Goed stuk geschreven door Becki Oberg, wie gaat dit ook proberen of doet dit al? ☀️🎉
Het kan een super positieve invloed geven op de relatie met je paard. 💫
Hello Horse Friends!
I have a challenge for you. Let’s work on shifting our perspectives - as the saying goes; when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Our interpretations of intent shape our responses, as well as our intent and energy toward a situation or individual. This means being aware and controlling our thoughts and interpretation of our horses actions can have a profound effect on our interactions with them. Keep in mind, your horse is very simple intellectually, meaning he doesn’t have the ability to have complex motivations like we do - he simply is reacting to the situation based on his current emotional state and previous conditioning - that is all.
So my challenge to you is to be aware of your negative assumptions and words you use to describe what is happening - as your thoughts are your intentions and your horse can feel them.
Let’s replace some common words and phrases with negative connotations with a more neutral or positive outlook. Sounds silly and pedantic but I promise you it will make a difference, if you use different wording it will change the way you view your horses responses.
Let’s replace respect with relationship.
Instead of “my horse won’t do ________ because I don’t have that respect there” try “my horse won’t do ________ because I don’t have that relationship there”.
Let’s replace stubborn with struggling.
Instead of “my horse is being stubborn today” try “my horse is struggling to answer me today”
And finally let’s replace phrases like “my horse is really hot/crazy” with “my horse is have a hard time letting down”.
When you see the things your horse is not doing as problems he’s having instead of problems he’s causing you - you can address them with empathy and be more effective.