Petti Pet Pack Dog & Cat Tissue Wipes Aloe Vera For Eye Ear (80's)
8.8 Promotion!!!
Petti Pet Wipes 80's
Wipes Size: 200mm x 150mm
Made in Malaysia
😻 Features of PETTI WIPES:
🐾 No alcohol, No parabens (no problem when licking)
🐾 Extra Soothing Aloe Vela extract
🐾 Relief ingredients, no irritation, no pigment
🐾 Honeycomb Cottony Soft design, Easy to remove dirt and odor
🐾 Super thick, soft and tough
🐾 Double moisture, soft cleansing and toning effect
Petti Wipes, Multiple uses (Cleaning X Deodorizing X Toning)
🆗 After going out for a walk - wipe their paws
🆗 Finish rolling on the ground - wipe their body
🆗 After going to the toilet - wipe their ass
🆗 After eating a big meal - wipe their face
🆗 During Sickness, before and after vaccination and other special circumstances (when it is not convenient to wash for the time being)
😻 Ciri-ciri PETTI WIPES:
🐾 Wipes tanpa alkohol, tanpa paraben (Selamat untuk binatang)
🐾 Ekstrak AloeVera berfungi memberi ketenangan dan khasiat.
🐾 Textur Honeycomb Kapas Lembut, mudah menghilangkan kotoran dan bau
🐾 Ketebalan maksima, lembut dan sukar koyak
🐾 Kelembapan 2 kali ganda, untuk pembersihan maksima
Wipes❤️ mengunakan teknologi terbaru yang mampu memberi (Kebersihan dan Kelembutan)
Wipes sesuai digunakan bila:
🆗 Keluar berjalan-jalan, lapkan dan bersihkan kaki si Comel
🆗 Bermain dan bergolek di tanah, lapkan dan bersihkan bulu si Comel
🆗 Selepas buang air, lapkan dan bersihkan bahagian si Comel
🆗 Mulut kotor selepas makan, lapkan dan bersihkan muka si Comel
🆗 Bersihkan Telinga si Comel
🆗 Bersihkan leher dan dada si Comel
🆗 Buangkan bau badan si Comel
Bahagian penting untuk dibersihkan:
✅ Mata
✅ Wajah
✅ Telinga
✅ Mulut
✅ Tangan dan Kaki
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