Ma Mere Kennels

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A Rottweiler Kennel whose aim is to breed for fitness of purpose and to achieve this, we follow strictly the Breed Standard in selection of our breeding program.


R.BOB BOS BST Multi V-rated KOFFI ANNAN DU Ma Mere Kennels
Reserve Best In Show
Best Bred in Nigeria Rottweiler
Best Male Rottweiler
Best Male Open Class Breeders Society, Regional Show 2023, Under FCi Judge Mark Anderson
VP2 Rated, Puppy Class Male under FCI Judge Richard paquette at the KENNEL UNION OF GHANA SHOW 2021
4th Dec, 2021
VP1 Rated , Junior Class Male Under FCI Judge Mark Anderson COBA CAC NATIONAL SHOW 2021 .ng
18, Dec 2021

DOB : 03/03/21 (27Months)
Microchip number : 900115001242536
DM SOD1(A) GG Clear
DSG1 II Clear
NAD VPS11 TT Clear
HD/ED A2/0


An "eye for a dog" is an old dog man’s expression referring to a person’s "almost instinctive ability to know what is true quality in animals and what is not" (Nicholas, 1979). Grossman (1992) defines the term as "the ability to select a good dog without a lot of effort" and concludes that this attribute, more than any other, is the most important thing a breeder can possess. In addition to having a greater ability to visualize the potential impact of various ancestors in a dog’s pedigree, breeders with an "eye" tend to more easily grasp abstract breeding concepts such as balance. The following analogy by Grossman (1991), which refers to coated dogs, offers a clever explanation of an "eye for a dog" than I am certain both men and women can appreciate!

"What do I mean by an eye for a dog? Let me draw an analysis for you. When my wife goes shopping she flips through acres of dresses on racks. To me, they look like floppy things on hangers. To her, knowing her measurements and what color and style flatter her build, it’s easy for her to visualize the necessary accessories to finish the outfit. You, as a breeder, need to do the same sort of things: What kind of build do you want your puppies to have; what should their color be; what accessories, texture and length of coat, ear set, etc., do you want. You have to be able to visualize the sire and dam and their parents and grandparents. Then you can create by breeding one almost like the ones you have visualized."

Most people don’t fail by making overt mistakes, they fail because they don’t take action.This is another success story ...

Most people don’t fail by making overt mistakes, they fail because they don’t take action.
This is another success story of "Deliberate Decision" to take action, and follow laid down processes to achieve a set Goal.

Koffi Du Ma Mere (Rottweiler) rose from the "TMP" ->"SP" -> "SR" Register after achieving all the set out requirements by the Kennel Club Canine Owners & Breeders Association
As we know, Health is of utmost priority to our dogs, to differentiate such Superior Dogs that have been certified of clean health, they're issued with the Pink Pedigree Paper by merit for dogs in "SR" Register.

For more info on COBA STUDBOOK kindly visit:

KOFFI ANNAN DU MA MERE official HD-ED results are finally out (Radiographs taken by Prof R.A Ajadi, DVM, MVSC, PhD - Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta and graded by Prof R M Kirberger
, BVSc DVSc MMedVet (Rad) DipECVDI, FCI certified) -VetImaging Specialists, South Africa and passed in flying colours HD-A2/A2 ED-0/0 ☺️
He's also Heart Clear and JLPP-Free and many other Genetic Diseases as Reported by Embark full DNA Genetic Testing.
DNA : EM- 7225402

He becomes the first "Home Bred" Rottweiler to have gone through all the required health/genetic testing.

Breed Type ✅
Temperament ✅
Working Ability ✅
Junior Winner✅
J. CAC ✅
HD A ✅
ED 0 ✅

Find attached various corresponding Results

In this age of globalization, visuals are very important part of our everyday life. So we decided to bring a webinar tha...

In this age of globalization, visuals are very important part of our everyday life.

So we decided to bring a webinar that will help with presentation.

Who else is better qualified to take the class than our own in house Pet photographer.

Nigeria's Number 1 Pet photographer. Jide Ajayi Pet Photography

He is qualified not just because he is a professional photographer but he is also a dog lover and dog breeder. He knows what is needed to tell your story right

Powered by RBS Nigeria Canine Owners & Breeders Association

Just like the words of J.J Watt "If you want to be remembered as great, if you want to be a legend, you have to go out t...

