Sir'heard Vetcare & Services

Sir'heard Vetcare & Services I'm a Vet, I am advocating for the welfarism of animals & human - OneHealth

COBRA SPITTINGIt is an elapid snake from the Naja genus (ex. Naja nigricolis, Naja pallida). They are are extremely veno...

It is an elapid snake from the Naja genus (ex. Naja nigricolis, Naja pallida). They are are extremely venomous snakes that can spit their toxins two or three meters away. They are good at injecting their venoms through a painful bite.
Their poison(spit) can make you blind if it gets in your eyes or cause some blistering if it gets on your skin.

Thanks to all members, we are fully back online to keep you updated as far as animal health is concerned!

Thanks to all members, we are fully back online to keep you updated as far as animal health is concerned!

Life cycle of Musca domestica

Life cycle of Musca domestica

Anaplasmosis in Goat-Silent killer Disease of Goat:*******************************************         Anaplasmosis is a...

Anaplasmosis in Goat-Silent killer Disease of Goat:

Anaplasmosis is a hemoparasitic,infectious,and transmissible disease characterized by progressive anemia with intra-erythrocytic Anaplasma bodies.Goat affected by Anaplasma ovis.

Anaplasmosis symptoms in goat
1.high body temperature
2.dehydration and anaemia
3.weight loss
4.Anorexia and depression
8.behavioral changes
9.Frequent death in goat flock after brief illness.

Anaplasmosis is typically transmitted by ticks,mites and biting flies.

By symptoms and laboratory diagnosis

Stages of Anaplasmosis:
1.stage one:incubation stage
Period 1 to 3 month
1% of erythrocytes are infected
No clinical signs

2.stage two:developmental stage
Period 4 to 9 days.
Anaemia develops
reticulocytes appear in the
Peripheral circulation
Clinical symptoms appear

3.stage three:convalescent stage
Period varies greatly

4.stage four:carrier stage
Animal remains infected
But Anaplasma bodies cannot be
Detected in the peripheral blood.
resolution of the anaemia

Differential diagnosis:

Terramycin LA inj
Ivermactin inj
With supportive treatment

1.tick,flea mites and flies control
Goats dip in dip tank contain water and ectoparasitide medicines like butox
2.Ivermectin inj during heavy tick infestation
3.Natural control by Rearing poultry


; the biggest challenge to dairy Industry!

Mastitis is common problem in dairy cattle and buffalo. It's inflammation of udder and mammary tissues involving teat and inflammation may extend up to naval area in severe cases.


It is caused by many microorganisms including Bacteria, fungi etc.
Mostly occurs when teat or***ce is opened right after milking microbes enter through teat or***ce that remains open for about 25 minutes.

Mostly Gram positive bacteria may cause it like streptococcus and staphylococcus species Gram Negative also cause it mostly E.coli.


Mastitis is of different categories on the basis of severity and duration and its onset.

1. Clinical
2. Subclinical
3. Chronic

Clinical Mastitis:_

It's acute of mastitis showing clinical sigsn like inflammation, hot area around the teat and udder and swelling, animal feels pain on milking and color of milk is abnormal (changed number of leukocytes)

Subclinical mastitis:_

Less severe animal doesn't show marked signs of inflammation but actually mastitis is there.
But still animal milk is abnormal and it's confirmed on proper diagnosis (Surf field test)

Chronic mastitis:_

Mastitis if in start not treated well it becomes chronic and there is formation of connective tissue (Fibrosis). Mammary tissue is basically converted into connective tissue. In this condition, teat may get shorten than its original size. Milk is totally abnormal and ultimately teat becomes closed permanently as shown in above picture. It's difficult to treat chronic mastitis.


Mastitis is diagnosed mostly on basis of clinical signs like inflammation and milk color and consistency is observed.
For Subclinical mastitis, Surf field test is commonly practised in field. Another test is (CMT) California mastitis test and simple agglutination test is also performed.

