I-Care Animal Consults Ltd

I-Care Animal Consults Ltd I-Care Animal Consults Ltd provides creative agricultural solutions which boost sustainable production. We are into sales of Agro products (Day old Chicks, Vet.


drugs, Animal Feeds etc), we offer professional consults (farm Construction, Vet services etc)

Have you ever wondered why some fish farms produce stunted unhealthy catfish? There is no single reason for that but the...

Have you ever wondered why some fish farms produce stunted unhealthy catfish? There is no single reason for that but there are several reasons that attribute to it. Most importantly, there is a foundational cause for producing stunted and unhealthy catfish which begins from the hatchery. Research has it that the conventional flow through system lacks the ability to control the physiochemical parameters of the water, wastes lots of water (which makes fish farming cost inefficient) and have high chances of producing fishes that are not viable or healthy at the fingerling or juvenile stage....


Have you ever wondered why some fish farms produce stunted unhealthy catfish? There is no single reason for that but there are several reasons that attribute to it. Most importantly, there is a fou…

Have you ever wondered why some fish farms produce stunted unhealthy catfish? There is no single reason for that but the...

Have you ever wondered why some fish farms produce stunted unhealthy catfish?
There is no single reason for that but there are several reasons that attribute to it. Most importantly, there is a foundational cause for producing stunted and unhealthy catfish which begins from the hatchery. Research has it that the conventional flow through system lacks the ability to control the physiochemical parameters of the water, wastes lots of water (which makes fish farming cost inefficient) and have high chances of producing fishes that are not viable or healthy at the fingerling or juvenile stage. However, the Recirculatory Aquaculture System is a model that is able to control the physiochemical properties of the water, uses low quantity of water, controls disease which results in the production of viable and healthy fishes.
This RAS model is what we at I-Care Fish Hatchery have been using and are still using. Currently, we have over 90,000 juvenile catfish, 70,000 post-fingerlings and over 100,000 fingerlings available in our Fish Farm in Benin City. For bookings of any quantity of fingerlings, post-fingerling or juveniles within and outside Edo State or for consultation or Visitation, call/text us on +234 701 810 7221 or email us @ [email protected].
Our goal is to ensure sustainable agricultural production for farmers and that is what drives us to excellence in what we do.

The answer to this question is based on who the reader is, a consumer or a producer. For a consumer, I'm sure all his co...

The answer to this question is based on who the reader is, a consumer or a producer. For a consumer, I'm sure all his concern is "I need to eat fish BBQ or fish pepper-soup". He is definitely not going to bother himself with details of how the fish thrived in the water till its being brought up for sales. True, fish farming is not a business for…...


The answer to this question is based on who the reader is, a consumer or a producer. For a consumer, I’m sure all his concern is “I need to eat fish BBQ or fish pepper-soup”. He i…

I-Care Animal Consults Ltd is a company that provides creative/logical agricultural solutions to help boost sustainable ...

I-Care Animal Consults Ltd is a company that provides creative/logical agricultural solutions to help boost sustainable production and satisfy market demand. We enthusiastically yearn to meet demands and as such creating employment and boosting Sustainable Agricultural Production on the value chain ensuring production moves from Farm to its desired consumer. We are into sales of Agro-Allied products such as veterinary drugs, Animal Feeds, Battery cage systems and lots more....


I-Care Animal Consults Ltd is a company that provides creative/logical agricultural solutions to help boost sustainable production and satisfy market demand. We enthusiastically yearn to meet deman…


Examine animals to assess their health and diagnose problems.
Treat and dress wounds.
Perform surgery on animals.
Test for and vaccinate against diseases.
Advise animal owners about general care, medical conditions, and treatments.
Prescribe medication.


