Aliyah Rizq Farm

Aliyah Rizq Farm Providing Healthy & Quality Sheep/Goats for Aqiqah & Qurban. Menyediakan Kambing/Biri-Biri yang Sihat & Berkualiti untuk tujuan Aqiqah & Qurban.


Alhamdulillah terima kasih Shaik & Maryam!

Semoga anda berdua sukses selalu 💚

Wed 19th June 11.47pmOverseas Qurban Completion UpdateAssalammualaikum! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah All ou...

Wed 19th June 11.47pm
Overseas Qurban Completion Update

Assalammualaikum! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

All our qurban animals from these countries have been slaughtered. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

You will receive the e-certificates and photos within 4-5 weeks after the Qurban ritual was performed, depending on when we receive them. We will then sort and organize them into individual folders.

We thank you for your support and may Allah accept our hard work, intentions and efforts.

Wed 19th June Overseas Qurban Completion UpdateAssalammualaikum! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Our qurban an...

Wed 19th June Overseas Qurban Completion Update

Assalammualaikum! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

Our qurban animals from these countries have been slaughtered. We thank you for your patience as we receive these updates.

Please continue to check our social media posts for updates.

We thank you for your support and may Allah accept our hard work, intentions and efforts.

Overseas Qurban Completion UpdatesAssalammualaikum! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Our qurban animals from th...

Overseas Qurban Completion Updates

Assalammualaikum! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

Our qurban animals from these countries have been slaughtered. We thank you for your patience as you receive these updates.

Please continue to check our social media posts for updates.

We thank you for your support and may Allah accept our hard work, intentions and efforts.

Catch us at Masjid Sultan!

Catch us at Masjid Sultan!

Assalamualaikum, we are announcing this year's SG LIVE QURBAN prices. Head to our website to make your orders! For more ...

Assalamualaikum, we are announcing this year's SG LIVE QURBAN prices. Head to our website to make your orders! For more info, do not hesitate to contact us!

Assalamualaikum, we are announcing this year's Qurban prices. Head to our website to make your orders! For more info, do...

Assalamualaikum, we are announcing this year's Qurban prices. Head to our website to make your orders! For more info, do not hesitate to contact us!

Singapore Live Qurban! Make your orders now!

Singapore Live Qurban! Make your orders now!

Alhamdulillah for this write-up from .For your qurban needs, visit us at  or drop us a text at 92...

Alhamdulillah for this write-up from .

For your qurban needs, visit us at or drop us a text at 9228 0555

Life as a manager in Aliyah Rizq Farm!

Life as a manager in Aliyah Rizq Farm!

Ever thought of becoming a sheep breeder? Here is your opportunity to learn first-hand and acquire essential knowledge t...

Ever thought of becoming a sheep breeder? Here is your opportunity to learn first-hand and acquire essential knowledge to be one!

Horses are sooo majestic! As the say “You don’t pick the horses, the horse picks you!” 🥰 Ramadan Kareem ❤️

Horses are sooo majestic! As the say “You don’t pick the horses, the horse picks you!” 🥰 Ramadan Kareem ❤️

Oh Allah, we thank you for you have granted us all the permission to be in the month of Ramadhan again.Oh Allah, you are...

Oh Allah, we thank you for you have granted us all the permission to be in the month of Ramadhan again.
Oh Allah, you are the turner of hearts, grant us hearts that are filled with love for you and the deen.
Oh Allah, hold us in your care as we welcome this blessed month.

Once upon a time, in the green pastures of Aliyah Rizq Farm, every sheep is a beloved star. Baa-lieve it or not, they ar...

Once upon a time, in the green pastures of Aliyah Rizq Farm, every sheep is a beloved star.

Baa-lieve it or not, they are more than just animals, they are part of a big, fluffy family. Caring for such a special family needs more than just regular check-ups and feeding schedules. Even though we have all the fancy data and charts to keep track of their health, sometimes, a sheep's tummy ache isn't something you can find in a spreadsheet!

Enter our hero, Dr Baa-mazing (pun intended!), the vet with a magical stethoscope. Unlike any ordinary vet, Dr Baa-mazing has a special gift. They'll be checking for early signs of illness, like a sheep with a cough that’s slightly off or a lamb with a sluggish strut. This proactive approach can nip problems in the bud before they snowball into costly outbreaks, saving us time and money and, most importantly, keeping our sheep healthy.