Management to avoid Mastitis:_

1. Always keep animal bedding area clean
2. Prediping and post dipping solutions are used to avoid mastitis. Teat sealant also available
3. Milking machines should be thoroughly washed before and after milking
4. Proper CIP protocol should be followed if milking done through machines.
5. Proper milking machines pressure is also necessary.
6. Avoid animal from any kind of stress or teat injury.
7. Animal suffering from mastitis should be separately milked. And proper treatment must be ensured.
8. High CP content in feed may be helpful in getting mastitis so offer balanced feed.


Treatment is based on diagnosis and proper clinical signs. Penclines are used against Gram positive agents staphylococcus etc.

NSAIDs are used to reduce inflammation and similar signs.
Immune booster can be used as a supportive therapy. Intramammary injection or tubes are also available in market.

Bovine Brucellosis:*******************Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of animals by the Brucella family of bacteria. ...

Bovine Brucellosis:

Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of animals by the Brucella family of bacteria. There are five different strains of Brucella bacteria

1️⃣ Brucella abortus affect to the cattle – Bovine brucellosis
2️⃣ Brucella ovis affect to the ovis – Ovine brucellosis
3️⃣ Brucella melintensis affect to the female goats and female sheep – Caprine brucellosis
4️⃣ Brucella suis affect to the pigs – Swine brucellosis
5️⃣ Brucella canis affect to the dogs – Canine brucellosis

It is a highly contagious zoonotic (except ovine brucellosis) caused by ingestion of unpasteurized milk (Brucella bacteria can localize in mammary gland) or undercooked meat from infected animals (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, etc.) or close contact with their tissue or secretions. Brucella abortus is known as undulant fever, Malta fewer, Mediterranean fewer, Contagious abortion, Bang’s disease. Brucella is the most affected zoonotic world-wide and it is most important for public health problem in the most of developing countries and affect for cattle.

☢️ What are the symptoms of brucellosis in cattle?
✅ Recently infected animals Abortion or premature calving in late gestation period
✅ Formation of granulomatous lesions in ge***al organs, joints, fetal liver and indurations of mammary glands
✅ Stillborn
✅ Weak calf born
✅ Retained placenta (Retention of fetal membranes)
✅ Difficult to get rebred
✅ Become sterile
✅ Swollen testicles in bulls (Enlarged sc***um in males)
✅ Pneumonia and necrotic foci in liver of fetus

☢️ What is the best treatment for brucellosis?
☑️ Commonly use antibiotics to treat brucellosis. .
☑️ Streptomycin
☑️ Rifampin (semisynthetic antibiotic derivative of the rifamycin)
☑️ Doxycycline
☑️ Sulfamethoxazole
☑️ Tetracycline
(Not: Before use of antibiotics should be followed the veterinary expert’s advices and don’t use antibiotics without veterinary expert’s infection)

☢️ Prevention & Control

✅ ️ Effective animal diseases control programs
✅ ️Maintain a proper biosecurity program
✅️ Vaccination-calves at 2-4 months.
✅ ️ Quarantine of infected herds from the healthy heard

“What are the symptoms of brucellosis in humans?”.
Fever, this is the most common symptom, with high “spikes” that usually occur in the afternoon, headache, abdominal pain, back pain, and also body-wide aches and pains.

Thank you.

🔰   🔰 Ph value of water = 7 Ph value of milk = 6.4 Ph value of vinegar = 3 Ph value of human blood = 7.4 Ph value of lem...

🔰 🔰

Ph value of water = 7
Ph value of milk = 6.4
Ph value of vinegar = 3
Ph value of human blood = 7.4
Ph value of lemon = 2.4
Ph value of NaCl = 7
Ph value of alcohol = 2.8
Ph value of human urine = 4.8-8.4
Ph value of seawater = 8.5
Ph value of tear = 7.4
Ph value of human saliva = 6.5-7.5
Other Acidic List
PH value of HCL = 0
PH value of H2SO4 = 1.0
Apple, soda's pH value = 3.0
PH value of pickle = 3.5-3.9
Tomato's pH value = 4.5
Banana pH value = 4.5-5.2
PH value of acid rain = around 5.0
Bread's pH value = 5.3-5.8
PH value of red meat = 5.4 to 6.2
PH value of charred cheese = 5.9
PH value of butter = 6.1 to 6.4
PH value of fish = 6.6 to 6.8
Other basicity list:
PH value of shampoo = 7.0 to 10
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) pH value = 8.3
Toothpaste pH value = 9
PH value of magnesia milk = 10.5
Ammonia pH value = 11.0
PH value of hair stroking chemicals = 11.5 to 14
PH value of lime (calcium hydroxide) = 12.4
PH value of lye = 13.0
PH value of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) = 14.0