Fish farming in Nigeria is still at a very infant stage with most of our fish farmers using flow through system. However this system comes with his pros and cons among which includes excessive water usage, low feed conversion ratio and inevitable outbreak of disease. In a bid to solve these inevitable problems i introduce you to AquaClose. AquaClose is a Recirculatory Aquaculture system that enables water reuse. Using this system, waste and harmful water parameters are converted to less harmful products. The three purification layers/chambers of this system help to control disease and it possible outbreak. With this system all of the cons related to the flow-through system is curtailed.

Canine parvovirus is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs and cats. CPV is highly contagious and is spread from dog ...

Canine parvovirus is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs and cats. CPV is highly contagious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their f***s. Vaccines can sometimes prevent this infection, but mortality can reach 91% in untreated cases. Treatment often involves veterinary hospitalization. The incubation period for this virus is 5days and dogs that develop the disease show signs of the illness within three to ten days. The signs may include lethargy, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea (usually bloody). Generally, the first sign of CPV is lethargy. Secondary signs are loss of weight and appetite or diarrhea followed by vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting result in dehydration that upsets the electrolyte balance and this may affect the dog critically. Secondary infections occur as a result of the weakened immune system. Because the normal intestinal lining is also compromised, blood and protein leak into the intestines, leading to anemia and loss of protein. Survival rate depends on how quickly CPV is diagnosed, the age of the dog, and how aggressive the treatment is. There is no approved treatment, and the current standard of care is supportive care, involving extensive hospitalization, due to severe dehydration and potential damage to the intestines and bone marrow. A CPV test should be given as early as possible if CPV is suspected in order to begin early treatment and increase survival rate if the disease is found.
For more information on how to get your CPV test kit for early diagnosis call us -Care Animal Consults Ltd
For more information feel free to DM or give us a call @07018107221.

Basically, one of the first mistakes made by fish farmers, is a wrong choice of where they source/buy their fish seeds o...

Basically, one of the first mistakes made by fish farmers, is a wrong choice of where they source/buy their fish seeds otherwise known as fingerlings/juveniles.
We at I-Care Animal Consults Ltd always advise fish farmers to buy their fish seeds from reliable and trusted fish hatcheries. Alot of fish seeds gotten by unreliable persons are usually rots and by such these fish hardly grow as expected. In our hatchery, we use a Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS) to hatch and nurse our fish seeds for the first 40 days. This resultant effect of using this hatching system is to create an enabling environment for these newly hatched fishes (fry's). The RAS help to control and maintain our water quality at optimum temperature and these water quality parameters are required for the survivability of the hatchlings. Our fishes are able to attain fingerlings at three weeks from the first day of feeding because at optimum temperature thier digestive enzymes are more active and the presence of a UV light in our system help us to eradicate unwanted bacteria. The quality of our fish has been proven. Just a trial will convince you.
Book for your fingerlings/juveniles from us at an extremely affordable price. We also waybill to any destination within Nigeria.
For further information, call us at 07018107221 or chat us on whatapp with this link https://wa.me/message/EINQ52XEMEN6K1

Are you a dog breeder, poultry farmer, pig farmer, goat farmer, cattle rearer, rabbit farmer, or snail farmer?Are you a ...

Are you a dog breeder, poultry farmer, pig farmer, goat farmer, cattle rearer, rabbit farmer, or snail farmer?
Are you a laundryman?
Are you a care giver?
Are you a Janitor?
Are you always conscious of your environment and always need a disinfectant?
GERM KILL is the product you need. It is an active disinfectant with a difference. It can be used for disinfecting animal farms especially before the arrival of new animal stock. It can also be used to disinfect pet toys & accessories, baby toys, toilets, floors, sinks, surfaces, as well as for whitening white textiles.
It is both effective and affordable.
We distribute nationwide. Call us on 07018107221 or send a mail to us @ [email protected]

Motto:creating a germ free environment for all.

Place order for yours now!!!😊

Johnholts Farm in collaboration with I-Care Animal Consults Ltd is at it again: this time, it will be a 2 days online tr...

Johnholts Farm in collaboration with I-Care Animal Consults Ltd is at it again: this time, it will be a 2 days online training in Snail Farming.