But Dr Baa-mazing's superpowers don't stop there. Remember that mountain of data we collect? With a knack for speaking 'data', they can turn all those numbers and charts into a secret language that helps us understand what each sheep needs to be their best. From finding out which mama sheep are the champions of the flock to figuring out the perfect snack for each little lamb, Dr Baa-mazing makes sure everyone lives their best life.

And when the moon is high, and most of us are tucked in bed, our vet hero is always there, 24/7! Ready to swoop in at the first sign of trouble. Be it a midnight baby lamb delivery or a curious youngster caught in a pickle, Dr Baa-mazing's calm and clever ways meant every story had a happy ending.

This wasn't just about fixing boo-boos. It was about trust. To the sheep, Dr Baa-mazing was more than a vet; they were a friend who understood their baa's and bleats. This friendship made our farm not just a place of work but a home of happy hearts, both woolly and human.

So, having Dr Baa-mazing around wasn't just good for the sheep; it was magic for us all. It meant healthy animals, a happy team, and a farm that felt like a fairy tale come true.

And that, dear friends, is the tale of Aliyah Rizq Farm, where every day is an adventure, every sheep is a treasure, and where Dr Baa-mazing makes sure our story always has a sunny, smiling tomorrow.

P.S. If you're curious about our adventures or have a friend who dreams of being a real-life Dr Baa-mazing, come join our journey! Who knows? The next chapter could be about you!

Bagaimanakah bermulanya Aliyah Rizq Farm? Apakah faktor-faktor yang mencetuskan inspirasi dan mendorong sehingga terbina...

Bagaimanakah bermulanya Aliyah Rizq Farm? Apakah faktor-faktor yang mencetuskan inspirasi dan mendorong sehingga terbinanya ladang ini?

Untuk mengetahuinya, izinkan saya berkongsi dengan anda bagaimana segalanya bermula.

Sebenarnya, sepanjang perjalanan kerjaya saya, tidak pernah saya terfikir untuk menukar pekerjaan ini kepada bidang lain khususnya penternakan.

Bayangkanlah dua bidang pekerjaan yang jaraknya umpama bumi dengan langit. Namun semuanya adalah aturan Allah, kerana kita boleh merancang apa sahaja tapi Dialah yang menentukannya.

Beberapa tahun lalu, timbul keinginan saya untuk membuat sesuatu yang sangat berbeza daripada apa yang saya lakukan sebelumnya. Saya mula berminat dan berhasrat untuk memelihara kambing, pada mulanya bukan untuk tujuan perniagaan tetapi hanya sebagai hobi dan binatang peliharaan sahaja.

Pada masa itu saya memang mempunyai banyak masa lapang kerana anak sulung saya sudah bekerja di Singapura, anak lelaki belajar di Yaman dan anak bungsu menuntut di Maahad Tahfizh dan tinggal di asrama.

Suami p**a sering bertugas di Arab Saudi kerana menguruskan jemaah haji dan umrah.

Saya bermula dengan memelihara empat ekor kambing yang dihadiahkan oleh seorang teman, satu ekor jantan dan tiga ekor betina. Ditempatkan di sebuah kandang hujung rumah, kambing membiak dengan cepatnya. Dari empat ekor bertambah menjadi tujuh, dua belas, enam belas, dan dalam masa kira-kira dua tahun, jumlah kambing hampir mencapai dua puluh ekor! Subhanallah! Dalam keadaan kandang saya yang kecil dan dengan jumlah kambing yang semakin bertambah, ia tidak lagi mencukupi untuk menampung semua kambing tersebut.

Akhirnya, saya membuat keputusan untuk menghadiahkan semula beberapa ekor kambing kepada teman saya tadi kerana beliau mempunyai kandang yang lebih besar, di samping memberi ruang lebih selesa kepada kambing-kambing peliharaan saya.

Hal ini membuat minat saya semakin mendalam dan mula berfikir untuk menjadikannya sebagai aktiviti selepas bersara dan berdoa agar Allah SWT memberi jalan untuk mencapai cita-cita saya itu.

