🧸Family Cat Boarding
❤️Long Stay
❤️Short Stay
❤️ Environment nice and clean
❤️ Before the cat “Stay” will sanitizes the Cage.
❤️ Will updated Cat Status (by photo or video)
❤️ Please stanby some cat food (in case the cat don't want to eat)
❤️Door-to-door delivery service (additional charges depending on the location)
❤️ 环境舒服卫生
❤️ 猫咪住进来之前一定会消毒打扫干净
❤️ 会更新猫咪状况 (拍照或视频)
❤️ 请自备猫砂和猫粮 (怕猫咪不适应)
❤️ 有提供上门载送服务 (根据地点另外收费)
我们也有提供上门喂食服务 😊
欢迎来询问 🤗
We also provide door-to-door feeding service 😊
For more information, please contact-:
📞017-4029504 Huazai
📞012-7728602 Fish