for no fee⚠️)
⭐️Patreon monthly donations:
⭐️Macedonian bank account:
ТТК Банка ад Скопје
Леонардо Соколов
(⚠️задолжително назначете за што донирате⚠️)
Dear followers and supporters, I’m late with updating you on French but it was hard week for me really… But here it is:
Five days ago after going to Bulgaria for urgent CT scan as French have paralyzed on his back legs, the doctors have found discus hernia on French spine, that have pressed the nerves in the spinal cord and left him paralyzed 🥺… With the hope that he will walk again, together with my partner Stray Dog Support Inc. we have done a surgery at Central Vet Clinic and the specialist Dr. Zlatinov have made the surgery 🩺. After the surgery we went back home in Bitola, and French have been worse, so I rushed him to the vet where he is receiving therapy for four days, his paralysis get worse and is getting up around the thorax 💔… French is fighting right now and we don’t know what will happen, he is eating and he is under very strict care, and we hope to get him to Germany at the end of this month, where he will see neurological specialists that will work on him, he is going to our partner Anka's Gnadenhof e. V. Lüttgenziatz with 3 other friends ✨!
We hope for a miracle and everyone please pray for French to get better 💙!
Stay tuned for updates on French, and if anyone wants to donate for him, please check the page of SDS that is fully sponsoring him, his costs till now were very very high so any donation is welcome 🫶!