Na een succesvolle nationale en internationale carrière in de paardensport zet ik mijn kennis en ku


Chris Hector talks to Rafael Soto about Good Dressage...
I remember when I rode with Nuno (Oliveira) and he would always start with this little balanced trot and he would say 'make your hands like you are eating soup, just a little movement that is light and round...'"That's it. To make the horse supple and so that he understands that he has to carry himself. There is another saying of Nuno, what is the contact? The contact, he says, is like a bird in your hand. If you open your fingers too much, the bird escapes, if you close, you can kill the bird. It is something like you just said, it is like eating soup. He also said, ‘contact is about grams not kilos in your hand’. Watch the good riders, when the horse comes back, they have grams, of course when they go forward, they have more grams and then less grams, and this is because the legs and the seat of the rider are working on the balance, and the horse is able to carry himself, and he comes back with the legs.


Good riding and training with Christoph Hess:“The more the horse’s back comes up, the more the back is able to swing. The more pressure you bring into the saddle, the less the back will be able to swing. I’m sure the riders and trainers know it, and the judges know that the bridge between the hind and front legs is the back, and the more pressure you bring with the upper body into the back, into the saddle, the less good it is. - Ingrid Klimke and Franziskus demonstrate.


Charlotte Fry emulates Charlotte Dujardin in becoming double world champion to honour memory of her mother




On a breezy, overcast day in the outdoor arena at the three-star show north of Milan, in Ornago, Italy, Ireland's Anna Merveldt and the thirteen-year-old Lusitano stallion Esporim scored 67.565% to place fifth in the Grand Prix class today [Friday, September 30, 2022]. The five-star ground jury of Peter Holler (GER), Eduard de Wolff Van Westerrode (NED), Isobel Wessels (GBR), Hans Christian Matthiesen (DEN) and Lars Andersson (SWE) scored French Olympian Morgan Barbançon's test with Bolero at 70.870% for the win. Italy's Francesco Zaza score of 70.696% with Whispering Romance proved good enough for second place with French rider Isabelle Pinto and La Gesse Hot Chocolate VD Kwaplas slotting into third on a 68.574% total.


Result - Ornago CDI3* Grand Prix [30/9/2022] -

28 competed.


Het is de grootste nachtmerrie van iedere paardenliefhebber: beschuldigd worden van paardenmishandeling. Online of zelfs op TV aan de schandpaal genageld worden en je vervolgens op geen enkele manier…


Christopher Bartle on the essential basics of good piaffe and passage, and Dr Klimke, and others show us what it looks like:“The quality of the piaffe and passage is reflected in the extent to which the exercises are performed with apparent ease on the part of both horse and, just as importantly, rider. They must appear as natural to the horse as the trot or the canter and for that reason the training which produces these exercises must be a logical extension of dressage training. Because the bulk of the horse’s weight is carried by the hindquarters, the foreleg is enabled to be picked up and then put down in a vertical plane.”


“If the horse comes behind the vertical when the horse arches his neck down, but he doesn’t shorten his neck, this creates engagement. When you put your horse round and down, instinctively he balances himself, and then you feel your contact is light, and his head is down, and his back is working well. In the beginning, and always after a collecting exercise, it is very good to have the horse round and down because when he comes up in the collection, he puts pressure on his loins, pressure on his back, to release that pressure, put him down and round.”


Only a few weeks ago….
Dalera, Ella & me ♥️



What is contact? “Correct contact is difficult to define because it is an ever-changing feeling. When a horse is well balanced and in self-carriage, contact with the mouth is so light it is nearly nothing. It is almost like having just a thread connecting your hand to the horse’s mouth. On the other hand, if a horse loses balance and falls on the forehand, the contact may become quite heavy until the horse is rebalanced and once again in self-carriage.”

10/08/2022 - Das größte unabhängige Online-Newsportal rund um den Pferdesport in Österreich und eines der größten deutschsprachigen der Welt. News und Ergebnisse aus dem weltweiten Pferdesport.


„Wir haben bisher eine tolle Leistung als Team gezeigt. Heute Abend drücken wir Freddy die Daumen. Es ist eine richtig spannende Entscheidung“, erklärte Isabell Werth nach ihrem Grand Prix bei der WM in Herning mit DSP Quantaz.

Und verdeutlichte, dass der deutsche Dressursport sich aktuell in einer Phase befinde, in der neue Pferde und Reiter auf Championatsebene aufgebaut werden.

Das deutsche Team liegt nach drei Reitern in Führung. Doch die stärksten Paare je Nation kommen noch. Es bleibt also spannend!


Bronze für das deutsche Dressurteam bei der WM in Herning 🥉👏🥳 Frederic Wandres und Duke of Britain FRH zeigen bei ihrem WM-Debüt eine schöne Runde und holen trotz Fehler in den Zweierwechseln 76,661 Prozent. 👍🙌 Das deutsche Team gewinnt damit die Bronzemedaille, Gold geht an die Gastgeber aus Dänemark 🥇, Großbritannien gewinnt Silber 🥈.


📸 Lafrentz


Führung für das deutsche Team bei der WM in Herning 🇩🇪 🐴👍🤩 Als drittes der vier deutschen Paare gehen Isabell Werth und DSP Quantaz aufs Viereck und liefern mit 77.127 Prozent das bisher beste deutsche Ergebnis. 🙌🔝 Auf der Schlusslinie sammeln die beiden in der Passage-Piaffe-Tour noch einmal richtig Punkte. 💯

Die Mannschaftsentscheidung fällt heute Abend um 20 Uhr, Frederic Wandres und Duke of Britain FRH starten als letztes deutsches Paar um 19.45 Uhr. ✊

Unser Update zum Grand Prix findet ihr hier 👉

📸 Lafrentz


Mit einer Spitzenrunde und einem 'personal best' von 75,683 % legen Ingrid Klimke und Franziskus für das deutsche Team vor👏👏👏 – Klasse!


Carl Hester talks about self-carriage:“If you can create what we try to create, without heavy hands, without hanging onto the rein, if you can do it with self-carriage, then it looks beautiful. It’s this word, expression, which is a dangerous word because once you put expression into it, like heightened suspension and things like that, then if you have got the wrong rider, or a rider who doesn’t ride with an independent seat, then they use their hands and that’s when you get that horrible looking, jerky dressage.”


Why do we need Thoroughbred blood - or do we? French breeding expert Arnaud
Evain, observes: We expect a certain quickness of mind from the Thoroughbred. As a rider once said to me – a short distance between the leg and the brain. A horse can have a long neck or a short neck, but the short connection between your leg and your hand to his brain – that‘s what we call blood. In the 1970s, only the Thoroughbred had that quality – now we have a lot of warmbloods with the same quality. Great new article from Ludwig Christmann: The photo is of the Thoroughbred Lauries Crusador, a huge influence in modern dressage breeding...


This is for everyone who is confused about horse weight, this is not to shame you or your horse. These pictures are only to educate you in a way that would be best understood on what a healthy horse should look like. There are a lot of people, and even some veterinary professionals, that would say the last picture represents a healthy horse, but it does not. Today, because there are so many overweight horses, it is hard to recognize when your horse is unhealthy but I hope this picture is able to give you some perspective.


A game of human chess, 1924, Russia.


This was the challenge for my student today. Not only did it put her hands in the right place, and organized her arms in a way that I could have never explained it better, it gave her a real feeling of feeling the bit connected to her ring fingers.







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