Alhamdulillah, pada tahun 2016, saya dipertemukan dengan ahli keluarga baharu saya Ashraf Bakar (menantu) yang mempunyai pengalaman luas dalam hal penternakan dan juga sangat meminati bidang ini.

Bermulalah episode serius dalam pengembaraan ini.

Antara soalan-soalan yang pernah ditanya kepada saya oleh beberapa rakan seperjuangan dengan hairannya:

1. “Puan, kenapa puan pilih jadi penggembala kambing?”

2. “Apa yang puan dapat daripada penat lelah dan bergelumang dengan kotoran?”

3. “Bukankah puan sepatutnya berada dalam bidang yang lebih intelektual daripada memelihara kambing?” dan bermacam-macam lagi soalan lain.

Namun, tidak kurang p**a yang memberi semangat, dorongan dan galakan terutamanya suami dan ahli keluarga untuk saya meneruskan cita-cita ini.

Jawapan saya untuk soalan-soalan tadi:

1. Ia suatu pekerjaan yang sangat mulia. Nabi kita Muhammad S.A.W juga merupakan seorang penggembala kambing.

Dalam sebuah hadis daripada Abu Hurairah R.A daripada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W baginda bersabda yang maksudnya: “Tidak seorang pun yang diutus oleh Allah sebagai nabi, melainkan dia pernah menggembala kambing.” Para sahabatnya bertanya: “Tuan juga?” Baginda menjawab: “Ya, aku juga pernah menggembala kambing penduduk Mekah dengan upah beberapa qirāṭ.”
(Hadis Sahih riwayat Imam al-Bukhari).

2. Selain mendapat keuntungan dalam perniagaan, saya juga mengharapkan ganjaran di akhirat kerana urusan ini sangat berkait rapat dengan ibadah umat Islam (khususnya korban, aqiqah dan penyembelihan sunat atau nazar).

3. Sesungguhnya menjadi penggembala kambing sama juga cabarannya dengan jawatan yang saya sandang selama ini malah lebih susah dan lebih mencabar lagi kerana ia memerlukan ilmu pengetahuan, minda yang sangat kreatif, kesabaran, ketahanan, ketabahan, kekuatan dan berbagai kemahiran lain yang lebih tinggi.

Saya tamatkan kisah ini dengan firman Allah SWT yang berbunyi:

وَلَكُمْ فِيْهَا جَمَالٌ حِيْنَ تُرِيْحُوْنَ وَحِيْنَ تَسْرَحُوْنَۖ
(النحل: ٦)

Tafsirnya: “Dan bagi kamu pada binatang-binatang ternak itu, keindahan (yang menarik hati) ketika kamu membawanya balik untuk berehat (pada waktu petang), dan ketika kamu membawanya keluar (pada waktu pagi)”.
(An-Nahl: 6)

Itu sahaja yang saya ingin kongsikan di sini. Semoga usaha kami ini terus berkembang maju dan mendapat redhaNya.

Wallahu a’lam.

Siti Alawiyah
Pengasas Aliyah Rizq Farm
Januari 2024/Rejab 1445


Cuba teka berapa ekor kambing yang turun dari lori tu? 😄

Kelmarin, ladang kami menyambut kedatangan 192 ekor kambing biri-biri baka Dorper dari Australia, satu saat yang menggembirakan hati kami semua!

"Alhamdulillah, semua kambing ini selamat tiba dalam keadaan sihat, walaupun mereka menempuh perjalanan selama 7 jam dari Kedah," ujar Dato Seri Ashraf, CEO kami, dengan senyuman lega sebaik sahaja biri-biri itu diturunkan dari lori.

Memang seronok tengok gelagat kambing-kambing ini! Ada yang berjalan santai, ada yang berlari lincah, malah ada yang melompat-lompat kegirangan. Lucunya mereka macam kanak-kanak yang tak sabar ke Legoland!

"Mengapa kami pilih baka Dorper?"

Sejak diperkenalkan di Afrika Selatan pada tahun 1930-an dan dibawa ke Australia pada 1996, baka ini terkenal kerana mudah dijaga, cepat membesar, dan dagingnya berkualiti tinggi - lembut dan sedap.

