How to Train Your Dogs

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++ 5 Tips for Managing Excessive Barking ++Remember, barking is natural! It is an important means of communication for d...

++ 5 Tips for Managing Excessive Barking ++

Remember, barking is natural! It is an important means of communication for dogs. But unfortunately, sometimes problems can arise. As a leader of the pack, it is your obligation to impose yourself to control excessive barking.

1. Correct and follow up. Tell On your dog to stop barking using a glance, a sound or a physical correction - like a light touch with your hand - but don't stop there. It is possible for your dog to pause and then return to what he was doing, his body relaxed, but the brain is still alert. Be patient! Wait until your dog gives up completely, in principle, it will take from a couple of minutes to half an hour or more.

2. Keep calm. The constant barking hinders, but if you are frustrated, you will not be able to correct your pet's behavioural problem. Animals do not follow unbalanced leaders. Actually, your dog reflects your energy. If you feel unhappy, he gets mad too! Barking is an excellent way to release energy from frustration. Take a moment to stop your own inner bark first.

3. Claim your territory. Is your dog barking again and again at the same object, person, situation or place? Then, take a step in his direction and claim that stimulus as yours. Use your body, your mind and your calm and confident energy to create an invisible wall that your dog does not have permission to cross. Do it with one hundred percent dedication and concentration. The results will surprise you!

4. Challenge your dog. Often, excessive barking results from repressed energy. In that case, the solution is simple; it only releases that energy in a more productive way. Do you walk your dog daily? Could you make the hike more challenging with a bicycle, a backpack or a hiking trail? Could you give him more mental challenges, such as obedience games, grazing or agility training? There are several ways to increase the challenges in your dog's life. Discover some of which you like and in which your dog can participate in a safe way.

5. Seek professional help. When you took this dog into your life, you made a commitment to provide the care. Prevent excessive barking and other dog behaviour problems with the help of a professional dog trainer to help you deal with your pet's bad behaviour.

For more tips, visit this link

Hoe to Teach Your Dog to Stop BarkingManaging your dog's barking is an important part of your responsibility as an owner...

Hoe to Teach Your Dog to Stop Barking

Managing your dog's barking is an important part of your responsibility as an owner. After all, unnecessary barking can be annoying not only for you but also for your neighbours.

Why so much noise
The first step in solving the problem is to understand why a dog barks. Some dogs bark because they try to let you know they want something. They may be hungry, thirsty or just want to play. If this exceeds reasonable limits, it is time to teach him other ways to get his attention, such as kicking or waiting near the door or the food bowl.

The time to play
Many dogs bark when they see other dogs, to invite them to play together. It is completely normal, but it is you who has to decide how much barking is acceptable and make your dog wait before playing until he is calm.

Home alone
Your dog can bark if he is left alone. Try to leave the music or radio on to provide a familiar human noise. You can also give him some toys that require additional work and attention to keep him busy while you are away.

A good way to reduce anxiety is to give your dog an old unwashed item of clothing or anything that has a strong smell to your family.

As soon as you return, play a little with your dog and exercise with him. The dog will have missed him, and there is no better way to restore the bond.

On guard
One of the most common reasons why a dog barks are to warn. If your dog sees someone approaching the house, he will bark to let him know. Since you see the head of the pack in you, he will want you to investigate.
Some dogs have been educated to raise the alarm, and you may want to encourage this behaviour. Let your dog bark to get your attention but silence him as soon as he has made sure there is no intruder.

Follow a system
In all aspects of dog training, you will need a system. Dogs respond to the routine and this will significantly increase their chances of success. It is never too late to teach older dogs new tricks and there are good centers where you can acquire your dog's control skills.

"Shut up."

One of the ways to teach your dog the order to "shut up" is to shut him up or distract him every time he barks. Use something that makes a lot of noise, such as a can full of coins, to get your attention and then firmly pronounce the "shut up" command.

When the dog stops barking, praise him and give him a prize. Never yell if you want to stop barking as it can cause anxiety and impair learning. You can also easily confuse your dog because he may think that you are also barking. Shouting only reinforces the custom of barking.

In summary
Training is always the most significant way to correct your dog's behaviour. However, remember that in most situations, barking is a dog's normal behaviour. You only should take action when this becomes unreasonable and harmful.
If the barking persists, your veterinarian can give you additional advice and even suggest other techniques.

For more tips, visit this link

++ Teach your dog to lie down ++Ask your dog to sit in front of you, and then hold a treat firmly between your fingers a...