*Common Medical Abbreviations*

> *Rx* = Treatment
> *Hx* = History
> *Dx* = Diagnosis
> *q* = Every
> *qd* = Every day
> *qod* = Every other day
> *qh* = Every Hour
> *S* = without
> *SS* = One & half
> *C* = With
> *SOS* = If needed
> *AC* = Before Meals
> *PC* = After meals
> *BID* = Twice a Day
> *TID* = Thrice a Day
> *QID* = Four times a day
> *OD* = Once a Day
> *BT* = Bed Time
> *hs* = Bed Time
> *BBF* = Before Breakfast
> *BD* = Before Dinner
> *Tw* = Twice a week
> *SQ* = sub cutaneous
> *IM* = Intramuscular
> *ID* = Intradermal
> *IV* = Intravenous
> *Q4H* = (every 4 hours)
> *QOD* = (every other day)
> *HS* = (at bedtime)
> *PRN* = (as needed)
> *PO or "per os"* (by mouth)
> *Mg* = (milligrams)
> *Mcg/ug* = (micrograms)
> *G or Gm* = (grams)
> *1TSF* (Teaspoon) = 5 ml
> *1 Tablespoonful* =15ml
~ *DDx* =differential Diagnosis
*Tx* =Treatment
*RTx* =Radiotherapy
*CTx* =Chemotherapy
*R/O* =rule out
*s.p* =status post
*PMH(x)* =post medical history
*Px* =Prognosis
*Ix* =Indication
*CIx* =contraindication
*Bx* =biopsy
*Cx* =complication...

*Knowledge About Blood*
1. Which is known as ‘River of Life’?
*Answer: Blood*
2. Blood circulation was discovered by?
*Answer: William Harvey*
3. The total blood volume in an adult?
*Answer: 5-6 Litres*
4. The pH value of Human blood?
*Answer: 7.35-7.45*
5. The normal blood cholesterol level?
*Answer: 150-250 mg/100 ml*
6. The fluid part of blood?
*Answer: Plasma*
7. Plasma protein fibrinogen has an active role in?
*Answer: Clotting of blood*
8. Plasma protein globulins functions as?
*Answer: Antibodies*
9. Plasma proteins maintain the blood pH?
*Answer: Albumins*
10. Biconcave discs shaped blood cell?
*Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes)
*11. Non nucleated blood cell?*
*Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes)
12. Respiratory pigments present in RBC?
*Answer: Haemoglobin*
13. Red pigment present in RBC?
*Answer: Haemoglobin*
14. RBC produced in the?
*Answer: Bone marrow*
15. Iron containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
*Answer: Haem*
16. Protein containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
*Answer: Globin*
17. Graveyard of RBC?
*Answer: Spleen*
18. Blood bank in the body?
*Answer: Spleen*
19. Life span of RBC?
*Answer: 120 Days*
20. Total count is measured by an instrument known as?
*Answer: Haemocytometer*
21. A decrease in RBC count is known as?
*Answer: Anemia*
22. An increase in RBC count is known as?
*Answer: Polycythemia*
23. A high concentration of bilirubin in the blood causes?
*Answer: Jaundice*
24. The disease resistant blood cell?
*Answer: WBC (leucocytes)*
25. Which WBC is known as soldiers of the body?
*Answer: Neutrophils*
26. Largest WBC?
*Answer: Monocyes*
27. Smallest WBC?
*Answer: Lymphocytes*
28. Antibodies producing WBC?
*Answer: Lymphocytes*
29. Life span of WBC?
*Answer: 10-15 days*
30. Blood cell performs an important role in blood clotting?
*Answer: Thrombocytes (Platelets)*
31. Vessels is called?
*Answer: Thrombus*
32. Anticoagulant present in Blood?
*Answer: Heparin*
33. A hereditary bleeding disease?
*Answer: Haemophilia*
34. Bleeder’s disease?
*Answer: Haemophilia*
35. Christmas disease?
*Answer: Haemophilia*
36. A type of Anemia with sickle shaped RBC?
*Answer: Sickle cell anemia*
37. Viscosity of Blood?
*Answer: 4.5 to 5.5*
38. Instrument used to measure haemoglobin?
*Answer: Haemoglobinometer*
39. Who demonstrated blood groups?
*Answer: Karl Landsteiner*
40. Who demonstrated Rh factor?
*Answer: Karl Landsteiner*
41. Blood group which is called Universal donor?
*Answer: O*
42. Blood group which is called Universal recipient?
*Answer: AB*
43. Blood group is most common among the Asians?
*Answer: B*


