
EbilovesGod'sCreation Deals on everything legal that pays the bill... EbilovesGod'sCreation is God's creation of its own. God created everything beautiful in His own image.

To live life, earning a living we need to work, and to work according to the tenet of God, we the crew of EbilovesGod'sCreation deals on everything legal that pays the bill.


It takes only God to be God.


God created everything great and wonderful.


The world is a beautiful place... If only you will let God lead the way.

Good music!

Good music!

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The Yorubas are the most successful in legal practice. They have the highest number of SANs and the best law firms in Nigeria. Why? Mentorship. AFE BABALOLA alone is said to have mentored at least 17 lawyers to the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria. They ensured education for their people

Mentorship is the reason Bola Tinubu is celebrated. He has mentored many political god-sons to political greatness.
Our own can only remember their children and family membersmembers

The Igbos are the most successful in business. Why? Mentorship. The average Igbo business owner is thinking of how he will settle his "nwa boy" and also make him a millionaire.
Our own people will hardly tell you of job vacancies in their place of work or even business opportunities

A candle loses nothing by lighting another. In fact a candle over works itself by not lighting another. Selfishness and petty envy is killing us. You are blessed to bless others. You are lifted to lift others. You are favoured to favour others.

Adapted from a piece by Alfred Paul



Let's go farming...
Whatsoever you sow same you shall reap.


Stuck in the middle!
Your brother and your friend are in love with your goddaughter... And they all know your goddaughter will respect your decision. Worst of all your goddaughter looks up to you to make a choice for her.... Triple wahalla!!! What will you do???
-©Ebilove 2017.


The biggest secrets for turning your small business into a big business (Part 1)
__Your business must have a life separate from you!

Years ago I shared with you the sad story of an old man who had a supermarket at a popular location. He boasted that he started his day at 4am and left at 12am. His business never grew because two of the Ps were missing:

# People: He did not hire people with management and leadership skills to run his business.
# Process: He did not invest in the processes that would have allowed him to run multiple locations with lots of time to spare.

You don't ever need to visit a business if these two P's are in place!

When your business is small, you obviously must work every day and every night to make it a success, with energy and passion, and with a deep desire to make it bigger. Now I know some of you are working your hearts out just to make ends meet every day, to feed your kids and get their school fees paid.

Still in your entrepreneurial hearts I know you are working towards a future where your business grows from a small business to a big one... Keep at it, because no matter how small your business is right now, what I am going to say applies to you, too.

The three Ps. For the past several weeks I have discussed the importance of:

# People
# Product
# Process

If you're dreaming of building a business that grows very big, I want to give you another perspective and share a few important secrets on this same topic. Let's talk.

You have heard the expression "get a life"?

__Your business must also have a life!

It's important to allow your business "to get a life of its own," separate from you. It must be a separate living persona that has its own needs, separate from you. You are not the business and the business is not you.

Imagine you run a cash business like a supermarket and a dear relative comes in with an emergency asking for money. Can you say to that person: "I'm sorry I have no money; what I have belongs to the business"?

People who run big successful businesses never treat the money of the business as their own. If this surprises you, then you are not yet ready for the big league!

A friend came to me once and asked me to lend him some money and I said I didn't have any. I could see the bitterness in his face as he said, "Everyone knows you have money because your business is really doing well."

"The business is really doing well, but I'm not the business," I replied. "The two of us are different from each other."

Now if you're new to big business, you will not accept this, but if you went to Bill Gates or Patrice Motsepe they will tell you the same.

Let me tell you, if you cannot do that, you will never be able to own a truly big business.

talk? You better believe it!

Similarly, you cannot take the money belonging to the business to build a house for your family or buy a new car.

You are only entitled to your salary which should be fixed and taken only when others get paid. You are also entitled to a small portion of the profit, taken only from Year 4 of successive years of profit. Cap it at 25%.

I have known some absolutely brilliant, innovative entrepreneurs in Africa and yet they struggled with this one thing: They would not allow a business to have a separate life from them.

The entrepreneur who allows the business to have its own life is the one who builds a big business.

To be continued. . .

Image credit Technites: Kwesé gets serious in Nigeria!


A woman who had a pet snake, python, which she loved so much. The snake was 4 meters long and looked healthy. However, one day her unusual pet just stopped eating.