Just like the words of J.J Watt "If you want to be remembered as great, if you want to be a legend, you have to go out there every single day and do stuff."

Xaver Meixner Till the very end of your time! You were always behind the Leach! You will forever be remembered for the Legacy you have set down.
My prayer goes to the family especially Claudia Xavier

You will be Missed!
Rest In Peace Legend !

Nutritional Management of the Bitch: Pre-breeding to WhelpingBy Russ L.Kelley, MSResearch and Development Division The l...

Nutritional Management of the Bitch: Pre-breeding to Whelping

By Russ L.Kelley, MS

Research and Development Division The lams Company, Lewisburg, Ohio


The goal of any breeding program should focus on the generation of an adequate size litter of healthy viable puppies reflecting the genetic potential of the bitch. To achieve this goal, the breeder will be required to not only select the proper breeding stock, but to also develop a plan by which the stock will be managed. While the basis of the program must be applicable to an entire kennel, it must also have some degree of flexibility to meet the needs of each individual bitch.


Prior to any mating, the breeder should take every precaution to ensure that the bitch is in ideal health. This includes not only being current on all vaccinations and free from infections and parasites, but also in optimal physical condition. To ensure this, animals should be exercised regularly and maintained on a diet that matches energy needs relative to energy output. An important note to remember is that the reproductive process does not begin at mating, but several weeks prior to the mating process when ovarian follicles are being recruited for the upcoming cycle. Because of this, it is important that the breeder not confuse optimal physical condition with athletically finished. The breeding bitch should have evident muscle tone, but also have a slight degree of body fat. This body condition will help promote a healthy endocrine system that will influence the degree of reproductive success.


Nutrition has long been recognized as an influential factor in bitch reproduction.(1-8) The recommendations from these references are generally vague in that they recommend feeding a high-quality food with sufficient energy for reproduction. There are a few publications (2,5) that have addressed the effect of certain nutrient classes on canine reproduction. However, past research has directed little effort to defining diet "quality" or to the role of specific nutrients in canine reproduction. Additionally, there has been a severe lack of studies designed to separate diet sufficiency and "optimal nutrition". There are numerous diets, both commercially available and home recipes, that have been recommended as sufficient for reproduction. This merely means that animals were able to reproductively perform within expected levels while consuming a defined diet. Unfortunately, these expected levels are often well below the level that the bitch is genetically capable of performing.

Almost thirty years ago, Collins(9) surmised that the stress associated with reproduction would manifest even the smallest of nutrient inadequacies in diets assumed to be complete. The inadequacies of a diet may not be severe enough to halt the bitch from reproducing; however, they most likely will prevent her from performing at her genetic potential and/or would require an increased nutrient mobilization from her body stores to meet the nutritional requirements of her progeny. Furthermore, since deficiencies in maternal nutrition in other species have now been associated with adult disorders in progeny (10) it is essential that we understand and optimize maternal nutrition. It is also critical that the breeder keeps in mind that the mother must supply all essential nutrients for the developing puppies. Because of this, the bitch must obtain a sufficient supply from her diet or mobilize these nutrients from her body stores. These essential nutrients would include all of the essential amino acids (building blocks for proteins), the essential fatty acids (functional components of cellular membranes and the endocrine system), as well as various vitamins and minerals.

However, this is not to imply that one should simply switch to a diet with the highest available nutrient (protein or energy or both) content or use various dietary supplements in an attempt to enhance a food. Over-nutrition can be as detrimental as nutrient deficiencies. Excess dietary energy can often contribute to extreme maternal weight gain, which dramatically increases the risk of dystocia during parturition. The use of dietary supplements can supply excessive amounts of nutrients such as minerals, thus altering the balanced dietary matrix of the diet.

Again, you may ask, "what should I feed?" First and foremost, select a commercially available premium food with animal-based protein sources that is recommended for gestation and lactation and is produced by a reputable company. While there are many "home-based" diet recipes circulating, it is extremely difficult to achieve a complete and balanced diet using these recipes. These diets can often be deficient in vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients and are undefined with regard to amino acid and fatty acid levels. They may also vary over time due to an inconsistent ingredient supply. Commercial formulas offer distinct advantages by allowing the breeder to feed a product of known nutrient content and type to support the reproductive process.