++ Teach your dog to lie down ++

Ask your dog to sit in front of you, and then hold a treat firmly between your fingers and let it smell and lick it.

Lower the treat slowly to the floor so that the dog's snout points down and between its paws. Let the candy lick. If your dog gets up, order him to sit down and try again.

As soon as your elbows touch the ground, congratulate the dog and give him the treat!

Add an order like “down!” To the exercise when you do it right. With enough practice, you'll end up getting your dog to lie down when he hears the order.

For more tips, visit this link

++ How to leave a dog alone and calm at home ++In general, these dogs suffer from a lot of stress, anxiety and are very ...

++ How to leave a dog alone and calm at home ++

In general, these dogs suffer from a lot of stress, anxiety and are very dependent on their owners. To have a happy dog and get a good relationship with him and the neighbours, we recommend you prepare your dog to be calm just when you are going to leave him alone at home.

Mistakes not to commit
Say goodbye to your dog or greet him very effusively: If you want your dog to remain calm when you leave it, it is only better to make your exits and entrances at home in a neutral and little effusive way, stroking your dog when it is calm.

Punish your dog when you return home if it has done damage: Never punish your dog late. You always have to punish at the right time when the behaviour you want to eliminate appears. The same happens when your dog has done damage or needs in your absence; you can not punish him when you return; it is no use. If you do it, your dog will not understand it. Anxiety will increase and then the problem of staying alone will increase.

Make your dog always have company: If you never leave your dog alone, the day you are forced to do so will have a bad time. You have to prepare it so you can stay alone and calm.

Do not prepare your dog to stay alone: You have to get used progressively by doing some specific exercises.
Encourage dependency behaviours: Never pet your dog when he is nervous or anxious, acting in this way will reinforce these behaviours, just the opposite of reassuring him.

Exercises to get your dog used to stay calm at home

At home

Lock your dog in a room or on the terrace and open the door only when it has already calmed down and is quiet. You have to increase the time progressively.
Ask your dog to sit still on his mattress while you walk around the house. You have to do this exercise first insight of the dog and when the dog progresses, do so out of reach.
Make your exit in a neutral way and your entrance in a little effusive way.

Out on the street

During your walk, tie your dog several times to a pole or tree, stay away from him. You can only untie it when it's really quiet. You should do this exercise first insight of the dog and when the dog progresses do so out of reach of his eyes.
Other tips that can help your dog stay calm at home
Leave bones and toys containing food inside for your dog to be entertained when alone.

Make your dog tired before leaving him alone.

Teaching your dog to be calm when you leave him alone at home, not only do you do your neighbours favour but you also do your dog a favour. This way you will not suffer from stress or anxiety, and you can sleep peacefully or nibble on your toys, waiting for your arrival.

For more tips, visit this website

++ Five essential steps to make a dog obedient  ++Some dogs are reluctant to obey certain human orders that are essentia...

++ Five essential steps to make a dog obedient ++

Some dogs are reluctant to obey certain human orders that are essential to be able to enjoy a quiet and safe coexistence with them. The first thing to know is that it is a complex problem, which we must address with empathy and knowledge to solve it successfully. We tell you step by step.

Step 1: Empathy and knowledge as a starting point
If your dog ignores you , stop to detect where the germ of his disobedience is . He thinks that disobedience of dogs is a complex problem, with numerous variables and that it requires great empathy on our part.

Dogs are not disobedient on a whim. After indiscipline, various causes are often hidden, from fear, insecurity, bad experiences, an inappropriate relationship with the caregiver, inadequate education or separation anxiety.

What is clear is that there are no magic formulas that can be applied to all dogs equally, each one is a world and has unique and particular conditions.
Therefore, before you start educating your animal to pay attention to it, you have to discover who it is, how it feels and why it does what it does.

Keep in mind that, as we have pointed out, the root of the conflict may be associated with an important disorder, which requires the intervention of the veterinarian or the ethologist, so, in these cases, you should go to them to help you and guide you to redirect it.

Step 2: The necessary dog-human bond
When a link based on understanding, trust and respect is established between human and dog, the relationship between them is usually friendly and comforting.

Experts say that dogs are by nature beings who like to collaborate with humans and this fact, in itself, is already enough to feel rewarded.

So, if our dog, whether it is a puppy or an adult, is rebellious when it comes to responding to our requests, we can think that something is missing in the necessary link between dog and human.