Do you know that Heliciculture (snail farming) has over 400% Return on investment with a good flexible work time. Do you also know that snail farming isn't capital intensive. Anyone with a strong passion for sustainable Snail production can venture into this business and be successful big time.

Avail yourself for this training opportunity and learn how to farm snail sustainably. We have a lot packed for your consumption for a token of ₦2000 only.

This training will expose you to the following
1. One on One conversation with our experts
2. Snail pens designs and importance
3. Snail species and their economic importance
4. Feed and feeding techniques
5. Sustainable production and upscaling
6. Market feasibility studies and lots more...

Feel free to join our Whatsapp group by clicking on the link for more information https://chat.whatsapp.com/BWS4sXYjlQrGCulIi2Zy0p

Let's farm snail sustainably. We are bringing it to you straight from the source and guess what, you've got it right at your doorstep!!!

Proven Fact About Snail You May Not KnowDo you know that Heliciculture (snail farming) has over 400% Return on investmen...

Proven Fact About Snail You May Not Know
Do you know that Heliciculture (snail farming) has over 400% Return on investment?
Do you know that snail farming isn't capital intensive with a very flexible work time?
Do you know that at 5months of age a snail is ready for reproduction?
Do u know a snail that a snail can lay between 180-300egg within a year?
Do you know it takes 21-30days for a snail egg to hatch at a average temperature of 23-30 degrees centigrade along side with a damp soil?
For further information/consultation on how you can setup your snail pen, place orders on Points to Lay Snails, or make your snail farm function productively feel free to DM or simply call 07018107221.

An automatic continuous syringe injector is one apparatus regularly used by veterinarian. It is used during the administ...

An automatic continuous syringe injector is one apparatus regularly used by veterinarian. It is used during the administration of vaccine/medications for both small and large animals especially when they are in mass. It makes application of these medications easy and stress free because before administering the drug on a group of animal with the same average body weight, the veterinarian has to choose his/her desired dosage by adjusting the gauge, afterwards, there is no need for further adjustment except if administering to either lesser or higher average body weighted animals. Furthermore, the usage of an automatic continuous syringe injector is important because it saves time and doesn't induce stress on the animals it is being used for.

Feel free to place an order for your Automated continuous syringe injector from us at I-Care Animal Consults Ltd. The usage is not a problem as we will guide you through it. Call us on 07018107221, WhatsApp on https://wa.me/message/EINQ52XEMEN6K1 or DM us.

One of our core values in I-Care Animal Consults Ltd is trust. We ensure we build a long lasting relationship with our c...

One of our core values in I-Care Animal Consults Ltd is trust. We ensure we build a long lasting relationship with our clients. I visited her farm some time ago and discovered alot needs to be addressed. After three months of supervision and training under our company's management we got her farm working again. We are committed to ensure we make your farm productive. Dm or call/Whatsapp us today at 07018107221 for further discussion on how to get your farm productive.


Recently, we were invited to one of the biggest fish farm in Abuja. Our job was to conduct, analyse and present a feasibility study on the farm because the profit they were making was not encouraging.
They invited us to diagnose the problem and wanted to know what actually was going on. So, we investigated the farm by moving around with all the staff for a couple of days without interfering in their behavior, attitude to work, handling and work operations.
At the end of our visit, we noticed that members of staff dealing with feed were not experienced. Actually, neither the farm supervisor nor any of the senior staff were practically involved in the feeding. They left the feeding to regular IT-students, daily laborers and low-rated workers without supervision. So, the feeding was carried out wrongly without any vision and any idea of how to grow fish. The senior workers remained in the offices, equipped with air conditioning and gossiping the entire day. Feed is the major cost of production and by such the main job of the day and should always be supervised by the most experienced staff. During feeding time, you interact with your fish. The feeding time of fish tells alot about thier health and thier health is a determining factor to thier growth and this is directly proportional to thier FCR which then gives you and idea of the Return of Investment(ROI). Never allow feeding to be carried out by inexperienced and unmotivated workers.
Would you want us to visit your farm and suggest possible reasons to would promote production?
Contact I-Care Animal Consults Ltd @07018107221 or visit us @ 138, M.M.Way Benin City, Edo State.
Distance is not a barrier. Our services are nationwide.
Remember that your sustainable agricultural

Did you know the expected body weight of a seven days chick is 170g or above?How can this happen?What should you do to m...