Approximately two weeks prior to breeding, the bitch should be transitioned (if necessary) from her maintenance diet to a diet comprised of approximately 30% highly digestible animal-based protein and 20% lipids (fat). The lipid portion of the diet should be balanced for fatty acid content to supply an omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio in the range of 5:1 to 10:1. Findings from a recent study conducted by The lams Company involving over 17,000 canine matings demonstrated benefits of feeding such a dietary matrix (Eukanuba@ Premium Performance Formula) compared against two other diets.(11) When fed throughout the repro­ductive cycle, this diet resulted in fewer missed conceptions, a reduced number of stillbirths and more consistent-sized litters from breeding to breeding.!! The exact amount of food required will vary depending on breed and metabolic rate; however, caloric intake should be similar to maintenance levels, thus avoiding over-feeding the bitch.


During the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, the breeder should continue to feed the bitch the above-mentioned 30-20 (% protein and fat) diet at maintenance levels. It is possible that you may observe an increased appetite in the bitch at approximately 3 weeks post-breeding. This, however, may not indicate that you are underfeeding the bitch. During this period, maternal recognition of pregnancy and embryonic implantation may trigger an increased appetite in the bitch. It is very important that the bitch be maintained on her normal routine during this period to prevent any undue stress, which could be detrimental to the pregnancy.

At approximately 5 weeks post-breeding, the food intake of the bitch should be increased slightly each day to achieve a 50% increase in energy by the end of week 6. For example, if the bitch is consuming 1,000 calories/day for maintenance, by the end of the 6th week she should be consuming approximately 1,500 calories/day. The amount to feed can be determined by contacting the manufacturer for the metabolizable energy content of the diet, generally reported in kcal/kg or kcal/cup. It will be necessary to closely monitor the bitch during the later portion of gestation to ensure that she is gaining sufficient weight. It is impossible to give an exact percentage of weight that a bitch should gain, since the increase will vary greatly from breed to breed even within similar adult sizes. For instance, one might expect a Golden Retriever to gain more weight than a German Shepherd Dog on average, since retrievers typically give birth to larger litters. However, a good rule of thumb would be to target a 25% weight gain in the bitch by the end of week 8 (day 56) post-breeding.

The use of dietary supplements is a highly debated topic. Everyone knows someone who claims that some special additive will help solve a given reproductive problem. Unforunately, there is little information in the scientific literature to support such claims. It is very important to understand that dietary supplements are needed only when the diet fails to supply the optimal levels of a nutrient. If a breeder is feeding a diet that requires elaborate supplementation regimens, it would be advisable to seek a high-quality food that has been formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the pregnant or lactating bitch.

One of the most touted supplemental regimens for the bitch is to increase calcium intake during pregnancy. While this may seem logical, it is not only unnecessary but it can be detrimental. One of the most critical needs of a lactating bitch is the ability to regulate the deposition and mobilization of calcium for milk production. If the bitch is supplemented with high levels of calcium during pregnancy, her body is not metabolically primed to mobilize calcium from her bones. Therefore, when the demands for calcium are suddenly and dramatically elevated at the initiation of lactation, she is unable to keep up with the metabolic demands, which can result in serious health complications. While her absolute requirement may increase due to pregnancy, one should not confuse this with a percentage requirement change. The bitch will receive any added calcium she may require through her increased food intake.

Another common dietary supplement that is touted is folic acid. This nutrient is highly promoted in humans to help prevent neural tube defects; however, this developmental disorder is very rarely seen in the dog. In addition, most commercial formulas recommended for reproduction typically contain greater that 200% of the level of folic acid set as the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) minimum for growth and reproduction; therefore, deficiencies are highly unlikely.


Feeding your bitch does not have to be complicated. While the science associated with nutrition and repro­duction may require years to understand, the actual practice of providing nutrition can be summarized fairly simply: feed the appropriate amount of a diet that meets the animal's needs. While this practice still requires the breeder to make decisions as to the exact diet that will be fed, it does eliminate questions such as to what mix of products and/or supplements must be utilized.

