Salem’s log day 330:
Some cuddles but also a lot of sunshine! Hooman was away for most of the day so we slept, had mini fights and baked in the sun. When the hooman was finally home again we had yummy dinner and some cuddles before bed. When the hooman was trying to sleep I thought it was time for my oh I’ve caught a mouse routine. And it worked!! I got more treats! Have a great Monday friends! Love Salem
Salem’s log 324: Monday oh what can you say. There was sun so that’s a plus! And the hooman had to catch up on Efteling stuff from @nielskooymanvlogs ,like she wasn’t there yesterday 🙄 I decided to watch this too. It was interesting! Have a great Tuesday! Love Salem
Salem’s log day 320: So the hooman thought it would be nice of her to watch a different kind of show. And she was right! Everyone except Thor enjoyed this cute cat serie called Poesjes (Dutch for kitties, Dutch people can see it on NLZIET) we very much love it and can’t wait to see what happens next! Have a great Friday! Love Salem
Salem's log day 309: cuddle day!!! So I had to cuddle almost a whole day with the hooman. Also the sun was back so that was nice. The hooman tried to play some games so we tried to help! I get why Tari is interested in this. Even Muppy was watching. Thor wasn't bothered haha. Have a pawsome Monday stay safe friends! Love Salem
Salem's log day 306: Tari is obsessed by the TV!! Now she is watching the latest #efteling updates from @efttalk on YouTube 😹😹 and she watched the whole video!! (If you're an Efteling fan the videos are a must see with all Efteling updates) later she watched the hooman do a sports game and a short cat game but the hooman got dizzy from that one. I had some cuddles before the hooman started playing. Wonder what she'll watch today haha. Have a pawsome Friday furrfriends! Love Salem
Salem's log day 304: so Muppy saw the hooman long before she came home... But the bridge was open so she had to wait. When she finally got home we got cuddles and food. After dinner we got more cuddles and the hooman put on some nice TV program for us. Thor watched from a distance but I enjoyed it very much! Have a great Wednesday friends! Love Salem
Salem's log day 299: business as usual I'd say. Hooman back to work and grocery shopping and us playing and cuddles. Don't look at Thor acting like a fool again 😹😻 have a pawsome Friday furrfriends! Love Salem
Happy new year friends!! Fireworks aren't bothering us for now! Stay safe! Love Salem 🎉🥳🎆🎇
Salem's log day 296: I'm not sure about Thor. He likes this game a bit too much 😹😹 not much to report today. A normal Monday. Which is nice for a change to
have a good last day of the year friends! Keep safe from those fireworks! See you all on the new year! Love Salem
Salem's log day 295: the hooman stayed home stayed today she must be sick! So I gave her lots of cuddles! She wasn't sick though but she stayed home for us as the fireworks become a bit worse. The hooman also cleaned the house a bit and changed the place of Florian the dmc cat. Thor didn't like it one bit haha. Have a great Monday friends! Love Salem
Salem's log day 287: was it even light today?? Pfff.. Hooman said it was the shortest day so that from today days will slowly become longer.. Not sure if I believe it though. We all (except Tari.. She's acting like little red riding hood and hooman is the wolf 😹😹) wanted some cuddles Thor didn't want to go full in but still wanted some petting. But alas no gifts for us haha or extra gifts that is. Have a pawsome Sunday friends! Love Salem