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*24TH MARCH, 2024*


**ISAIAH 12:1-6, JOHN 12:12-19**


Today is a wonderful day as we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. This marks the last week of Jesus on earth as He approaches the cross to retrieve the glory we lost to the devil. It's the final leg of a spiritual battle to restore our hope and give us a premium opportunity to be reconciled to God.

There was joy, but almost no one had a clear insight about the main reason for their rejoicing. As we celebrate, it's essential to understand the essence and significance of this celebration. The true celebration of Christ lies in the understanding of the importance of salvation. Hence the scripture can be fulfilled that, with joy, we can now draw from the wells of salvation.

_Here are some significant points to note:_

*1. Jerusalem:*

Jesus arrived for the Jewish holiday of Passover. However, this time around, unknown to many, including His disciples, He would be the object of sacrifice. A great sacrifice was about to take place, and it was required that it should be done in the great city. For quite a while, Jesus had not been in Jerusalem because the people (especially the religious leaders of the time) rejected him.

Jesus announced His arrival not because He wanted to show off, but so that the world may know that there is a significant change in the Testament with which God would start operating with mankind. Jesus is the testator of the New Covenant.

*2. Palm Fronds:*

The palm branch is a symbol of victory, triumph, peace and eternal life. Palms and palm branches have symbolic meaning to the Jews of today and in ancient times. Palms, along with other tree branches, are a part of the feast of Tabernacles. A feast in which the Israelites remember God’s provision, not only as they wandered in the wilderness but also anticipate the messianic age when all nations will flow into the city to worship the Lord

The Messiah is here to assure us victory over sin, satan and death.

*3. Ass c**t:*

The c**t had remained under the shackles of its owner, but it was time to be released and honored. The whole human race has also been under the bo***ge of the law, but it is time for us to be liberated and celebrated. With Jesus in our lives, we enjoy a privilege and honor that we do not deserve. We are redeemed from shame to fame, stagnancy to progress, imprisonment to freedom, perdition to salvation. Jesus needs your service so that you can be honored. Release yourself from the shackles of sin and surrender your life to Him.

Jesus riding on the ass c**t was also a sign of humility. Unlike the kings of the world who lord over their subjects, Jesus came to serve. For this reason, He was greatly exalted in heaven, and we praise God for His unspeakable gift through our Lord, Jesus Christ. It implies that anyone who truly celebrates Christ and salvation must always wear a garment of humility.

*4. The Critics:*

Some antagonized Jesus. In their thoughts, Jesus had gained so much fame and would push them out of relevance. They had up till that time taken advantage of the people through the shortcomings of the law. They would, however, play a significant part in ensuring His purpose was fulfilled through crucifixion.

A lesson therein is that criticism will be part of our spiritual journey. It's not something to frown on but another reason to rejoice.

In conclusion, we must allow the triumphal entry of Jesus into our lives to reexamine, reposition, and also use us as a tool for the proclamation of His wonderful work of salvation.

I pray that Jesus will be celebrated forever in our lives, and His work of salvation will not be in vain concerning us, in Jesus' name. Amen.


*Stay blessed eternally!*

_This publication is by CCC SHARON PARISH Bible Teachers' Desk. For inquiries, suggestions or contributions, please send an email to [email protected]._

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*SUNDAY, MARCH 24 2024*



*PSALMS 100:1-5*

_Make a joyful noise to Jehovah, all you lands. Worship Jehovah with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that Jehovah, He is God. He has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise; be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For Jehovah is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endures to all generations._


_“Make a joyful noise to Jehovah, all you lands.” V.1_


During Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the crowd ecstatically praised God with joyful noises. However, some Pharisees found the noise unbearable and asked Jesus to silence the crowd. In response, Jesus warned them that even if the people were quiet, the stones would cry out in praise (Luke 19:40). For those who love God, their mouths are filled with praises for the Almighty, rather than with lustful or corruptible songs, as God dwells in the praises of His people.

May people not gather at your house to mourn from this day forward in Jesus' name. Instead, your home will always resound with celebrations for safe deliveries of children, new car purchases, work promotions, profitable business contracts, academic graduations, and more good news.

When God does great things in your life, the joy is indescribable and the blessings are undeniable. With each day that passes, may God continuously bring great blessings that fill your life with joy in the name of Jesus. Amen.