This lack of appetite in the snake continued over a few weeks. The desperate woman tried everything she could and offered anything that a snake would like to strangle and eat. Nothing worked, and finally the woman took her loving pet to the veterinarian as a last resort.

The vet listened to the woman carefully and asked, “Does your snake sleep with you at night, wrap around you closely and spread out throughout its length?”

The woman was surprised and with a lot of hope she said, “Yes! Yes! It does it every day and it makes me so sad because I see something asking of me, and I cannot help it feel better.”

Then, the vet said something shocking and most unexpected. “Madam, your pet is not sick; it is just preparing to eat you.” Yes, the python wasn’t sick but it has been preparing to eat her instead!

“Every time, it is creeping and “hugging” you
, wrapping around your body, it is checking size to weigh how a great meal you are and how it must be prepared before the attack. And yes, it does not eat, in order to have enough space to digest you more easily,” the vet said.

This story comes with a moral – Even people close to you, whom you are very affectionate with, can, have mean intentions. You need to identify the snake around you and their true intent. Hugs and kisses are not always honest.

Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you -
-copied -


Christiano Ronaldo's lesson!
When he received one of his awards recently, Ronaldo dedicated it to a certain ... Alberto Fantrau. Then said: "Yes I am a great footballer and all my success is thanks to my friend Alberto"
People looked at each other and said, "Who is this Mr. Fantrau?"

Then Ronaldo went on: "We played together in a youth team. When Sporting of Lisbon recruiters came to observe us, they told us that the striker who scored the most goals will be recruited into the sports academy.

That day we won 3-0. I scored the first goal and then Albert scored the 2nd with the head. And then the 3rd goal was the one that impressed everyone. Alberto started from the wing, then found himself face to face with the keeper, dribbled the goalkeeper and all he had to do was push the ball into the empty goal. In the meantime I was running to his side. And instead of shooting into the empty goal, Alberto decided to pass the ball to me and I scored. This is how I find myself at the Sporting Lisbon Academy. After the game I went to him, and asked him "why did you do that?" And he replied, "Because I know that you are better than I"

Curious to know more, the journalists began to investigate and were able to meet this Alberto Fantrau to ask him if the story told by Ronaldo is true, and he confirmed it, adding that his career as a footballer ended after this match as it was the only opportunity to become professional and since that time he has remained unemployed.

However, journalists, observing his luxurious house and his Mercedes parked in the garage asked Alberto "but being unemployed how could you have such a house and car and living so luxuriously? You seem rather comfortable physically " Alberto's answer: "All that? .. is Ronaldo

Moral of this story:
Let us ask ourselves the following question: How many of us have ever done something like Ronaldo and Alberto? On the contrary, many of us show the opposite of this story showing selfishness and ingratitude to their mates.

Friends! Let's help each other so that we are proud of the success of our brothers / sisters / friends / relatives
And when we help a person succeed, the latter must never forget those who contributed to this success in his life.
And above all, we should never forget that God is watching and judging us.



A guy met one of his school mates several years after school and he could not believe his eyes; his friend was driving one of the latest sleek Mercedes Benz cars. He went home feeling awful and very disappointed in himself. He thought he was a failure. What he didn't know was that his friend was a driver and had been sent on errand with his boss's car!

Rosemary nagged her husband always for not being romantic. She accused him for not getting down to open the car door for her as her friend Jane's husband did when he dropped her off at work. What Rosemary didn't know was that Jane's husband's car had a faulty door that could only be opened from the outside!

Sampson's wife went to visit one of her long time friends and was very troubled for seeing the 3 lovely kids of her friend playing around. Her problem was that she had only one child and have been struggling to conceive for the past five years. What she didn't know was that one of those kids who was the biological child of her friend had sickle cell and had just a year to live; the other two are adopted!

Life does not have a universal measuring tool; so create yours and use it.
Looking at people and comparing yourself with them will not make you better but bitter. If you know the sort of load the chameleon carries, you would'nt ask why it takes those gentle strides. So, enjoy what you have and be grateful for it.. Pass to everyone on ur list to learn from other mistake! Not all that glitters is gold, live and be happy with what you have, everyone is going through one thing or the other.



