Ike-Ego Poultry BIRD FARM

Ike-Ego Poultry BIRD FARM We produce all type of domestic Bird and Birds Produce ,Turkey , Broilers, Old Layers, day old chicks , 12 weeks old (3 months) Eggs etc

Our goal and dream Is to give you the best of service In our Chicken produce

HOW TO PREVENT LEG PARALYSIS in BROILERS.Broilers are very lazy that is why some use to have leg paralysis,most farmers ...


Broilers are very lazy that is why some use to have leg paralysis,most farmers even add additional calcium to broilers feed.


The best method you can use to prevent your broilers from leg paralysis is when they get to 3 week hang their feeder up,the more they are stretching their self when eating it is like exercise for them which make them not to be lazy and it make them increase in height, growth.

Other factor like Newcastle diseases and lack of calcium in feed can also lead to leg paralysis, contaminated feed also can lead to broiles leg paralysis

The money you will use to buy calcium please don't waste your resources when they get to 3 week above just hangs their feeders up don't let them sit when eating.

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Kerol is a general disinfectant that is effective, non-corrosive and delivers superior disinfecting power at a cost-effe...

Kerol is a general disinfectant that is effective, non-corrosive and delivers superior disinfecting power at a cost-effective price. Kerol has a high dilution ratio making it very cost effective.

Perfect for
-Disinfecting poultry houses between batches
-Foot and wheel baths
- Disinfecting equipment

Available in 500ml and 5L

FEEDING OF BROILER CHICKEN.Feeding the broiler chickens with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important...


Feeding the broiler chickens with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important part of raising them. In commercial or large scale production, they are generally feed commercially prepared balanced food based on their age and growth stage. The chicks are given starter feed from their day 1 to 4weeks of age. This type of starter feed are very high in protein (around 22-24 percent) to support initial growth.

And when they reach 5 weeks of age, they are generally fed finisher feed. Finisher feed contain around 18-20 percent protein.

Common ingredients used in broiler chicken feed are corn, soybean meal, minerals, vitamins, and sometimes additives. These ingredients help to promote good health and growth. Although, exact formulation of the feed can vary based on specific needs of the birds. Feeding the commercially prepared food is a good option.

Generally, no exact feeding schedule is followed for feeding the broiler chickens. Rather they are typically fed free-choice. That means, they have constant access to feed to ensure they eat as much as they need to grow quickly. And always ensure availability of enough clean and fresh water as per their demand. Avoid providing them contaminated food and polluted water.


Adequate lighting play a very important role in the growth and health of broiler chicken. Provide light continuously in their early stage (first week or so). Doing this is very important to promote feeding and also to help the chicks to adapt to their new environment.

You can reduce lighting period after their initial period and make a combination of light and dark periods. 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness per day will be very good for their good health and growth. You can use fluorescent or LED lights for lighting purpose.


Ensuring a very good housing system with the availability of all required facilities is very important for raising broiler chickens. Long, enclosed buildings with controlled environments are the most widely used housing system in commercial broiler production. Ensure good ventilation system inside their house. And use temperature control system by using heating systems and cooling systems. Make the house comfortable for the birds by using common bedding materials such as straw, rice hulls or wood shavings.

Providing the broiler chickens enough housing space is also very important. In modern commercial chicken farming system, the recommended space is generally around 1 to 1.5 square feet space per bird. Clean their house on a regular basis and maintain good hygiene.

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Have you ever heard or seen a farming system called AQUAPONICS?

Today, we will be learning a thing or two about AQUAPONICS.

Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture (the growing of fish and other aquatic animals) and hydroponics (the growing of plants without soil) in one recirculating environment.

In aquaponics, the plants are grown in the grow bed while the fish are placed in the fish tank.

The water from the fish tank that contains fish waste (rich in nutrients) is been fed to the plants, where naturally occurring beneficial bacteria break the ammonia down into nitrates.

The Plants then absorb these nitrates and other nutrients to help them grow.

vegetables, small root vegetables, fruiting plants, herbs, and flowers. grow best in aquaponics systems

The interesting things about AQUAPONICS is the fact that;

- There is no soil involved in aquaponic systems, the demanding task of weeding is taken care of.

- The produce harvested from aquaponic systems is organic and free from chemicals.

- It also produces multiple sources of incomes from fish and plant production.
Source: Umana

Dr. Adarsha Gowda
Chairperson of Entrepreneurship & Consultancy
Head, Dept of Food Science,
Dept of Food Processing,
St Aloysius (Deemed to be University)
Mangaluru, Karnataka, India.




With code liver u are 100% safe.

Cod liver oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids
Supplementing omega-3 fatty acids in poultry can help in the following health benefits

👉 immunity,
👉skeletal and gastrointestinal development
👉 fertility in broiler breeds.
👉It help layers to produce good yolk & quality eggs.
👉Poor growth
👉Low weight
👉Eye infections

How to use.