Based on our research in the area of canine reproduction, the greatest success has been achieved feeding a diet, such as Eukanuba@ Premium Performance Formula, consisting of approximately 30% protein (animal source-based) and 20% fat with an omega-6:3 ratio of 5:1 to 10:1. The benefits of feeding this formula have included increased conception rate and live births and more consistent maternal productivity. While nutrition is only one component of bitch management, it is one of the most (if not the most) important. Thus by providing the proper nutrition, the breeder has taken a great step forward in achieving a successful breeding program.


I Needed to share This..... Culled

★ "Quality" Dogs ★

This was written in 2000 in response to the AR nutjobs who never could understand the difference between breeding quality and a lovable dog.

What defines a "quality" dog? Any dog you love is a "quality" dog, for you!! As Rudd Weatherwax put it: "The best dog in the world is the one you own, and don't ever forget it!"

HOWEVER, what defines a dog that is DESIRABLE FOR USE IN A BREEDING PROGRAM is far more quantifiable:
SOLID pedigree. Better a lesser dog of solid pedigree than a really nice dog with nothing behind it. The pedigree gives an idea of the genetics behind the dog. What's a SOLID pedigree? Titles, titles, titles.

Alternative to titles (not all working dogs earn formal titles, not all sports confer titles, and some titles, such as Schutzhund and DPO are not AKC-recognized), a dog may prove itself through actual work. A dog which hunts every weekend does not need an MH to "prove" it can do the work. A working stockdog does not need an AKC herding title. A working police K9 may even HAVE a DPO title, but that won't show up on an AKC pedigree.

Think of titles (or actual work) as education and experience; think of titles and work as credentials. When someone goes job hunting, he's not going to get much of a position without a degree (titles) and/or experience (actual work, such as stockdogs, racing sleddogs, working K9s, hunting dogs). The job applicant may be very bright and capable. But without CREDENTIALS… he won't be hired.

GENETIC TESTING. That does not mean just a trip to the vet to make sure the dog is "healthy." Many problems, such as hip dysplasia, eye anomalies, luxating patellas, and von Willebrands will show up in testing but not be expressed in the dog. Meaning the dog can pass on the problem, even though that particular dog may APPEAR to be perfectly healthy.

Proper temperament. This varies from breed to breed. The breeder working to produce GSDs suitable for Schutzhund or K9 service will be striving for a VERY different temperament from the Lab breeder looking for dogs suitable for assistance work! Breeders of flock guardians are not looking for the same temperament as breeders of Pugs. But no dog should be inherently fearful or vicious. The key is stability of temperament, not docility or sociability.

Proper structure. Obviously proper structure in a Bulldog is not proper structure in a Dalmatian is not proper structure in a GSD. Inseparable from proper structure is conformance to the breed standard. The point of a purebred, as I keep saying over and over, is PREDICTABILITY. It's KNOWING what that idle fuzzball is going to grow into. If dogs which are not good representatives of their breed keep being bred, eventually the puppies will no longer resemble their breed enough to be recognizable as purebreds. A dog need not be a breed champion (or even "show quality") to have something to contribute to the breed, especially in working dogs (including hunting, tracking, coursing, pulling dogs), but if it's too far off the standard, it shouldn't be bred.

Again, the emphasis is on whether a dog is of BREEDING quality — whether it pass on specific traits to offspring — not whether it's a wonderful and much-loved pet.

Basic Breeding Principles.  20 Principles of Breeding Better DogsbyRaymond H. Oppenheimer.1. Remember that the animals y...

Basic Breeding Principles.

20 Principles of Breeding Better Dogs
Raymond H. Oppenheimer.

1. Remember that the animals you select for breeding today will have an impact on the breed for many years to come. Keep that thought firmly in mind when you choose breeding stock.
2. You can choose only two individuals per generation. Choose only the best, because you will have to wait for another generation to improve what you start with. Breed only if you expect the progeny to be better than both parents.

3. You cannot expect statistical predictions to hold true in a small number of animals (as in one litter of puppies). Statistics only apply to large populations.

4. A pedigree is a tool to help you learn the good and bad attributes that your dog is likely to exhibit or reproduce. A pedigree is only as good as the dog it represents.

