Talking about Experiences, they are what makes rabbit farming interesting because they provide convictions that guides rearing, and these convictions works for us in the circumference of our world. In other words, many farmers must grasp experiences, as they differ and when ideas are shared, many can learn to have a better rabbit farm. As to the time that some have ventured into the business, some have been disappointed, dissatisfied, some have found it funny 😂, some have got satisfaction. This is because of the acts and behavior that most rabbits put up relating to surroundings, weather, treatments, seasons, care and lastly feeding.
In view of feeding, I have come to notice that my rabbits prefer moist yam peels to fresh ones. This is because the moist ones have undergone a process called fermentation, since they have been exposed to faint sunlight, air and some drops of water (dews). Looking at the pictures, from the surface they look dry. If you have them, when you cut they are still fresh inwardly but have now produce a savoring odour that smells alcoholic.
This smell is what fascinates them and make them long for it, it also make them consume a lot of water and they turn out to be fresher. This is because water is essential for rabbits growth and they must consume as much as possible.
With this, I think many doubts will be cleared and many are blessed but if you have contradictions, drop them in comment section.
Thanks for reading, pls kindly like and share☺️
Ini's Farm