Get Cod liver of any mg, 2 capsule into 5-10 litre of water .

Remember, it's always oily & suspend on the top of the water, so u need adequate mixing before serving ur birds.

👉For growth & wait from age 4 upwards. 3X weekly till ur desirable weight gain is achieved.

👉For eye prevention, once weekly from week one

👉 For eggs productivity twice a week.

It can also be use in feed to boost performance.

How to achieve that of feed coming up next.

it won't cost you anything to like and follows

DO THAT HERE👉👉👉 Ike-ego poultry bird farm


some of you don't know to feed or take care of birds , raising birds require lots of attention and sacrifice, which is your time and money, don't go into bird raising cause you hear or see others doing it , to get a very good and healthy bird, you feed , you treat, you maintain your environment, while feeding birds you don't mix different feed, some of you will go add corn shafts to feed cause you want to economies , you wea same sleeper you use in walking around into your poultry at the end carrying bacterials to the birds , there are lots of things to learn about poultry farming , it just about doing research and making enquires , for more on this , follow us at Ike-Ego Poultry BIRD FARM

Here are some tips to help your broiler chicks grow fast and healthy:*I. Nutrition*1. Provide high-quality starter feed ...

Here are some tips to help your broiler chicks grow fast and healthy:

*I. Nutrition*

1. Provide high-quality starter feed (22-24% protein) from day 1.
2. Use a balanced feed with essential nutrients (amino acids, vitamins, minerals).
3. Ensure adequate water intake (1 liter/100 chicks/day).
4. Consider supplementing with probiotics and vitamins.

*II. Environment*

1. Maintain optimal temperature (32°C - 35°C) for the first week.
2. Ensure proper ventilation (exchange 10-15 times/hour).
3. Control humidity (50-60%).
4. Provide adequate lighting (14-16 hours/day).

*III. Health*

1. Vaccinate against common diseases (Newcastle, Gumboro).
2. Monitor for signs of illness (lethargy, diarrhea, labored breathing).
3. Administer antibiotics judiciously.
4. Practice good biosecurity.

*IV. Management*

1. Ensure proper stocking density (0.1-0.2 sqm/chick).
2. Provide enough space for movement and exercise.
3. Handle chicks gently to minimize stress.
4. Monitor and adjust feeders, waterers, and ventilation.

*V. Hygiene*

1. Clean and disinfect equipment, feeders, and waterers regularly.
2. Remove dead birds promptly.
3. Maintain a clean and dry litter.
4. Control pests (rodents, flies).

*VI. Monitoring*

1. Weigh chicks regularly.
2. Monitor feed consumption.
3. Track mortality rates.
4. Adjust management strategies accordingly.

*Fast-Growth Tips*

1. Use broiler-specific breeds (e.g., Ross 308, Cobb 500).
2. Provide feed ad libitum.
3. Use automated feeding and watering systems.
4. Maintain optimal temperature and humidity.
5. Consider using growth promoters (under veterinary guidance).

*Growth Stages*

1. *Brooding* (1-4 weeks): Focus on nutrition, health, and environment.
2. *Grow-out* (5-6 weeks): Emphasize feed efficiency, growth rate.
3. *Finishing* (7-8 weeks): Optimize feed conversion, meat quality.

*Target Growth Rates*

1. Day 1-7: 100-150g/day
2. Day 7-21: 200-250g/day
3. Day 21-35: 300-350g/day
4. Day 35-42: 350-400g/day

Remember to consult with a veterinarian or poultry expert for personalized advice.

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Egg production
Hens lay about six eggs per week, but their productivity declines each year as they molt and daylight hours shorten.
Factors that affect egg production
Many factors can affect egg production, including:

Light: Hens need at least 12 to 14 hours of daylight per day to continue laying eggs.
Calcium: Hens need about 4 grams of calcium per eggshell, with 2 grams coming from their diet. A lack of calcium can cause hens to produce soft or brittle eggshells.

Feed: A well-balanced feed with the right amount of protein and amino acids, as well as essential vitamins and minerals, can help increase egg production.

Nest boxes: Hens should have cozy nest boxes with soft bedding on the darker side of the hen house.

Some breeds that are good for egg production include White Leghorn hybrids, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Blue Andalusians, and Ameraucanas/Easter Eggers.



Coccidiosis is one of the most severe health problems of poultry.

Birds of all ages are at risk but growing birds between 3 to 5 weeks seem to be most vulnerable.

The disease is spread from one animal to another by contact with infected faeces or ingestion of infected tissue.

Detecting Coccidiosis

Blood stained droppings is a primary indication of the presence of coccidiosis.

Other symptoms include unwillingness to eat, severe weight loss, paleness, ruffled feathers, depression, huddling, and watery or bloody diarrhea.

Physically, the birds may look like that one in the attached picture.