Everybody should know the basic functioning of Human Body and its main parts in order to express and explain their ailment to the Doctor and at the same time one should be able to understand the diagnosis expressed by the Doctor in the medical terminology. For easy recognition of the Compounded Words used in the Medical Terminology for naming the disease, Suffixes are added to Prefixes. For this hereunder giving you a few such prefixes for your ready reference and understanding.

Prefix - Meaning

*1. Adeno* - Glandular
*2. An* - Not
*3. Anti* - Against
*4. Aorto* - Aorta
*5. Artho* - joint
*6. Bleph* - Eyelid
*7. Broncho* - Bronchi
*8. Cardio* - Heart
*9. Cephal* - Head
*10. Cerebro* - Brain
*11. Cervico* - Cervix
*12. Cholecysto* - Gall Bladder
*13. Coli* - Bowel
*14. Colpo* - Va**na
*15. Entero* - Intestine
*16. Gastro* - Stomach
*17. Glosso* - Tongue
*18. Haema* - Blood
*19. Hepa* - Liver
*20. Hystero* - Uterus
*21. Laryngo* - Larynx
*22. Leuco* - White
*23. Metro* - Uterus
*24. Myelo* - Spinal cord
*25. Myo* - Muscle
*26. Nephro* - Kidney
*27. Neuro* - Nerve
*28. Odonto* - Tooth
*29. Orchido* - Te**is
*30. Osteo* - Bone
*31. Oto* - Ear
*32. Pharyngo* - Pharynx
*33. Pio* - Pus
*34. Pneumo* - Lung
*35. Ren* - Kidney
*36. Rhin* - Nose
*37. Spleno* - Spleen
*38. Thyro* - Thyroid Gland
*39. Urethro* - Urethra
*40. Vesico* – Bladder

*Here are the suffixes used in Medical terminology. Check out!Suffix - Meaning*

*1. -aemia* : Blood
*2. -algia* : Pain
*3. -derm* : skin
*4. -dynia* : pain
*5. -ectomy* : removal
*6. -Itis* : inflammation
*7. -lithiasis* : Presence of Stone
*8. -malacia* : softening
*9. -oma* : tumour
*10. -opia* : eye
*11. -osis* : Condition,excess
*12. -otomy* : incision of
*13. -phobia* : fear
*14. -plasty* : surgery
*15. -plegia* : peralysis
*16. -ptosis* : falling
*17. -rhoea* : excessive discharge
*18. -rhage* : to burst forth
*19. -rhythmia* : rhythm.
*20. -stasis* : stoppage of movement
*21. -sthenia* : weakness
*22. -stomy* : outlet
*23. -tomy* : removal
*24. -trophy* : nourishment
*25. -uria* : urine