Dalam gambar yang kami kongsi ini, nampak tak saiz kambing-kambing yang cuma berusia setahun lebih ini? Besar dan sihat! Di ladang kami yang luas (120 kaki x 40 kaki), kami beri mereka makanan premium seperti rumput Napier yang kami tanam sendiri, serta ampas soya dan ampas sawit yang kami dapatkan dari gudang.

"Kenapa rumput Napier ini menjadi pilihan utama untuk diet kambing-kambing kami?"

Rumput ini sebenarnya tumbuh dengan baik di cuaca khatulistiwa seperti di negara kita. Ia mengandungi banyak bahan yang diperlukan kambing untuk tetap sihat, seperti tenaga, protein, dan vitamin penting. Selain itu, rumput Napier juga membantu sistem pencernaan kambing selain untuk tumbesaran kambing dan menjadikannya kuat dan cergas.

"Kambing 192 ekor ni nak jual kah?"

Tujuan kami bukan hanya untuk jualan. Kami ingin membiakkan kambing-kambing ini terlebih dahulu. Selama 3 tahun, kami akan memantau pertumbuhan mereka, dari segi keadaan fizikal dan kesihatan gigi, untuk pastikan mereka benar-benar berkualiti tinggi. Apabila sudah matang kelak, barulah ia akan dijual.

Dengan persekitaran yang indah dan makanan yang berkhasiat, kambing-kambing kami memang unggul. Itulah sebabnya mereka jadi pilihan ramai.

"Anda ingin melihat sendiri keunikan kambing kami?"

Sudah tentu boleh. Kami buka pintu untuk lawatan ke ladang kami, Aliyah Rizq Farm! Datanglah, saksikan sendiri perangai lucu dan menghiburkan mereka. Pasti anda akan terhibur dengan kerenah mereka yang comel dan mencuit hati.

Looking to fulfill your Aqiqah, Sadaqah, or Nazar? Look no further! Introducing our much-awaited 2024 product and price ...

Looking to fulfill your Aqiqah, Sadaqah, or Nazar? Look no further! Introducing our much-awaited 2024 product and price list, designed to cater to your needs with utmost convenience. Get ready to embark on a fulfilling journey with us!

For more enquiries, DM us or contact +65 8065 8258 🐑🐑

Our youngest baby who was only 3 months old was rushed to the High Dependency Unit with a suspected lung infection a few...

Our youngest baby who was only 3 months old was rushed to the High Dependency Unit with a suspected lung infection a few weeks ago. I have had my fair share of the elder brothers being admitted to the hospital before, but never to HDU.

Mr Shepherd, my dear husband has just left earlier during the day for the farm. Over fifty visitors are expected at the farm, an event meticulously planned for over a month.

So I contemplated calling him because that phone call with news that our son is at HDU felt like tearing his weekend plans apart. Yet as a father, he has a right to know too.

I picked up my phone and told him what happened.

"Why does this happen when I'm away? Do I come back? Do I stay? What do we do?". His response echoes the recurring dilemma.

It invited me to reflect on the countless times I've shouldered responsibilities at home while he pursued the dream of building the company, named after my mother Aliyah. Our life's rollercoaster intensified with each child, as a mother with a career and playing the role of the Shepherdes in the business, I go through the "Am I doing enough for my kids" guilt on a daily basis and it gets amplified when Mr Shepherd has the what I call "luxury" of being away.

Yet, I forget that his absence carries its own burden and guilt. It's not a luxury but a tough choice made with deliberation. Going home risks missing opportunities and accumulating backlog; staying means a distracted mind, unable to be with our loved ones during their struggles. Either way, guilt is one's constant companion.

In navigating this complex journey, we've learned vital lessons:

1) Communication with Empathy:
Sharing our struggles with empathy, acknowledging each other's feelings, and offering affirmations create a foundation of support.

"Sayang, I know you're holding on to a lot, I am proud of you and everything that you do."

2) Joint Decision-Making to Remove Blame:
Confronting crises as a team involves level-headed conversations, avoiding blame, negotiating pros and cons, and deciding together. It ensures shared responsibility and minimizes guilt. Whatever happens, we are with each other every step of the way.

3) Support Each Other Explicitly:
How do we know that the support we give is the kind of support our partner wishes to receive from us? The answer: By asking and answering these questions genuinely.

"How are you holding up?"
"What can I do to make you feel supported?"
"What do you need from me so that you know you're loved and appreciated?"