Successful people have two things on their lips, "smile and silence". Smile can solve problem while Silence can avoid problems. Sugar and salt may be mixed together but ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar. Select the right people in life and make your life better and sweeter. If you fail to achieve your dreams, change your ways not your God. Remember, trees change their leaves and not their roots. You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones to every dog that barks. Haters will see you walking on water and say its because you can't swim. Even if you dance on water, your enemies will accuse you of raising dust. Make it your ambition to live a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands. Remember, don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it. -- Be Inspired and have a great day .




‪I am sorry, a short but mighty sentence!‬

‪If you wish to live long, don't joke with this short sentence, I am sorry. Do you know how many people who had gone to early grave because they neglected the therapeutic power of I am sorry. ‬

‪Most of the troubles in most homes are heightened because wives are too big to say I am sorry to their husbands and you can trust the ego of husbands in saying same to their wives. ‬

‪Quarrel lingers between friends because no party wants to say I am sorry. Each says or asks, why should I be the first to say I am sorry? He or she would beat his or her chest and utter the ego phrase, a whole me! ‬

‪Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the part of the world where saying I am sorry is a hard nut to crack while curses are easily unleashed. ‬

‪Welcome to the part of the world where people refer to a person who says I am sorry in a midst of a rift as a weaker s*x: one who is not man enough; one who is foolish. ‬

‪Welcome to Africa where saying I am sorry is tougher than forcing a donkey to pass through a needle hole. ‬

‪All of us are victims of this discussion. We have lost valuable assets, money and even lives because of this cheap and affordable sentence I am sorry. It simply cost only a breath of speech. ‬

‪Have you ever wondered why domestic violence is less pronounced in the western world? It is simply because they understand the efficacy of I am sorry.‬

‪Husbands say it to their wives and even children whenever they err, wives and children do the same and life goes on fine.‬

‪Friends, this is simply a piece to encourage us to cultivate a habit of saying I am sorry. It is difficult but readily affordable. ‬

‪Learn how to say I AM SORRY even if you are right.‬

‪If this message offends you in one way or the other, I am sorry‬

‪My apologies.‬


-Copied from unknown-

In 1896, Thomas Edison, the great inventor who invented the electric bulb, was working on an idea to design a car when he heard that a young man who worked in his company had created an experimental car.
Edison met the youngman at his company's party in New York and interviewed him about the car. He was impressed! He had the same idea as the young man but he was considering electricity as the power source while the young man used a gasoline engine to power the car. He slammed his fist down and shouted "young man, that's the thing! You have it! ... I think you are on to something! I encourage you to continue your pursuits!" With these words of encouragement from the most highly respected inventor in the United States at that time, HENRY Ford continued his work, invented a car and became wealthy.
On December 9, 1914, Thomas Edison's laboratory and factory got burnt. He was 67years old and the damage was too extensive for insurance cover. Before the ashes were cold, Henry Ford handed Edison a cheque of $750,000 with a note saying that Edison could have more if he needed it!
In 1916, Henry Ford relocated his home to the building next to Edison's home and when Edison couldn't walk and was confined to a wheelchair by his doctors, Henry Ford also bought himself a wheelchair so that he could run wheelchair races with his friend and mentor!
Thomas Edison made Henry Ford believe in himself and got a friend for life!
Don't ever be jealous of other people's success. If you can't win a race, help the person in front of you to break the record!
Putting out the candle light of your neighbour in the dark will never increase the brightness of yours.
*Your candle will not lose its light when it lights up another candle!*Getting the job done is more important than who gets the glory.
This article is for you and me! Yes, you and me!
Be inspired, speak positively into someone's life today, and possibly save a soul.


As a man when you eat from a "different/same but that particular" table outside of your wife's the accompaniments are so many...eg, like the Diminuendo of the wife's music and Crescendo of the other woman's music. The other woman's music begins to go moderately fast with beautiful modulations and the wife's become Andante and most times end up boringly in 'Lento'. Especially with ingredients of F,FF, MP, PP, etc added... the wife may just turn out to be an uninteresting song... and the home suffers for it especially as the man may have eating too much that would've affected his thinking faculty. His home may suffer a great fall except he 'Flees' which will be by God's grace.


Bishop's Paradise





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