*Compounded Words - Meaning*

*1. Anaemia* - Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood
*2. Analgesic* - Medicine which alleviates pain
*3. Arthralgia* - Pain in a joint
*4. Cephalalgia* - Headache
*5. Nephralgia* - Pain in the kidney
*6. Neuralgia* - Nerve pain
*7. Myalgia* - Muscle pain
*8. Otalgia* - Ear ache
*9. Gastralgia* - Pain in the stomach
*10. Pyoderma* - Skin infection with pus formation
*11. Leucoderma* - Defective skin pigmentaion
*12. Hysterodynia* - Pain in the uterus
*13. Hysterectomy* - Excision of the uterus
*14. Nephrectomy* - Excision of a kidney
*15. Adenectomy* - Excision of a gland
*16. Cholecystectomy* - Excision of gall bladder
*17. Thyroidectomy* - Excision of thyroid gland
*18. Arthritis* - Inflammation of a joint
*19. Bronchitis* - Inflammation of the bronchi
*20. Carditis* - Inflammation of the heart
*21. Cervicitis* - Inflammation of the cervix
*22. Colitis* - Inflammation of the colon
*23. Colpitis* - Inflammation of the va**na
*24. Cystitis* - Inflammation of the urinary bladder
*25. Enteritis* - Inflammation of the intestines
*26. Gastritis* - Inflammation of the stomach
*27. Glossitis* - Inflammation of the tongue
*28. Hepatitis* - Inflammation of the liver
*29. Laryngitis* - Inflammation of the larynx
*30. Metritis* - Inflammation of the uterus
*31. Myelitis* - Inflammation of the spinal cord
*32. Nephritis* - Inflammation of the kidney
*33. Pharyngitis* - Inflammation of the pharynx
*34. Blepharitis* - Inflammation of the eyelids
*35. Cholelithiasis* - Stone in the gall bladder
*36. Nephrolithiasis* - Stone in the kidney
*37. Osteomalacia* - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin
*38. Adenoma* -Benign tumour of glandular tissue
*39. Myoma* - Tumour of muscle
*40. Diplopia* - Double vision
*41. Thrombosis* - Formation of a blood clot
*42. Pyloromyotomy* - Incision of pyloric sphincter muscle
*43. Hedrophobia* - Fear of water(Rabies in humans)
*44. Neuroplasty* - Surgical repair of nerves
*45. Pyloraplasty* - Incision of plastic pylorus to widen passage
*46. Hemiplegia* - Paralysis of one side of the body
*47. Nephroptosis* - Downward displacement of the kidney
*48. Amenorrhoea* - Absence of menstrual discharge
*49. Dysmenorrhoea* - Painful menstruation
*50. Leucorrhoea* - Whitish va**nal discharge
*51. Menorrhoea* - Menstrual bleeding
*52. Haemorrhage* - Escape of blood from a vessel
*53. Arrhythmia* - Any deviation of normal rhythm of heart
*54. Cholestasis* - Diminution in the flow of bile
*55. Haemostatis* - Arrest of bleeding
*56. Neurasthenia* - Nervous debility
*57. Cystostomy* - Surgical opening made into the bladder
*58. Cystotomy* - Incision into the urinary bladder
*59. Hypertrophy* - Increase in the size of tissues
*60. Haematuria* - Blood in the urine
*61. Glycosuria* - Presence of sugar in the urine