Did you know the expected body weight of a seven days chick is 170g or above?
How can this happen?
What should you do to make this happen?
There are innovative strategies you can use for your chicks to attain a good body weight in a short period of time. These strategies have been tested and trusted by our trained farmers.
DM us or call/WhatsApp us @ 07018107221 for more information.
.. your sustainable agricultural production is our priority.


Over the years, fish farming has been one most most lucrative business in Nigeria: but currently the prices of these fish feeds has increased drastically and this has however affected Returns Of Investment for farmers. We at I-Care Animal Consults Ltd are always improvising and looking for ways to improve fish feeds, fish seeds, fish quality and a better Feed Conversion Ratio for our fishes. However, we designed a system that helps us to convert dead birds which originally are waste into feeds for fishes.
Are you thinking if it works?, Contact I-Care Animal Consults Ltd @07018107221 or visit us @ 138, M.M.Way Benin City, Edo State.
Distance is not a barrier. Our services are nationwide.
Remember that your sustainable agricultural production is our priority.


Over the years, pig farming in Nigeria has risen to become one of the top agribusiness ventures. While thinking of what to invest into, here is a profitable suggestion for you. Invest in piggery.
: (1) Pigs are known to be proliferous in nature? A pig can give birth to as much as12 piglets at a time. (2) Pork accounts for 38% of the world's meat's production?
If you're thinking of getting into pig farming, here is what you need to consider:
1. Determine the size of your business.
2. Identify your market
3. Select the breed that suits your needs the best.
4. Construct proper housing.
5. Employ workers who will take care of the pigs.
6. Ensure balanced, appropriate and healthy feeding.
7. Ensure continuous availability of water.
8. Get a Veterinarian for monthly health checkups of your pigs.

Contact I-Care Animal Consults Ltd for enquiries or consultation services @ 07018107221 or visit us @138 M.M.Way Benin City, Edo State....your sustainable agricultural production is our priority.


Fish farming is one of the most lucrative business in Nigeria with an excellent Return Of Investment(ROI).
Do you know the Feed Conversion Ratio(FCR) for Catfish is 1.2?
Simply put: All you need to feed one fish is 1.2kg of feed to add 1kg body weight.
Interested in fish farm?


Are u interested in having a Banana/plantain plantation and you have no idea on the way to go?
I-CARE ANIMAL CONSULTS LTD is just a dial away from you. Reach us today and allow us do the thinking for you.

Do you desire to own a farm like this and obviously has no idea on the way forward?Are u already into egg production and...

Do you desire to own a farm like this and obviously has no idea on the way forward?
Are u already into egg production and your production aren't sustainable?

Have it at the back of your mind that all you owe a laying bird for sustainable production is

1Egg/26hrs= 120gram of feeds per day + 270ml of water + 21 Degree Celsius



3. Checklist for top quality chicks at Dayold
1. A body temperature at the vent (cloaca) of 35.5°C
2. Well developed legs, soft and well hydrated legs.
3. No stringy navels

Make us your Vendor while placing your orders for your Dayold chicks and u would be glad you did.
We make bookings from all hatcheries with prompt and reliable services.



I-Care Animal Consults Ltd says a big thank you for your patronage in 2020. We pray this new year brings you new and better opportunities.
Happy New Year!


138 Murtala Mohammed Way By Nekpenekpen Junction

Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday 07:30 - 18:00
Friday 07:30 - 18:00
Saturday 07:30 - 18:00





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