_Almighty Jehovah, I believe in this message of good news and my days shall be filled with wonders in Jesus' name. Amen._


_“The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous” Psalms 118:15a_






_Do any of you dare, when you have a matter against another, to go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels, not to mention the things of this life? If, then, you truly have judgments of the things of this life, set those who are least esteemed in the church to judge. For I speak to your shame. Is it so that there is not a wise one among you, not even one in your midst who shall be able to judge between his brother? But brother goes to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Indeed then there is already on the whole a failure among you, that you have lawsuits with yourselves. Why not instead be wronged? Why not instead be defrauded? But you do wrong and defraud, and these things to brothers. Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor abusers, nor homosexuals._


_“Do any of you dare, when you have a matter against another, to go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?” V.1_


Welcoming you to the penultimate month of the year. Glory to the Almighty God for having brought us thus far in this eventful year. I pray the grace to finish strong, healthily, and successfully shall be bestowed on us, in Jesus' name. Amen.

In the text, the Apostle was clearly of the opinion that it was wiser for a Christian to bear injustice and wrong than to go to law before a heathen tribunal. It would have been a happy solution to myriads of disputes if his advice had been followed. Where a course of lawless crime has to be arrested in the interests of the weak and defenseless, it is necessary to call in the law and police to vindicate and protect; but when our private, personal, and individual interests alone are concerned, we should be wise to submit our case to arbitration or suffer patiently.

This is not about appearing at the law courts only, as Christians, we must be quick to resolve issues and not allow it to linger than necessary. A call comes to you today to resolve all issues as the year gradually comes to an end. Imagine the world comes to an end today, will you allow unresolved conflicts to stop you from enjoying an eternity of bliss?


_Gracious Father, help me to be an ambassador of peace and live a life of divine wisdom, in Jesus' name. Amen._

*Food for thought:*

_“Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are in the way with him; that the opponent not deliver you to the judge, and the judge delivers you to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.” Matthew 5:25_


*SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2023*



*DEUTERONOMY 34:10-12*

_And never since has a prophet like Moses arisen in Israel, whom Jehovah knew face to face, in all the signs and the wonders which Jehovah sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land, and in all that mighty hand, and in all the great terror which Moses showed in the eyes of all Israel._


_“And never since has a prophet like Moses arisen in Israel, whom Jehovah knew face to face” V.10_


One of the benefits we got through Moses was a substantial record of events that happened thousands of years before he was born. A lot of people ask questions about some details that are missing like the person Cain got married to, but I rather want to imagine, what if we we had no information at all about the creation of the world and the events that closely follow?

Moses exemplifies who a prophet is. A prophet is someone through whom God can clearly express His mind to the people. Can we say the same of many acclaimed prophets today? All we see are “bread and butter” prophecies with people speaking their carnal desires in the name of speaking for God. Indeed Moses can be adjudged a prophetic hero.

Be it known to you that the fact that there is truth in what a prophet is saying does not mean he is expressing the mind of God. When the devil met with Jesus, he spoke rightly by saying Jesus is the son of God but his advice to Him to turn stone to bread was not from God. You should not follow a prophet just because he was able to mention some secrets about you. The suggestion that follows may just be a plot to lead you astray.


_Omniscient Father, help me to be able to discern your true prophecies so that I may not be led astray in Jesus' name. Amen._

*Food for thought:*

_“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but try the spirits to see if they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1_


*29TH OCTOBER, 2023*


*JUDGES 9:44-57, REVELATION 14:6-13*


Truly, blessed are those who pass away in the Lord, for they will be able to rest from their labors and their works will follow them.

This statement reminds us of all the faith leaders who have made the everlasting gospel available to us today. Their acts of faith provide hope for us, and it is my prayer that we can join them at the end of our time on earth.

The state of the world may call for concern with oppression from powerful individuals, injustice, diseases, poverty, troubles and various evil acts dominating, but we are fortunate enough to have the knowledge of Christ to help us stand firm in our beliefs.

The signs indicating the end times are present with false prophets/teachers promoting a fake gospel increasing in numbers. Diluting genuine teachings has led many Christians to become lukewarm/faithless followers using Christianity for their own selfish desires.

Today’s text reminds us about death; however, this should not make us afraid or sad but rather humble us. Death represents an inevitable end for every living thing yet humans are designed to live forever. For humans, death signifies a transition into a celestial world where judgment determines eternal life or condemnation; therefore preparing oneself through accepting the everlasting gospel becomes crucial.

_Features associated with everlasting teachings include:_

 Fear God.

 Live life glorifying God.

 Be prepared for the judgment hour.

 Worship God because He created everything.

_To emphasize acceptance of the everlasting gospel, two examples serve as learning experiences:_

*1. Abimelech*

Son of Jerubaal also known as Gideon became power-hungry leading him towards killing sixty-nine brothers until he met his downfall. Even as his death beckoned, his ego still overshadowed his preparedness for eternity.

