Paw balm 100% organic available in 3 flavours: lavender, bergamot and vitamin E 🐾
The best job ever 🐾✨
Loads of good times and unforgettable memories with these pets. From loving, joyful and even lively moments, becoming a petsitter was not an easy decision but in the end it was one of the most cheerful experience of life 🤍
It is not only about working. Being a petsitter is to be able to love and take care of these pets like they’re yours. Be patient with each of their needs and to be able to make them feel at ease when their pawrents are not around.
Thank you all for choosing GregPetLover 🐾
#petsitter #mauritius #dogwalker #lifestyle
Being a petsitter is…to enjoy making good memories with them 🥰🐾🐶
#mauritius #petsitter #dogwalker #tiktok #memories
Bringing a small gift for his pawrents i guess 😂🐾 #petsitter #dogwalker #mauritius #tiktok
Cuddling moments 🥰🥹 #petsitter #mauritius #cats
Cuddling moments 🥰🥹
#petsitter #mauritius #catlife
Happy new year 🥂✨
Happy New Year to all🥂🐾🎆🎇
Its been a long year and I am greatful to have met such wonderful pawrents and furbabies like you🤍
Thank you for always trusting us ♥️
Wish you all the best for this year.
Greg 🐾
Always in my heart 🤍🐾#petlovers #petsitter #mauritius #dogsandcats
Just Masha being lazy 🤣🥰🐾
#petsitter #mauritius #lazycatlife #petlovers
Our morning walks with Honey 🌄🌅🐾
#petsitter #dogwalking #labrador #mauritius
2022 memories✨♥️
#petsitter #dogwalker #mauritius #memories #tiktokviral
My routines be like😅🥰
#pet #funnyvideos #mauritius🇲🇺 #petsitterlife #dogwalking #mauritiuspets
These moments are priceless ♥️ This is what motivates us to work everyday💯
#Tiktok #petsitter #dogwalker #mauritius #cuddles
We made a tiktok account to share our precious moments with you♥️
#mauritiuspets #mauritius🇲🇺 #dogwalker #petsitter #rottweiler #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #wirehairedpointinggriffon #maurichiens #malinois
How happy they are for our small walks🥰♥️
#dogwalker #petsitter #mauritius #cavalierkingcharles
I couldn’t resist reposting this video🥺🥰
We’ve observed that it’s the most exciting part of their days as they all welcome us with their happily wagging tails and with a great smile.
They keep on showing us that they love our daily walks♥️
Hope to continue keeping your babies happy✨
#dogwalker #dogwalkingbenefits #happypets #mauritius
Dog walking by the beach🥰
#mauritius #petsitting #dogwalking #griffon
Dm to have an appointment with us ♥️
This is another type of joy to be friend with a bird🥰♥️
#petsitting #mauritius #ringneckparrot
When it’s their time of the day🥰♥️
#dogwalking #mauritius #petsitting #maurichien
Guess they really appreciate these moments♥️
#PetSitter #dogwalking #mauritius #walkingthedog
Its playtime🥰♥️
That’s the best part of being pet-sitters 💯
#petsitter #mauritius #labrador #PlayTime