Tailoring support based on each other's needs avoids assumptions and fosters a true sense of teamwork.

Someone asked me, so how do you do it all?

Truth is, it's not about doing it all; it's a team effort. Our team includes family, friends, colleagues, and staff – each playing a vital role in our interconnected lives.

Success is a journey, a process that is filled with its challenges. We have had our fair share of people constantly berating us, putting us down, and even tarnishing our hard work with slander after slander. We have learned that people with hate and hasad in their hearts will continue to be that way and the only thing we can do is focus on our goal and let our hard work and achievements say otherwise.

After being at the hospital for 5 days, Alhamdulillah Adik is home. I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

Mr Shepherd and I reflected together that the pursuit of success is not just about reaching milestones; it's about embracing the shared victories and challenges that shape the narrative of our lives.

As we locked eyes, an unspoken understanding passed between us – a silent acknowledgement of the sacrifices we both make for the family we cherish. As a family, we were determined to continue this journey, hand in hand, writing our story with resilience, love, and the unwavering belief that together, we could overcome anything.

Indeed, the pursuit of success often involves moments where difficult compromises and sacrifices are necessary. This journey is not easy and frequently tests our resilience and commitment. Every step towards our goals may require tough decisions that challenge our priorities and values. Insya-Allah.

- Written by Shepherdess Nabilah

Can you guess the type of grass that our sheep eat every day?In the beautiful region of Johor, Malaysia, where farms are...

Can you guess the type of grass that our sheep eat every day?

In the beautiful region of Johor, Malaysia, where farms are abundant, raising sheep is a special job. As a farming team who loves taking care of sheep in this area, we know that picking the right food for our furry friends is super important. In this article, we'll talk about why Napier Grass is like a superhero for our sheep and lambs, making sure they stay healthy and happy. Let's explore why choosing Napier Grass is a big deal for our farm.

1. Napier Grass: Our Local Hero

Napier Grass is like a treasure for us farmers in Johor. It grows well in our warm weather, is easy to find, and is packed with good stuff that helps our sheep and lambs grow strong. Let's find out why we love Napier Grass so much!

2. Good Stuff Inside

Napier Grass is like a yummy meal for our sheep. It has lots of things our sheep need to stay healthy, like energy, protein, and important vitamins. It's like a balanced diet that keeps our sheep feeling good.

3. Helps Tummies Feel Good

Eating Napier Grass is like giving our sheep a healthy snack. It helps their tummies work well, so they don't feel sick. This is super important because we want our sheep to be happy and healthy.

4. Makes Sheep the Right Size:

Napier Grass is like magic food that helps our sheep stay the right size. This is really important for mommy sheep because it helps them have baby lambs, and it helps the lambs grow up big and strong.

5. Works Well in Our Weather

We're lucky that Napier Grass loves our warm weather in Johor. It grows all the time, so our sheep always have something tasty to eat. It's like having a buffet for our sheep every day!

6. Good for the Earth

Using Napier Grass is like being a superhero for our planet. It doesn't need lots of special care, so we're not using too many things from the Earth. This makes our farming good for nature too!

So, there you have it! Napier Grass is like the best friend for us farmers. It gives our sheep yummy and healthy food, helps them grow, and keeps them happy. Plus, it's good for the Earth too! Choosing Napier Grass is like making sure our sheep have the best life here on the farm.


"Guys, let's go ride on ATVs!"

To be a respected leader, one must always value the dedication and hard work of his tireless staff. Recognizing their efforts and wanting to lift their spirits, our Shepherd, Ashraf Bakar, came up with a plan to create a memorable experience for us.

One sunny afternoon, as we were having our afternoon tea, Shepherd Ashraf announced a surprise outing to Desaru Mini Zoo, a nearby adventure park.

"Awesome lah boss! Let's go!" we shouted in unison. Taking a break from our routine was definitely a celebration for us.

Arriving at the adventure park, we were greeted by a fleet of ATVs awaiting their eager riders. Ashraf, with a twinkle in his eye, explained that they would embark on a guided tour through the lush trails of the park, promising surprises along the way.

"Guys, actually, this is my first time riding an ATV," said Shepherd Ashraf. We all looked at each other in excitement, wondering what our adventure was going to be like.