5. Breed for a total dog, not just one or two characteristics. Don't follow fads in your breed, because they are usually meant to emphasize one or two features of the dog at the expense of the soundness and function of the whole.

6. Quality does not mean quantity. Quality is produced by careful study, having a good mental picture of what you are trying to achieve, having patience to wait until the right breeding stock is available and to evaluate what you have already produced, and above all, having a breeding plan that is at least three generations ahead of the breeding you do today.

7. Remember that skeletal defects are the most difficult to change.

8. Don't bother with a good dog that cannot produce well. Enjoy him (or her) for the beauty that he represents but don't use him in a breeding program.

9. Use out-crosses very sparingly. For each desirable characteristic you acquire, you will get many bad traits that you will have to eliminate in succeeding generations.

10. Inbreeding is a valuable tool, being the fastest method to set good characteristics and type. It brings to light hidden traits that need to be eliminated from the breed.

11. Breeding does not "create" anything. What you get is what was there to begin with. It may have been hidden for many generations, but it was there.

12. Discard the old cliché about the littermate of that great producer being just as good to breed to. Littermates seldom have the same genetic make-up.

13. Be honest with yourself. There are no perfect dogs (or bi***es) nor are there perfect producers. You cannot do a competent job of breeding if you cannot recognize the faults and virtues of the dogs you plan to breed.

14. Hereditary traits are inherited equally from both parents. Do not expect to solve all of your problems in one generation.

15. If the worst puppy in your last litter is no better than the worst puppy in your first litter, you are not making progress. Your last litter should be your last litter.

16. If the best puppy in your last litter is no better than the best puppy in your first litter, you are not making progress. Your last litter should be your last litter.

17. Do not choose a breeding animal by either the best or the worst that he (or she) has produced. Evaluate the total get by the attributes of the majority.

18. Keep in mind that quality is a combination of soundness and function. It is not merely the lack of faults, but the positive presence of virtues. It is the whole dog that counts.

19. Don't allow personal feelings to influence your choice of breeding stock. The right dog for your breeding program is the right dog, whoever owns it. Don't ever decry a good dog; they are too rare and wonderful to be demeaned by pettiness.

20. Don't be satisfied with anything but the best. The second best is never good enough.

BREEDING: Aims and Objectives.I would like to know particularly from the breeders what are your aims and objectives in B...

BREEDING: Aims and Objectives.

I would like to know particularly from the breeders what are your aims and objectives in Breeding. It seems to me that everyone/most people buy dogs with the express aim of breeding. By what code of ethics are you bound,what guarantees do you offer your clients,what health testing do you carry out hips elbows etc - if any,what genetic testing and/or temperament testing do you undergo. Is breeding for you just a means to and end or is it premised on breed development in your chosen breeds. How have you critically appraised the results of your breeding and please give examples,do you simply judge a dog as being breed worthy by aesthetics (based purely on looks) or do you aggressively select for assigned and desired traits. Already we know that that to a degree breeding is a lottery but do you further exacerbate that degree of luck by purely gambling on the outcome or would you say your successes are a result of careful planning. Those that have multiple breeds how do your structure your breeding to cater for the needs of different breeds and their peculiar requirements. Do you provide your breeding stock with a purposeful life or are they just there to churn out litter after litter without any emphasis on improving the genepool. Must we all be breeders? What constitutes a breeder?

As for the buyers and fanciers, how much care do you take in selecting the appropriate breed for needs. How much of the historical background of the breed do you know,how prepared are you to offer the dog a suitable and meaningful life. Not one bound by chains and shut up in a dark, damp, draughty kennel consigned to a life of misery. Do you really want a puppy? Should you own one at all?...

I will share some of my writings on a wide range of dog related topics with you in due course. Let me end by saying:..."I don't think we need more dogs, I think we need more responsible breeders and owners".

Written by: Dwl Knine. (He would be missed)

Interesting Statistics from ADRK 2022 WORLD SHOW Ratings of Offsprings of Top Stud Puma Vom Wilden Westen V1 Youth Class...