Remember me in your prayers🥀

Chemicals formula📚
1. Oxygen—O₂
2. Nitrogen—N₂
3. The hydrogen—H₂
4. Carbon dioxide—CO₂
5. Carbon monoxide—CO
6. Sulfur dioxide—SO₂
7. Nitrogen dioxide—NO₂
8. Nitrogen monooxide (nitric oxide) — NO
9. Dinitrogen oxide (sites oxide) — N₂O
10. Chlorine — Cl₂
11. The hydrogen chloride—HCl
12. Ammonia — NH₃
13. Hidrochloride acid — HCl
14. Sulfuric acid — H₂SO₄
15. Nitric acid — HNO₃
16. Phosphoric acid — H₃PO₄
17. Carbon acid — H₂CO₃
X will
18. Sodium hidroxi—NaOH
19. Potassium hidroxi—KOH
20. Calcium hidroxi—Ca(OH)₂
21. Sodium chloride—NaCl
22. Carbonate of sodium—Na₂CO₃
23. Calcium carbonate — CaCO₃
24. Calcium sulphate — CaSO₄
25. Ammonium sulphate — (NH₄)₂SO₄
26. Nitrate potassium—KNO₃
Our chemicals that commercial on chemical x
Professional x — IAPUC x — atomic formula
27. Wheel — calcium carbonate — CaCO₃
28. -- Why the truth — glucose — C6H₁₂O6
Alcohol — the 29. Alcohol — C₂H5OH
30. Cystic bowel — potassium hidroxi — KOH
31. Khan why soda — sodium bicarbonate — NaHCO₃
32. Sun — acid calcium — CaO
33. Gypsum — calcium sulphate — CaSO₄.2H₂O
34. T.L.T. — Try blaze Stalin — C6H₂CH₃(NO₂)₃
35. Dhoni Ka soda — sodium carbonate — Na₂CO₃
36. The edges of the too — copper sulphate — CuSO₄
37. USD — ammonium chloride — NH₄Cl
38. Fire — potassium aluminum sulphate — K₂SO₄Al₂(SO₄)₃.24H₂O
39. Busy then — calcium hidroxi — Ca(OH)₂
40. Activator — starch — C6H10O5
41. Leaping is — sites acid — N₂O
42. Red dwaraka — potassium permanent — KMnO₄
43. Li establishment of Dharma — did peroxide — Pb₃O₄
44. Dry ice — concrete carbon-di-acid — CO₂
45. Show — potassium nitrate — KNO₃
46. Vinegar — acetic acid why ve bunch — CH₃COOH
47. Suhagra — borax — Na₂B₄O7.10H₂O
48. Sprite — mail alcohol — CH₃OH
49. Slate — silica aluminum acid — Al₂O₃2SiO₂.2H₂O
50.Lost keys — fire of the sulphate — Fe₂(SO₄)



  of Parturition in cattle 🐄A week to parturition •  Mammary glands fill with milk,•  Tail head ligments relax•  Waxing ...

of Parturition in cattle 🐄

A week to parturition

• Mammary glands fill with milk,
• Tail head ligments relax
• Waxing of teats.

12---24Hours before parturitiom

• Frequent defecation
• Urination
• Anorexia


HOW OFTEN DO YOU CHANGE YOUR LITTER.Here are few tips to note about litter management:1. A clean and dry litter is the m...


Here are few tips to note about litter management:
1. A clean and dry litter is the major key to having a healthy flock.
2. Wet litter is the breeding grounds of coccidiosis and other diseases
3. Smelly and dirty litter reduces feed intake
4. Smooth litter materials or floor causes spraddle legs
5. Smelly litter causes irritation of the eyes
6. Bad litter reduces birds’ activity
7. Some diseases associated with bad litters are coccidiosis, coryza, salmonella, ammonio conjunctivitis, crd etc

A good litter should be dry, odourless and friable.


💠  Infectious Bronchitis (IB)  🔴CauseInfectious Bronchitis(IB) is present worldwide, it is a highly contagious,  acute, ...

💠 Infectious Bronchitis (IB)

Infectious Bronchitis(IB) is present worldwide, it is a highly contagious, acute, and economically important disease. IB is caused by an .
In the field, several different IB serotypes have been identified including the classic Massachusetts type and a number of variants such as IB 4/91, QX, Arkansas and Connecticut.

The virus is transmitted rapidly from bird to bird through the airborne route. The virus can also be transmitted via the air between chicken houses and even from farm to farm.

The incubation period is only 1-3 days.
Species affected Chickens are the primary poultry species that is susceptible to IB-virus, but quail and pheasants can be affected. Recent discovery of IB virus in other species without clinical signs indicates that other species may act as vectors.

🔴Clinical signs

--In young chickens the respiratory form appears with gasping, sneezing, tracheal rales and nasal discharge.
--Generally chicks are depressed and show reduced feed consumption.
--Mortality in general is low unless infection gets complicated with secondary bacterial infections (like E.coli).
--In case of a nephropathogenic type of IB virus generally birds, after initial respiratory signs, are more depressed, show wet droppings
resulting in wet litter, increased water intake and increased mortality.
--In adult “laying” birds (layers and breeders) after initial respiratory signs the affected flocks show a drop in egg production and a loss of egg quality (shell deformation and internal egg changes) resulting in more second class eggs, affecting the hatchability rate of fertile eggs and day-old chick quality.