As we revved up the engines and embarked on the exciting journey, we were greeted by unexpected twists and turns. We were startled by a sign warning of a tiger ahead, heightening our anticipation. Then, we indeed spotted a tiger! But it turned out to be just a fake one, prompting uproarious laughter from all of us.

Thankfully, the real adventure began as we navigated challenging slopes, ascending and descending with the sun in our eyes. The camaraderie among the team members grew stronger with each twist and turn, and the shared moments of overcoming challenges on the ATVs created lasting bonds.

The highlight of the day was when we reached the summit, a breathtaking view unfolding before them. Our Shepherd, realizing the importance of capturing this moment, gathered the team for a photo. The image captured not just our smiling faces but the triumph of shared experiences and the joy of being appreciated.

As we descended the slopes one last time, the farm owner felt a sense of fulfilment, knowing that this day had not only lifted the spirits of his hardworking staff but had also sown seeds of unity and camaraderie that would continue to blossom on the farm.

"So guys, did you enjoy our little adventure today?" asked our Shepherd as we all sat to rest at the nearby cafe. We all smiled and nodded in gratitude.

"Great! I'm going to buy ATVs for the farm!" he announced. All our jaws dropped to the floor in disbelief.

And so, with memories of laughter, adventure, and a sense of appreciation, we all returned to the farm, our hearts lighter, our bonds stronger, and our spirits lifted higher than ever before.


We got ambushed by the legendary Koocester ! Will there be a part 2? We are excited too.

"Kenapa nama ladang ini  Aliyah Rizq Farm? Nama siapa tu?" tanya seorang rakan. Soalan sebegitu bukan sekali dua ditanya...

"Kenapa nama ladang ini Aliyah Rizq Farm? Nama siapa tu?" tanya seorang rakan. Soalan sebegitu bukan sekali dua ditanyakan kepada saya, tapi beberapa kali juga oleh rakan-rakan lain.

Ceritanya begini. Ini berlaku pada 10 tahun yang lepas. Pada ketika itu, saya baru p**ang ke rumah, dari asrama sekolah.

Apabila saya melangkah masuk ke rumah selepas membuka pintu, tiba-tiba saya terdengar bunyi yang pelik.

"Bunyi apakah itu?" bisik hati kecil saya.

Lalu saya bertanya kepada ibu dengan perasaan ingin tahu.

"Umi, suara apa tu?"

"Suara apa? Tak ada suara apa apa pun," jawab Umi, seperti tiada apa yang berlaku.

"Ada," saya berkata sambil mencari bunyi tersebut.

"Haaa tuu!!!"

Ibu dan ayah tertawa melihat telatah saya yang tidak keruan dan tertanya tanya apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.

"Kita ada kambing kat belakang rumah. 4 ekor, 3 betina, 1 jantan. Belum tengok kan? Uncle buat kandang kat belakang," jelas ibu.

Saya dengan terujanya ingin tahu dan melihat sendiri kambing tersebut kerana tidak pernah terlintas dalam fikiran yang saya boleh melihat kambing tersebut didepan mata, di belakang rumah sendiri!

"Nak lihat! Ada nama kah?" Saya bertanya dengan penuh ghairah.

"Ada. Cuba teka nama dia apa?" tanya ibu.

"Ummm, tak tahu lah. Tak boleh fikir nama kambing!" Jawabku sambil menggaru kepala.

"Nama dia Baby, Cinta, Sayang dan Lofa," jawab ibu sambil senyuman terukir di wajahnya.

Inilah pertama kali saya melihat kambing di depan mata dan dapat bermain bersama mereka.

Perangai kambing-kambing ini lucu, seolah-olah kucing yang besar, kerana sikap mereka yang manja.

Kambing pertama, namanya Baby. Yang ini manja dan sangat ramah.

Bulunya bercampur coklat dan hitam. Baby ini perangainya akan selalu mendekati sesiapa sahaja yang datang ke kandang.

Kambing kedua ini, Sayang namanya. Bulunya ada tompokan hitam, coklat dan putih. Yang ini p**a sangat manja tetapi tidak s**a dibelai. Hanya akan membiarkan orang menyuapkannya makanan menggunakan tangan dari luar kandang.