*2. Babylon*

Once a dominant world power influencing cultural trends and technology, now lies in ruins located somewhere within Iraq which proves earthly power's transient nature. This serves as a reminder to people who live a ‘Babylonic lifestyle’ that they will be judged by Almighty God.

In essence, accepting, believing, living by and preaching the everlasting gospel remains extremely important. Earthly Time remains brief; thus, it is unwise to spend the short time to the detriment of our eternity. We do have the freedom to do what pleases us but should also remember judgment.

We must patiently endure afflictions for the sake of the gospel and be resolute in faith and obedience to God’s commandments.

Truly, Blessed are those who are assured of Eternal Rest upon dying within the Lord's embrace.


_Everlasting Father, help us to live by your Word so that we can prosper in our earthly sojourn and ultimately enjoy eternal blessings and rest in your kingdom in Jesus' name. Amen._

*Stay blessed eternally!*

_This publication was produced by CCC SHARON PARISH Bible Teachers' Desk. For inquiries, suggestions or contributions please send an email to [email protected]._*29TH OCTOBER, 2023*


*JUDGES 9:44-57, REVELATION 14:6-13*


Truly, blessed are those who pass away in the Lord, for they will be able to rest from their labors and their works will follow them.

This statement reminds us of all the faith leaders who have made the everlasting gospel available to us today. Their acts of faith provide hope for us, and it is my prayer that we can join them at the end of our time on earth.

The state of the world may call for concern with oppression from powerful individuals, injustice, diseases, poverty, troubles and various evil acts dominating, but we are fortunate enough to have the knowledge of Christ to help us stand firm in our beliefs.

The signs indicating the end times are present with false prophets/teachers promoting a fake gospel increasing in numbers. Diluting genuine teachings has led many Christians to become lukewarm/faithless followers using Christianity for their own selfish desires.

Today’s text reminds us about death; however, this should not make us afraid or sad but rather humble us. Death represents an inevitable end for every living thing yet humans are designed to live forever. For humans, death signifies a transition into a celestial world where judgment determines eternal life or condemnation; therefore preparing oneself through accepting the everlasting gospel becomes crucial.

_Features associated with everlasting teachings include:_

 Fear God.

 Live life glorifying God.

 Be prepared for the judgment hour.

 Worship God because He created everything.

_To emphasize acceptance of the everlasting gospel, two examples serve as learning experiences:_

*1. Abimelech*

Son of Jerubaal also known as Gideon became power-hungry leading him towards killing sixty-nine brothers until he met his downfall. Even as his death beckoned, his ego still overshadowed his preparedness for eternity.

*2. Babylon*

Once a dominant world power influencing cultural trends and technology, now lies in ruins located somewhere within Iraq which proves earthly power's transient nature. This serves as a reminder to people who live a ‘Babylonic lifestyle’ that they will be judged by Almighty God.

In essence, accepting, believing, living by and preaching the everlasting gospel remains extremely important. Earthly Time remains brief; thus, it is unwise to spend the short time to the detriment of our eternity. We do have the freedom to do what pleases us but should also remember judgment.

We must patiently endure afflictions for the sake of the gospel and be resolute in faith and obedience to God’s commandments.

Truly, Blessed are those who are assured of Eternal Rest upon dying within the Lord's embrace.


_Everlasting Father, help us to live by your Word so that we can prosper in our earthly sojourn and ultimately enjoy eternal blessings and rest in your kingdom in Jesus' name. Amen._

*Stay blessed eternally!*

_This publication was produced by CCC SHARON PARISH Bible Teachers' Desk. For inquiries, suggestions or contributions please send an email to [email protected]._






_To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heavens: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pull up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;_


_“To everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heavens:” V.1_


The value we place on time is very important because time is something we have and also something we don’t have. We all have the twenty-four hours in a day that we can choose to maximize. However, if we choose not to use it effectively, it is gone and can never be recalled.

In life, there is time for everything, you will not be young forever, and old age will surely set in. Thus, how you spend your active days is very important. You should make hay while the sun shines because the sun will not shine all the time. The understanding of times and seasons is very important to success. Even animals understand times and seasons. They adjust their schedule to fit appropriately. For instance, ants gather food during the dry season because they know the rainy period is not safe for movement.

Many do not plan the use of time, such that they waste time on unproductive and meaningless things. Many are busy doing nothing and they expect sudden blessings from God. God is not a magician, for every manifestation of His glory, time was spent for preparation. Don’t sleep away your time to be active.