In this case, the most convenient is to request the support of an ethologist in canine behaviour, who will help you to find out at what specific point of the link the relationship fails and will guide you on the best way to address the deficiency.

"Behind the canine disobedience, there is usually a lack of communication and understanding between human and dog."

Step 3: Teaching him to answer your call
It is a vital order, since a dog that does not come when we call it can jeopardize its safety because there is a risk that it will be lost at any time.
If your dog ignores your calls, get on your guard and start giving him the first obedience lessons:

Ideally, your dog will learn at home to answer your call since he is a puppy. Remember that at this stage, as with children, dogs are sponges that assimilate everything quickly.

Give your dog the order, clearly and with a gesture to accompany it (indicate with your finger where you want it to go). Say "come," "come here," or "your dog's name + come."

Rehearse the order as many times as necessary, but without overwhelming your dog, and until you get him to obey you. At this time, you can caress him, verbally express that he has done very well and offer him a treat.

If you are in the park, the field or the mountain, do the same, but when you get your dog to approach you, try to continue playing for a while before returning home, to avoid associating his good behaviour in order to recess .

“The fact that your dog comes to your call shows that he is well educated and that he maintains a bond of trust with you.”

Step 4: Giving you the orders of “still” or “sitting.”
Loving our animals does not mean letting them do everything they want at all times, so take note:

Like our children, dogs must be set limits to ensure peaceful coexistence among all.

One of the most annoying and habitual dog behaviours occurs at lunchtime when some four-legged friends begin to prowl around the table in search of some food. It is a particularly compromising situation, especially when we have guests.

Dogs also tend to get nervous with the presence of congeners or the arrival of family or friends, with whom they can become too affectionate. To avoid these types of situations, we have to teach our dogs two essential orders: that of “still” and “sitting”.

When you say "still", show your extended palm, as if to stop.
When ordering "sitting", indicate with your finger where you want to sit.
Try to give the orders in a safe and firm voice. It is important that you have the power of conviction.

Teach your dog to remain "still", "sitting", "lying", in short, quiet, through training inspired by positive reinforcement, always rewarding their progress with caresses and prizes .

Step 5: Training your dog to walk on a leash
Whether a puppy or adult, we must teach our dogs to walk properly with the leash.

If your dog is one of those who reluctantly tolerate the leash and are pulling at every moment, the walk can become a very stressful time for both.

To avoid these stressful situations and get him to walk by your side without problems, nothing better than following the following guidelines:

First, something as basic as knowing how to choose the leash and collar that best suits your dog and with which you feel comfortable.

If what you have is a puppy , get used to the presence of the collar and leash at home. Let them sniff them and become familiar with them. When no rejection inspires them, put them at times to be at home. So, when going out, you will not see it as something unknown.

Once on the street or in the park , dogs should walk by our side, without crossing in front of us. This is something quite annoying that forces us to relocate all the time to our dog.

To put your dog in place, you should avoid pulling on the leash. The correct way to do this is to stop and give the “stop”, “stop” or “still” orders. When he stops and calms down, congratulate him, give him a snack and keep walking.
You see that, without having a magic wand, we can teach a dog nervous to be obedient.

Everything, thanks to education and knowledge, never forgetting the forms: firmness and coherence should not be at odds with patience, affection and positive reinforcement.

If you want to learn on how to training your dogs quickly, please visit this blog

++ How To Avoid Obesity In Dogs ++Obesity in dogs is a pathological state that is based on an excess of fat in the body ...

++ How To Avoid Obesity In Dogs ++

Obesity in dogs is a pathological state that is based on an excess of fat in the body and is an easy disease to avoid since it usually affects dogs because of the bad habits of their owners. Its leading causes are poor diet and exercise decline , although it can also be caused by inherited or genetic problems. It is a disease that can cause a lot of physical disorders and significantly alter the health of our pets.
According to the World Association of Small Animal Veterinarian (WSAVA), obesity is suffered by between 20 and 40% of pets. One of the simplest ways to know if you are but overweight is to feel your dog's ribs and spine. The bones must be able to touch, without these being exposed to the naked eye. Your weight should be proportional to your size and age.

+ Consequences of obesity +

Dogs suffering from obesity can have a wide variety of discomforts and complications, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or problems with blood sugar, liver problems such as fatty liver, skin problems and fur.

As a direct result, this disease considerably shortens the lifetime and its quality.