A specific condition, called “false layers” is related to the QX type of IB; usually flocks do not peak in egg production and many birds show a “penguin-like posture” .

🔴Post mortem lesions
-- In young chicks a yellow cheesy plug at the tracheal bifurcation is indicative of IB infection.
--In case of nephropathogenic infections pale and swollen kidneys and distended ureters with urates are found In older birds mucus and redness in the trachea, exudate in the air sacs,
and various changes in the oviduct depending on the time and severity of infection.
-- In case of “false layers” permanent lesions in the oviduct make egg production impossible. The oviduct will be blocked and filled
with fluid (cysts) or never developed into an active oviduct.

Clinical signs and post mortem lesions in a flock followed by laboratory confirmation based on virus isolation and identification with PCR.
Serology based on paired blood samples using HI, Elisa or VN tests.

There is no treatment for IB.
Antibiotics are used to control secondary bacterial infections.

Vaccination with strain specific or cross protective live vaccines, and for layers and breeders the addition of inactivated vaccines at point of lay to induce long lasting systemic immunity

👉𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝘿𝙞𝙚𝙩 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙂𝙤𝙖𝙩𝙨 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞 𝙍𝙖𝙬 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙨🐑  ✔️ To obtain cheap feed is an important element for getting profit f...

👉𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝘿𝙞𝙚𝙩 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙂𝙤𝙖𝙩𝙨 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞 𝙍𝙖𝙬 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙨🐑

✔️ To obtain cheap feed is an important element for getting profit from any livestock, and as much as 50% cost is incurred in Goat Farming.

1️⃣ Crops (non-leguminous) – 3 parts(different varieties of crops like maize, wheat, bran-roughage, products from maize, wheat, millet, rice, etc.)

2️⃣ Pulses (Leguminous) or wastages from oilseeds (bi-products) 1 part

3️⃣ By mixing crops and legume or different types of pina very well, balance feed can be prepared.

4️⃣ If dry bi-product of oilseeds is avilable, it is necessary to break in small particals, and better to be roasted.

5️⃣ Likewise, it would be better to mix 1 kg salt, 1 kg mixture of minerals and 25 grams of vitamin “A” supplement with 100 kg feed, and it should be mixed well 2-3 times to mix up very well.

✔️Such feed should be fed to adult goats around (250 gm) pregnant goats (500) and for breeding buck (500) per day.


EGG DROP SYNDROME (EDS ’76)🦇CauseThe disease is caused by a virus belonging to the subgroup III of   (strain BC14, virus...


The disease is caused by a virus belonging to the subgroup III of (strain BC14, virus 127), the EDS virus does not belong to any of the 12 Fowl Adenoviruses.

-The virus is transmitted through the egg to a few birds in a flock, these birds carry the virus until the flock comes into lay at which time they begin to excrete virus and infect birds kept in the same house.
-Horizontal spread through infected litter can and does occur once a flock shows the disease but it seems that the virus is not very infectious or the level of virus excretion is low.

🦇 affected
Only chickens are susceptible to clinical disease due to EDS virus; however, the virus is widespread in ducks but does not cause any

🦇 signs
-EDS ’76 affects only layers and breeders at the start of or during their egg production. Affected flocks show a failure to reach peak egg production or a drop in egg production accompanied by an inferior egg shell quality and in the case of brown eggs, a loss of shell color.
-Affected birds may also appear to be anaemic, may show transient diarrhea and sometimes the food intake may be reduced. No increased
mortality or other symptoms are observed.

Clinical signs maybe indicative for EDS ’76. Virus isolation and antibody tests can confirm this.

with Infectious Bronchitis and to a lesser extent
-Newcastle Disease and Infectious Laryngotracheitis will have to be
-Proper diagnostic tests to determine the presence of antibodies will confirm infection.

