Captive bred clownfish made in 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾
Facts about them :
1. They are bred by us, in Puchong, Selangor.
2. They don't need to be quarantined, why? Because they has never been exposed to any real sea water. They are hatched, raised and growing up in a synthetically mixed saltwater(RODI filtered water + salt), at salinity of around 1.019 to 1.023 SG.
3. Are they guaranteed to be sickness free? Yes and no. Yes, they don't carry any sickness. No, they might get sick if your tank is already infected with sickness(white spot etc), but as per our experience selling our tank bred clownfish, no customer has specifically reached out to us about fish brought from us getting sick in their "well established" tank.
4. Will they host anemone? They has never met or see any anemone or corals in their life, but we have customers brought our fish and showed to us(a video) that clownfish brought from us hosting anemone in their tank, some started hosting as soon as introduced to the tank! But as wild clownfish, we don't guarantee that they will host anemone in your tank.
5. How long can our clownfish lasts in packaging? We pack our fishes sent via courier company in an insulated box, with 3 ice packs, based on experience, the fish can last up to 3 days if not kept in hot place by the courier company.
6. Fish that we sell are normally small in size, why? Because we are small scale breeder and still growing, we don't have large facility.
Do we have a shop or showroom? Currently, no.
What courier do we use? Line Clear or Best Express.
Do we offer Dead on Arrival(DOA)? By default, no.
Clownfish babies! We hope that we can produce more storm clownfish to sellable size.. 😀🙏🏻
They are still very small in size (~3cm) but customer is already asking to get them! We hope that fishes that we’ve sold will be well taken care by the new owners. 😀
Captive bred percula clownfish ~4cm
Tank Breed Baby Percula Clownfish