Kambing ketiga, Lofa p**a berbulu coklat gelap dan tompok seakan tahi lalat putih di perutnya. Lofa s**a menyendiri dan akan bersembunyi apabila didekati oleh orang yang tidak dikenali.

Manakala yang terakhr Cinta, satu satunya kambing jantan kami yang hitam manis itu berperangai seperti alpha. Dia akan melindungi semua kambing-kambing lan. Cinta akan menerkam sesiapa yang cuba untuk mengganggu mereka.

Selama beberapa tahun, saya melihat kambing itu bermain bersama, tidur, membiak dan membesar.

Walaupun sikap mereka amat berbeza, tetapi mereka tetap mencuit hati kami sekeluarga dan membuatkan hidup kami lebih ceria.

Oleh kerana cintanya ibu saya terhadap binatang-binatang ini, maka terciptalah Aliyah Rizq Farm, diinspirasikan dari nama ibu kami, Alawiyah.

Ladang kami yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2015 itu, kini mulai dikenali oleh lebih ramai orang.

Sebenarnya, Ibu menginginkan orang ramai mengalami apa yang dia alami supaya lebih ramai lagi akan merasakan cinta terhadap alam semula jadi dan haiwan haiwan ternakan ini.

Saya amat gembira melihat impiannya untuk menternak kambing itu tercapai dan semakin berkembang luas.

Saya berharap legasi ibu saya akan berkekalan untuk tahun tahun yang akan datang.


Ditulis oleh Zahrah

I've always been immersed in the world of data, but one day, I was tasked with a new challenge: tracking data from a far...

I've always been immersed in the world of data, but one day, I was tasked with a new challenge: tracking data from a farm. The prospect thrilled me.

Being the newest member of the team, I eagerly looked forward to contributing and simplifying processes for everyone.

"What types of data are typically collected from a farm?" you might ask.

Well, it involves monitoring various aspects of the sheep – their food intake, supplement ratios, exercise routines, and more.

With my background in crunching numbers, I initially thought this would be a straightforward task. The farm would send the numbers and everything would be smooth sailing… right?

However, my first visit to the farm opened my eyes to the stark reality of ground operations. I was so wrong! It reminded me of the old adage, "The devil is in the details."

The farm actually faced several challenges, including poor telecom signals, limited electricity, and inconsistent water supply. This meant rethinking our initial plan of simple, immediate updates through platforms like WhatsApp.

"How can I ensure the staff sends the data under these conditions?" I asked myself.

Realizing that we had to start somewhere, however small, I decided to take action. I created several easy-to-use forms for the staff. Collaborating with Alif, our assistant farm manager, we refined these forms based on his input and had them printed, and ready for use the very next day.

Anxious to know how the new system fared, I texted Alif the next day, "Salam Alif, how did today go? Were you able to start with the data collection?"

Shortly after, Alif's reply came through, tinged with disappointment, "Abang, something quite sad happened."

My heart raced as I saw the 'Typing...' indicator under his name.

"The heavy rain on my way to the farm drenched all the forms," he explained.

"I had the ziplock bags you suggested, but the rain was too sudden," Alif added.

I couldn't help but smile and sigh in relief, my hand instinctively going to my forehead.

"When it rains, it pours," I told myself.

I then opened Spotify, searched for the song "It's Raining Men" and played it out. Loud.


Written by Khairy, our IT and data guy.

You could say that we baaa-nded together to get those meat distributed! Awesome achievement by the team! 💪💪💪Australian Q...

You could say that we baaa-nded together to get those meat distributed! Awesome achievement by the team! 💪💪💪

Australian Qurban Meat Distribution, Sunday 9th July 2023


Welcome to our partner farm in Indonesia! 🌴🌞


Size matters when it comes to lambs! 📏🐑

Assalamualaikum, here are our final and updated price for Qurban 2023! DM us for more information and to Place your orde...

Assalamualaikum, here are our final and updated price for Qurban 2023!

DM us for more information and to Place your orders!

Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim.Assalamualaikum,On this fine day, we are sharing with you our updated Qurban prices for thi...

Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim.

On this fine day, we are sharing with you our updated Qurban prices for this year.

PM us to know more details.


PTD 1721, Jalan, Bandar Penawar, 81910 Kota Tinggi
Kota Tinggi

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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