There is no treatment against egg drop syndrome.

Vaccination with an inactivated vaccine before point of lay is the only available, effective method for the control of EDS


EID MUBARAK FROM ALL OF US @ SIR'HÆRD CAREMay Allah (Subhanau wata'la) accept it from you and us, as an act of Iba'dah


May Allah (Subhanau wata'la) accept it from you and us, as an act of Iba'dah

🔴SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR OF CATS🔵Cats are social animals that, in feral conditions, live in groups consisting mainly of queens ...


🔵Cats are social animals that, in feral conditions, live in groups consisting mainly of queens and their litters. The density of the group depends partly on food resources. Because cats have been exposed to less selective breeding than dogs, there is far less breed diversity and a much narrower range of differences in both physical and behavioral traits. Most cats are solitary hunters that prey on rodents and other small animals, which is likely why their coexistence with people is so successful. Kittens usually learn to prefer to hunt prey that their mother hunted. Kittens may also develop limited food preferences based on texture and taste if not given a variety of foods when young.

🔵In free-range conditions, multiple generations of related females can live together, which also allows for communal rearing of kittens. Kittens may stay with the social group until 12–18 mo old. Sexual maturity is reached by ~6 mo of age. Queens are induced ovulators and generally cycle seasonally (most often from winter to summer) about every 3 wk if not bred. Weaning occurs at 5–8 wk of age. Although some kittens may suckle much later, this is more likely to be social than nutritional. Early weaning of kittens leads to earlier onset of play and predation.

🔵The socialization period of cats is much shorter than that of dogs and may begin to wane by 7–9 wk of age. During this narrow window, exposure to cats, other animals, people, and a variety of stimuli in the environment is important for prevention of fear. Kittens handled extensively by people at 2–7 wk of age may be friendlier, more outgoing, and have fewer problems with aggression. Hand-reared kittens may lack feline social skills and may be hyperactive in object and social play; however, if a kitten is reared with other cats in the home and provided with play sessions with wand-type toys, these problems may be prevented. Genetics, especially those of the father, also play a strong role in personality. Cats may be behaviorally categorized as active, playful and aggressive, calm and sociable, or timid and shy.

🔵Social play, including biting, chasing, and play fighting, begins around 4 wk of age, peaks at 6–9 wk, and declines at 12–14 wk. Social play may be directed at people, especially if there are no other cats with which to play. Object play begins around 6–8 wk and peaks at ~18 wk of age. Object play simulates the predatory sequence and includes stalking, chasing, pawing, pouncing, and biting and can be directed at objects or social partners.

🔵Cats may develop preferences for particular elimination substrates. Many cats dig before and after elimination (which may be a visual mark or to bury urine and f***s). Cats are strongly influenced by scents and may respond by marking with urine (spraying) or f***s, scratching as both a visual and scent mark, or rubbing sebaceous glands of the cheeks or body in the environment or on other cats. Urine marking, roaming, and fighting with other cats may be androgen influenced, in which case these problems may be prevented or resolved by neutering.

the group👆🏿👆🏻👆😊

Ringworm-------------Ringworm is one of the commonest skin diseases in such cattle. Ringworm is a transmissible infectio...

Ringworm is one of the commonest skin diseases in such cattle. Ringworm is a transmissible infectious skin disease caused most often by Trichophyton verrucosum, a spore forming fungi.

The spores can remain alive for years in a dry environment. It occurs in all species of mammals including cattle and man. Although unsightly, fungal infections cause little permanent damage or economic loss. Direct contact with infected animals is the most common method of spreading the infection.

Grey-white areas of skin with an ash like surface
Usually circular in outline and slightly raised
Size of lesions very variable, can become very extensive
In calves most commonly found around eyes, on ears and on back, in adult cattle chest and legs more common

The environment is a major source of infective fungi. Effective control of ringworm will only occur if the environment is properly cleaned and disinfected. This must be done between each batch of animals.

Vaccination is available in some countries.

Reducing the density of animals and direct contact in addition to increased exposure to sunlight and being maintained on dry lots help prevent the spread between animals.








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