_Almighty Father, help me to make the best use of my time so that I can be very successful, in Jesus' name. Amen._

*Food for thought:*

_“A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to lie down; so shall your poverty come as one who travels, and your need like an armed man.” Proverbs 6:10-11_


*SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2023*



*GENESIS 14:21-24*

_And the king of S***m said to Abram, Give me the people and take the goods for yourself. And Abram said to the king of S***m, I have lifted up my hand to Jehovah, the most high God, the possessor of Heaven and earth, that I will take from all that is yours, not from a thread even to a shoestring, lest you say, I have made Abram rich. Nothing for me, only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men who went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion._


_“That I will take from all that is yours, not from a thread even to a shoestring, lest you say, I have made Abram rich.” V.23_


How many can raise their hand in such manners as Abraham had done? Yet, we all want to claim Abraham’s blessings without considering his sacrifices. I tell you that God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, he will eventually reap. I have seen people become so lazy in their faith and lay claim to grace. You cannot continue in wrongdoing and expect grace to abound.

Grace is simply defined in the statement; Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more. But many hold on to the first part to help them evade condemnation and still continue in the same wrongdoing; grace doesn’t work that way. Abraham made a decision not to involve himself in corrupted riches and for this reason, God gave him incorruptible riches.

How long will you continue to lie, cheat, defraud, pr******te, and engage in other ungodly acts to acquire wealth? You hide under grace and excuse yourself on the situation of things? Do you really think God won’t make a way if you decide to forsake your ungodly ways? Why not have faith and see if He won’t perform His wonders. It is time to get rid of corrupted riches and embrace the incorruptible.


_Gracious Father, help me to get rid of every corrupted riches that may bring problems into my life and bless me with incorruptible riches in Jesus' name. Amen._

*Food for thought:*

_“Do not lay up treasures on earth for yourselves, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.” Matthew 6:19_





*1 PETER 3:4-7*

_"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, the meek and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the sight of God. For so once indeed the holy women hoping in God adorned themselves, being in subjection to their own husbands; as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord; whose children you became, doing good and fearing no terror. Likewise, husbands, live together according to knowledge, giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel, the female, as truly being co-heirs together of the grace of life, not cutting off your prayers._


_“Likewise, husbands, live together according to knowledge, giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel, the female, as truly being co-heirs together of the grace of life, not cutting off your prayers.” V.7_


This passage encourages husbands and wives to nurture and cherish what God has put within them and to relate to each other as heirs together of the grace of life. Being “heirs together” can facilitate prayer. In Matthew 18:19; “Again I say to you that if two of you shall agree on earth as regarding anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My Father in Heaven.”

Apostle Peter exhorts wives to respect their husbands and cultivate an inner beauty characterized not by showing outward adornment but by a gentle and quiet spirit. He instructs husbands to honor their wives as equals and live with them in an understanding way so their prayers don’t get derailed. Do we realize that one of the major essences of marriage is to have someone with whom you can run the race of heaven together? Your partner represents the easiest way for the devil to pe*****te you just like he used Eve for Adam.

Ask the Lord to reveal to you anything in your own marriage that may be derailing harmony or hindering your prayers. Pray for a new perspective of your spouse as your partner in God’s gift of new life.


_Omniscient Father, help us as couples to live in understanding so that we can be successful on earth and inherit your kingdom in Jesus. Amen._

*Food for thought:*

_“Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” Amos 3:3_





*HABAKKUK 2:1-5*

_I will stand on my watch and set myself on the tower, and will watch to see what He will say to me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And Jehovah answered me and said, Write the vision, and make it plain on the tablets, that he who reads it may run. For the vision is still for an appointed time, but it speaks to the end, and it does not lie. Though it lingers, wait for it; because it will surely come. It will not tarry. Behold, the soul of him is lifted up, and is not upright; but the just shall live by his faith. And also wine indeed betrays a proud man, and he is not content. He widens his soul like Sheol, and he is like death, and is not satisfied, but gathers all nations to himself, and heaps to himself all the peoples._


_“Behold, the soul of him is lifted up, and is not upright; but the just shall live by his faith.” V.4_


Having prayed, the prophet expected an answer and looked out for it. When it came, there would be no mistaking it. But until we see eye to eye, we must live by simple faith in God. Note that wonderful clause in Hab_2:4, which is referred to so often afterward.

Life in this Christ may be obtained and maintained by faith in the ever-living God. Through long waiting times, the only source of continued life is the faith that draws all from God. A Christianity where material benefits define our devotion is so dangerous. Can you be willing to be like the three Hebrews who confessed that they believe God will deliver them from the fire but if not, they will rather die than bow down to the idol?

