😫 Oww! Parrots are amazing animals but they are not pets. They are wild animals and are very emotional. They will bite if you hurt their feelings or change their routine. It’s a small wound but deep and the pressure was intense. My hand shook for over an hour with the nerve pain. It’s been a long time since I had a bite like this but it goes with the territory. #rescuewound #birdswillbebirds #keepthemwild #keepthemfree #🌘scar
Ruth really enjoys coyolitos, a fruit that grows on palms locally. I am introducing as many natural food sources as possible. And allow her to forage on her own when we can.
Windy season has started here in Nicaragua. Ruth is still practicing her foraging. It’s a little more challenging with the strength of the wind here. It’s a force to be reckoned with for sure. 💨🦜🌶
Ruth’s first pedicure
Ruth had her first pedicure yesterday.
Now that’s she’s up, she can exercise her wings so she can gain enough strength to fly!
Exciting day for Ruth; she learned to “step up” and got to be out of the cage most of the day.