Preventing Coccidiosis

Before any disease can emerge, three conditions must be met. First, there must be an infectious pathogen, then a favourable environment for it to thrive and then a host (your chicken).

The pathogen causing Coccidiosis grows, reproduces and survives in damp and warm litter.

Once you let your poultry litter stay wet and sticky, you automatically create the environment for coccidia to sprout, grow and become infective.

Your birds pick up these sprouted coccidia oocytes as they peck on the floor and become infected

Birds that are infected also pass out thousands of coccidia eggs in their p**p. Other birds can pick these eggs and also become infected

The way to prevent coccidiosis from occurring is to keep your floor dry and clean.

Clean up water spillage immediately

Make sure the drinkers are not leaking and that birds cannot p**p in their feeders and drinkers.

Ensure to change your litter as often as necessary.

Drugs For Treating Coccidiosis Are:

Embazin forte, Adacox, Diclosol, Kepcox, Amprolium, Coccinor, Centre-Dicox. The list is endless.

Organic Treatment/Prevention Of Coccidiosis

Bitter leaf is used in its liquid form to prevent and treat coccidiosis. This is how to prepare it.

i. Gather some bitter leaves. The quantity depends on the volume of juice you are hoping to get and the number of chickens you want to treat.

ii. Remove the leaves from the stem and rinse them in a bowl to remove sand and dirt.

iii. Put the leaves in a mortar or kitchen blender and add just a little water. Just enough water to pound or blend the leaves easily. What you need is a juice that is as thick as 5 Alive, so don’t add too much water at this stage.

iv. Use a cheese cloth to sieve the juice into a container.

If you have followed the process carefully, the bitter leaf extract should be as thick as 5 Alive juice.

Prevention: 20ml per liter of drinking water three mornings in a week

Treatment: 30-40ml per liter of drinking water for treatment. Give them for 5 consecutive days

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Coccidiosis is one of the most severe health problems of poultry.

Birds of all ages are at risk but growing birds between 3 to 5 weeks seem to be most vulnerable.

The disease is spread from one animal to another by contact with infected faeces or ingestion of infected tissue.

Detecting Coccidiosis

Blood stained droppings is a primary indication of the presence of coccidiosis.

Other symptoms include unwillingness to eat, severe weight loss, paleness, ruffled feathers, depression, huddling, and watery or bloody diarrhea.

Physically, the birds may look like that one in the attached picture.

Preventing Coccidiosis

Before any disease can emerge, three conditions must be met. First, there must be an infectious pathogen, then a favourable environment for it to thrive and then a host (your chicken).

The pathogen causing Coccidiosis grows, reproduces and survives in damp and warm litter.

Once you let your poultry litter stay wet and sticky, you automatically create the environment for coccidia to sprout, grow and become infective.

Your birds pick up these sprouted coccidia oocytes as they peck on the floor and become infected

Birds that are infected also pass out thousands of coccidia eggs in their p**p. Other birds can pick these eggs and also become infected

The way to prevent coccidiosis from occurring is to keep your floor dry and clean.

Clean up water spillage immediately

Make sure the drinkers are not leaking and that birds cannot p**p in their feeders and drinkers.

Ensure to change your litter as often as necessary.

Drugs For Treating Coccidiosis Are:

Embazin forte, Adacox, Diclosol, Kepcox, Amprolium, Coccinor, Centre-Dicox. The list is endless.

Organic Treatment/Prevention Of Coccidiosis

Bitter leaf is used in its liquid form to prevent and treat coccidiosis. This is how to prepare it.

i. Gather some bitter leaves. The quantity depends on the volume of juice you are hoping to get and the number of chickens you want to treat.

ii. Remove the leaves from the stem and rinse them in a bowl to remove sand and dirt.

iii. Put the leaves in a mortar or kitchen blender and add just a little water. Just enough water to pound or blend the leaves easily. What you need is a juice that is as thick as 5 Alive, so don’t add too much water at this stage.

iv. Use a cheese cloth to sieve the juice into a container.

If you have followed the process carefully, the bitter leaf extract should be as thick as 5 Alive juice.

Prevention: 20ml per liter of drinking water three mornings in a week

Treatment: 30-40ml per liter of drinking water for treatment. Give them for 5 consecutive days

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good morning friends and loved one's, we just want you guys to know , we have added fishery to our farming , you can book you juvenile, post ,. fingerless with us , if you want to learn archery , you can count on us , call or message is on WhatsApp


Agriculture is one thing you can never write off in this world , no matter how tough and difficult the economy is , people will still eat , food ,(meat) partner with us today in life stock production and you will never regret it

Good evening beautiful people of Nigeria / Africa , are you looking or thinking of going into palm tree planting/farming...

Good evening beautiful people of Nigeria / Africa , are you looking or thinking of going into palm tree planting/farming , ike-ego farm is your sure plug for palm seedlings contact us to , we make delivery to any part of Nigeria




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