I'm actually very sad to be honest. To see what had happened to my fish last night, after been handled by the Handlers from Mukah. My purpose to create this post is not making another 'big hoo-haah' thing. But to share my thoughts, which I think I have to voice out a bit.
I believe most of the players have seen the postings, and heard about news the past 2 or 3 days ago. And most of the victims are also my friends as well. After seeing the postings, straight a head in my mind, saying my fish will sure confirm kena 'gg.com'. And YES. Kena, but I told my friends senang saje. Breed la, what to do kan?
I just want to share my thoughts that, I am very much disappointed to the 'Handlers from Mukah' (name I would not state) DID NOT make an effort to even wanting to apologise to the victims of Sarawak Betta Players (publicly or even personally). So, let me ask you this. Are you even a "responsible" person? Don't you feel sorry of what you have done?
To be honest, I am not asking for any compensation on my fish. I also not trying to say my fish is powerful or how much it is worth. For me, I am simple person tbh. An apology from you 'personally' will satisfy me alot already. I don't want an apology from another person to another person, then to me. Now you are showing me that, you are not professional enough or even wanting to accept the fact that you've done something wrong to apologise.
Honestly, please learn to be responsible person! Face your faults & learn your mistakes. Be a man. DO NOT give lots of excuses and run away from your mistakes. In the end, no one will ever show you 'respect' & no one will 'trust' your service. It's NOT EVEN qualify as 'Par Level'. How would we trust you as a handler in the future, kan? So, try to fikir² k? If I ada tercakap apa yg salah, I apologise to everyone in advanced.