It’s been 20 days of pure joy boarding and training little 5 month old Olive ! We worked on so many things like leash walking, place training, socializing, calm around food, boundaries, rules and manners in the house and around other dogs. Olive was a little timid out in the big wide world at first -but WOW did that change!! We made learning fun and built her confidence. She is confident and calm and walks on the leash like a dream .
What is does socialization look like for a puppy?
This was Gus‘s first field trip in the real world away from his home And neighborhood. We spent most of the time just sitting on a blanket at Seaport Village. We watched bikes, dogs, kids, ice cream trucks, fire trucks, people, birds and kites.
The goal was to let him watch and observe at a distance while keeping him calm and relaxed.
Did I let him meet new people ?
Did I met him meet new dogs?
Did I let him get close to distractions ?
Did I walk him all over ?
Nada. No. Nope!
Gus is 4.5 months old and has already met new people and dogs in familiar social settings.
The goal of socialization is about quality not quantity and slow controlled exposure. It’s teaching a puppy to be calm, first and foremost around distractions. Not letting them go up to lots of strangers, act crazy and get over stimulated.
My goal of this first outing is to build trust with Gus and take the stress off of him having to make a bunch of decisions he’s not ready to make.
On our next social outing he may meet one or two new people after he is calm and relaxed. Take it one step at a time with a new puppy!
We need to rethink puppy socialization first and foremost as a calm peaceful coexistence around others in all environments and not always interacting with everything and everyone.
Puppies should meet other people and dogs but at this age it should be in smaller controlled environments with people and dogs you trust. It should be after a puppy has practiced being calm and structured walking.
Build the relationship with your puppy 💪When you are out in the big wide world YOU should be the most important thing to your puppy !
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Merlot loose leash walking!!! I’m so proud of Merlot’s ‘s mom for putting in the work and raising such an amazing puppy.
Where should your dog be when you are eating ?
1. Place training (not within 10 feet of you if possible )
2. In the crate
3. Outside
4. In another room
5. On a leash with someone else NOT anywhere near you
6. Did I mention PLACE TRAINING?
Dani’s family rocks !!!
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#eastlakedogtraining #sandiegopuppytraining
Lucy wasn’t able to walk her little dog Charlie because he was out of control, pulling and reactive on the leash. Lucy and Charlie have been practicing and they are doing fantastic! But, the real work was his family working with Charlie ‘inside the house’ getting his rules, boundaries and manners in place.
The relationship you have with your dog outside the home on a leash has a lot to do with the relationship that you have with your dog inside your house. Charlie no longer owns the house and his relationship with his humans is getting better everyday!
9 month old Harley learning clear communication and how to do a structured walk. Harley doesn’t need treats to overstimulate her brain. She needs a human to lead her so she can relax on walks 😁.
100 percent positive reinforcement training will always fail 🚫.
✅Balanced training 💯.
You know what’s amazing? When you work with a client and their reactive dog and then they put in the work💪. Training is everyday with your dog. Let me say that one more time 🗣 Training is EVERYDAY. Leash reactivity can take time patience but when you put in the work it sure pays off!
I am having a FANTASTIC time working with this dream team 🏆.
Cosmo a 5 month old Australian Sheperd and Melissa his 10 year old human. One week ago Cosmo was walking Melissa and it was a hot mess 😫. Cosmo was also biting, jumping on her, demand barking and pushy with his feeding times. But now they are a team she is loving taking Cosmo on walks! I’m so impressed how this 10 year has stepped up to lead her pup🙌.
How does your Husky walk on a leash?!
If it’s not like Max and it’s more like a sled dog yanking you down the street 😳 then you need to get a trainer.
Walking your dog should be an enjoyable experience for you both!