+ How to avoid Obesity in dogs +
Here are a few tips to avoid obesity in dogs:
They must have an exercise routine so that they can burn a large part of the calories consumed; for this, it is important that their owners pass it or play with them. They should exercise for at least 30 continuous minutes daily at least.
They must eat twice a day , once in the morning and once in the afternoon or evening, no more of that, likewise, food rations should be proportional to their weight, age and race. It is not advisable to leave the plate of food served all day.
The administered foods must have enough nutrients, and they must be rich in protein and fibre, avoiding fats as much as possible.

Obesity can also have genetic origins. If you observe that your dog is gaining weight quickly and progressively without apparent cause or reason, you should consult your veterinarian and do the necessary examinations.
Ideally, identify your overweight before you become obese, in the same way, a consultation with your favourite veterinarian that indicates the most appropriate plan for him or her is always recommended.

Get more tips and info here

++ How To Train A Dog To Live Indoors ++ Although there are some more advisable races to live in flats and apartments, i...

++ How To Train A Dog To Live Indoors ++

Although there are some more advisable races to live in flats and apartments, in general, these tips are applicable to all:
If your dog has not yet turned a year and a half, you can still teach him some habits. This allows them to move into a flat without chaos, as we explained in our post to entertain dogs that are left alone at home. The younger, the better (like our post of tricks so that your puppy does not urinate at home ), and that does not mean that later they will not do it, but it will be more difficult.

This job requires time, attention, dedication and, above all, patience. It is an animal and at the same time, a puppy. It's like teaching a baby his first steps, going to the bathroom, but in an animal.

The main task that a puppy should learn is not to do his needs inside the house. For this, we must establish a fixed time to go out, so you will learn faster. Ideally, if your schedule allows it, take it out every two hours, and reward it when you do your "little things" where we want. The reward will make him relate that what he has done is what the owner wants.

If it is impossible for you to take it to the street for long periods of time, you can also use the cloths with which you have cleaned the places where the dog has urinated to leave them in the place intended as a bathroom. The smell will help you recognize it as the place to do your things.

As for mealtimes, it is convenient for the dog to take certain habits. When they are puppies, you can feed them 3 times a day. When they reach adulthood, once or twice a day will be enough. Remember: Meals, always at the same time. The more routine the dog's life, the sooner he will learn.
Other problems that dogs usually cause is to adapt to their new environment. Many of them bite furniture, spoil the furniture, and it is convenient to help them adapt. Putting them a place where they know they can be, not letting them walk at home is essential.

We must prevent the dog from barking or having destructive behaviour. In many cases, this is because they feel anxious about the loneliness of their new home. Keep in mind that on many occasions, sudden separation of the mother or her old pack is made. Be patient, because it will be a matter of days to get used to it. In the case of newborn puppies, they will seek to feel clothed, feel the warmth that the mother provided. Many veterinarians recommend that a needle clock be placed to simulate the mother's heartbeat, as well as a blanket that gives them heat.

If you want to learn how to train your dog fast, you can visit this website

++ How to train a dog to protect your home ++Most dogs will eventually learn to take care of a house but may need some h...

++ How to train a dog to protect your home ++

Most dogs will eventually learn to take care of a house but may need some help. A dog trained just to protect his house does not have to be as well trained as personal protection. There are some basic elements that you need to work, however. This article describes what you have to do.

How to train a dog to protect your home?

• Teach your dog basic obedience:
If you have a yard that can work where it should be administered for training. He will become more territorial as he learns to obey his commands while working in that area. Do not miss the basic commands such as sit down, stay, stop, and you should also be taught to bark to order.

• Part of your obedience training should include impulse control:
When you have a visitor, the dog should sit, lie down, and then see how the person entering; He must not run over, jump, and try to play.

• Run property boundaries with your dog:
You must do this every day, at the end of your obedience lessons. Your dog will learn its territory and be familiar with the land that must be protected.

• Leave your dog alone in the area you need to protect yourself:
When your dog is trained and old enough to be safe (usually about 8 months for most dogs) they start teaching him to take care of the house.

• Another person will have to come and make some noise:
If you have left it in the yard, the person can arrive and make noise. If he is in the house, the person must come and call a window. This has to be a person that the dog is not familiar with. (If your dog smells the person and is someone who knows the training session will be of no benefit.)

• When the dog approaches, the person has to make a sound as if they were scared and run away:
All he is doing right now is increasing the dog's confidence. If the person who reports that the dog approached and did not bark or show any other sign of guarding their territory, they can try again.

