From my research is shows that all these democrats have nothing to offer us. I believe is high time we give military chance to help in turnaround maintenance where our systems are not working. Our level of development today shows that military contributed more to this democracy that’s taking more from what we get. This demo-of - madness has taken us backward contrary to what our fathers told of great Nigeria . Let just try Military government for 4 years and see the aftermath to this so called democracy .
The rate at which the averages Nigerians japa now is sky-rocking everyday due to bad government policies. In those days average people hardly japa because life is meaningful to a certain level . Manufacturers are shouting down business , cost of living in any part of the country is high, criminality collecting Kudos , Judges are corrupt , youth future are not secure , governments are now business now and not to serve their people, people that suppose to make law are the law. We need total turnaround maintenance to move my country Nigeria to the table of giant again. I want my life, I want my country back. God bless Nigeria