Interesting Statistics from ADRK 2022 WORLD SHOW

Ratings of Offsprings of Top Stud Puma Vom Wilden Westen

V1 Youth Class
Zac of Royal Musketeers

V1 Open Class
Giacomo Dell Oplite

V1 Working Class
Escobar Vom Arius

V1 Champion Class
Hummer Vom Cherniy Kumir

🇩🇪 Puma vom Wilden Westen 🇩🇪

A very beautiful male from Germany that has both show as well as working titles. Not to forget his amazing offsprings.

In my opinion, one of the most complete Rottweilers in the world today.

His details are mentioned below.

DOB: 16th Feb, 2016

Sire: Orlando von St.Niclas
Dam: Harley vom Wilden Westen

Show Results: Rheinland Pfalz Sieger 2019, German Winner 2018, VDH ESJ 2017 V 1 u. Res. CACIB, Klubschau Augsburg V 1 Zwischenklasse, VDH Europajugendsieger 2017 , DT.JGD.(ADRK und VDH ), Hardtsieger 2018, Dt ADRK und VDH Champion.

Working Titles: BH, AD, IPO 3, FH 1, FH 2

Owner: Klaus Jostock
Breeder: Wilden Westen Kennel, Germany

    All Glory to God!!!! No Motivation could be better!!!  WACADBA Rottweiler demonstration Show 2017 Judge : Anton Toni...

All Glory to God!!!!

No Motivation could be better!!!
WACADBA Rottweiler demonstration Show 2017

Judge : Anton Toni Spindler

1st position Open Class Male
Ambassador du Ma Mere
Bobby Von Kozak x Mali sins Maximus

1st Position 10-12 Month Female
Angel Luli Ma mere k9 solutz
Ambassador du Ma Mere x Pixie vom shownwealth

1st Position 19-24 Month Female
HIS Quanyka
Diesel saetta negri Rott x His Ciara

All bred in Nigeria!!! It could only get better!!!

Positive Energy!!!

The foundation MALI SINS MAXIMUS Sire : Dex Vom Wolfert Turm (Rick von Burgthan) Dam: Von Zennith Gerta (Ambassador Von ...

The foundation

Sire : Dex Vom Wolfert Turm (Rick von Burgthan)
Dam: Von Zennith Gerta (Ambassador Von Shambala)

Linebreeding statistics for Mali Sins Maximus

8-Generation Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI): 3.4872%
Number of unique ancestors in 9 generations (385 / 1023) = 37.63%
Number of unique ancestors in generation 9 (190 / 512) = 37.11%

Christ is risen. Hallelujah! May the miracle of Easter bring you renewed hope, faith, love, and joy.

Christ is risen. Hallelujah! May the miracle of Easter bring you renewed hope, faith, love, and joy.



    Name : Destiney Od Germania Sire : Carlos von den golan-hohen Dam: Aika vom RadkesteinYou lose some and win Some! On...

Name : Destiney Od Germania

Sire : Carlos von den golan-hohen
Dam: Aika vom Radkestein

You lose some and win Some! One of the best Girl to have stepped our Kennel! A true German Rottweiler with a Temperament to die for!

Something to ponder on! Health First!!! Happy New Week! Embark Vet

Something to ponder on! Health First!!!

Happy New Week!

Embark Vet

Due to some Reasons, the owner of this lovely boy from our K-Litter is making him available for Rehoming.Top Boy!!! Good...

Due to some Reasons, the owner of this lovely boy from our K-Litter is making him available for Rehoming.

Top Boy!!! Good Structure and Temperament!

Phone Camera pix

DM or Call : 08020880992


Just like yesterday.... Our Young Boy from the K-Litter is 12months Old!

Koffi Annan Du Ma Mere
VP2 Rated under Judge Richard paquette at KENNEL UNION OF GHANA Show 2021

V1 Rated under FCI Judge Mark Anderson at Canine Owners & Breeders Association Show 2021

My Quote for the year "While the Bricklayer is building the House, the House is Building the Bricklayer!" Thanks to Cani...

My Quote for the year

"While the Bricklayer is building the House, the House is Building the Bricklayer!"
Thanks to Canine Owners & Breeders Association for giving me opportunity to serve.

Special Appreciation to FCI All breed Judge Nenad Davidovic for Impartation of Judging skills and knowledge.

Trust the process, It can only get better.




Behind High Court Ilaro





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