Turkey available for sale
Grasscutters are available
My number remains 09054748565
If you aren't in Kaduna
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Are you are still thinking of a business idea why not make a decision on good paying business with alot of profit floating in,
Grasscutter is a fast reproducing animal and starts mating within 6-7 months after birth. It gives birth twice yearly and produce 4-10 at a time. That means, if you have 100 females that gives birth thrice in a year, you would be having 900 to 1,750 in your farm within just a year! Such number will bring you nothing less than N5 Million when they are matured and breed up for marketing.
Grass cutter farming is very lucrative ✅
Most people in the city couldn’t buy the meat because it’s very scarce in the market, so no amount of Grasscutter you produced that can be sold within days. It will take combined efforts of thousands of farmers to fill the need for bush meat in the market in Africa right now, But with we offer all types of grasscutters at an affordable rate.
The grasscutters is most demanded in the eastern and western region part of the country.
The market like I stated earlier is very big. Grasscutter meat or Bush meat is probably the most desirable animal meat in the market. Everyone loves it and it sells very fast. Big restaurants uses it to prepare high priced delicacies.
Feeding The Grasscutters
Grasscutter is a herbivorous animals meaning their source of food is basically from the bush, that’s why they are more comfortable in the bush where their foods could easily be found. Their major food is Elephant or Napier grass. They also love Sugar cane and carrot 🥕, farmers use sugar cane mainly for their feeding, Guinea grass, Gamba grass, Congo grass,carrots 🥕, Corn 🌽 and Cassava eventually.
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09054748565 we offer the best qualities to our customers)
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A family/Set of a grass cutter is called a colony
1 male 4 females makes a colony or 2 males 3 females.
3 months is #65,000
A colony of 5 months is N80,000
6 months colony is N100,000
A colony of 7 months is N125,000
A colony of Pregnant Grasscutters is #140,000
A colony of point to birth is #160,000 (7 grasscutters)
All apologies to our customers whom are disappointed due to the price inflation
3 months old grasscutters
Invest in grasscutter today
A good mentor will make the farming 🧺 more easier
We are located at Before Hekan Church Centre, Katsina Road, Kakuri, Kaduna South LGA.
Mating in Progress 🤤
Invest into grasscutters