You can only live by faith when you take note of every word that God is saying to you. Write it down in a book and most importantly on the tablet of your heart. Believe every item of it and let it dictate your actions. Even when things seem not to be working as God told you, stay firm because it is simply a test of faith. Read that word to yourself every day and always convince yourself in the assurance that God is ever faithful to His words. Live by His faith!


_Almighty Father, my faith continues to remain resolute in you, I stand on your word and I am assured that it will be absolutely fulfilled, in Jesus name. Amen._

*Food for thought:*

_“If it is so that our God whom we serve can deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, then He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods nor worship the golden image which you have set up.” Daniel 3:17-18_





*PSALM 9:1-5*

_I will praise You, O Jehovah, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. When my enemies have turned back, they shall fall and perish before You. For You have maintained my right and my cause; You sat in the throne judging right. You have rebuked the heathen, You have destroyed the wicked, You have put out their name forever and ever._


_“I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” V.2_


While Abraham was bothered about being childless, God was working out a plan to make him a father of many nations. Who would have thought a great nation like Israel would still come from him? If only we knew the plan of God for us, we would refuse to allow anxiety to rule our hearts. What do you lack today that bothers you? I pray God opens your mind to the abundance He has prepared for you in that regard.

The fact that you are still alive points to the plans that God has concerning your life. Many are wiser, richer, more influential, healthier, and better than you who are no more. And it is not because you are more spiritual than they are, God just decided to let them go. He is in control of all things and has not allowed the will of the enemy to prevail over you. Instead of being bothered, let your heart be full of praises to Him.

A living dog is better than a dead lion. When there is life, there is hope. God has a lot of uncountable blessings for you both on earth and in His kingdom. Therefore, let your mind be at rest and allow God to perfect all things concerning you.


_Blessed Father, let my faith continue to rest on you so that your covenant and promise of blessings can be fulfilled in my life in Jesus' name. Amen._

*Food for thought:*

_“For I know the purposes which I am purposing for you, says Jehovah; purposes of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11_


*OCTOBER 1, 2023*



*PROVERBS 11:22-28*
*LUKE 12:33-40*


_“Like a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a beautiful woman who turns aside discretion.”_ *Proverbs 11:22*

Discretion can be defined as the right to choose something, or to choose to do something, according to what seems the most suitable in a particular situation. It can also be defined as the ability to make sound judgment.

However, this cannot be possible without adequate knowledge and understanding of the situation. This is the basic reason for education. A typical doctor must be well trained in the medical profession in order to make sound judgment on medications to restore people’s health as it pertains to each individual.

Spiritual discretion therefore is having the requisite spiritual information to make sound judgment in every situation. This is the basic reason we are expected to be educated in the events of the scriptures but more importantly, we must allow the Holy Spirit for interpretation.

A jewel of gold in the mouth of the swine simply means giving something invaluable to a person that doesn’t know the value. Such a person will end up rubbing the treasure in the mud. This therefore implies that you must learn to give but it shouldn’t be done without discretion.

I have come to realize that we ALL give, but the allocation of our time, money and other resources depends on discretion.

Blessed is the man whom the Lord will meet upon His return giving time and resources to things that are eternal. This is a sign of proper spiritual discretion. This is what it means to be ready for the Lord's return.

_How can this be determined?_

*This is a four way test that leads into one.*

1. You have a good desire for giving. This is when you are not giving to show off or take advantage of others.

2. You have a genuine urge to help. This is when you give to the poor who will likely not be able to pay you back.

3. You give as a service to God. This is when you respect people that you help and not look down on them.

4. You give NOT for immediate rewards. This is when your motive for giving is not for the praises or rewards that comes immediately.

Please note that giving is NOT limited to materials alone but also service. Your service as pertaining to your profession and also assignment in the body of Christ are even a more important form of giving.

It is important we develop the right perception to life that we can give with the right spiritual discretion and enjoy eternal rewards. There is a lot of reward in giving, IF done right.

The rewards include:

1. Goodness.

2. Physical Increase.

3. Fatness of soul.

4. Watered to flourish.

5. The people’s blessing.

6. Favour.

7. Eternal Blessings.


Almighty God, open the eyes of our understanding to exhibit proper spiritual discretion that will make us live a blessed life and also enjoy eternal blessedness, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

_N:B. This publication is from the CCC Sharon Parish Bible Class Teachers._

_For enquiries, comments and suggestions, send a mail to [email protected]_



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