When the dog is barking at the stranger he must do this again when he is at home:

When the person makes a noise and runs away, go outside and praise the dog and then give him a special reward.

To help your dog focus at work, introduce some distractions:
You can sit a considerable distance when these distractions are introduced. Start with a piece of meat: when your dog stops barking and goes to investigate, order him to "stop." You can try anything your dog is always distracted.

If your dog is showing fear when the "stranger" approaches and makes noise, they are probably taking things too fast for your dog. Try the exercise again the next day, with a different stranger.

Click here for more tips on how to train your dog to be obedient

Did you know that your dog or puppy spends an equivalent of one hour of physical exercise for 15 minutes of mental work?...

Did you know that your dog or puppy spends an equivalent of one hour of physical exercise for 15 minutes of mental work?

All dogs need to be mentally stimulated, learn to find solutions and think while being rewarded. Learn how to do it at this link

Playing hide and seek with your dog?
It is possible! Even better, no need to hide, it is up to our dog to do all the detective work.

The kibble hiding place
Put your dog in a locked room in your house, close the door, then go hide croquettes everywhere. Once the kibbles are arranged everywhere, go see your dog and then make him feel one or two kibbles. Open the door by giving him the command is looking for. Be careful, this game has several levels, depending on your dog's skills. When you first try, limit yourself to only one room where your dog will have to search and to accessible hiding places.

Some tips for you
• Increase the difficulty of this game from day to day.
• Hide a small number of kibbles the first few times and then increase the number when your dog becomes a too good detective.
• We can also help our dog in his searches so that he doesn't lose interest by pointing to a specific place.

This exercise puts into practice our dog's most powerful sense of smell! Making him fall back into his first instincts (eating and searching) stimulates him mentally, and all this thanks to his nose.

Want to know more tips?

Click here

So how can we make it more challenging?

Fill it with croquettes, of course! However, some dogs have a special gift for finding all the treats in their toy in less than a minute.

To make it more difficult for your dog to get all his feed out of his toy, here are some tips:
• You can start by putting a few croquettes in it, put peanut butter in the centre and then finish with other croquettes.
• Still too easy? Put it in the freezer overnight. A big challenge awaits your dog the next morning.

What is great about this game? He works your dog, but he also keeps him busy full time. This gives you the freedom to go about your business (preparing lunches, children's lunches, etc...) without having your dog in your legs!

Other variants :
Put cheese in it and melt it in the microwave for a few seconds, then add the croquettes
Put only peanut butter inside (plan to reduce the portion of the next meal).
Make a reward Kong per pyramid. That is, to put the ultimate reward at the end (a piece of banana), then hot dog sausage, fried chicken and then croquettes.

Want to have more ideas?

Click here

Dog play stations

Some companies have now become masters in the art of entertaining our dogs. Although they represent a monetary expense, these games are worth the investment. Decrease stress, slower food intake... These games are also very good tools to help solve behavioural problems in our dogs.

You lack the budget but you would like to do this type of activity yourself?
• All you have to do is take a 2-litre bottle of carbonated beverage, make a few holes in it, then insert croquettes or sweets.
• Your dog will have to roll the bottle and carry it around to get his food.
• If it has a powerful jaw, you can use a black ABS tube, make a few holes, insert kibbles, then close each side with caps.

Be careful: always watch your dog when he plays with these games.

Object detection: an exciting game for your dog!
Your dog will have to search for, find and bring you back a particular object that may be anywhere in your home. Start this activity gradually: with a specific room to look in, then expand the search area to the entire house!

Take an object that can easily hide in several places:
• a pair of stockings
• keys
• a slipper
Instructions for use:
• Attach a treat to this object
• While your dog is isolated in a room, hide the object
• Then go join your dog
• Make him feel the treat and tell him to look for
• When he finds the object, he can eat the treat that will be attached to it.
• Then call your dog back to bring the object into your hands and reward him again.
Gradually, your dog will find the object more easily and bring it back to you directly.

Clicker training
The perfect tool to make your dog work mentally in positive reinforcement!
Find the right motivation to make your dog work:
• bales
• kong
• frisbee
• treats
• caresses
Use it to strengthen your dog whenever he will do good behaviour after clicking your Clicker.
It is possible to train your dog like any other professional with courses on the use of the Clicker (from beginner to expert level).
To do this, find an experienced dog instructor to help you learn and give you personalized coaching, according to your needs.
Or I recommend you to try this program
Read my review here

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